Tuesday November 10, 1031 Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup A Severe Cold A Hacking Cough Air. M. K MwNid, W N.8., writef:-I took a KTere cold Mid developed a backing cough. I Lrot previous cold cough medicine icine j '. A friend tike Dr. W bottle and id i Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinlngMachinery Repaired and Overhauled ' Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding SJ-lon Derrick for Heavy Lifts PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made CollMion and Delivery Free! LING- THE TAILOR " second Ave. Phone f 4S COAL Boy the real Coal our famous Ldion and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Am Uulkley Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co I'HONKS 68 AND 558 ftWW.1 would 5 a. iS I.hd'. 1 bui .H, ot wor- I tried every 7 could think of. before I had fiaiahed half of it I wa com- pletely relieved." Price 35c a bottle; large family rite 65c.; at all drug and general jtoreg; put up only by The T. Mtfburo Co., Ltd., Toronto; Ont. Kantleek and Maximum Hot Water Bottles lln are two value leaders of the season. These ;,:;!( are moulded in one piece of the finest quality v ii iH r and are guaranteed for two years. Priced Kantleek, $2.25; Maximum, $1.50 rmes Im. Viift Ptonccr Drvtqeyists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulion St. Kb i ;m him Jih)'u:i ' - - r mm In Vox or tube. Because u doe pou-tiveiy relieve lh itch- ins almon ai toon as applied and effeca a healthful healing of the tlun. Dr. Chatc'i Ointment it a in nit aatufactory treat ment tor Eizema, Hemor rhoids tr Pi lei and all Irritation ot the akin. Fifty year of tuccest. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water Steam Heat 75c. PER HAY AND IT J. Zarelli Trlrrh Ml Vldo Kentera and U. OregovleY city. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. rnunilOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts i Mr. and Mrs. Olson. Jap Inlet: George N. Buchanan. Dauskin. Clears Skin of Blemishes The Perfect Anliteptie Treatment It In ao ij tn rlil ronr .kin of ptaplM. bMrkr. bkmlubM. Jual iplr tbe pure oul-tx liquid D D I). I1rr nd ulul, Iti KwtKInf ckmenti nrnrlratr lb ikla ud MH'klt ilrlTr wT ll ItrlKtlim ITCHIm! rnrf inhtaivti.t a av ixnti mn iu Mrrll Tour ilni1l flm T"' hwk. D.li.l). Hvti M Mitt. (VkDUJ).oPJ SAFE WINTER TIKES - SURE FOOTED Goodrich Sisvertowns Get Them Now! Rupert Motors cfte and Service Station Phone SCG (Night calls 161) DISTRIBUTORS: DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Strumeri Irate I'rlnce Kuert f r Vancouvert T'" ' VT.l..l BVERV TIT.SOAY, I.S0 P.M. Via Ocean Falls, arrivins Vaniouver, Thursday Morning. T tAHUKN.V EVf.RV Mill AY MIDMOIIT ... Arming Vancouver Bunday midnight approi. nccsij aailingi to Port Simpson. Alice Arm. Anyoa. Btewart and Naat Rlvir points. Sunday, 9 p.m. ' twt informitlon rrrdln all ulllm nrl tlrketa at FKISCT Kl I'llKT AUKM V; frc und Avenue. Phone 66 If you want anything-, try a classified ad. Local Items Dinncrware, china, crockery glassware. Ileilbroncr's store. For Nanaimo - Wellington coal phone 771. C C. Ketchum &c Co. tf. Smoker In Canadian Legion Club rooms 11th Instant 9 p.m. tf United Church Ladls' Aid Tea, at the home of Miss Haddock, Musgrave Place, Thursday, Nov. 12 from 3 to 6. Drop In. 262 On Remembrance Day the Pos Office registration and general delivery wickets will be open from 9 ajn. to 11 am. The public lobby will be open from 8 am to 6 pjn A bylaw providing for the tem porary borrowing from the bank o' $75,000 wu finally reconsidered anu adopted at last night's meeting of the city council. Moose Carnival and Dance nest Thursday and Friday. Ad-mlsfion free to Carnival Thursday. Fine entertainment. Dance Friday night. Admission 50c 263 James Redpath and J. S. Smith will leave on tomorrow morning' train for Montreal where, on No vember 30, they will embark on the steamer Athenia for a trip to Glasgow, Scotland. The aud tor's report covering thr- - ivic quarter ending September 30 was presented to the city counc'1 it Its meeting last evening and laid n the table for perusal by mem '-ts of the council. Mayor Orme told members of he -iiy council at last night's meetlnp. nf the eitv council of arrangement which had been made for the Re memberance parade and service tomorrow He urged all alderman .o attend A recommendation from the fi nance committee that Lot IS. Bloc 31 Section S. be advertised for r.alr was adopted by the city coun-citl last night. An offer has been made for the property on which there is a building. - -Onion stamer Catala. Capt 34 Flndlay. having been delayed b, londing canned salmon at Wales Island cannery, arrived in port a: 1 o'clock this afternoon from Ar. yox, Stewart ana outer nortnern polnU and sailed later in the after noon for Vancouver and waypointr Northand Navigation Co.'s mo- whip liner Northland. Caot. Leu WUl'ams arrived In port at 8:30 this morning from Ketchikan and alter discharging seven carloads ot fish for transshipment Easf ovtr the Canadian National Railways, sailed for Seattle. The vessel had a good-siaed list of passengers going through and considerable general freight. NOTICE F.O.E. All Brothers are requested to meet at Eagles Hall 10 a.m. prompt, Wednesday morning for Armistice Day Parade. NOTICE Our coal Is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get jour fall weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HVUE TRANSFER, Thone 580. rf 1 : ! Announcements j i j Eagle's Whist Tuesday, Nov. 10. j Admission Gentlemen 50c. Ladlu i refreshments. Moose Carnival and Dance 12 and 13. No. Baptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, November 19. Varden Concert, November 19. Eagles' carnival and dance, November 20. Ladies refreshments. Gents 50c. Recreation Club November 20. Scotch Dance Parish Hall Seal Cove Dance November 27. Unlt d chiK ch Bamr Dec. 3. High School 10 and 11. concert, December THE DAILTNTWfl PAOI THR2E Dear Child! No mother can expect that ber child will escape all the ills to which children are subject, but she can do much to relieve their severity. If your chfld is constipated if he has a cold, a fever, no appetite or a coated tongue, don't wait until a more serious illness results. aV t Get Baby's Own Tablets at once. For your own peace of mind don't be without Baby's Own Tablets. 2S cents a package at any druggist's. BABY'S OWN TABLETS (Dr. Williams') Fresh killed chickens and rabbits arriving each train day from Bulkley Valley. Frizicll's. (tf) City accounts for the two week ending November 6 totalling $32.- 158.0S were passed for payment at last night's council meeting. James Boyd, supervisor of fisn eries for District No. 2, sailed tht-- afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver on official business Rev. J. S. BmyfleW, AngUca.i Church clergyman at Anyox. is paying a brief visit to the city having arrived from the smelter town on the Catala this after noon. On motion of Aid. Pullen. the city council last night passed a vote of thanks to Mrs. Chris Perry for a check of $50 received as the proceeds ot a concert given recent ly to raise funds' for needy children, the effort having been organized by Mrs. Perry. Administration of the fund was left in the hands of the mayor. SINGER SEWJNG 'MACHINES NEW AND USED For Sale and for Rent McRAE BKOS., LTD. PRODUCED IN CANADA Glasses 1 fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. HJrm'i Moose 1 Report at Cana- ff dlan Leeion headauarter3 ' it x- ' at iv.io ajn. tomorrow for parade. E. J. Smith returned to the city on the Catala this afternoon after making a round trip to Anyox and Stewart on business. Stephen If. Hosklns, government agent at Anyox, arrived in the city on the Catala this after-' noon from the smelter town to pay a brief visit here. W. H. Tobey, ON.R divisional superintendent, left yesterday for a trip to Smithers on official duties. He will return to the city Thursday afternoon. Mrs. V. H. Sansum, wife of tha United Church clergyman at Tot Simpson, was a passenger aboard the Catala today going through for a trip to Vancouver. The regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club took place today In the Commodore Cafe. President . C. Mills was in the chair. Louis and Mark Ed;ar sailed this afternoon on the Cata& for Klemtu where they will attend th funeral of their father. Rev. Geo Edgar, veteran United Church missionary, who died at the end of last week. M. M. O'Brien chief field en p-Ineer for the Conviltdated Mining & Smelting Co.. was a pasengr aboard the Cita this afternoon returning to Vanconver aftr my 'n on of hi neriodlcal visits ot nnct'on to the Big Missouri mine at Stewart. OIp Rolla air engineer for the Northern B. C Airways, return! o the city on the Catala this af-ttrnfyjn from Stewart whence h flew last wk on the comoany's seaplane which made a trtp into 'he mrthrn interior to bring out a sick man. A Vt-r it rend at lstniht':: tin n th eiv council from A M D Filrbalrn nrivate s-;r?tary th t.l'ntnrit-Ooven-.or. in Sliih annreclatlve thanks were jonvpyfd for the rcentfon whlc-i h-rt h?-n a''ordP'1 His Honor as well ) commander arid officers of HM.Cfi. Sfcecna on the occasion of the recent visit to Prince L?3KJSSSI9SSBBBBBBBmSSWBSl MBMBMHi For velvety soups and sauces, rich Ice creams and candies, fine-textured cakes and puddings and custards, always use Carnation Milk convenient, economical, always dependable. Clean housing of clean herds and clean handling of the milk safeguards Carnation Milk at the source and protects its purity. And this protection continues until Carnation reaches you in its hermetically sealed containers. Writ for Cook Book and Baby Bok CAEN ATI ON CO, LIMITED, 114 AUwa St, Vaarn, B-C Milk from Ctaaditn cows, packed ia Ctnidt ia Ctntdita cans and cases. ULCERS, BAD LEGS OLD WOUNDS & SORES Marvellously Healed by Zam-Buk. Mil. t j . . i t - rx.'s v t ' r r. j . Mm. w. a- . mum i.tw Select Your Greeting Cards , From Our Choice Collection It's the wise shopper who takes advantage of our complete selection of cards now. You avoid disappointment . . .you relieve yourself of the rush and hurry that is part of Christmas shopping. Cards of dtstlncUon and charm are available at the lowest prices in years. We are equipped to print and deliver your personal cards in our own plant in 21 hours Prices from $2.25 per dozen Accept our invitation; see for yourself the many beautiful designs we show! PRINTERS AND STATIONERS Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg. .... $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED - TKAIL UUIIIMI COH MDIA Manufacturer ot ELEPHANT Itrand ClirjIKAL FERTILIZERS Producers it Itorinera of TADANAC Itrand KI.ErTRM.YTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. They are a discriminating people. If there are any Prince Rupert people not taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that they are making a mistake in not taking the best. The price is now so low that it is a mistake to do without the paper that circulates throughout the district. Call up the Daily News business office and ask that the boy call and collect. 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It docs pay to buy those advertised. .HsW-i1 " w1 'i .... uag - I