PAUL' TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Polished Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue " H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor . i . v It ..... City trailvery.Tjy mall or carrier, yearly periodgaid In advance For lreanr .periods, paid In advance, pei month By mall 4 afi parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, Mid inSuftinoe for yearly period .... Bmail. to all oUier parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other' countries, per year .. ADVERTISING KATES Transient display advertising, per intj, pr insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, pwr vJoro Local readers, oer insertion, per line .. Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Contract rate on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone .8G Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Marlon Davles. screen star, wears this evening gown of black chiffon velvet, showing severely niaighi lines, relieved only by a pepum of white ermine at hipim e. t '5.00 .50 3.00 $6X0 9.00 ? 1.40 . .02 .25 .15 Tuesday, March 3, 1931 THANK YOU, MR. BASS Oscar Bass, deputy attorney general, has been saying some kind words about Prince Rupert. In fact he is much more enthusiastic about the city than a great many of the people who live here. He sees the pogitiqji with a better perspective. We are much obljged to Mr. Bass for his appreciative words and hope Prince Rupert people will learn to see things as he does. GOVERNMENT AND P.G.E. The real trouble about the policy of the Tolmie Government in the matter of the P.G.E. is not that it has done the wrong thing, but that it has been altogether too patient and tolerant under the importunities and abuse of the ir-responsibles persons and organizations and newspapers which have been demanding that it do about the P.G.E. what every sane and honest citizen of this province knows it WOUld be madness to fin. snvs thp Vnnrnnvpr Prnvi'nna Why does not the Tolmie Government say, outright, and once ior aii, inai h win not continue the line to i'rinci Prince, George unless that i$ done" as part of an agreement to wards a Peace-Coast railway, which WilUihcludif the P.G E.? And why does it not undertake tb publish the conclu sions of its. P.G.E. survey at the earliestmossitye date? BISHOP FALLON OF LONDON Ontario loses one of its most powerful personalities in the death of the Right Rev. Michael J. Fallon, Roman Catholic bisrfop of London; says ail" Edmonton paper. Those who had their homes in that province thirty-five or forty years ago and were interested in athletics will remember him well as the coach of one of the greatest football teams that it ever produced, that which carried the colors of Ottawa college. To his churcftjfiq gave service 'of great distinction. A man of strong opinions on many public questions, he asserted them .oh numerous occasions with telling effect. His courage and'forcofulness won for him an admiration that went far beyond those of his own communion. His impressive stature and his vigorous and clear-cut delivery were such that no one, after hearing him speak, was ever likely to forget the experience. United States is holding down on immigration coming to thtt country. Most other countries are doing tho same just now, with the result that there will be an opportunity to develop nationalism. This applies particularly to Cannda where the population is as cosmopolitan as in any country-pf Astounding! Can Eat Anything. Mr. Frank Chatburn, of Blackburn, writes: "I have suffered long from acid stomach and constipation, but since being advised to try your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills I began to feel the benefit after almost the first dose. I can now honestly say that I can eat anything and enjoy my food knowing that I will not suffer any disagree able after effects." Take Carter's Little Liver, Pills for sick headache; biliousness mid constipation. They act as a tonic. All druggists 25 and 75? red pVjis. CONCERT ENJOYED Salvation Army Young People Gave Their Annual Entertainment Last Evening There was a large crowd at the Citadel last night when the voune people of the Salvation Army held tneir annual entertainment. The program proved very acceptable for all present and was greatly enjoyed. Distribution of prises to Sunday School pupils was one of the features of the evening's proceedings. The affair was in charge of Com mandant William Kerr and Rev. C. E. Motte. pastor of Rupert Bast Uni ted Church, presided. The program was as follows: Orx-nlne sons;, conducted hv Commandant Kerr. Prayer. Mrs. Kerr. Introduction of chairman, Commandant Kerr. Recitation, "First Settler! story," Mrs. Lord. Dialogue. "Raiting Missionary Money," a nimber of children. Duet, Messrs. Alexeee and White. Violin solo. John Wardroper. I Dialogue,' "Washing Day," Dolly Smith, Frank Pierce and John Recitation. "Just Like a Man," Ruth Pitcher. Song, Stanley Wardroper. Dialogue. "When You and I Were Young, Maggie." Ted Harmon. Mo ses Alexcee and Frank Pierce. Recitation. Fred Wardroper. Recitation, "When Day Is Done." Mrs. Lord. Dialogue, "Johnny Reads the News," Clara Pierce, Ruth Pitcher and Fred Edgar. Recitation. "Ma's Physical Cul ture," Elsie Davis. Dialogue, "Sunshine and Dark. iness," Mrs. II. Smith and Captain E. Warteru Recitation. "Belinda's Shopping," kathle Murray. Distribution of prizes. Rev. C. E. ! Motte. I Benediction. Schedule of C.N.R. i Golf Second Half Dates For Five Remaining Fixtures ' Announced 1 . . ' The schedule of the c N. ROolf League for second half of season is as follows:' 1 March' 11 Dry Dock vs. Round 1 louse; Machine Shop vs. Station; Oen, Office No. 1 vs. Oen. Of flee No, i March 18 Machine Shop vs. Dry Dock; Round House vs. Gen. Office No?; Oen. Office No. l vs. Station. ' March 25 Oen. Office No. 2 vs. Dry Dock; Station vs. Round House; Machine Shop vs. Gen. Office No. 1. April 1 Oen. Office No. l.vs. Dry Dock; Station vs. Gen. Office No2; Machine Shop vs. Round Haute, i April 8 Station vs. Dry Dock: Round House vs. Gen. Office Nq, 1; ; Oen. Office No 2 vs. Machine Shop. HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified col umns of the Dally News to find what they want. Used cars, furniture for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts of things are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try it today. the daily news ATHLETICS ! FAVORITES Philadelphia Given III; Odds to Win American League Pennant Again This Year new YORK, March 3: If any New Courts to Be Erected on Acropolis Hill Waugh (Grotto) vs. Balagnp (Elks). Brown vs. Wllliscroft. Howe vs. Mitchell. McLachlan vs. Young. Andrews vs. 8mlth. B0BBYJ0NES IN FILMD0M Former Amateur Golf Champion Picking up Points of .Movie Industry LOS ANGELES, March 3: Bobby Jones, who rellnguished his amateur standing recently so that the public might more readily see how he performs the royal and ancient game and incidentally, make a few dollars for himself. Is rapidly picking up pointers about the moving ilcture Industry. Under the direction of George Marshall, he is about to start on a series of short project pictures. City Golf League I thing is sure in connecUon with 1931 1 3ig League baseball, the betters are , raying that it is that th Philadel-! phla Athletics will again cop the American League pennant this year. In betting circles they are quoting ; the Athletics at odds of 7 to 10 to win. it was stated yesterday. Odds on other teams of the league are as follows: Washington, 3-1; New York, 4-1: Cleveland. 8-1; Detroit, 20l; and St. Louis, Chicago and Boston, 100 to 1. i Dick Grant Uefti and Moosr-" Lassey of Chicago, 111., .photographed upon theii nrrival in Miami, Fla.. recently after paddling their 16-foot canoe fljwtt the Mississippi river from Chicago 4 JIM MALOXEY .MAY .7 rCRIB PLAY 4 GET TITULAR BOUT MIAMI BEACH, Fla., March 3: If Jim Maloney wins his forthcoming fight here from Prlmo Camera, the Italian v giant, he will be assured of a bout with the winner of the Max Schmellng.Young Strtb tUu,ar battl tn Jane' At the request of Aid. P. H.'Lln-l lln zey. who spoke on behalf of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club, the city j council last night gave that organl-1 zatlon permission to build new! courts on city property which the club occupies on Acropolis Hill. The Intention of the club is to remove the present old courts and erect three new ones on the same, site, using a little more space. BILLIARD LINE-UPS ' Billiard line-ups for tonight: PORTLAND WON GAME Buckaroot Still In Pacific Coast league Running by Beating Vancouver VANCOUVER March 3 Portland Buckiroos defeated ' Vancouver Lions 4 to 3 in the Pacific Coast Hockey League game here last night to get back into the running for a post-season play-off position. The "vbitors scored three goals In the thhd period t come from behind and" take the verdict. At the end of the first period the score was 1 to nil in favor of Portland. ine league Manning is now as follows: W. D. L. For Ag 't P. Vancouver .12 8 . 9 51 48 32 SeatUe .12 9 8 52 44 33 Portland 10 8 12 51 50 28 Tacoma 2 1 7 12 34 18 Billiard Averages C. P. Balagno E A. Murray (CLi J. Smith iEi G. P. Tinker iCLi Don Brown 0 . 21 20 12 20 11 F. Zieman CW 17 a. Waugh G 30 W. Wllliscroft (EV 14 C. Baptle CL 16 Games Last Night &S,SS:o, 5 M. E. Young (El Acme Beat Grotto While Flying! J. May G Corp Great West and Bankers M. Andrews (OLi Won By Default ;J. Andrew Q) 30 8 21 19 A. Macdonald fCL) 7 Acme defeated Orotto 319 to 347' W. Mitchell' Bi 31 l the only game of the City Mln-, F. II. Stephens (E) . 5 lature Gold League which was ac- CL. Youngnran CLi 4 tually contested at the Sunken T. Clough (O) 3 Gardens last evening. Fl?lng Corps, W. Murray (E) 7 Great West and Bankers all won F. Bray E) 4 their games by default, the opposing J. Scott iCLi .... . 1 teams falling to show up. John Bulger G) .... 1 5130 482 3873 4700 3476 3906 4578 3153 3354 4694 4484 4417 1767 4MS 4063 1499 4454 1036 814 599 1342 ,744 173 100 344 213 339 335 334 330 339 335 334 334, 333. 231 1 331 213 214 214 212 205 304 300 192 186 l?3 109 LAST NIGHT Oddfellows in accor ccorid Pony trotting races at Oreenford . Englano. ha,vc a larne tullowm'. ng. Photo 8howf -.Ftm.tmg out finish or Hm. League With Place Prince Rupert Crlbbage League results Jast night were as follows; Hawks 15. Orotto 12. ' SmI Cove 13. Eagles 14. , Prince Rupert Hotel 19, Toe H 8. I. O. O. F. 18. Operators 11 I Knights of Columbus 12, Elevator !15. Six Musketeers-12, Moose 15. I League Table i w. Moos .130 I. O. O. F 121 jP. Rupert Hotel .. .116 !8al Cove .110 Orotto .106 Eagles . -lOC Six Musketeers 4il05 Blevator ...iuk..103 Operators 'uM.flOa' Hawks W.-iiiPS ' K of OolumbH '.02 I Toe H 96 L. 86 95 100 106 110 ho in 113 114 '114 114 120 MAKE PROBE und have record crowds attendl 1 T'dun Handicap Pts. 130 121 116 ' 110 106 106 ,J05 '103 102 102 102 96 INTO FIGHT Petrolle-Klng Tut Affair of Friday, Night, Being Investigated Last NEW YORK. Alarch 3: Billy Pe-trolle, the victor: King Tut, the vanquished, referee and Judges of last Friday nlgtit's bout In Madison Square Garden have been summoned to appear before the New York Boxing Commission today to give their views of what happened in that engagement. The suggestion was made after the bout that ev erything might not have been according to Hoyle. Petrolle won by (the knock-out route In the early stages of the affair. WH1QT. G jri-i-saje.-yC .March 5 Seal Cove vs. LQXLF. Wa WKrers vtMJjfy5p. Slxf!vfuketeers vi. Grotto Ram'j Can. Legion vs. Leif Erlkson Orotto vs. Moose, March it-Dry Dock vs. I.O.O.F. Six Musketeers vs. Lief Erlkson. Moose vs. Canadian Legion. Grotto vs. Wanderers. Orotto Ramb. vs. Seal Cove. Tup i .-m . i , i j., 5 BADMINTON tKI ffl H fl M 's run Ladies' Honlil AC M .. J . 1 1 i .-. ' Wn n...i. vn,i.r:i .... .. . ".mow A "Jr. . " u" L'M(i nins, The following m:!. last night In the . ,, badminton toun,.,....,', being held at ih. uUu Ladies' UoubK- Mr r4.H . .. . MM! ; '"'jri! FIim ir,.. Ml., f r- , . "u" . . lw ,,,,,, M. ( , (..a. ttl pn '-ft W M w .v.un . . .11 I I'M i n.. Mrs; Hfrman ini Mi, k. n . f I . . ucuv mm j. MOna' and Plllsbury, 15-6. 15-12 . ui Mjii aim Mr p.,!,,,.. erton, 15-11. 15-3 Mrs. McLean. 15-... ,., . Second Itmmd Mrs. Darton am. m: ; beat Miss F. Cm ...!, chell, 10-15, 15 to, M (Stranglen Lewis :. heavyw-eight wr : came hack last nit!.' Evco With the n x' Evco got his ( ill 1 body slam but Li ui 1 .. terlstlc manner : k , whei. he geu in a ed. untUthe four'h wi. Efco head Him i" " terrific crotch hoM : Evco could not b cleft tly to come b. f r round and Lewis w., two falls and de( i.s 1. In the scmi-u.'i: Myers defeated An. ;, rounds with cn 1.1. plane spin In the f Dally News tufck results p.. 1. Mi!. 2. iir wr. Herman atv! p,rk oeat Mrs. w. N. Cuni. !lut inompeon. is-5 is-u Men's So :,i. Fin.ih T llnvU J 1 ' beat R. Allen and w t.iH . 16-8. 15-5 F. Russell and W r. n- bn Cross and W Btvaiii 15-5. Men's slnales will ho m, nlzht for which ihr , number of entru p: . u ,,. menee at 7:00 pm Some very good w:i nested last evenum some surprises Fit as jd next Monday i-v. STRANGLER II lSIBilRI Sv m IT r B i.ILJ 17 1111 t , . ... ... Champion Conqut r - of Jou Evco Last Vi:. lit BATTLE. March i V die first fall wiUu:. .1: fthe mrt of the m , . '. ,:ir jj WINE 1 m ai crv su lslPHUL ? MATURED AMD COIHIP Wa.lSIS """7,rf;l4l 'in in mm S-a.) ir. W i'hls advertisemcn -0'ptuJ llshed or dlspwo tf 0 ' Liquor Control Uoard Mia f invArnmpni ui Uritiah Columbia . ..,f