j Why talk about the heat wave, have butterflies to play with? because we know It's a PEACE OUTLET PROPOSAL WAS CONSIDERED BY THE RAILWAYS AND MINISTER Fd -t Weather Trouble Tomorrow's Tides Vf4 W 71 . Sunday, July 19, 1931 High 3:35 ajn. 20:8 ft. 16:24 p.m. 19:8 ft. Low 10:10 a.m. 7:9 ft. 22:30 pm. 5:6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXII.. No. 167. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS GERMANY IS IN LIMELIGHT Mo Announcement Made as to Outcome of Discussions Prior to Statement of Premier Next Week OTTAWA', July1 18r Whilctafrbffleial stattftentaF been made it is understood the Peace River outlet proposal was discussed yesterday at a conference in which Sir Henry Thornton, president of the C.N.R. E. W. Bcatty, president of the C.P.R. and Hon. R. J. Manion, minister of railways and canals took part Thr administration Is carefully nsidrrtng a policy of public work f r the whole Dominion In co-oper ation with the provinces but no an r,' unccment is likely to be made as t whether the Peace outlet scheme will be Included until the Premier makes his official pronouncement MANY FISH IN SKEENA Boats Have Item Making Large Catches Toward Wcek-End Naas fishing Poor Ft.-hlng on the Skeena River picked up wonderfully toward the end of the week, the boats all making good catches of sockeye, all of whirli are beinx taken care of by the canneries. Even at the low prices mid. the fishermen are making fairly good money. On the Naas River there la a different story to tell. The catches them have not been half as large as on the Skeena and unless there Is a decided change soon the season there will be a failure. Trollers have been taking fair catches, varying a good deal at the different point. Two Killed In ! Airplane Crash LONDON. July 18- Mrs. Violet Daring, niece of the Marquls of Zetland and Philip Noble, banker, were killed when Mrs. Daring's air- Plane crashed at Aborfleld. Dcrk-. shire, today. Big Empire Fair Planned T? 17 Tor YanCOUVer, VANCOUVER, July 18 Arrange - I ments will bo njade to stage a I Rrltlsh Empire Industries Exhlb1.- Uon in Vancouver In 1030. Mayor Taylor announced yesterday. asks little Paul Dunbar, when you Paul -can't kid us Its a real one, clever Imitation. Who cares. FEAR PEACE OUTLET MAY BE SHELVED Victoria Government Views With Concern Proposal to Refer to a Commission VICTORIA, July 18: The pro. vincUl government views', with concern the possibility that the Peace River outlet question and the future of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway may be handed over to a lengthy Investigation by the proposed federal general transportation royal commission with subsequent delay In arriving at a decision concerning them. Five Cents On Wheat Export , Two Provinces OTTAWA, July 18-A resolution nrovlding for the payment o( 5c. a hmhpi on every bushel of wheat exported from Alberta and Saskat-iehewan during the present year was placed on th order paper of the House o ommons by Pr. mler Dennett. This taplcmr nU the annauncement made by him In the Duagei, The Weather Dead Tree Point Part cloudy. cnlm. barometer 3u:zj, icmpi-ia- turn Rfi sea smooth. mole island-Part cloudy, west Jcrly breeze, sea smooth. Langara-Ovcrcast. light soutn westerly wind, sea smooth. Digby Island Part cloudy. Ugni westerly wind, barometer 30 -J... temperature 57, sea smooth, PEACE Conference Being Held In Regard to Financial Condition of Germany PARIS, July 18: Chancellor Brucnihg and Foreign Minister Curtiss of Germany arrived this afternoon for a conference with the representatives of the world powers which arc considering financial aid to Germany. LONDON, July 18: Premier Ramsay MacDonald and other government officials cancelled their week-end plans pending the outcome of negotiations at Paris concerning Germany's financial plight. It is announced that Foreign Minister Henderson will remain in Paris for the meeting Sunday morning and return to London Sunday night in anticipation of a meeting of the British cabinet Monday morning to consider the business of the conference of the ministers of seven powers Monday night. The acceptance of France to attend the conference has not been received and her participation depends upon the outcome of the meeting with Brucning and Curtiss today. Fishing Boat Was Burned In , , Alaskan Waters JUNEAU. July 18: The burning of the fishing craft Fairland Wednesday night with Captain R. M.. Cuplc of Tacoma and crew having a narrow escape at Idaho Inlet on Chicago! Island Is reported In a message received here. Vancouver Stocks (Ourtnj S. 13. JeBnitnu'OoJ Dig Missouri. 28. 28. Duthle Mines, nil. AV,. George Copper, nil, 50. Georgia River. 2V4, 3. Ooleonda, nil, 25. O rand view, 4ty. 5. Independence, nil, 1. Indian Mines, 1. lVfc. Lucky Jim, 2, nil. National Silver, 1V4, 2. Noble Five. 4. 5. Oregon Copper, nIL 5. Pcnd Oreille. 50. nil. Premier, 65. 08. Reeves Macdonald, 25, 28. Ruth-Hope,'' nil, 5. Silver Crest, 14, 2. Snowflake. 1, 2Vi. Woodbine, Vs. 1. OILS A. P. Con. 10. 12. Oalmont, 5, 10. Dalhousle, 21, 25. Fabyan Pete, 1, 1V4. Home, 51, 55. .Merland, 7, nil. Mercury. 11, 12. United. 12, 12Vi. Eastern Stocks ..Int. Nickel. HVi. 14Vi. Noranda, 10, 20. O. P.Tt.. 26. nil. Impcrtal Oil, 12Vi. nil. Halibut Landings AMERICAN . . Tongas, 40,000, Storage, 5.8c and 3c. CANADIAN Signal, 10,000.) Storage. 6c and 3c. Cape Spear, 7,500, Atlln, 6c and 3c Kalen, 26,000, Atlln, 6.5c and 3.5c. D.S.T., 4,300, Atlln, 6c and 3c. H.P.O.E. FUNERAL NOTICE All Elks please meet at Metro-pole Hall at 2 p.m.. Monday, Jul ' 20, to attend funeral of the late , Brother Harvey Frascr. OUTLET ST. PETER'S ISBOMBED Infernal Machine Removed But Did Considerable Damage in Rome Cathedral ROME. July 18 A great man hunt was continuing last night for the person who placed a time bomb yesterday morning in St. Peter's Cathedral. The bomb was found and removed but exploded before It could be hurled from the cathedral and did heavy damage. The Pop3 was awakened by the blast. ASK GOV'T TO RESIGN Compromise Tacties Condemned and Supported Fly Opposing German Factions ISEKLIN, July 18: Condemning any tactics of compromise with France In the present financial negotiations, newspapers of the opposition press were yesterday calling for the resignation of the government of Chancellor llrinrich Rruenlng for having entered into negotiations along this line. Government newspapers and those of more moderate views, however, expressed the view that Germany should accept any terms with a view to bringing about the financial rehabilitation of the country so long as no attempt Is made by France to foist Impossible and humiliating terms upon Germany. COSTLY FIRE 0NJSLAND Reaver Lumber Company Suffers Loss Amounting to About $100,000 VANCOUVER. July 18 Fire destroyed a warehouse of the Beaver Lumber Company north of" Chema-lnus and a quantity of machinery with the loss of $100,000, the forestry department Is advised. ' PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER. July 18 Wheat was quoted here this morning at 5814 cents. NOW BEING CONSIDERED Yachtsmen Raced In Storm Yacht Dragoon as she passed finishing buoy in San Francisco bay after a 50-mlle race to Farallon Island. Oragoon is owned 'by Stanley H. Barrow, who was at the wheel during one of the worst storms that this event has ever witnessed. John Barrymore Here Today Says He Is Contemplating Returning To the Legitimate Stage Soon "I am seriously considering giving up the talkies and going back to the legitimate stage," declared John Barry-more, the famous actor, who arrived here early this morning southbound on his fine yacht Infanta. He has been fishing in Alaska and is stopping on the way south to catch a few trout at some of the lakes and streams south of here. Hie reports being very successful In WAITING FOR 0TAWAG0VT. ! j Tolmle Wires That He Eipects to Make Announcement Soon Regarding Public Works I I Mayor Orme received the following wire this morning from Premier Tolmle in reply to a wire sent him regarding the unem ployment relief situation: "Regarding your telegram of the 16th, I am expecting a tele gram some time next week from Senator Robertson regarding the proposals of Parliament for unemployment relief, following which I will be In a position to advise regarding the proposed program of public works." MAGAZINE DUTY DOWN Cut In Troposed Increases Announced by Premier In House Yesterday OTTAWA. July 18-Rcductlons In' the proposed duties on magatlnw entering Canada were anounced bv Right Hon. R. B. Bennett in th House ot Commons yesterday. , both salmon and trout-fishing In Alaska and Is looking forward to the sport In British Columbia. Mr. Barrymore says the movie business Is all shot to pieces and he has pulled out, at least temporarily, and he Is very strongly Inclined to return to the legitimate stage. Ills sister had a successful season last winter and he sees greatly renewed Interet In the thea tre, reopie ne claims are wring oi the talkies. Mr. Barrymore is accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Barrymore, formerly Dolores Costello. and her jn-months old daughter. The Infanta Is a steel twin screw yacht 120 feejln length and with a cruising speed of eleven and a-half knots. In command of Capt. Otto Matthles and a crew o.' twelve men. John was not at home when th Dally News representative called this morning but was seen on th-street later and he chatted pleasantly In regard to the theatre and the sport he was having. He Is taking about a dozen barrels of salt king salmon home with him to Los Angeles, fish that he caught himself He sayo they are very good salted Nick durvleh accompanied by his son Nina and his daughter Mllle arrived home this morning on tl Prince Henry. While away he visited the Mayo Clinic at Rochester and also tried one of the southern hotspriwrs but without any goo-i results. He Is still 111 TRAGEDIES VANCOUVER Two Children Drown and Girl Falls to Her Death Two Children Rescued VANCOUVER, July 18: Two children were drowned and a 20-year old University of B.C. student fell to her death from the thirteenth floor of the Medical and Dental Building here yesterday afternoon. Edward McEvoy, 12 years of age, of Seattle, was drowned at Spanish Banks. Ter-rence O'SulIivan, 8, was drowned in the Fraser River at the foot of Angus Street. Winnlfred Bruce, 20 years old, was killed in the falL The Spanish Banks tragedy almost claimed two other lives, two friends of the McEvoy child being rescued. BREAK-UP DEVELOPS Post and Gatty Part Company With Wealthy Financier of ... ThelrWorld Flight NEW YORK. July 18 Relations' were definitely broken last night between Wiley Post and Harold Gatty, who recently took the monoplane Winnie May around the world In record-breaking time, and F. C. Hall, Oklohama oil man, who spent $50,000 in backing the flight. Trouble had been brewing ever since before the starting ot th flight between Post and Hall over several differences of more or less importance. Meantime, Hall Is looking for another crew to take the Winnie May on a projected tour of the United States and Is stated to be planning to back another flight with a view to breaking the eight-day record of Post and Oatty. CHECKING PRISONERS Los Angeles Tries to Find Out the Number of Substitute Prisoners In Jail LOS ANGELES. July 18 Three thousand prisoners in the county Jail here are being thoroughly checked up to ascertain how many are substituting for the real of-fendors. The check-up follows charges which were voiced earlier In the week by Judge Blake that booUeggers and other law-breakers were using substitutes to appear In court for them and serve their Jail terms. It Is declared tha; young men and unemployed hava been receiving $5 as wages for such services. CROP POOR ON PRAIRIES Free Press Says It Is Worst in 29 Years and Rains Have Not Improved Situation WINNIPEO, July 18: Drought breaking rains of the last three-weeks failed to bring a general improvement In the west's wheat crop, according to a general crop report In the Free Press today. In some cases It was noted that further deterioration had taken place In the conditions reported six weeks ago as the poorest crop in 29 years. ai- 14