PAOK tWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenu ; "H.; F, FULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or earlier, yearly period, paid In advance ....... For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month ....... By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period ,. ....... By mall to all other parts oi British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid In advance, per year Bj mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, pet Inch, per Insertion L.. Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word .. Local , readers, per insertion, per line Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate, line Contract rates, on application. fc'dltar and Reporter' TtfeRhen Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations. CLEVER LOCAL BOYS Annual Party Under Sponsorship of IMrU lUchrler Another party of Buchanan Boys will be here on July 27 aboard the steamer Princess Charlotte making a trip to Alaska. The party will be under supervision of Qeorge E. Buchanan, wealthy Detroit bachelor, who has now been sponsoring such trips for ten years. The principle on which the trips are-financed U that the. boya eatn one-third of the expenses, the parents furnish a third and Mr. Buchanan lends the Mlis Ella Steen' sails tomorrow evening on ss. Catala for -a-holiday visit to Premier. .....98 5.00, .50 3.00 a.oo 1.40 M .25 J3 Saturday, July 11, 1931 CONFIDENCE IN THE CITY A great many people seem to have confidence in Prince Rupert today. There is a good deal of building in progress, existiner nronerties are beincr kent in trodd condition and but that is really the position in regard to Prince Rupert. Many merchants are losing money but they are losing more in other places. i m n Jakr says the new grave) sidewalks are eoual to. any he hui sen anyvnere. .On being told that the are asphalt and not gravel, lie says that irwy re so all right but he has not yet seen the asphalt but he stfes the gravel everywhere. The new republican government of Spain Is restricting speeches in Parliament to thirty minutes. The Government U not half radical enough. Fifteen minutes would be plenty for most people to say ail they hive to say and then some. Mussolini has to keep himself on the front page all the time. He Is never satisfied. I never knev a man so greedy for publicity as he. A kind-hearted gentleman saw a little boy trying to reach the doorbell. He rang the bell for hltn. then said; GentlemanWhat now, my little man? Little Boy Run like the mis- chief. That's what I'm going- to iio. "You are not making up that prescription as I would" remarked the stranger who had dropped In "Dump In a little of this and t pinch, of that." "What do you mean? Are you a drugjtlst?" "No." "Then why do you try to tell me how tq run my business?" "Oh. Vm the manager of the ball team. I noUct you In the bleachen occasionally handing me unsolicited advice." MODERATOR IS COMING Head of United Church f Canada to Pay Visit Here Rev. Dr. E. H. Oliver, moderator o thfr United Church of Canada. and Mrs. W. H. Macpherson of Exmouth, Devon, England. They were- married bv Rt. Rev. Bishon THE IMILY NfiWS Saturday, July 11, ,U3j BERRIES IN 1 JLiLt UJViriU? Report That Terrace Crop is About k- Over Staled to Be Misleading A report which has been given publicity here ta the effect that the ' . will visit Prince Rupert the last I strawberry crop lh the Terrace dis-! Sunday In the month in connection j trict U now practically over is con- with a trip being maclo to various tra,ry ta the facts, it is stated by points in the Cariboo and Prince growers at Terrace and . retailers U . $t 00 Rupert Presbyteries. substanc ta the best things is acknowledged by all. The Indian people on the Skeena River are- rallying, to Port E&slngton on the occasion of Dr. Oliver's visit ( and great interest Is being aroused ! In the event. I the rebuilding of the sidewalks is giving the city a much.lIT-.,- MavfiflfJ improved appearance. In addition to that the persistent! "ClC malTlCU rumors of something bigger to be doing soon, helps to keep local people cheerful. A commercial man in the city this week said he had travelled all over British Columbia and Prince Rupert was the second best city he had entered. Trail was the best because the smelter provided a steady payroll and everyone was prosperous. Inquiry was made as to other towns about the same size as Prince Rupert and the visitor was very emphatic that not one was anything like as good for business as this. Here at First OfThisWeek A marriage of much Interest was when ,h.r. nnn Florence, eldest rf,Ht,. daughter of Mrs. A. Williamson of 1733 Nelson Street Vancouver, became, the : bride of Lieut. M. II. Macpherson We know it is not much consolation if a person loses a 1 RN- ""red, of this city, eldest son hnnilwirl Hlln.a T r Tr v rwr Trior en!rtn nlcn Irtcr o f ViAHDnnn w ' mere. me Terrace strawoerry crop,- Dr. Oliver, principal of St. An-1 should continue for at. least two drew's Theological College, Saska-1 weeks yet, having hardly as yetfc toon, was elected to his high of fice reached full 'proportions. There will as Moderated, last September. Dr. ;be no over-supply for canning,' Oliver is a gjeat Canadian as well 1 however, and housewives who desire . , as a grea,t churchman, a recognized the. fruit for preserving would be -; scholar and authos who was nutte' well advised to get it as soon as pos-, V a F.R.S.C. because of th part he sible in case there should be rain has played in pioneer education in In the strawberry beds at Terrace. Western Canada. During last year-. The price of Terrace strawberries his reputation as a speaker of un- j will be a good deal higher than the usual power and versality has b 'price which was aked for southern come enhanced In nigh every part berries simply because there will of Canada. His sincerity and read' 1 acobablx be not enough berries to ine$ to, give of time, energy and, Ml the demand. Prince John Makes j Special Trio For i Biff Celebration! I In QnntUo, with the tntprna-tlonal celebration to be held at1 iSUwart starting July 13. a spsclat. railing U to be? run with the Can-1 dkui National steamer Prince John hi nrder to accomodate local! 2nd Ketchikan people desirous of attending tM celebration Th" j TVI . - TWH .,1.11. 1 J..- V. rt r K I" middle of next week from Vancou ver via the south end of the Quen Charlotte Is'and will sal at o'clock next Friday morning foi Ketchikan where she is due to ar-ve at o'clo?k tb-t "ven'ng. "?.!'! ing an hour lat?r. she 1? due at Stewart at 10 o'clock Saturday Rlx Rt 11 o'clock in the roomfng, morning. The vessel will lav am a-with Miss Peggy Williamson as her Stewart until (keylock on the Sun-sister's only attendant. Mrs. Wil- day evening when she will sail tor llamson was also present at the , Ketchikan, arrlting there at 9 o -ceremony, .rlock Monday morning and salline Lieut, and Mrs. Macpherson are an hour later pr Prince Rupe- irriucB jvupei i, is uruuu ui ijie uuys wnu.uriinfiiisuatuon piite, .same pvenjn?, ' to the city and pride to theirparents; One of these is.Dn . To avail themselves of a special Fred Kergin, whose university successes have given him (excursion being charged in con- the privilege to do more and greater work at Oxford. He AunU,n Tst,eamer caPt nection with the trio of the Prince is home tndav louay and aruune thp Daily uany Nes Npws fa is gia alnd to 10 join loin with witn the tne AndreW Johnstone- arr,ved m Prt John local people have the option ... at 10 O.clock ,ast nlght thf of , t0 stewart on tne hr citizens generally in congratulating him on his .success j south and sailed at ia midnight cn steamer on the afternoon of Fri- DoubtlcSS Dr. Kergin U". feels that anything that has i her return to Vancouver and wav day but they must return on the come his way has been the result of hard work, as is: the ; Plnts- Prince John. case with most successes. However, that is only an added i - ... reason for congratulations. In these days of intense amuse-' ments and popular diversions there is a great tendency among young people to forget the more serious things of, life. j We hope that we shall continue to hear of Dr. Fred in ' England and that later he will return covered with re-nown, ready to continue to cawy on and give his best to the people or Canada. Catala Schedule Will Be Altered For Celebration Owing to the InternaUonal celebration being held at Slewart at that time, the Union steamer Catala. on her sailing from here tot the north on the, evening of 'Jui-19. will proceed first to Stcwatt Instead of to Alice Arm and Anyox as Is her regular schedule. The veiv sel will arrive in Steward early on. the1 morning of July 26 and. will leave there at noon for Alice Arm and Anyox. being expected back here on her way Fouth about noon on July 21. Buchanan Bqys Here on July 27 Man in the Moon NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Gold Possibilities of Northern Interior Widespread; Rusy on Stikine; Many Outfits at Work The rush to the reported placer gold strike on Rainbow Creek, a tributary of the Nation River, which is itself a tributary of the Peace River system, draws attention to the gold possibilities of the vast country lying as far north as 300 miles from the line of the Canadian National Railways Fifty years ago or more there was much activity there and it was all gold mining. On Germanson and Man-son Creeks miners were hard at work and there was a town of about 3Q0O population. Entry was made by way of the Cariboo trail and Barkervllle. a dls-X 1 v tance of about 70 miles from tho tfy and it is quite possible thai lower Fraser River. Putties without some profitable mining may co, heavy freight could go In by way of , earned out. It Is not difficult now Skeena River and Hazelton. to get In supplies. There Is plent In tho last few years prospector ! of sPace yl t0 prospected, httv. iron much mor numerom Walter Julian and Frank Jack- Land, with the talk of a railway; Ron of Jackson's Landing In Stlkin. Into the Peace River country. pro-.'MW,'"'!" w improving spects have beeri of more value nMOT?6 quartz 9toptttiH cn with transportation facilities in view. James Ferguson located what Is now known as the Fermisnn fAjMTstrwaier. ive mues iron 'territory. It is A silver, leaui which and cld Proposition on which tho mine Is now betas developed by the R. W. Wilton interests of two men hav already done $2,009 Vancouver, although Ferguson. I of work- Tney are confident of tlw himself, the'turo o m.tata on the stiklu has other claims in district. Consolidated Mining & IUver- Smelting, Co. has been In the dis- trlct for the past three or forr "Both the Liard River and 8u, years and is developing a copper klne mineral divisions offer good property on Bowers Creek to th promise to th bjna-fide prosper- north of the Ferguson mine. This tor. these divisions being so great compary Is also, bringing alon ,in area that they have been hard'v placer gold proposition on Slate scratched." ray3 H. W. Dodd. gold , Creek which Is nearer the Rain-' commissioner at Telegraph Creek j how Creek find, tarry Canty of i m a letter to the. Briusn goiumbiii Vancouver ha.s also, been active- in Chamber of Mine Manv mlneri; Ihe district. In 1924 O. W. OUera.nJand prospectors. arc at work In hU Wganlted a syndicate whli'i star-'district ihla year. Mr. Dodd ad. ted In from Vanderhoof with twer- vise In the Dsase Lake section, ty-elght ton of equipment on ' the Ovular H;lraullc has twenty tractors, the Intention bolnqt to men working on Its placer p'o. rtatt it hydraulic proposition on warty- pea- CrX Ml"" Corwora-Oermanson Creek. This proposition Uon has five men drilling. Moi was delayed (or a number of years quito Creek Hydraulic has eight and was being shapcM up again men working placer while four last summer. Oold can be found ill Independent prospectors are work-through that portion of the coun- lng in the district. In the Llaid, RESTAURANTS ON WHEELS Strsjixe. u U rosy secco, good housekeeping is one of the prime essential of modern railroading. Mr, Traveller has become so. used to strolling throuxU the train to th dining Car, for bis ned in the way or food for him-slf, a well aa for Mrs. Traveller and ail tbe Uttl Travelers, that b ban!) a thought to how he i.ets a first clan botel meal, while whirling alonn at 60 miles an hour. The answer lies with about 1.20(1 highly trained employees of the Canadian Pacific Railway, serving in some 160 dining and ca cars, from Atlantic to Pacific, and with cn organization ia stores and farms throughout-the country, which places high class foodstuffs in the rheU' cupboards and refrigerator. The average number of meals served in a year la approximately 2,000,000. As to quantities, sullic to say that thes include nearly 500,000 lbs. of various meats; 1.000,000 lbs. of tea and coffee and some 400,000 uuarts of milk and cream. The Pictures show meals being served In a typical P.R. diner and types of the staff of chefs and waiters employed in the service. Bring your best - - to - Prince Rupert The Fair Board is anxious to encourage residents in the districts around Prince Rupert to bring their best to the FALL FAIR Which will be held the FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER Local residents believe that they can grow flowers better than any place within two hundred miles. Can they? The Fair Board would liko to have tho districts pit their horticultural skill against tho Prince Rupert Flower Society and see if they cannot wrest away some of the prizes especially that for the best floral display. ' A cordial invitation is extended to all to compete. ' , Further information can be obt coined from Secretary W, D. Vance or from The Daily News, Prince Rupert, 'B.C. River section there are seven pro- pan Creek four men are workluiith umL at ?. Cm kne Ker sec ion, flv-m spectors work Including, two and two prospec in in Consolidated Mining & Smritlnt , Dame, Creek secttoJ ttiw B mining W Co. engineers. Muddy River stten ' prospecting and ft rr irk I o S?m w PWl,n P' has two prospector, and two mln- lays. In the Teliwph CrS r I ?l t . , era at work on placer,. On Gold tlon, there are f.v, ZtiiX''1"