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Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION .86 D8 An aerial snapshot of Hawker II irts of No 33 Squadron (Bicester) rehearsing for Royal Air Force display held at Hendon 1.40 .02 ,25 .1$ Saturday, July .18, 1931 BENNETT'S WEAKENING Premier Bennett's weakening will scarcely appeal to his followers as a course to be commended. We have often spoken highly of Mr. Bennett and his work and -we take particular pride just now in pointing to the Australian treaty which his government negotiated and which should prove of great benefit to British Columbia. Here, however, is a different case. After proper thought and consultation the finance minister announces deliberately and with proper political eclat that the revenue of the country is to be raised in a certain manner, partly from income tax. One provision of this tax is that the old time Liberal graduated tax be modified and that after reaching 25 per cent the increases stop, thus allowing those few who have huge incomes to escape more lightly than in the past. The Liberals at once declared it was a rich man's budget and as Mr. Bennett is himself reputed to be many times a millionaire, it was said that he and his rich friends would particularly be the ones who would benefit f rorh the change. The goading continued and as a result Mr. Bennett declared that the change would not be made but that the last year's schedules would remain with the exception of the tax on corporations. Now, Mr. Bennett was either right or wrong when he first enunciated his policy. It must have been a well-considered policy for the budget is something that is always looked upon as a vital document considered and reconsidered by the administration in all its bearings. Also Mr. Bennett still maintains that it was the correct policy and may be reintroduced next year. If the policy was right Mr. Bennett was weak in giving it up just because he was criticized. If it was wrong it should never have been included in the budget changes. It is our opinion that right or wrong, Ir. Bennett would have made a better public appearance by sticking to his guns and ignoring the personal criticisms. If he gives up this, what will he give up next? Will he give up the tariff, if it can be shown that the change benefitted him personally? "H. W "V. CAMPAIGN FUNDS The announcement that huge funds were contributed to the political parties for campaign purposes will startle a good many but it is no new thing. It is being done every year, else how could the parties carry on. People must have known that. They know here that in some recent elections large sums of money were expended in and around Prince Rupert in carrying on the various campaigns. No poor man could conduct a campaign such as those waged here, hire boats, cars, halls, advertise in the newspapers, stop at the best hotels and all from the few local contributions that are made to the political funds. It simply could not be done. Where then did the money come from? Possibly people thought it came from the clouds. We are not condoning the giving of large sums for campaign purposes. AH we wish to mention is that if people who take part in politics are glad to get outside help to fight their political battles they may be sure that the money is put up by someone with an axe to grind. It is unfortunately part of the present system and as long as it costs a lot of money to conduct an election, the money will have to be secured from someone who has a good deal ot it and v ho is willing to contribute. Bf forming ntw. rich Mood Dr. Qise Nerve Food re-tore! the exhausted nerves and remove! the cause of Sleeplessness, Irritability. Headaches and Nerrous Indigestion. Albert W. Burton, farmer of the Sherbrooke district of the eastern townships of Quebec, was workln" in his flr'd during the recent heat wave. It was the luUei wetthr he had experienced in h? thlitv vears on th farm but he riMi' Tiind that. He heard a sizzlin-r ound from his nearby oosebenv natch. Fearing the worst he wen: to Investigate and sure enough, the Roosebrrle4 were merrily cooking on the bushes. That wn too much. Farmer Burton retired to the fhade of his roof-tree to meditate on the pwnibilUIs ot a market for gooseberries cooked on the bush. Nextl District News NEW HAZELTON On Tuesday night a number of Hazelton people attended a plcniT given under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of the Hazelton Hospital. Singing around a bonflr was the chief amusement. Miss Ford Is back at her duties In the Hazelton Hospital after spending her holidays In the Oka-nagan. The farm of Oeorge D. Parent, i 1 1 - 1 I. ...UIhj. vis because of the excellent crops he Is growing this year. Miss. Jean .Burns has been en gaged to teach the junk.- grades j at the public school. PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing AlteraUons Made CollecUon and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 117 Second Ave. Phone 649 Miss Lillian Cross arrived home this morning from Vancouver to spend two weeks holiday with her parents. j Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on. live topics of the day .or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern Journalism. Every letter m,ust be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. AH unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side "of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of' debate. i try Bocklry jc su mm m mm . MUfjpcu. quick. jeyf to npid. "sVkIh Uf" nitrttiza the Ktd toa-ditiofltlwijri prtitat villi couthl ind colds, looicni pKltm, soothes iaflsmcd tWt membrane, peoctrttet bronchi tl piuigrt, itops the couth, check the cold, nd invi(ortte the ijritem. Twv ma IM protect urjjfe Saturday, July 18, l8u THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. FULTON WINS PRINCE RUPERT - BRIT1SII COLUMBIA AT BISLEY Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert 1 Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu King's Prize Goes to Man Who Had II. F. PULLEN -. - - Managing-Editor r; Won It Twie Before ,. 't'..V - Man in the Moon Its Just too bad. I can't pay my rent or my taxes or my grocer and If this condition keeps up much longer I shall have to quit my whiskey, my beer and my taxi rides. An interesting pibject for de bates during the romine fall' months might b;. In It posdhl t ' tell the truth, the wha'e truth and nothing but the truth Ind yet bo happy for even a brief period. I know a lovelv lady i She has enchanting eves She has a balm for every hurt j And tells such lovely lies. "Any luck?" asked the curlo'i-' Individual looking over the rail or! the bridge. "Any luck?" asked the fisherman below. "Why. I caught 40 bass out of here yesterday." "Say. do you know who I am?" asked the man on the bridge. The fisherman replied tht h did not "Well I am the fish, and game warden " The fisherman, after a moment's thought said: "Say. do you know who I1 am?" "No." replied t-he officer. "Well. I am the biggest liar In the country." . BISLEY CAMP. En. July 18: Sergeant A. G. FuUon'of Bisley today won the KlngV Prize when he finished the greatest service rifle shoot in the Empire with a total of 282 out of a possible '300. It !" the third time Fulton has won the King's Prize. Six Canadians in the final stage scored as follows: Sergeant Major Ensile of Toronto, 277. Captain Steele of Ouelph, 270. Sgt. Moore of St. John, 274. Major Richardson of Victoria, B.C., 270. Sgt. Foam of Montreal, 266. Lieut. Desmond Burke of Ottawa, 257. U.S. WINS AT TENNIS! Tomorrow Will Decide Who Is to ' Play Against France in Davis Cup Series .PARIS, July 18:-Thc United; States doubles team, Lott and Van i Ryn defeated the British palr, Hughes and Perry In the inter-zone Davis Cup tennis today. 6-1, 6-3, 4-6. 6-3. giving the United States the. lead cf two matches to one. ! The two tingles games Sunday, will decide the opponents of France in the challence round. WyO Jnsurance and it ivill protect you and yours . TF financial difficulties tempt you to forfeit any of your Life Insurance, first get the expert advice of the company or companiesin which you are insured. They can probably suggest a plan to help you maintain the protection of Life Insurance for yourself and loved ones. Perhaps you intend to allow your Life Insurance to lapse vow and take out new insurance .. later. If so, remember these three facts: Firsf New Life Insurance is certain to cost you much more. Second You may discover too late that yoii are uninsurable. Third The moment you let a Life Insurance policy lapse you deprive your -wife and children of the protection they need. Better play safe. Wise counsel from an authorized Life Insurance representative may saye you money and prevent future hardship. 1 mm my e $SWC m Insurance Service One of a serin e wimii ifanwtJ by Cat tit nd , r buckleVs m (jay : fllhX 1 - British Consols Mixture nc nor Att rite fint fint rim rim AS 4 A0. dose). At At all til druttUu. druRisti. I ClG111 1W A&Ukfinash-ASmcuSPuatf IN A yJll! Yeiow package - - - - Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you.