Prince Rupert, B.C., . March 2nd. 1931 "I again have the pleasure, the privilege and the honor of sub anting herewith the annual re-xrt of Municipal Chapter, 1.0 D E., for the year ending. February 1931. "During the year 9 regular and 2 special meetings were held. "Attendance We had a greater representation from Primary Chapters at Municipal meetings during the past year, than for 3 years orevious. Minimum attendance number 11: maximum, 38. 'Under the Canadian Legion, In unison, we attended the Armistice Memorial service, each Chapter olacing a wreath on Cenotaph, and Uso took charge of "Poppy Day." "At civic reception given the ihlp's company of HALS. "Des-latch." we took charge of refreshment booths, as also for fleet of Wednesday Special Chocolate Cream Roll 25 cents The Electric Haliery Wc Deliver IMionc GG7 FIRST CHOICE OP SUITS OR SPUING COATS New samples just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and. the patterns of the very latest. LING THE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pressing and altering Free delivery to any part of ihe city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Vhone 619 Dr.H.O.Johnsen Dentist Successor to Dr. E. S. Tail Suit 1 Exchange Ulock Phone 109 r.:orican war ships on a similar' a week previous. j Empire Day I "The regular Empire Day cele-1 bration took place May 23rd, when ' school children from all public! xhools assembled at Capitol Theatre, listened to a musical program, and interesting addresses given by two local clergymen. A film was also shown foe the entertainment of the children. "Municipal Chapter raffled a return trip to Vancouver, and held a bridge for the drawing of same, net proceeds of which amounted to $170 00. "Queen Miry and Hill 60 Chap-;xrs each donated $2S bursaries to uplls ranking highest In Entrance examinations, one award being given to a pupil in Booth Memorial School and the other to a Borden School puplL Adair Cans gave a $10 bursary to pupil ranking highest in Canadian History Entrance examination at Booth Memorial School, while Qoeen Mary presen ted historical books under the same classification to pupils of Borden School. A generous supply of educational literature Is supplied High School and public schools by Queen Mary Chapter and Hill 30 Chapters. In this connection a library was srnt to school at Usk. "Adair Cans Chapter continues to take care of returned soldiers' olot in Fairview cemetery, and has srected a total of twenty-nine leads tones. "Chapters have a ward tn local Hospital. These are reconditioned ind refurnished from tune to time. Hill 60 has done much under this hcadirig namely. "The Children's Ward." The Chapters this winter have supplied numerous needy families with food, clothing and fuel. etc.. aUo at other points adjacent to our city. "The LO D E HaU-Several im-orovements have feeen made on the building this yeas-, most needed perhaps was the installation of an oil burner, which has proven more satisfactory and convenient "Wishing all Daughters of the Empire success and progress in Prince Rupert and elsewhere, ever remembering. preserving and strnathcnini'. jOue Flag. One Throne. One Empire.'" Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE I'll ONE 573 BESNER ULOCK DENTIST "coalT Ituy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Welllntton In any quantities. Also nulklcy Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND 558 HOSPITAL SERVICES I ARE ARRANGED TOR 1 Business at the regular monthly j mectinfi yesterday of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association was ; merely of routine nature. Arrangements were made as follows for services durinR the coming mon'h ' in the Prince Rupert General Hospital: I March 8, Rev. Canon W. F. Hush-! brook. St. Peter's Anglican Church. Mnn-h 15 Rev. John 11. Hanson, St Paul's Lutheran Church. March 22. Rev. J. Kennedy, First Presbyfc'vian Church. March 29. Commandant William icrr. L .' vation Army. "NION STEAMER CATAIA WILL RESUME SERVICE "non .tamer Cardena. Capt. Andrew Johnstone, completing hei 'ast.'yoyage in the "Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Anvox-Stewarl run on which she lias been relieving the . Catala for the past thre? weeks, arrived tn port at 9JO.U111 morning from -the north and sailed' at 1.30 pm. for Vancouver and waypotnts. The Catala will resume service on this route arriving here rom the south next Sunday afternoon, while the Cardena goes lack to her regular run from Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Bete oo'.a. Ocean Fans and the Bkeena tivcr The steamer Camosun makes her final trip on the latter route this week. Make This Test of the' HEART To eauje the condition of the heart, there it a simple test which anyone can mike. Medical men agree that it Is unrivalled as a means of finding out if the heart I in health or doing its work under difficult!. "Are you short of breath when going up atairs?" The extent to which you are inconvenienced under this strain will tell you how aertoua may be the condition of your heart. In rnoat caws, the trouble is cauned by a waknM of the blood and a run down condition of the nervous ayatem. Th logical praacription la Dr. Chaae'a Nerve Food becauae this treatment enrichvs the blood and strengthens the nerves of the heart, aa well aa thoee of the other vital organa. This reconatruetlve treatment has proven effective over such a long petiod that you can use it with the fullest confidence that the reaultt will be most -satisfactory. Mussallem's MEAT Market 3 lb. Shoulder of Pork 50c Loin of Pork 1 lbs. $1.00 Fresh side Pork 3 lbs. 50e Loin Pprk Chops, per 2 lbs. 53c Loin Veal Chops, per lb. 25c Leg Roast of Veal, per lb 25 Loin of Lamb 4 lbs. for Sl.Of- Shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. for $1.00 Leg of Lamb, per lb, for 30c Stew Lambt .". 3 lbs. 30r Leg of Pork, per lb. ... 25c Mussallem's Meat Market 1'hones 18 & 81 417 Flflh Ave. E. The matter being brought up by Aid. W. J. McCutcheon who felt tha,t it was a real danger to lea1 ve , the walks in sucn shape, the city council last night gave authority to the board of works to proceed as soon as possible with putting guard rails on the new sidewalks in the down town section. Aid. Rudderham, Aid. PUlsbury ind Aid. Black agreed with the sug-rjstlon and the motion giving the board of works power to put in the rails was then adopted. Acting Mayor Theo Collart refer-pA to a dangerous spot on the new 3orden Street sidewalk where a rati was also needed. MINISTER OF MINKS EXPRESSES APPRECIATION ' A letter from Hon. W. A. Mr Krnzle. niini.-ter of mines, ex , Tossed appreciation to the city ovnvtl laM night at co-operation xtendert recently in connection with the mining lecturstvof Dr W V. SmWicrin;ule by , sMffwlnv. th isc ol oun tf clfroibcr for th jurpoi-hishW wri' parilalljr felt ' ! Tuesday March 3, PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS 1831 loliiniHood DR FXOUR MONEY-BACK" Guarantee Protects You CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert YDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'h'ltAIIM. l. I'. I. iO.OOO-TON FLOATING DltYDOCK hnuir'er, Machinists, Doilci makers, Ittark.smiih. I'altt-in Makers. Founders, Woodworker, 'Elf i ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WLLDIM. Our I'lnnt In Equipped In IlnniUe All Kind nf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND .W, OUR COAL IS IN A DltV SHED When you arc buying toal look on the economical side of life. It you buy wet coal, you are losing 13. So start. today and, burn dry roal and sec what 10 means to you. l'KMIUNA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $120 MINKHKAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton ....'. l50 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered. Ter Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED lLACKCOD- Prepared Daily Uy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. WHO If J T? would let their hairdo tliisivaif? Your pride prompts you to keep your liuir veil groomed . . . tlica for tho uine reason sniurlcii your dull, iiiiihUhIic1 shoe rrgulurly with a glossy "NiipBct" shine vfaterproof tlio shoes us it polishes. nA SHOE POLISH (jlw NUGGET TIN cjm) hiiJi a ttM REGENT IS I RE-ELECTED Airs. John Manson Again Head of. Municipal Chapter of. J.O,D.E. j ; ) Annual Meeting' Ilcld , , After hearing reports from various officers on work in 1930 and en-oying a brief musical program, a ; well as an appropriate address by Dean Gibson, Municipal Chapter Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, at Its annual meeting last nla,ht, elected officers for 1931 as follows: Honorary Regent MrSi J. C. Mc Lennan. Regent Mrs. John Manson. First Vice-RegenU- Mrs. D. C. Stuart. . Second Vice-Regcnt-rMrs. J. A. Tcng. Secretary Mrs. D. Orchard Mc-Leod. Treasurer Mrs. II. Ii. Landrcy. Kdueatlonal Secretary Mrs. D. Walker, Echoes Secretary Mrs. W. C. Asplnall. Organizing Secretary-- Mrs. A. K. Parlow. Standard Bearer Mrs. S. V Cox. Mrs.. Marisdn regent m Mun ci al Chapter, presided over ihr meeting, The followmsr rep; rts were read: Secretary of Municipal Chan'er. (Mrs. D. .Orchard McLcod; trris- iivi tK j 4JUUHI y . nvi i i f Queen Miry Chapter. Mrs. II fliadwell: treasurer. Mrs. J 8 iDla :k: secretary of Hill 60 Chapter IMIst Florence Smith: treasu cr. jMIss Vera Smith; reorctary of i Adair Carsc Chanter. Mr. Ti Or chard McLeod; treasurer. Mrs. E 3. Baker. After Dean Gibson's address and the musical program, delicious refreshments were served. Dean Gibson's address was of n mtriotle nature. Mrs. Ernest An ierson sang delightful vocal s-'os accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Cut In The' report of Mrs. D. Orch rd McLeod, secretary of Munic 1 Chapter was as follows: "My daughter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed two or three days at a time. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so 1 got her a bottle of Vegetable Compound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining in weight and every way. I told the neighbors and four other girls are taking it with trood resulrs."-MrsCur- ence Jenkinson, Box 14, Thorn-lot, Ontario. Lewis Island ! Girl Winner in ! Essay Contest ' LEWIS ISLAND. March 3: Bertha Goedkoop of Lewis Island has received" a cheque for $10 from the Historical Association of BritUh Co-' lumbla for an essay written last May. A letter of appreciation and congratulations was received by Mrs. E. Kordahl under whose dlrec-, tion the essay was written. j Louis Locker and Frank Arm- 1 strong, as old-timers, assisted great- j ly by furnishing items of historical Interest. ' I Guard Rails to . Be Installed By Board of Works fllonday and Tuesday two shows 7 & s Pu HERE AGAIN-the EX0I SITE CANAIMEXNt NORMA SHEARER In - Let Us Be Gay wllh Marie Dressier Kor j tr oquc and many other ti; A Thrillins and UtiH ant cicty toe.' U Comedy SWELL Piorit Noulty ' OLD KIM. roTT'j. IMCnOKIAL iti.vinv and CANNINd PF,S ' ADMISSION !(&. Feature starts T.iii .i:i WEDS., and TIITRS. ' CHARLES FARItLLL and J. NET GAY NOIL in 'The Man Who Bar COULD YOU SAY AS MUCH AT SEVENTEEN? I had a, letter the other day from Mildred A which I mut share with you. For say mother. I know, would be proud of aucb a daughter. She says: "I am only seventeen yean old. but I have had to coak for five yean, as my mother i an invalid and I am the only gut "1 am taking a home economic course aa I thought that would do me more good than anything else. I with you would Read my home economic teacher your cook book. I know the will be delighted to have it as will the girls in my cooking da. I have used Carnation Milk for several years and,! win never be without it if I can help" Isn't that a wonderful endorsement from a girl to capable and so sensible? She hat learned very early the cooking wisdom which women everywhere are discovering that Carnation Milk gives cooking results that even, the best of bottled milk cannot equal, and with a dependability, convenience and economy offered by milk in no other form. Carnation Milk is simply pure ukott milk protected at the source. It comes from clean herds, h aused in clean hair., milked by clean hand into rln-; .:t, ail. , Thk sateajuarded mtik h .-v.,;..--ated todeublecreaminexs. stn, : - t safsieepirHjaji4''honviK(Tii i'H' s. : .1. the cream portitlea are m.riuii ri-and cUatribuUxl through mr . !r . a result, everything in whH h (. 1 :, n i Milk it used is,extraordmani v l texture and rid) with creamy !: vs. Below i a Carnation rei i ': 't youtoUy. Sedjd. ton. for thr:i.. Cook Hook and RUa ! Book to CarriaUan Co.. I Abbott St.. Vancouver. 11 1 . Carnation Cherry Cooani: :iri M cup cornstarch. 4 oj;i PRODUCED IN CANADA For unusual richness, unique smoothness of texture an4 com plctely dependable results, use Carnation Milk in all yr cookery. Doubly rich in cream, it It most economical Carnaucn Milk Is safeguarded at the source by clean housing of do herds and clean handling of the milk. And this protection continues until It finally reaches you In the hermetlcslly tealei container. (St recipe above.) tjfu "k itom CtatdUtt Fows, pMcktd in Jt Canada a Ctatditu jeans asif cases. ' I lap. salt, 1 cup water. 1 cup I ir-a:, n Milk. H tap. vanilla. 2 t!s '-""'V Juice. cupiidmarat lii!) - i-s H p cocuanot. 2 egg h:t. v. cornstarch, sugar and salt m:; m cold water. Dilute Carnal 1. ,..', cup water and scald; add t it- r m-starch mixture slowly tn the .iMM milk. Cok in a double txi. r : t minutes, stirrinc constant ly urn:! thickened. Add vanilla, cherry jw . . cher-ries, cxoaniit and stii'tly U.r.-, fs w'i;". t'lull. Garn'i :t: . -nri. Sc-vcs6. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results ! laZieaSsllDsnrrVn wp.aifVArtA ajrjttwiern 1 1 1 .. .