Tar, V. March 3, 1031 THE DAILY NEWS puss, nva Why Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. FOR RENT .H: FOB RENT Furnished 4 room Hat with bath. Phone 547. tf t : FIVE roomfdijflat for rent, steam ln uted. Phone Blue ?45. tt FOR BENT -By-week or month, furnlshedr 'apartment. Phone Red C07. tf FOP- RENT Clean, well furnisher, modern apartment. Palmer Ap-urtmenU. Phone Red 414. tf FOR SALE ion bale 10 hp. Olw engine, A l shape. Apply Imperial Machine .shop. n SITUATIONS WANTED STEWARD, chef or good cook.Bri-ish. desires engagement Apply IKjx 79. Dally News. 54 EXPERIENCED Saleslady for"mil- imery. hosiery. Take charge and buy llu urougnton, Vancouver, B.C HELP WANTED l I WAN.TED girl or middle-aged woman. Phone 351. S3 AITO METAL WOHKEUS WANTED THOUSANDS OF ACCIDENTS OC-CURINO dally require hundreds ul additional Auto Metal Work-j erg to repair and reduce these cars. Every town of any atee f noeds a special Auto Metal and 1 Duco Shop. Oo mto business for) vourself or steady employment In imp of the big. busy shops Only ;i few weeks required. Employers 1 J'Kk to us for trained help. Write today for our "Big Illustrated Bklet of OpprtuniUe. In thls Trade." .HEMPHILL AUTO FNGINEERINO SCHOOLS. 1043 Pi nder Street West. Vancouver. 1 BC Public Stenographer MURIEL M0RRI8. office Wetten-haver Block. Phone 7M. tf PRIVATE Stenographer, Ex-Instructor In Commercial Subjects. MO 0th Ave.. West. P.O. Box 300. IS DRESSMAKER MISS N ROOBRS. Phone Black 236 VIOLIN TUITION V ACANCIES For day or evening pupils. Miss Nellie Lawrence, Phone PALMISTRY PALMISTRY Readings by appolnt-ment. Phone Oreen 127. 1 MUs JAMliB CLARK, Palmist!) "id Crystal Reading. White House 225 Second Ave., Tele- ''uine 767. t- ... 1 . - ... AUCTIONEER QUINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. aril or exchange any kind of furniture household uoods. musical instruments ma hlnery, etc. General repairs, 'luting, packing and Shipping Workmanship guaranteed Jusi Phone Black 120 and we will rail. G. J. BAWL'S, Auctioneer Federal Block tf N A WAGE AN1 TOWING "" it's on or under the waUr we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Tul'y Equipped for Diving and General Balvage Work imu fT KASTUOl'i: F.N (JIN EH heats and Scows o.f all d,cscrlp- tlons for Charter 'w Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldgc Propellers Blnd and Gravel m any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night SCI rjO. Box 1561 Aboard and room ROOM and Board. Phone Red 129 tf.l H TRANSFERS (BaMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Blrclt. Cedar and Jack Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving, phone 204. tf LODGE MEETINGS ELKS' meeting nights First and J Third Wednesdays.' Elks' Home. MUSIC SINGING Lessons. Mrs. Karl Dyb-j havn. Phone Green 618. tf CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and lied Itay Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrens' Diseases Specially Treated KW. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 tt 7 Exchange Bit. 'Opp. Orme's Auction SALE of Household Effects on THURSDAY. MARCH, 2 30 pm. 340 jrd Ave. Next Federal Block , , . ., 'Hotpot jit -electric range. 3 bedn complete, targe victroia. iuu m- tramaphmfe, S-A camera and case. 1 cmnoneer, 4 camp ueua, mn" "Yukon Sleeping robe. Shot gun.) 66 MM. rifle, 2-burner oil stove.; Regina range, breakfast suite. ta- bias, chain, 100 rag rugs, cups and saucers, plates large tapaultn. etc. and usual miscellaneous articles 1 Let us have your goods for this sale 230 p.m. sharp. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Thone Black 120 LAKII KW1HTKV ACT NOTICE K: OrMftwtr of Till. No. S1t-I UH T ami R. liUirk 14. swlktn 1. ('It; of ITimr ltuwrt. Mp SIS. WRSRBAS .auatwtonr proof of loot Um afeove Ortlftc.tr of Title lMUd Ui th naaw of ABsa OmbbMI hM bo ntod In this offtot, boum u lM that I shall at the MDlratton of on. month traes tkw date ai the fmt puMleatlaa Mtaof. Mwu. a trovuionai tMHtfleatt of TNI. In llau of th mi Inet Otrtlficatt. unlavi la th. RMan-, tim mild oactton W mad to mc In wrttlng. DAtbD at UM taad Natiatry Office, PriMc Bwrt, B.C tola SStn day t jMtuary. IStl U. r. UaeLSOD. Mar. i swajiatmr. Demand' the B. R. Brand of Fresh smoked Haddie Cured Fillets ALASKA HIJACK COD Kiri'KRS and BLOATERS Put up bv Oit BACON FISHERIES On sale at all local stores BRINGING UP SuX in " . ml III . 8 nil - HAAGGIEfe STARTING to treat fVE NtCB WiAlN- I DONY KNOW WHETHER I OUGHT TO GBT voumry " The To the readers we suggest that vide an excellent may have for Last season a selling fresh eggs this paper. Chickens, gear, guris, cord may be disposed six times goes Many THE . MINF.KAL ACT CCKTiriCATC OF IMI'KOVCMENT NOTICE 1 Lot. 468S Ooloondk; Lot 4688 Broken HU1: Lot 4T Klnburn; Lot 486a B.r-rvn. Lot 46S8 List Ohaare; Lot 4090 Mither Lodt: Lot 4M1 Renfrew; Lot 093 Apr; Lo: MSS IMtanc: Lot S4V vi.. ttutttil Claim.. rtut Hi h-i! Mlnli:ii OivUhtn of Ciam D :rlot. Locntd on Whll UH MounValt1 on iouth Wat of Wcat Taku ARB t TAKX NOTTOC tba Uaullo Lara Eg-rt. o Tatton and BM.4. af OtV ' Pmrtr.rlg., Trr MiMr's Oartiflcat 44 SOI O and SOMt D. Inland. Ststjr h trsm th data Mraot. to aauT at'nins Reccnkr tit a OirtfttaaV Improveucnta for th. auipvie : nlnlng CwB Onuit af Um aimji And ftwtbar ui notice tbt aation. j .r JSZS3E ' Improvement.. Dated ttria Utb day a January-Mi. i il. UoM. FBASKR. ASM 0l the A.c n-udinc imbit i av FATHER iVe bccn THE, HA.PPV HER A NBCKUACe OR A DOCTOR BRING ME Readersof Daily News" of the Daily News who livc out of town, the classified columns of the-paper pro-' medium for the disposal of articles they sale or exchange. lady at Smithcrs did a large business in direct from the farm by advertising in ' implements, household goods, boats, fishing wood, furl and dozens of other articles of. The charge is two cents a word but for the price of four. people get good results. Wriv nnf vnii? DAILY NEWS Classified Department PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Thursday ss. P. George 10 p.m Friday ss, Princess Mary 10 p.m. Friday-r-sa. Gatala.. .12 mklnlght Feb. 37 s. Pnnceaa Ne-rah p.tr From Vancouver-Sunday ss, Camosun 4 p.m. Wed. as. Pr. Ruport 1030 a.m. Friday as. Catala pjr I 'iday n. Prtneass Mary 4 pm. Feb. 21-s. Princess Norah a m For Naas River and Port Simpson Sundayss. Camosun .....B pin. From Naas Klver ann Port Simpson Tuesday ss. camosun 11 :30 ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Camosun 8 pm. Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 4 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday -ss. . Oamosun pjn. thinwinoi a,dout aan DAYS WHEN lOU tMHMlilllfi . LOWERS A4D, . aaBaanflnillH ID natfHHII I III1RII I CANPV Thurs. ss. P. Rupert pjn. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert . ..10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pan. Friday ss. Catala .. pLm. For North Qurcn CharlulU Feb. 21 as. Pilne John .10 p.::t March 7 a. Prince John 10 tun From North Queen Chnrloc.w Feb. 10--ss. Prince John a.m March 5 ss Prince John ajn. For Alaska Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norah aja From Alaska-Jan .28 sb. Prn Norah pjn Feb. 25 ss. Princess Norah, p.m From Skecna Rivor Friday s. Catala p.m. C. N. IC. TRAINS From Qasv nitndays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 3:30 pjn. For East-Mondays. Wednesdays inH Saturdays. JI-.S0 ajn. " THE MARKET Followuig are reran prkes current here today: ...Appl Yellow Newton, household ....$25.i Yellow Newton, fancy box .... 2.75 Newtons "C" ' .... 2JM Stayinan's Wlnesaps, vox .... 2.85 Spltzenberg, fancy ... 2.75 Spltzenberg "C 250 Winter Bananas, fancy 2.75 Delicious, fancy 335 Delicious "C" 2.75 1 Fruits-Naval Oranges 15c to $1.00 Lemons. Sunkist, doz 40 .uamomia urq.peiruu ...ic u .ui2, Bananas, 2 lbs. ..... 2 Extracted honey, per Jar .. ' Comb honey ... 35 Dates, bulk, lb. .)K. .12.8 . Raisins, bulk. lb. JF.... . .16! Emperor Graupei lb . 26 Lemon and orturge petl ..jsT 30 Black cckiriiiSigsribJte! .16 Currants, lb m .15 citron peel JZ. .35; White figs, lb .15 Apples, dried 20 Peaches, peeled JO Apricots, lb 20 Prunes, 60-70, lb. , JO i Prunes, 30-40. lb J5! Prunes, 40-50, lb 121 Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas .50 1 California soft shelled walnuts 3$ j Walnuts, broken shelled 55 Walnuts, shelled halves .40 Peanuts .... s; Lard Pure L Compound Eecs B.C. fresh nullets, doi. 1 'y.. B.C. fresb first, dos. . ;.. Local newt lalcw Sugar - -Yellow, 10d lbs. White, 100 lbs. ... Butter Wo. 1 creamery, lb 42Vj No 2 creamery. 3 lbs Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to Duy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. UaiBeef, boiling Flour Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat .... 150 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs J5Q Feed tti a. a ill vvneai. no. J Aiperia ixo no. o AiDenw i.ou Oats Jav 4 14 Bran -I JL ttO Shorts Middlings SUQ J. P. MOLLER Licensed Paftnter and Interior Decorator 720 7th Av. W., Prince Rupert P. O. Box 3S7 Phone Red 802 Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 Window Glass and Glazing Nelson's Beauty Parlor Crogulgnole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $70 Skilled artists In all branches of beauty rulture 211 Third Street Phone Blue 561 BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAIl 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings shoulder 2i loin .40 leg .. M TBeef. pot roast 52c to sn 15c to .15 j Beer, roast, prune nb JO Lamb, shoulder 33 Beef, steak .35c to 30 I Lamb, tee .40 i.-h .h, .40 Mutton, si lder 30 j Fih Sg061 .15 man, irozen, to. ilhut, frozen, lb Vegetable 1 20 ! Potatoes Ashcrott, 8 lbs. ... 2i - amm a. id Parsley, bunch .10 , osjlfotnla 0mjf. head "35c and 30 Sptnac Califoarnla, lb .15 OarUt, Imparted, per lb .40 Leek, buuoh .07 Cabbage, B.C .08 Onions. 6 lbs. 3S Califooata. head lettuce, ha .15 -'exlw.n. outdoors. Tomatoes, lo 35 s sprout 20 Tvrnlos. 7 lbs Ji 'T,n tnnwer. Csdltomla, hd 35tov35 lUrifbaib. hotboaee .... il3 Parsnlos, 4 lbs. :,.i p5 :amti. lbs . .' 35 :- !b ffi ' The Dally News can be pur- rlsased at Post Office News Stand, 325 ' (iraiuHte St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince CJciirce. B.C. -R. W Riley. Terrace. B.C. oenemi Store. Anyox. Smtthers Drug Store. Smith- Barley I5TPotanM nrtiii 0 1h 9S LayB Mash 3.10 Oyster Shell 155 SCP 7 J Ground oil cake 436 Fine oat chops 2.00 Crushed oats : S.00 Fine barley chop 1JB Cheese McLaren's Cream, Jars, 45c and M Camembert, 8-oz. pkg. J&5 Kraft Llmberger. Hs 38 Ontario solids . 30 New Zealmd sorters .. .. . . 30 .Stilton, lb .40 Kraft 4R Mnrwerian toquefori. 1 . 80 . ma w w win .va-aa lOorswisoui Ib 30 BrookfteJd Swiss. Vi-'b 3C "'T. f' joklen Loaf lb. Meata - Turkey 30 Fowl. No. 1. lb 38e an1 35 Roasttnf Chicken, lb .40 Broilers tf Ham, sliced, first grade M Ham, picnic, first-grade. 30 Cottage rolls, lb jj Bacon, side, siloed, best grade .65 VeaJ loin 40 Perk Shoulder 3 ) By George McManus muAuwAyssAioYDg -nllll 1 uai&oTOTHiMvtT. , y ; apsV4 WBR6. UMWORTHV OP t yfi!ftRS'.rfO I VVAfi BLAANCV-QUT . . A J 'JtWRWl M& .rgwAT yojwBRE reauSwWMmlH NOWfRCMaiTMbn BWiVn kktt ichr .n Tit. kans ijBsanBs? 7Ul rll R uunct acwu i mai At tnai . 'jflllllillllll I VflKd.-;' ItllH IIMI II T,,M"-w.,-te, . m?uci . .-. . v minim.