PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS niKMaamrmtsa Don't Wait UNTIL YOUR CAR GROANS A PROTEST! It's a wise motorist wlio keeps his car thoroughly greased and oiled. He saves himself the cast of burned out bearings; he saves himself time, troubleannoy-ance and constant repair expense. He Is the man who cpmes here regularly for our superior greasing service. GREASE TODAY! Tomorrow may be too late. DrlVe In . . . place your car In the care of our experts. They find spots that require grease you perhaps never knew existed on your car. Stop today! Walt for your car If you wish! S. E. PARKER, LTD. FOKI) DEALERS The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily Ily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Your Radio TellsJhe Truth IP OU can't fool your i radio by th lire ' r-.S (WJ ... BK. or thane of a batttry. NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered daily from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanita tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE JtUPLRT DAIRY Rox 895 Phone 287 about BATTERIES It aoon trill the insid lory of economy and arrvice. Hear it apeak up in gratitude when you connect it to Eveready Layerbillt the batteriea that give better rraulta, for a longer time, at lower cost The exclusive Layrrbilt construction enablei Eveready to pack more power in each battery than wa ever possible before. That it why it paya to Iniiit on Eveready Layerbilta. SetJ l Radio Slortl ettrywhtrt. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO., LIMITED Calgary Vancouver TORONTO Montreal Winnipeg Owitt titdr Xtdit StMtioa CKNC, Tereate EVEREADY Radio Batteries rd a S. Ea Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Oars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Oas St Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 ADDITIONS TO LIBRARY Volumes Recently Added to Shelve of Tublic Library Include the Following ' Russia Today and Yesterday, bv E. J. Dillon. Oreen Hell, by Julian Duguld. The world's Great . Adventure, Polar Exploration, by F. T. Miller. HISTORY Holding the Line, by Harold Baldwin. Turning Points In History, by Lord Birkenhead. Songs and Slang qf the British Soldier, 1914-1918, by John Brophy. J Orandeur and Mlsery.of Victory ay ueorge wemenceau. Kitchener's Mob, by J. N. Hall. The Crusades, The Flame of Islam, by Harold Lamb. The Old Front Line, of John Masefield. My Experiences In the Work! War, by J. 7. Pershing. Ooodbye to the Battlefields, bv H. A. Taylor. East and West through Fifteen Centuries, by Q. F. Young. , FOR YOUNO PEOPLE Animals In Black' and White, b; Eric Fitch. Big Aviation Book For Boys, by J. L. French. A boy Scout With Byrd, by Pau Slple. Movement to Open Up the Unuk Country KETCHIKAN, July 17: The re cent visit of the federal and territorial mining Inspector was the oc casion of a conference with local mining and commercial men with a view to having the Unuk River road development become a real Dr. Mandy of Prince Rupert has been active in promoting the enterprise with a view to opening up the, Unuk as a mining district. Part of the mineral showings are on the Alaska side and part on the British Columbia side. If the country Is to be developed there will have to be co-operation of the two countries. Auditorium DANCES TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY 0 to 12 Password to Happiness Ladies 25c Gents 50c Blue Birds Orchestra THE TRUTH Our crowing list of satisfied customers is proof enough that our prices and quality are the best. Come and convince yourself! Creamery Dutter 91 i per lb B. St K. Pastry Flour 10's I fin per sack - Uv Lump Sugar 2's 9ft F per pkg SUC Malkin's Dest Strawberry Qp Jam. 4's. per tin Vtfl Malkin's Best Tomatoes flftp 2iy. 3 tins 1UI Malkin's Best Spices 1 n 2 Uns Crosse & Blackwclls Mixed f Cp Pickles, large Jar Mtfl Hothouse Tomatoes fl per lb Cantcloupes - 4p each X'iO 40C 3 for Mussallem s Cash and , Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3G0 Phone 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Busy Time at Experimental Station Vera Beatrice In Trouble Weighty Mariners, and Their New Boats Just now the Fisheries Experimental Station is one of the busiest places in the city. It matters not to the 14 members of. the scientific staff working at their respective investigations, whether salmon sells at a high price or low or if there is a ?;iut of halibut or a crop failure on the prai ries. They have their jobs and are doing thqm to the best ot their ability. Most of them are in shirt sleeves or wearing professional looking white coats. As they manipulate test tubes and vials, anu watch eagerly for the result of their experiments they become od- livious to lay visitors and careless of time. Results are what they arc seeking. The iinnir storpv nf t.hp npw ft - - , i . i j . , . i i. uunumg is uuw tumuBb cuuipict-u and Dr. Young expects to move in before the end of the month. Then the real work will commence In that department. Just now they are overhauling the apparatus and getting ;eaay ior operation. Dr. W. H. Martin of Uie University )f Toronto Is at the station investigating the cause of the mud which n occasion has caused the loss of nets at the mouth of the Skeena River. So far the mud has not been reported this year but as soon as it lppears this man will be on the Job. The 'Anna S. arrived In port re-:enUy from a herring seining expedition. A few herring weie found ind disposed of to the fishermen as live bait but not enough to be profitable. Another boat to go out after her ring waif, the Zenafdtf Capt. Bob Gammon. This boat Is reported to have made one good haul and then the fish disappeared and no more could be found. Waterfront habitues are framing a race between two famous speed toats and a prize of a special redue ng course is to be offered for the vinner. The race is to take place between Prank Stevens on his newly icquired "On Time" and M. P. Mc- Cafferv with the "Kly" which he has Just nut into commission. Vn- tll the race comes off the owners of these fine bodta content themselves with telling how long it takes to cross the harbor to the Salt Lakes. The On Time formerly belonged to Jack Boddte and was purchased lust now from Verge Moore. She has been renamed the Oladys M A new Chevrolet engine has been installed and the upperworks rebuilt at the Suga yards. The Kly is the product of the Kly yards. "No smoking" la a prominent sign in the newly christened Oladys M. Steve sees danger in the fragrant weed, especially aboard a more or less fragile speed craft so he will have none of it. He has a picture of La boat alire snppea irom a recent copy of the Dally News posted In a uromlnent olaee as a solemn warn- Hons pick out the best of the me diums an dgrab them off the lines, leaving the chickens and the whales for the fishermen. Another pest of the fishermen at times is the seagull. He is fond of herring and when the fisherman uses live bait and is letting out the baited long line he has a nasty habit of diving for the bait and carrying It off. The only way to stop the game is to kill one of the birds. Then the others take warning, wink the other eye and try some other game for diversion. It must be terribly, dull for the aea gulls Just flying around, looking Until It appears he Is analyzing the for food, swimming laiily on the samples taken last year and pre- surface or gathering for an after taring data. .noon gossip. No wonder they some times take up the sport of carrying Captain Jud Thurber had a fire a shell fish up into the air and recently aboard the Vera Beatrice dropping them on to the rocks to when about off Rose Spit. Reports break them open. Some of them get state that he suffered burns but quite expert and smash a shell the that not much damage was done to, first time, the boat. He proceeded to (he banks near North Island and plans to bring In a catch Just to show that it takes more than a little fire to put a good fisherman out of business. The fire was caused by a broken oil pipe. Talking of sea gulls, is It true that they destroy a lot of salmon eggs on the small streams or do I they feed chiefly on the dead fish they find there. It is often alleged that they are responsible for the destruction of a great many fish but nobody seems to know exactly how many they take. The regular whiff man is taking holidays. It got so quiet on the waterfront that Alex could stand It no longex. He had to quit until things Improved. This he expects will be in about two weeks. He says to stroll around the wharves on a Thursday afternoon gives him the Jimmies. The men he sees there are like the sea gulls, just moving about trying to amuse each other. It was not so bad until Shef Thompson left for his holidays. Then It became unbearable. By the by, did you near about Doc Alexander and Charlie Starr and the new bent. Well it's something like this. There two old salts were off for a cruise to South America or the Salt Laket, or somewhere. They got away without apparent accident and had gone but a short distance when the fly wheel became disentangled from the rest of the mess, and sat sorrowfully in the corner of the engine room refusing to do heavy duty on a speed boat. The engine said he'd be blamed if he'd work If the flywheel quit so the whole bally works jrtcraed and there was nothing to da tut s&k a tow back to the floats. The party aboard was transferred to a real yacht and repairs were made. That's the story as it came to us. It may be right or it may be wrung. Four new patrol vessels were put into service in British Columbia Waters by the Dominion Depart ment of Fisheries early in June. All ' lng against striking matches to see four boats, powered with full diesel how full the gas tank Is. , engines and haviilg a cruising speed Joe Howe has taken over the old Field premises and has about ten thousand dollars worth of Junk and new material there which he is sorting out and planning to sell. All he needs today Is a market for his ituff. if he does not get it soon he vlll polish up the stock and sell It for new. At any rate many people will be glad to know that Joe is In business at the waterfront and will ilve him the once over when they need anything. The Don Q from Klemtu has been In for extensive repairs at the Suga yards. Hair seal hunting seems to have replaced fishing for some of the na-' tlves of the coast, One boat Is said to have taken SSO seals and cashed In on the bounty to the profit of the hunter and the benefit of the fishing i4ndutry. They tell a story on the waterfront about tea Hons. It seems that ! these animals are very Intelligent, j Like a crow they khow If the flsh- erman has a gun. When the fishermen are hauling In halibut the sea of nine knots, proved very steady and seaworthy in ther (rial runs. One of the boats, the Merrysea 3, replaces a former boat of the same name In the Howe Sound district, making Vancouver its home port. Black Raven 2, whose predecessor was unfit for further service, has gone to the Alert Bay district, and Oncrka 2 is at the Queen Charlotte Islands. The fourth new boat, Egret Plume 2, has the west coast of the Queen Charlottes as its base. . Fishery operations in British Columbia are subject to licenses imposed by the provincial government Suits Made To Your Measure Extra I'ants Free! $24.50 M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone CG3 Next Benson Studio as well as those imposed by the Dominion of Canada, as follows: Provincial Licenses and Taxes . Salmon canneries $1,500.00 Salmon dry-salteries 1,500.00 Pllcnard reduction plants .. 500.00 Herring dry-salteries 500.00 Pilchard canneries 100.0C Herring canneries 100.00 whals reduction Dlants .... 500.00 Dogfish and offal reduction plants wv-w Shellfish canneries 1-00 Salmon buyers I-OC Salmon glllnet 5.0C Salmon drag seine 25.0C Salmon purse-seine -. 50.0C Salmon trap 25.00 Lake glllnet and seines 1.00 Dominion Licenses Abalone $ 1-0 Codflshlng 100 Crab 1-00 Grayflsh or dogfish 1.00 oillneti herring or pilchard 1.00 Draa seine, herring or pil chard 5.00 Purse-seine, herring or pil chard 5.00 Purse-seine or drag seine capt tin 1-00 Miscellaneous fish gillnets 1.00 Smelt or sardine glllnet 1.00 Smelt or sardine drag seine 1.00 Smelt, sardine purse-seine 1.00 Salmon glllnet 1-W) Salmon gillnet boat-puller 1.00 Salmon dray seine 20.00 Salmon purse-seine 20.00 Salmon trap 50.00 Salmon trolling 1.00 Sturgeon glllnet 1-00 Lake gillnet or drag seine .. 1.00 Lake gillnet for sturgeon .... 250 Chief Tapect brought in 60,000 pounds of salmon for the Cold Saturday Julyjj, nuay and Saturd, TWO SHOWS - 7 4 , Worry Routed, Glooming WHEELER and WO0LSt, "Hook, Line Sinker" wan uorouiy Lee Raif.i old, Jobyna Howland. v nioorhtad Turning a Broadway hotd a ntit-hniii rnn.i... Storage this week gay 45.000 Both b mon plentiful. ' III II VIM. v. ailir u.n. in. . wniriwinu whoopct comedy Mluli cut Parlrwin "XIIF Mni. .. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND -.... u j,. PARAMOl NT NEWS ADMISSION , J0t4 feature Starts at 1 lit; SATURDAY MATINEE il! 15c & 40c Feature SUrti! MO.NI1AY and TTESDl "DISHONORED" QUIPV A DP. OI'EKA HNU O. T. I. 20,00O-TON FLOATING DKYftOCS Engineer, Machinists. HollermnkerH, Blacksmiths, I'tltcri Makers, Founder, Woodworker, EI.ECTWC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant In Equipped to Handle All Kinds o( MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 IVI'j AlUi UI'I'I'.KllMi: DISCOUNT ON COM For Cash at the Hate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $!3.K Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $1M Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, Slid HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 1MIONK 580 mld Anyone ma social lion tiiis A fuiled.batteretl hat is hardly respectable , , . ct no worse than tlull.grayluoking ies ...your morning toilet should always Include a 'Nugget" shine which vaterproofs the shoes as It polishes. 0V JSg GGET SHOE POLISH (Jhc NUGGET TIN cjuJiiiiUli aliiUtl