Hi Radio B TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAlrtV FOH SKEENA ItRAM) Creamery Butter eft Cottage Cheese fRFSli PASTEURIZED MILK AN'I CREAM DAILY Delivery Throughout me city a f lli RD 9 UNION STKAMSllil'S 1.IMITKII Strainers lrat Prince Huiert I r amiuw: T Jt.N, t.T.L. r.vi:uv tiiiiv. 1.30 I'M. Arriving Vancouver. vl.i Ocean Falls, Thursday Noon approx, TtA t.Ulli:N. EVKIIY t'Kllt.lY MWNIUIIT Anivmu Vancouver Sunday miunlght Bp,rox. tailings to Port Simpson, AJioe Arm, Anyox. Stewart ami Nsas Ulver poUit Sunday 8:00 p.m. " i' formation ree.rding U wlllnga and tlckeu at 1JIMK in ri iiT aiivv; srciuid Avenue. I'lione 3S aaajBBwMMMsflMMMnKMakiuMMMaAaW'eUKrvvBrHMMUH 6t?t? II C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE 7TTrffiy aj SAILINGS'! nail iiu a.w- ROM PRINCE KUl tKi; Ketchikan, Wrangrll, Juneau, and Skagway. March 7. lo and 28 o Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle-March U and 22. xi. r. .-i..n wiiH 1'ic Vam' uver and Vic toria. very Friday. 10 p.m. Agtnts For All Steamship Lines W.C.arflliArt. OeritAitent. SrdAv.. ranee Hupert. l'Uon-31. bsjism Phone 566(1 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and HANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND RODV WORK A SPECIALTV ore. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS BllllaidS tonight Qrotto vs Elks. Ladies -Golf-League-tonight' Sunken . Gardens. Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, lleilbroner's Store. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on time. 1st Co. Oirl Ouldes, Tea and Sale of Home ' Cooking,.. a,t , Mrs. Chrn Perry's. Stork Building, March 5 in aid of Camp Fund. 53 Dr. William V. Smtthertngate West Lutheran Ladles' Aid Eas-1 tef Sale 'April 4. f 2 I Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at IelIbronrr's store, j City accpunts tor two weeks ending Feb. '.totalling' $2,491:74 were1 passed for payment at last night's 1 council meeting. I "Last Nieht'l Was Drcamlntr of j that bid Jasper Park," is. the name 01 a ballad, written oy Tnomas Carr Qf this city, Which has cp-peared as sheet music. An article descriptive of the' George C. Arsencau, who has Queen Charlotte Islands appears in been Visiting for ten. days at Pre-thc February issue of Pacific MO- mler with his father and brother, tor Boat. There arc pictures of returned to the r-'ty on the Car-New Massett and Queen Charlotte dena this morning from the north. City. ' Motorship Belllngham was in Don't miss the Pioneer's banquet port yesterday afternoon from next Tuesday evening in Moose Hall. Ketchikan discharging three car- Splendid program of entertainment loads of frozen fish for transshlp- followed by dance. Good time assur- ment east over the Canadian Na ed. Get your tickets now ai.'Empire office or phone 64 for reservations. ttonal Railways. Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Wright of NeUie ellie Hazelton and Mrs. Charles II. Sawle of New IIaelton were, am- M!m Arnla, Gurjk'Ich and, MiM. Gurvlch who have bren' visiting for the past couple ot, weeks In- StcVIttftrtturhtdr horn" ong arrivals In the city on ' thl. fxot) the north on the Cardcna .. . i l m, At 1. A I aiiernoms train irom ui umenur t mis mprning.-- ; , i to attend the United Church Pres- 1- i ijytery meetings this week. T. J. Shenton. who has been In Stewart on official business in M. n. -O'Shanshnessy. superin j -onnciion with his duties as In-, ndent of th; Surf Po!nt mtno onj-pector of mines returned to th? ?orcher Island, returned to the (city from the north on the Car-lt.v on th"Ckrder this mornim j dena this morning, titer a1 brief trip to Anyox on bus-' ness In connection with a smelter nose. Cowan Si Latta. with a rhlpment of the Porchef Island cnder of $242, was awarded the 1 contract by the city council last; 'or the printing of 150 copies of he city auditor's report for 1010. j who is conducting mining lectures Alex McRae Co in this district for mining men and nrorpprtors under the ausnlc.es of the provincial department of mines arrived in the city on the Cfcrdena this morning after having spent a week each at Any or Alice Arm and Stewart and will proceed HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Ru pen's leading family hotel. Hot .ind cold water In all roomi A. J. rKUDII VMMK, Prop. Cor. of Fraser nd Fifth S's. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. Vrop nit; no i i.L mticTii uihik llot A Cold Water. Stram lint 75c TER DAY AND UP Trlriliiiir tit I Royal A. Normann, Dlgby Island; Ryan, MeUakntla. ucdtELtsaornflREacBSi Boston Grill IMionc. 457 Prince Rupert larse Cabaret SI'RCIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Nlclit, 0 to 12 Danrc Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Partirs nssmnsnwRcar S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Oas tt Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service; Third Ave. Hast Phone 83 $246. '1 Ltd. tendered . Revr Frank Bush field. UnUed i Church pastor at Anyox. and Rev I Evan Baker, pastor at Stewart, arrived In the city on the Cardenn .this morning from the north to here by train tomorrow to hold attend Presbytery which is to br cimllar lectures at interior point. '--. i i SCALE OF CHARfiES The following Is the scnle of charges mado for readinir notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. Rlrth Notices 50c. Funeral Notices $1. Card of Thanks. $2 Funeral Flowers 10c per name. a 4 held here this week Hugh MeGuIre, raMiaglngrC r of of life the AVwl$(ne AVoddblhe XJold uold M dlrec tor Miriint: Co.. was a passenger aboard the Cardena today bound from Stewart to Vancouver, accompanying O. D. Leyson, who has been making an inspection ' of 1 the well known Portland Canal property. James Wlghtman Smith ot San Francisco, who has been visiting here for the past two or three weeks with his brother. Louis F. Smith, will sail on the ss. Prince Oeorge tomorrow afternoon for Stewart where he will visit for the next week ax so with another brother, Wtl'iam D. Smith. For Sale Oas Boat "PEG." 35 feet long, equipped with a 30 horsenower Kelvin engine. Built for a fish packer or cannery tender Bids will be received by the undersigned up to noon, March .21, 1931. The highest or any tender not necesarlly accepted. Boat may be seen at the Pacific Salvage Company's float, this city. C. L. MONIHJE, (04) Official Administrator ANNOUNCEMENTS f . Girl Guide tea at home of Mrs., Chris Perry, Stork Bldg., March 5. j Eagles' Smol-er March 6. i Next ilqjfpr Purple Brldge-whl.v i series Monday, MaAh 0. I ' L.-0. B- A. Bridge, WhUt anJ Dance' March 12. St. Patrick's Concert, Catholic Hall, March 17. Priwhvturlan Shamrock Tea. on I Marclf 17, In Criytch Hall. Inter-City Badminton TournamentPremier V3. Rupert, followed by danco. Moose Hall, March 17 Basttr Concert April 0 and 7. Direction Alex A. Connon, Moose Hall. Catholic women's League Spring Sale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 Die ultra modem t not THREE THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 3, 1931 pr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Terrible, Tickling Cough Could Not Sleep For It Mn. Qordon J. Boy, S. W. Port Mouton, N.8, writes i "I had a terrible, tickling cough, and at night could not get to sleep for hours for it. I read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and decided to get a bottle of it, and I can truly aay it did me a ( , wonJrfu,lot of good .... , "ain three children and I give them the Brrnp Just as soon uIin them getting a cold or cough, ai I always keep it hand both for the childrea and myself." Prirh 35c. a bottle lare family size 5. ( at all druggists or dealers; put up only by The T. Milbur Co, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One Tube Mi 31 Tooth Paste and One Bottle Mi 31 Antiseptic - $1.00 Valuq Special, 60c Oimes IM. D?iu Pioneer &riiQtinti Phones 81 & 82 Thinf Ave. & Sixth St TIIREK GRADUATE IMIAKMICISTS sAJak cAre ijou buijin the Package or the POWERinside? I N SIZE, wrier radio batteries may reaemble Eveready Layerbilts, but inside there's a tremendous difference. And in operation, thert'e a Mill greater distinction, for Ever Jy Layerbtlt employe new construction that pack i r more power into every battery. That apetli longer life, greater dependability, far greater economy. Qioom i battery for that it Jo, and you'll finj the moil lor your money in Cveready Layerbilt. Your dealer hat it in three aires. Sold at Rdjio item every here. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO, LIMITED Cileirr Vancouver TORONTO Montreal Winnipeg little chap's very life was despaired of. THIS Food after food was tried and then the family doctor ordered Eagle Brand . . . lie picked up from the first day, and now he's strong and sturdy and his mother's pride and joy. This is only one of countless instances wriere Eagle Brand has cobe to the fescue. Since 1857 it has been used by hundreds of thousands of grateful mothers, with unqualified success. Eagle Brand is pure, fresh, full-cream milk, modified with the addition of refined cane sugar. It is easily digested and is one of the best substitutes for mother's milk. Send us your name and address and we will gladly setut you full authoritative literature on child welfare. IL E. 1W..' local liuiugcr oi W. H. Malkin C o.. Ltd.. returned tu ; the city on the Cardrna thiinorn-j ing after having mado iht round trip t Anyox and Stewart on company business. The bylaw amending the street traffic bylaw to provide for the In- j stallaUon of a silent policeman on the Cow Bay road was finally re-; considered and adopted by the city council last night. j laanwt i mi h THE STYLE 'Trincets WATCHES Just as the old hone and rig has given -way to the graceful and swift automobile, so have the old style, heavy watches bowed to the new, graceful and amart watches ot 1931. Get one by trading in your old watch. $370 p. t your K wUh ttnnri riw INI dw t4 thif unftiiMfr vl.4, moitrn 4f "PRINCESS' wuh c 7krdtH GxJimiUd C.x.'.am U IS ntld t t$t Say In Jlr nvrtnit. Strtklni fly In nl rnni pltnn . . . uiml afiir-tbillly . . .ftjmtt waTeltara. Eagle Brand saved the life . of this child. The Borden Co., Limited, 11$ George Su Toronto. Gentlemen: Please send me a FREE copy of your Baby's Record Book and Bab Welfare Book. KdMt t. Aidrta J f V COLD SEAL l GUARANTEE Jjj P SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MI OH YOUR MONEY BACK Jf EMEMBER NO MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE WITHOUT THIS SEAL Other have purchased Inferior subttitotes as Congoleom . . . and discovered the tremendous differ-, enco la the wearing qualitla of the ' "geaalne asd floor-covrrlrge that were "Just as good." Iastst teeing the Cold Seal before you buy floor coverings. Then . . aad tbeai only . . are you Kuaranteed satisfaction or your money back. COHCOUUM CANADA UUITED, MONTREAL CONGOLEUM GOLD 1 Jiin 0E1 John Bulger Ltd. j Early Ad. Copy is appreciated Prince Rupert, B.C. ih-j