TOGE FOTJtt LEGION WON AT SOCCER Score of Four to One in Mobley Cup League Game Last Night The Legion took the Regiment football team Into camp last evening in the regular Mobley Cup league fixture winning by fou. goals to one. Legion won the tosa but the Regiment playing uphill were soon attacking and Smith had to .save from Fong and Colusai. Bap tie gut away and Laldler brought off a fine save from his shot. The Regi ment again took up the attack and Norrington crossed a dangerous centre but Jack cleared. The Regiment inside forwards wera.holding the ball' too close and the Legion ' defence were equal to all demands. From a corner kick Fong headed Just past. The Legion now held the balance of play and Baptle and J. Murray were clever and dangerous. Laldler brought off a fine save from Baptie at the expense of a corner. Woodside took the kick and when the ball was cleared he lobbed it back Into goal where W. Murray headed the first goal for the Legion. DeJong,' WIngham and -Edgecumbe kept feeding their forwards but Hadden, Skinner and Jack prevented much shooting and halftlme found the Legion leading) one goal to nil. The Regiment now had the hill In their favor and Coluwl and Norrington made ground but Bussan-ich cleared. Wilson lost a good chance and Edgecumbe shot just wide. Baptle got away again and his shot beat Laldler to put the Legion two goals up. W. Murray nude headway but Watson cleared. Thur-b'er stopped J. Murray and then Woodside forced a corner, after ap parently handling the ball right and Smith saved well twice. Auto and Truck Engin es 10 to CO Horse Power, Suitable for Marine or Stationary Use. Batteries and Generators. Lowest Prires, Write for In formation. VANCOUVER AUTO WKECKING CO. 1219 Granville SU Vancouver Branch Yard at 330 Second Ave. East 1 Enjoying S aside - ! This young lady with the big straw hat Is enjoying respite from heat wave at Chiswick. England. could not score. J. Murray got through and beat Laldler with a fine cross-shot and then Baptie hit the crossbar but the ball was -csambled away. Full time came with the Legion winning by four1 goals to one. Regiment Laldler; Watson, Thurber; Edgecumbe, DeJong. Wingham; Wilson, Lyons, Fong, Co-Uusi, Norrington. j Legion J. Smith; Skinner, Jacks Bussanlch, Hadden, Woods; Wood-tide, J. Murray, Baptle, Ersklne, W, Murray. Referee, J. Thompson linesmen, j C. Barker, 0. Blak. Mark of Respect Prior to the start of the game the teams lined up in centre field and From wittl t-b numbesa of the executive the kick W. Murray gave Laldler noani spectators stood in silence as a bhance with a header and the Le glon were three goals up. The Regiment were doing the major part of the pressing but they were slow to shoot. Following a scramble Lyons at last gave them their first goal Then another (hot bit the up mark of respect to the late Harvey Fraeer. Norrington's corn were cleared learn that square passes make no with difficulty but the Regiment I headway. A pass ahead and a ! quick shot is what gets goals. Lald- HEADACHES Needles pains like headaches are quickly relieved by Aspirin tablets as millions of people know. And no nutter how suddenly a headache may come upon you, jou can always be prepared Carry the pocket tin of Aspirin tablets with you. Keep the larger size at home. Read the proven directions for pain, headaches, neuralgia, etc. Made in Canada Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 566 (Night Calls: Phone 161 1 Distributors of DODGE CARS and TRUCKS jler brought off several splendid Oolussl again turned in a fine game. Lyons was good and got the goal but Fong still' lacks that ability to shoot quickly. He Is clever. Wilson was weak. Johnston Smith kepi a tine goal and Jack and Skinner gave nothing second half. Hadden was clever and Bob. Woods wa a good speller. Bus- ' tnntrh oma a iuflil hnlf thou oh 11 n against the beat wing. Baptie and J. Murray supplied the danger In the forward line. Both got away J. Murray again pulled off one of his handballs to get the ball under control. Such tactics reflect no credit on the player and do the team no good. Why do It? There was a good sized crowd in attendance who, were treated to an Interesting exhibition ef football, Big League Scores National Leatue Philadelphia 4, Pittsburg. 1. Boston 0, Cincinnati 5. New York 7. Chicago 6. Brooklyn 4, St. LouU 1. American League Cleveland 2, New-York 1. St. Louis 0, Boston 2. Detroit 3, Philadelphia 6. Chicago 7, Washington 12. PROGRAM OF course BIG GAMES Next Year. to. be- Outstanding Sport Event of- the Worfd LOS- ANGELES, California, July 18--The final and complete- pro gram of the- games of the tenth Olympiad, to be celebrated in this city from July 30 to August 14, inclusive, 1932, has been announced by the Organizing Committee fo; the Games. The opening ceremony will bs held in Olympic Stadium on Satur- lay. July 30. 1932. at 2- pjn. President Herbert Hoover of the Unite! States, will be officially invited to open the games. During the open !ng ceremony, the parade of na 'ions will take place, with athlete representing 35 countries, led by 'heir respective- national flags marching past the Tribune o' Honor The Olympic flag will b' aised. the Olympic torch lighte-1 nd one athelete will take the Olympic oath- for the teams of al' oarticipating countries. The irames wi)'' continue for IP day- and- nights In 9 stadiums, au 'Itoriwns and water courses. There ill be 133 distinct sports programs representing 15 branches o 'rwrty. The programs will be given 'n the following places: Olympic Stadium Ooenln? Cer--monv Jtilv 30: Track and Field Athletics. July 31 to August 7 'r-lujtfv. FMrt Hoekev Seml-Fl rials and Finals. August 8 and I1 International Demonstration Ln- rtusse. August i. ana 12. uym-1 nasties. August 8 to 12. Inclusive I x-questrtan jumping Events. An 13 and 14. National Demonstration 'American Footba.'l) August ft Closing Ceremony. August 14. Olympic Swim Stadium Swlm- prtnfttifiJvlnK .and;, Water Polo, ja The game was an Interesting onepfottf 0lo,.13flncluslve all the way through with the Regiment having rather the better of the game territorially but falling in thoeting. The inside forwardj played nice football but they should Olymnlc Fencing Pavilion Fen- efng. July 31 to August 13. inclu slve. Olympic Auditorium Weleht- MfHn Jiilv ?rt nd 31 WrsHln3 August 1 to "7. Inclusive. Boxing A"ust P- to l.V inclusive. Rose Bowl Stadium (Pasadena Track Cvcllnir. Aueust 1 to 3. In . - . i rrl-. . 1 . J I ' saves, wtttson auu inuiuri piayru J riilve well at back but in tne seeona nau they got little support flora DeJong who lay too far up the field. At that DeJong played a fine game. Wlngham seems to have found bis proper place at left half. Edgecumbe get annoyed at W. Murray holding him by the sweater but soon settled down to his usual strong game. Norrington took, many corners and was speedy and aways dangerous. Pivtrrs "ojintrv Cub SantJ MvMeiOirndestrlan Sports. August 10 to 11. Long Beach Marine Stadium-Rowing, August 9 to 13. Inclusive. ' . tTud Hler.tedP- o'n1' Ynhtlp Course (L-xm1m Harbor August 5 to 12 Inclusive. The Marathon will be held on A'wnst 7. ovr conrs whlr tarts and finishes in Olympic Stadium. Preliminary field hockey gamM will be held August 1 to 6. inclusive In stadiums near Olympic Stadium The road cycling race will be awaj thouah severely taxed in the.h'w Aust over an excelled The Pentathlon wUl be held An-ust 2 to 6. Inclusive, with the eouestrian. fencing. shootlntr wimmlng and cross-country events held In various stadiums, pavilion with teetles that are not football i and courses.' however, and such may spoil their I Shooting will be held August 12 chances far being selected on a re-j and 13. presentatlve team. Baptle Is the I The Olympic Fine Arts competl-best centre In town. W. Murray got !t Ions and exhibit will be held In two good goals with his bead but ' Olympic Fine Arts Museum con-Woodside was not very dangerous. I tlnuously during the 18 days and The referring was somewhat be- nights the sports programs are in low standard and some of the ex-' progress. perienced players took advantage. Baseball Standings National League w. St. LouU 53 the game being keenly fought out ; yew xotk 45 to the very end. Chicago u 46 Drooklyn 47 Boston 42 Pittsburg 35 Philadelphia J8 Cincinnati 29 L. 33. 35 37 38 41 46 49. 54 Pet. .618 American League W. L. Pet. Philadelphia -.60i 26 (Washington .54 32 New York 45 34 (Cleveland 41 40 ISt. Louis 39 45 Detroit .' 32 52 Chicago 30 51 Boston 30 51 THE DAILY NEWS NAVY BOYS WINNERS AT SOFTBALL In last night's game between th ; C.N.V.R. and Biological Board the navy boys took the long end of it the score being 13 to 11. It was a good game all the way I through, the navy boys having "a nice margin all the way until th?; Tenth Olympiad, at Los Angeles .'ast inning when the Kientifla men1 showed their stuff and co'leTtPd i runs. Bedford for the biological j station connected with one and prtf it up on th? hill somewhere around; the Rupert Hotel, for the longest hit of the year. Batteries R.C.N.V.R. Pitcher and t-csoi Opposing team, Brockleyby and Black. There will be a game Sunday night between C.N.R.A. and Rupert All Stars. W. Held pn behalf of the Cana-'Jationrl Rv. bov l-nrs a fha1-'enge ta play one game of softbad and. one game of baseball against any bali team team in the C1W League. Softball to be played, at C.N.R. Pafk and baseball on Acropolis HUL Let us hear from the city, baseballers. WINNERS IN TENNIS CLUB TOURNAMENT The following tournament games were played "yesterday at the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's courts: Men's Singles W. Mitchell won from S. Darton, 7-5, 6-3. F. E. Robertson won from E. Wilding, 6-4, 6-4. H. Macdonald won from J. Far- quhar, 6-2, 10-8. V. Moore .won from J. McAfee. 1-6. 108, 6-1. F. RtueelLwon from H. Heilbron-jr, 6-1, 6-3. Col. NlchoJls vs. J. N. Hinton, called in the third set at 6-0. LSdies Singles Miss I. Mitchell won from Miss fean Robertson, 6-1. 6-3. Miss F. Smith won from Miss P. Cameron, 6-2, 0-0. SPORT CHAT Baseball players and fans wlK eel keenly the loss to their sport v: well, as to the cltv generally. In the tragic death of Harvey Fravr No- one realised that anything ally frlou'? had hnpenei wheu lhe unfortunate man collaosed oni he fle'd when watching his own team get near to victory. Had they , "tnown thpy would not have con-1 'nued the game. As It was they1 olayed through to the end and! Harvey's team won. I Harvey Fvaser was a good sport ' He could win or lose with equal! good humor. Ills happy disposition j kept everyone else happy and he; wa always ready to bandy words with anyone and could do so with-: out losing hi temper. A few more such men would raise the tone of the game here and elsewhere. ! BASEBALL The City Baseball League schedule for the second half of the season is announced as follows: j Sons. July 20 Native Sons vs. Elks. July 23 Elks vs. Old Empress. j July 27 Native Sons vs. Old Empress. ' July 3C -Elk vs. Native Sons. Aug. 3 Old Empress vs. Elks. Aug. 6 Old Empress vs. Native Sons. Aug. 10 Native Sons vs. Elks. Aug. 13 Elks vs. Old Empress. Aug. 17: Native Sons vs. Old Em- .562 Press. 55 Aug. 20 Elk vs. Native Sons .554 Aug. 24 Old Empress vs. Elks. .500 The scheduled game on July 23, ,432 Elks vs. Old Empress Is to be a be- '424 nefit game for Eddie Smith, who j47 was injured in the Ketchikan series. BIG SiX STANDING .698 629 O. AB R. II. Pet. .570 Stephens E 6 24 4 9 .375 .508 Howe E 4 16 .485 , Arseneau O.E. .6 25 .381 1 Harold E. 5 21 .370 Nelson O.E. 8 28 .370 1 J. Comadlna S. 8 24 0 .375 9 .300 7 .333 0 .321 292 PIPE TESTED . NEWSPAPER MAN ' am a newpaprr man and, likt the majority vj f, $mokt Turret ftlpt tobacco. Why ihouUln't IT With a ntory to catch th ttrtrt edition; barely ajctt minute to fo till 'deadline', thef t tut ISc. and 20c. packaget alto in. Impound tcretc-top. tint. time to fun villi a i'm . . . and uith Turret pipe toltacco one m(rh It enough or the ;wnI. It giret a cool littering intake, that hetpi a speeding brain put punch In a ttory, and ttradf pipe enjoyment doun to the uat tiny golden thread . . . I like that about Turret pipe tobaccof alto. It ti at economical at It I popular. i6 i p 'E TTTllH17rBr M. U MM Mm,mJ jL t o r a c c o A gootlt cool smoke Pipe tested Turret Ina out for thota teho roll their oien 1 1 , , s I Bring your best - to - Prince Rupert The Fair Board is anxious to encourage residents in the districts around Prince Rupert to bring their beet to the FALL FAIR Which will be held the FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER Local residents believe that they can grow flowers bettor than any place within two hundred miles. Can they? The Fair Board would like to have the districts pit their horticultural skill against the Prince Rupert Flower Society and see if they cannot wrest away some of the prizes especially that for the best floral display. ' A cordial invitation is extended to all to compete. Further information can be obteained from Secretary W. D. Vance or from The Daily News, Prince Rupert, Bf