fAOKTHRgl THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, July li, 1931 NOW OPEN! In Our New Store Ormes Ltd. yfut Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 RAILWAY FROM PEACE RIVER c. (Continued from page one) tele rusualties and pension bll's tu show for It. If we spent one or two hundred million now In needed public works we would be nothing cut of pocket for there would b! use's 'o show for IF if economically .spent Even if few of ttw rrkv " ompllshed were not prer.-ilnnlv needed at the moment tn? few v 'rs' Interest cnialled throuch j prema' ure provision would be bai-by saving In cost. The rre- mlcr of Alberta Is reported as hav j Ing Mated that certain excavation! could be accomplished now at half j 'he "st of a year or1 "so ago, pro-Tiding the work were done by con- trart on a business basis and not u fleemon-nary "relief." Here H he kev contract work with a rea-tcnalil' wage stipulated. Pacific Coast Outlet Amujip the public works Jon-i run;-:ri abundantly Justified and r- t needed is a more direct Pa-r r :i t outlet for the twenty c . m acres of arable land in tin P-ar with its present population ot r,;n''v to a hundred thousand inif a potential population of a greater leader"! of both political parties ti"e pledged themselves to this. A e-'rppT'.iTp investment of twenty-tlx m;::i on dollars calls for devel-rpmnr m order that the money fcmrtv spent be made productive rf n.ite nrnflU A ralMilatml ': "f four cenU a bushel in ' of wheat shipment and other Etv.riL'v nn mborne and outborne f-'mmrrcc would to the settler rake 'he difference between profit nrt m times like the present T" your city what would it Jr.'-an1 Drifters now a burden to T"a w-'iirt be put to work on con-rn i n The slack In the labor rk" would be at once taken up. If "uid relieve you of a dlrrc ' irrien ,,ruj a potential source ot tn- irrr.tion and crime. "B'J that would not be all. Rails u!d be needed, as well as other 'Tilpmem and supplies. Business v improve In various lines. Ttia' vnild create demand for ' "er pi odurts. and so It would go. Thn Pulse of business would be Q'!i :k 'iirrj and the chariot of pro sper ifv would be Riven a start on " H is the first Impulse that l" r ird to Impart after a period r" Cepii'.ssion. An ounce of activity SHEET METAL WORK and Roofing HOT AMI HEATING and VENTILATION Alexander Murray's Approved Roofers. Work guaranteed for 10 and 20 years by bonding company. S teens Limited p 0. Box 928 Phone S Third Ave. & Fulton St. then Is worth a pound at a later stage. Other Projects 'Though appealing to you especially to support the demand for .1 Coast outlet we are by no means oblivious to other needs but stand prepared to support Judicious ex pendltures for highways to servo settlers and to promote tourist traffic. The national outlook must be preserved in all these matters. Tq a large extent good and hard times are the result of mass psychology. When everybody thinks times are hard they become so However, the situation is not Improved muchhy empty talk. There must be grounds for revival of confidence but once underway It roll up like a snowbaU. Until started Uj revolve it makes no headway. 'The cue Is plain. We believe the logic will appeal to you as sound Will you Join our appeal for an Immediate start on a more direct. coast outlet for the Peace? Will you bring It to the attention cf your member of parliament and of your city press? Will yon think. talk and urge aggressive action? We rely on your help. "Hard times won't last forever. The world will again want our pro ducts at a paying price. Canada will continue to Droduce andtex- pftt wheat. Our futtire position is assured. The present is trying. We can Improve it by corageous lnita five. "We believe In Canada, believe In the Peace and believe in the need for a coast outlet. We believe now Is the time to commence it. There would be traffic for it by the time It could be completed. We rely cn your help to get it started this year." Vancouver Stocks (Courtesy S. D. JofcmW, Oo. Big Missouri. 26. 30. Cork Province, nil, 1. Duthie Mines, 4, 44. Oeorge Copper, 40. 45. Georgia River, 2V4, 3. Oolconcla, SO, 25. Orandvlew, 4, 3. Indian Mines, 1, nil Kootenay King, 1 Z National Silver. lVfc. 1. Noble Five, 5. . Oregon Copper, 0 5. Pend Oreille. 70, T3. Premier, OS, 70. Porter-Idaho. 314. 51. Reeves Macdonald. 36, 33. Rufus-Argenta, 2. 3. Stiver Crest, 14". 2. Snowf take. X 3. Topley Richfield. 1V. lft. Woodbine, nil 1. OILS Merland, 7. 8. . Haroal, 64. 8. A. P. Con.. 10. 11. Mercury. 114. H-Calmont, nil. 8. Dalhousie. 31. nil. Home Oil, 38, 00. Eastern Slocks Noranda, 184. nil. C. P. R.. 2014. nil. Imperial Oil 12. nil. Inter. Nickel. 13. nil. Con. M. & S.. 09. nil. Peter Wesley. Indian, for having liquor In his possession, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment without option of fine by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday afternoon. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED S!fmfr li- rrlnrc Huptrt f or Vanroums cat.u.a r.vt:nv Tt r.sn.w. uo r.M, Arriving Vancouver, Thi rsday Morning. CAKI1F.NA F.VEKY mill.tY MIDMOIIT IV..1.1 Arriving Vancouver Bundir midnight ppro. ""! Mlllngt to Port Simpnon, Allc Arm, Anyoi, BUwrt tnd Ni Blvr poinu, 8und. 8.00 p.m. rid?.,,?rmft.'on 'Srllng H Mlllngt and tlcUU it - fniMT ntrniT XoKNTV: Srrnnil irmir rhow 80S Local Items Dinnerware, cliina, crockery, glassware, Ilellbroner'i Store. Tickets and reserved seats on sale at Arseneau's Store for "Royal Russian Chorus," Friday, July 17. ti The regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club was held In the Com modore Cafe today. There was a good attendance of members. President C. C. Mills was In the chair. E. M. Haynes, Post Office inspector, who has been spending the past week or so here and in the district on official duties, sailed yesterday afternoon ty the Prlnc-- t-. M tt a. a- nppert on nu return u vancou ver. William P. Eve has been ap pointed to act as deputy coroner at Anyox during the Illness or during the absence or on written request of George S. Macdonald, coroner at Anyox, the B. C. Gazette announces. Harry Thrupp of the C. N. R. division freight office sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Ruperl for a brief trip to Ocean Falls on company business. He will return to the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning. Stephen H. Hoskins, transferred as government agent at Smlthers to Anyox in a similar capacity, arrived In thc'citylrom the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed last nlhi on the Prince Charles for the smelter town to assume his new duties. Fisheries of the Skeena River and elsewhere In this district figure prominently in a featured article. ;The Private Life of Mr. Sockeye." appearing in the maga zine section of the last Vancouver Sunday Province. The author is Douglas W. Fowler. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo torfhtp Ntfroo arrived In port early this mortilng from Ketchikan anl sailed t 10 o'etotk for Seattle. Whfl&B!;Tljfi vsjssel discharged two carloads of fish from Ketch'. kan for transshlDment East over the Canadian National Railways Radio broadcasting station KJR of Seatt'e last nlaht played "Youre the One I Care For." for Myrna of Prince Rupert The same station also played "It's a Lonesome Old Town:'' tor Grandma Black rf fttcagway from her granddaughters at Prince Rupert. At request of Myrna of Prince Rupert. "Wabash Moon" was played for her cousin at Bkagway. Mind Vour Health and Drink Daily rure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY fhone lied 608 P.O. Box 45 Visitors Welcome PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817, Second Ave. Phone 649 SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangcll. Juneau and Skarway July 17. 20. 21. 27. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle .-.July 13. 18, 22, 25. Arlluteuale, Ocean Falls Nauru, Alert Bay, Campbell Ither, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 pm. Full information from WC. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. it 4th St. Phone 31 7VFV Prl'JTJ Hr IT 1 I'll I k 1 L1 snap! crackle! Gazette. Jt That's the way Rico Krispies sound when you pour on milk or cream. The crispiest cereal ever made I Rice Krispies are toasted rice grains. Golden-brown. Delicious for breakfast, lunch or supper. Add fruits or honey. Oven-fresh in the red-and-green packafe. At all grocers. Made by Kel logg in London, Ontario. 1 RICE KIIISPIES RICE A KRISPIES blg A meeting of the Fair Board, which was to have been held last evening, was postponed until tomorrow night. A charge against Paul Zygmun. Westholme Rooms, of keeping liquor for sale was dismissed by Mag istrate McClymont In city police court this morning. Mrs. G. P. Helnekey of Stewart. whose home was recently destroyed by flames, was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning bound for a trip to Victoria. Harold Francis Shaw, provincial collector at Smlthers, has been appointed to be a commissioner under the Evidence Act. It Is announce! in the current Issue of the B.C George H. Arnold left at the end of the week for Vancouver wher his marriage to Miss Norah Rivett formerly of the local school teach Ing staff. ; will takct place iln-thr near future. Third Rupert Troop of Boy Scouts., under leadership of Scout master P. C. Miller, will be leavhu- on August 3 for Lakelse Lake where they will go Into summer camp for two weeks. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A E. Dickson, returned to port at li o'clock this morning from Anyox Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. R. J. Spokely. who has been act ing as editor of the Tribune newspaper at Ketchikan, which was recently merged with the Chronicle was a passenger aboard the Norco this morning going through to Seattle. Nick Sutllovlch. well known hotel man of Alice Arm and pioneer re sldent of Prince Rupert, arrived In the city a few days ago after a sir-months' visit to his native home In Jugo-Slavla. In a few days he will be proceeding to Alice Arm. In last Saturday's Vancouver Sun appears a picture of the new bridge across Oalloway Rapids on the Skeena River highway. The brllee is described as "one of the finest in the province, built under superintendence of S. B. Willis-croft of Vancouver." As the steamer Prince Rupert was pulling out yesterday afternoon for the south, considerable attention was attracted to one of the men tourists who. consldenb'y inebriated, hurled money sliver and bills from the deck of the steamer to newsboys on the dock. Some ot the boys made quite a haul until CNR. Constable David Geddes came along to take charge of the affairs as well as what money was left. Some ot the bills were blown Into the waters but boys were soon on hand with boats to salvage them. ANNOUNCEMENTS i ' Moose Whist Drive and Dance July 23. Eacle's Dance. Frtdav July 24 Ladles refreshments. Gents. 50c. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. Moose' Ladles' Whist Drive and dance tonight, 8:30. Adm. 35c. 162 9 t Glasses fitted bf regiitered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Mr. and Mrs. W. B .Morgan and child of Hays Cove Circle left at the end of the week for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Miss B. Efford of Vancouver ar rived in the city on the Catala. Sunday and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dlbb, Graham Avenue. Ernest Unwln sailed last night on the Prince Charles for Port Cements whence he will proceed to Tlell to pay a holiday visit to friends. G. Coverdale. who is an emnlove here of the Canadian National Railways, left at the end of the week for a holiday trip to Vancou ver. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Johnston sailed last evening on the Prlnca Charles to make the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inle! points. William Barton, teller In th-j local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, sailed at the end of th; week for his annual vacation visit to Vancouver. A charge against Jack McRae of being found in a beer parlor while a minor was dismissed" by Magistrate McClymont in city pc-'ice court this morning. A charge against Fannie Skog of attempting to supply an. Indian with liquor was dismissed by Magistrate McClymont in city police court yesterday afternoon, i A charge against Paul Zygmunt. Westholme Rooms, of supplying liquor to Indians was dismissed by Migistrate McCylmont in city police court yesterday afternoon. W. E. Colllson and wife and daughter. Joyce, will sail tomorrow morning on the Prince Henry for i holiday trip to Vancouver, Victoria and elsewhere in the south. Mrs. E. H. Simpson ot Massett, vho has been paying a visit to the ?lty. sailed by the Prince Charlei 'ast evening on her return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. She wi.i accompanied by Misses E. and I. Moorehouse of this city, who will be her guests at Massett. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupcn's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roomt A. J. rilUMIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Bts. SAVOY J. F. Anderson, city. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. Prop THE HOTEL UOKT1I IVIIII.E Hot As Cold Water. Strain Heat 15c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphnn tMt ROYAL Stan Inglls. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. B. Colbachlnl, Terrace; R. Houghton, city. Knox Hotel Arc Our MEALS Oood? Our Guests Say They Are. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIilY FOK SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH rASTEURIZF.D MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT New Strike on Moose Property at Alice Arm Other Activity There to Develop Stewart Property A new strike of ore has been made on the Moose property in the Upper Kitsault Valley at Alice Arm by J. Strombeck, pioneer prospector of that district. The ore is composed of galena, carrying silver-lead and zinc values. The vein is five feet wide andean be traced on the surface for over 1000 feet. Not enough work has been done to determine the richness of the ore body but it is known that some of the ore is very high grade. Samples which have been broucht in to Alice Arm show it to be A tunnel 20 feet ions: has been . driven on the ore and some surface striDDing has been done. It is Mr Strombeck's Intention to continue surface work during the summer. The Moose is one of the best known properties of the upper Kitsault country. It Is in the heart of what is known as the silver belt and contains proven ore bodies carrying good silver values In addition to the latest strike. It is owned by J. Strombeck and Miles Donald. Ralph Ingraham of Anyox arrived at Alice Arm last week from his Highlander group of mineral claims where he has been doing development work. The Highlander consists of four claims and is owned by Messrs. Ingraham and Jones. It is situated on McGrath Mountain and has an ore body on the property which is reputed to be over 100 feet In width. The ore carries lead, zinc, silver and gold values. It has been favorably commented upon by various mining engineers. Some fine samples of ore were brought down to Alice Arm last week by Ralph Ingraham. A 'tunnel, 30 feet In length, has been driven on the pro perty and surface work has also been done at several points. Wright it Hlnton, surveyors of Prince Rupert, are at present surveying the Keystone mining pro perty on Roundy Creek in the Alice Arm district. The Keystone Mining Co. intends to obtain a crown grant to the property. F. R. Griffin, who Is associated with Joseph Creek in the Fraser and Patricia groups of mining claims on Marmot River at Stewart, are now busy preparing to Institute immediate development work on the two properties. For the time being, it is the intention to open up various showings with a view to proper sampling. At the outset, their work Is somewhat handicapped as a re suit of the trail up the north fork having fallen into disrepair, being blocked at many points by small slides. John A. Anderson, road superintendent for Atlln district with headquarters at Anyox, returning recently from a trip Into the Telegraph Creek section on official business, declared that the Tele graph Creek district is the most prosperous mining community now In the whole ot Atlln riding. Mr. An derson states that there are three hydraulic outfits working the placer gold deposits there, one on McDames Creek, one on Mosquito Creek and another on Dcase Creek. There Is also a smaller outfit work ing on Gold Pan Creek. Two Key stone drills are also seeking placer gold one on the gravel bar below Telegraph Creek and the other at the mouth of Dease Creek. A dredge Is also being assembled on Clear- . water. : Another Interesting document emanates from the Department of Mines In Victoria in the form of a 47-page booklet entitled "British j Columbia, the Mineral Province of Canada." The book is designed as a short history of mining In the province, a synopsis ot the mining laws In force, statistics of mineral) production to date and a brief summary of the progress of mining during 1930. All these subjects are car- ried out In a. very admirable manner Northern and Central British Columbia gets a full share of attention In the publication. Many at tractive illustrations Include views 'of Spruce Creek placer workings in the Atlln district, the Granby Co.'s plant at Anyox, Boulder Creek placer workings near Atlln, the Porter-Idaho tram near Stewart, Lome Creek In the Omlneca mining dls-1 trlct, the Ingenlka Mines Ltd. camp, Pondosy and Whltesall Lakes in the j central Interior, the Tahtsa River above Emerald Landing In the 8tl-klne River countty. Ernest Love, head of the Stewart telephone system, arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from Stewart for a brief buslneu visit heie. He was formerly superintendent of utilities in Prince Wednesday Special APPLE JELLY SPONGE SANDWICH 20c " The Electric Rakery We Deliver Phone 667 Suits Made To Your Measure Extra Pants Free! $24.50 M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. . Phone 663 Nest Benson Studio Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 568 (Night Calls: Phone 161) . Distributors of DODGE CARS and TRUCKS SUITS Made to Your Measure $30.00 and Up Cleaning & Pressing for Ladies & Gentlemen Sharman Co. Phone: Black 78 Opposite Post Office Wjjr Just Phone ! 1 Sometimes when a vacuum ! cleaner feels temperamental j and loses Interest In scurrying I away with the dust settle- ments it's a very simple trou-i ble. We are intimately ac quainted with all makes ot vacuum cleaners, and wo know how to persuade them to go on about their business with a stout heart and lots ot vigor. We repair all things electrical. Parkin Ward Electric Company Repair Shop 319 Third Ave. tou ... - . .WK UtiiHaW it lis - m 5