PAGE faTX Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 566 (Night Calls: Phone 161) Distributor of DOIKli: OAHS and TKUCKS WW mm m m SENSATIONAL VALUES IN GOOD INEXPENSIVE TRANSPORTATION ! Hero are turned-in models with many miles of trouble-free driving ahead of therri. Every car in perfect condition you never had such an opportunity to buy so many cheap miles before! 1929 Whip- 192G Hup- 1927 Ford pet Coach. mobile Sed- Tudor Sedan Only 11,000 ?"-t J?J" Lots of ser- ent mech- . ... mile iwe- anica, con. vice in this Car ditlon- $350 $250 $160' S. E. PARKER, LTD. FORD DEALERS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD UI'KKAfINU (J. T. I. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK kngibeerts 'Machinists. Boilermaker!, Illark&mith. Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers Ktc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant I Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous pert Brand" SMOKED LACK Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00' Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAUty FOK SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese HtKSH PASTEUIIIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Dellvrry Throughout the City I 1 sf,sti l r miieape W!1mlW worth in one dav. The dull weather has extended all up tne coast and as a result the fish have been swimming below the reach of the nets. Rivers Inlet has gone down a little over last season but it Is as good as expected. cept those thSl came In on the sock-eye nets. Pinks have already shown up in :onsiderable quantities around Na-nu but that Is the only part of the district where many are being ta- xen. Cohoes are coming In from I part had to be sent away to be re newed. If it's a fine day tomorrow Dour expect to have everything running as before and once again the residents of Westvlew will see that queer blue streak up tho harbor which is said to be the wake of a tittle 14-foot craft that can't ho seen because of the speed it la mak ing. Nameless is run by a 52 hone- power Evinrude that almost lifts her out of the water. It Is officially known as a 4-60. Mrs. Jud Thurber has Joined the ranks of the yachtsmen by taking over the Elslnore from Stan Parker. Stan has bought the Donnlc R. from 'Alex Rlx. He went out in her to jWarkc Canal a few days ago and icame home with a bunch of fish. '8he behaved so nicely on the trip that Stan decided she must be his. i ' It Is reported that George Dawes was out Sunday with the Valquero when the engine became disgruntled and in spite of all the petting that could be done refused to work. Slowly and sadly the usually spry looking yacht relumed at the end of a rope. John Manson Is another citizen who now Is entitled to the prefix "Skipper." Captain Manson is the proprietor and pilot of the boat THE DAILY NEWS Saturda' WATERFRONT WHIFFS Slight Falling Off in Salmon Catch Little Change In Halibut Situation Nameless Will Soon Be Back in Service Owing to the dull weather there has been a slight falling off in salmon fishing this week but the Skeena River is doing well, the catch to date being just about the same as it was at the corresponding date last year. This is better than was expected. While no one is making big money there are pretty good wanes beintr earned bv fishermen, a Sunbea:n, well yachtsmen. known to . local U. Suga, the Cow Bay boatbullder. returned during the week from a visit to Japan. He says that the So far as can be gathered none of ' country is making progress In cannery managers have receiv- dernlsatlon but money Is not much ed any new Instructions yet in re-! more plentiful there than it Is In gard to the lower grades of fish. The ' Canada. He visited the central and instructions at the beginning of the southern parts of the country and season were to take no pinks ex-' found it very hot, 90 In the shade being not uncommon. Business con ditions were only fair.-. . Admiral Frank Stevens has added another ship to his fleet this week. It is a craft he built himself. 16 feet in length and equipped with sails as some of the trolling grounds but well as oars. Now when Frank is in they are not very much in demand. They will not be running full until the middle of August. Much Interest has been taken here- in the ramming of the halibut boat Sunset last week lri the south by a tanker. The boat brought 36,000 pounds of fish to Prince Rupert and was offered 6c and 3c but refused It and went to Seattle with her catch. It is reported that both the vessel and catch were insured. There has been little change in he halibut situation in the past Areek or two. The base price has acen six and three except for yes terday when the Tahoma, an Am erican boat was offered only 5.5 and chree and held over until this aiornlng. Thursday, morning an American boat, the only one In port. sold for something over nine cents for first class fish. The halibut boat Curlew was tow ed into port Sunday with a broken ngine crankshaft. She is having re- alrs made at the Star Welding ihop. . During the week the Annie O of Port Simpson brought in 50 cohocs out failed to sell them and took them away to the canneries. Packer Edenatiaw. chartered to he Canadian Fishing Company. las been diverted now to Butcdale instead of bringing her fish here. The salmon are being frozen at the plant there. Doug Frtaell's speed boat "Name- ess" has been laid up for a week or two as a resulfof trying to lean a log at the wrong angle. Doug say It's no trouble to leap A log or a dozen logs as long as you Uke them at right angles. When the boat U going forty miles an hour you hardly notice lumping a pile, but if vou try to do it while turning a corner there is trouble. That was what happened when the boat broke her tear casings two weeks ago and the a lazy mood he can lie lazily at the bottom of his vessel and let the lazy breezes waft him back and forth, and when evening comes and the wind goes down he can take to the oars and return. It's great how this marine life gets some people. . Jack Armstrong of the Booth Fisheries got lost the other morning. Fog covered the harbor, or at any rate he says it did. for nobody was up at that unearthly hour Ex cept the fish buyers and a few other people whose worries have driven them crazy. Jack, it seems, sauntered Into the fish house two hours late and if it wasn't the fog that keptfitra, it was something else. At any rate the excuse was accepted so why should we care. . Monday of this week Dr. Martin of Toronto University, 'who is now making his headquarters at the fisheries experimental station re ceived a quick call from the Naas River stating that the mud which at times causes such consternation there among the fishermen by clinging to their nets until they sink to the bottom, was again appear- HERE! HERE! This is what you arc looking for BARGAINS We have them Your Opportunity to Save Alberta Rose Flour 49's Q-f 45 per sack Viw Royal Yeast Cakes 20 C Aylmer Brand Fancy Quality Q Peas, No. 3's, 3 cans tw Aylmer Brand Golden Bantam Corn Fanoy, 2's 3 cans Heinz Soups Tomato, Pea and Vegetable, per can Rowntree's Cocoa Ws per tin Dutch Maid Salad Dressing yfon per 23-08. Jar Dutch Maid Mayonnaise per 32-os. Jar Malkin's Best Coffee per lb. Malkin's Best Tomatoes- 2',4's. 3 tins Fresh Green Beans 2 lbs Blue Goose Oranges 5 doz 80c 46c 40c 25c 85c Get Your Supplies Now, At Mussallem s Cash and Carry Stores I "Where Dollars Have More Centj" Phone 3C0 319 3rd Ave. 50c 10c 23c Phone 18 it 81 417123 5th Ave. ing. Within a few hours the pdofes sor was on the Job there and he is setting his scientific mind to work to try to find the cause of the phenomena. It is said Jhat there have been similar occurrences :n past seasons at other points In the neighborhood but not to the extent that has been reported from the Naas. Within a very short time the bacteriological department of the ex perimental station will be moved to the upper floor of the new bunding. One or two of the rooms are already completed. The general offices of number of men reporting having taken over forty dollars! the stauon win be in that depart merit very soon. Captain Thomas McMeekiri has just assumed a yachting cap, his right to its use being because of nis acquiring a yacht from , Norman Moorehouse, the same that was once the property of Louis Amadio. It is equipped with a three and a half horsepower Holiday engineand it Is said can make ten miles an hour downstream. . . . There are so many captains on the waterfront that when the mar ine editor was told of Captain Elsie McOuatt being in town he nature aully thought she must be skipper of a boat. Instead of that he finds she Is skipper of the Salvation craft In Winnipeg attached to Grace Hos pital and that she Is- In the city vis- tins with Miss Almond on Second Avenue, getting away from the scorching winds, the biasing sun, ind mosquitoes of the city that con--ders itself the centre of the continent. Word was received from Ketchikan last night that the trollers at that place had marketed 50,000 pounds of salmon since the men started fishing last Sunday. The salmon pack for Southeastern Alaska up to yesterday amounted to 210,000 cases. g Friday and Saturday 2 TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Admission 20c & C5o Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9:40 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15 & 40c Feature Starts 3:10 I Jul. THE LAST WOUIMN ROMANCE "KISS ME AGAIN" With Uernice ctalre, Walter Pldgeon, Edward Ever it ii I Collyer. A French love story set In a back?, n,. . M jj Beautiful Melodies by Victor Herk J AND ALIy IN TECHNICOLOR j Comedy "A HAPPY LITTLE HONEYMOON' 5 Hodge Podge "T1D BITS" PARAMOUNT. .. o. T" 1 .. nn.'fr ni i ..... . ' 4 All g .iiuimaj a. luouaj-wo.ioia.ltl', uKJUNKlf In 'Rom I I Wide Variety of Fish Distributed Government Hatcheries Active In Sending Out Fry of Salmon, Trout and White Fish OTTAWA, Jury 25: More than 479,000,000 fish eggs.' fry, flner lings, and yearling fish, and a few older flsn, were distributed last year from the hatchery establishments operated by the Fish Culture Division of the Canadian Department of Fisheries. There were Atlantic salmon. speckled'trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, loch leven trout, salmon trout, cut-throat, Kamloops trout, cutthroat and Kam loops crosses, ouan-aniche, landlocked salmon, pickerel, white fish, sockeye salmon, spring salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, steelhead salmon or trout, and Kennedy's salmon. By such distributions, which go on from year to year, the Fish Culture Division assists nature in maintaining and increasing the existing supplies of fish in various Canadian waters, stocks lakes and " "111 j streams which ,u, troduces dtff.-i . i,: into areas to wl indigenous, thus ii I swim where few aiding both tin Iman -irtrl K Thr largest di. : i, , . the hatcheries in vtnees. From tin illshmtnts in Man, i, , white fish dLstni) 130.000.000 and ( tion of over 107.imm i,v, . there was a salm :. tlon of upwards : ;, , , !the hatchery at i s !8aslc.. nearly i .;:.. I,. were sent out i.i . :, itlic greater part. m.hi and some brown :,; z ; button from wv reached a total I :: 250,000. "HI :."F - by -Ml arc f nMtctf I Ji . :n tzx. ZfrlmdshMi II BitUMtlOrK-lKicmt IT.D n't-Cl II Amit Film ' k m I iw. i- ri.- V Bring your best - to - - - Prince Rupert The Fair Hoard is anxious to encourage residents in the district around Prince Rupert to bring their best to the FALL FAIR Which will be held the FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER Local residents believe that they can grow flowers better than any place within two hundred miles. Can they? The Fair Hoard would like, to have the districts pit their horticultural skill againtt the Prince Rupert Flower Society and gee if they, cannot wrest away some of the nrizes, especially that for the bc3t floral display. A cordial invitation is extended to all to competed Further information can he obtcained from Secretary W. D. Vance . or from The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. mm