aasnnlP-' S9 in' VAG2 FOiTH " SOFTBALL EVENED UP Station and Offices Tied For Lead, ership of CA'.R. League The Offices evened up the Canadian National Recreation Associa HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roonu A. J. PRUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser 4nd Fifth St. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll. Praa THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot Jk Ould TVatrr: &rtm Hrl lit PER DAY AND UP Trlrphaii MI Boston Grill Pbene 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parlies United Church Young People Golf Evening The United Church Young People's Society held their regular meeting last evening with 23 members present It was to take the form tion's Softball league last night by of a bonfire meeting at McNlcholl aeieaung we btauon nine ny a Creek but( owing na lt had score of 13-9. t,, cand ott w J. E. Barrie, pre- The Station team went off In the sklent of the society. Invited the first inning and let the Offices In members to a game of golf at the with six runs, but they settled down sunken Gardens. A prize was given after the first and tried to even wnich was won by Eddie Anderson, things up. The Offices were playing Following the golf, a business airtight ball until the seventh in- meeting was held at the church. A ning when the SUtion managed to campfire story was read by Miss bring in five runs but they were un- Edna vickers and the meeting came abie to overtake the Offices by the ninth. Horton and Hibbard played excellent ban for the Offices while A. Skattebol and B. Tobey were good for the Station. There was a fair sized crowd of fans at the game. The next game win be played on Friday night between the Station and the Round house, while tonight an all-star team from up town wfll battle with a picked CXRA. team. This game shook! prove particularly interesting to the fans. League Standing W. L. Pte. Station .. 2 1 2 Office 2 1 2 Round House 0 2 0 to a close with the serving of PLAYERS ASSIGNED Executive of Baseball Association Slakes Distribution Prepare For Victoria Day The executive of the Prince Ru pert Baseball Association, at a meeting last night, assigned players to the three teams which will play in the Senior League this season. An endeavor was made to divide the players as equitably as possible among the three teams. A committee consisting of Douglas Frizzell, Stan Moran and William Mitchell was appointed to make arrangements for the visit of the Ketchikan baseball team here on May 24 and 25 Including plans f nr the rturwf in be held on the npf- jond night. Stan Moran was named manager of the Prince Rupert team for the Ketchikan series. ' Following are the assignments of : players for the season: Elks A. MKchelL N. ChenoskL W. 'Mitchell. O. Mttchen. W. Harold, Vic jMeniie, George Arseneau, R. B. Skinner. W. Stone, J. Arseneau, W. Johnson, D. Stalker, Spiro Gurvieh. Sons of Canada W. Lamble. E. 'Smith. S. Moran, G. Howe, D. Friz-izelL R Stalker. George Hfll H. Hibbard. S. Styles. E. Ratchford. J. Mc-Nolty. F. Kenny and Joe Roberts. ! Dutch's Millionaires Elmer Smith. Jack Nelson, J. Farquhar, M. Budtnteh. B. Wendle. J. Barry, R. Bury, D. Morrison, P. Holm, A. . Moore, M. Comadma, R. Commons, lDV5o Gurvteh. j Despite the efforts to find a sub-isittute, elbow grease is still the essential oil of Industry. The Safe and Profitable Investment ' The Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada increased its business in force in a year like 1930 $165,000,000. Increased its Income by $14,000,000.00. Increased its Assets, by $20,000,000.00 And It maintained its hicti dividend and special Maturity bonus. Why? There is a reason for winning the public confidence. S. J. JABOUR Northern B.C. Representative will show you the reason by-Phoning CIS or 180 or Writing Box 1515 Prince Rupert SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 -at per M $2.75 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 ATHLETICS REACH TOP Defeated Chicago Yesterday to Assume Lead in American League NEW YORK, May 13: The Philadelphia Athletics won from the Chicago White Sox yesterday and thus completed their long puU to the top of the American League with a technical lead over the New York Yankees while the Cleveland Indians, after their series of recent reverses, are bringing up a poor third with both Washington Senators and Detroit Tigers threatening their position. Boston Braves and Cincinnati Reds split honors In a National League double-header. Rain caused postponement of all games except two m the American League and the one double-header In the National. Yesterday's scores: American League Philadelphia 5, Chicago 2. Detroit 2. Boston 0. National League Boston 4-2, Cincinnati 2-3. Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet St. Louis 14 4 New York 14 6 Boston 13 " 9 Chicago ..li 8 Pittsburg , 11 12 Philadelphia Brooklyn Cincinnati 9 12 8 15 3 17 American League RIOTING IN .778 .700 391 379 .478 .429 .348 .150 W. L. Pet. Philadelphia . .11 7 ,611 New York ...12 8 v600 Cleveland .12 10 345 Washington ..J2 11 322 Detroit 13 12 320 Chicago 9 12 .429 Boston 9 12 .429 St. Louis 6 12 333 CMP FOR SCHMELING Will Train at Cocoanut Lake, Penn. For Title Bout CLEVELAND, May 13: Max Schmeling, the German world heavyweight boxing champion, wftl open his training camp In prepara tion for the bout here in July against W. L. Stribling for the title, at cocoanut Lake. Penn., it s an nounced here. TIAJUANA Major tinder Arrest For Murder of Secretary Martial Law is Declared TIA JUAN A, May i3: This Mexi can resort is under martial law as a result of disorders following the dealh from gunshot wounds of the mayor's secretary in connection with whose killing the mayor is under technical arrest. Efforts are being made to keep down rioting following the sensa tional events In protest against the civic administration. Unrest has been developing for several months on account of ADDING TO i DRY S0UAD i Three Hundred More Men Will Go On Duty in United States On July 1 WASHINGTON, D.C., May 13 -Three hundred new prohibition agents will tie added to the present force on July 1, It is announced here. Peru Is trying to keep u;i with the world's record one revolution each twenty-four hours Brantford I . " 11- ' ' II I I I I Ml I THE DAILY NEWS - BOBBY JONES the only golfer In the world to win tbc Brituh and United State open and amateur clia m p io luh p in a alnxle uw! The world' record in gull. - - ir a r r w I Mi in in i a I 11 i I I 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Rupert Bast United Church Tea -Mrs. R. Van Cleve arrived ir. tbv Thursday. June 4. 112 city on ttaj Prtaoe Hapert this i morning from SsatUe fte pay a D. R. Rodman of the marine de-' visit with her pa rests. Aid. and partment staff at Digby Island left Mrs. J. II. Pillsoury, Fourth Avon today's train for a vacation tftp enue West to Gait. Ontario. I ' ' C.Pii steamer Princess AHce. R. W. Sinclair of Inverness can- Capt. Tfamui ClrJf, is due in port nery arrived tt the city on yes- at 3:46 this after neon frem Skaa?-terday afternoon's train for a brief way and other Alaska points and business visit fen town. iwtll sell at 5 pin. tor Vancouver' and Victoria. I George O. Boontay. who has been on a brief business trip to Van- -m Aiaita-U'n.hhvat jtiMkm couver, returned to the city from seaplane sttka. piloted bfr dene the south on the Prince Rupert Mrrrtna. was in this mnmtn fmati this morning Mies Pranoee 'Cross; who ha been m i hoMfay rtrtt to Vancouver an Victoria, returned to the city on the Prime Rupjr; thU ntornmg from the south. W. J. Alder arrived in the cliy from Victoria on the Print Rupert this morning. He is pa lav ht : an; ual visit lo the city in c.irnw -tion with realty inti-rests. WRIGLEYS BIG5 PA TIESE WRIGLCY packages contain the beat that can be produced in chewing gum. Freahena mouth sweet era breath the chewing steadies the nerves and aid a digestion the aucar ia 'energy f i that Iceepa you A "up and coming." C Keep fit with to Ketchikan, having brought down two passengers who will catch the . steamer Princess Alice this after noon tor Seattle. Miss Dorothy Psttnore arrived to the city on the Prinze Rupert this morning from Vancouver, wheie she has been attending the University of British Columbia, and will spend the summer vacation ot her noma here. Mist Joan Mellor is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound for Stewart where she will spend the summer vacation with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. John Mellor. She has ben ajtendmg j University of British Ooltrmbla in Vancouver. ... "Auto service from Vancouver to' Fort George has been reopened, the roads bring In excellent condition.1 The steamer Port Fraser has taken! the place of the stem-wheeler Chllco recently wrecked In Cottonwood Canyon." Twenty YearV jAgo Column, Vancouver Province i IF00TBALL I ! SCHEDULE May 13- Booth vs. Borden. May 16- Borden vs High, i May 20-Hli;h vs Booth, j Muy 23- Borden v.x Booth I May 27 Wi:U vs Borden. I May 30- BooU y High Qke RECORD SPEAKS 7oi' ITSELF rr is an axiom in sport that "records arc tnude to be broken." Turrets, however, peem to be the only cipurettes that hold Turret's record of quality and break Turret's record for popularity. After all, nothing can replace good, honest tobacco; grown and ripened right out in the field under nature's own sunlight nothing artificial about that and the high quality is ""inbred." Mild and Fragrant ill IMIrldttajwai C C Perry, rx-atderman of this dty and former Indian Agent here arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this avorn-ta. He will be in the city for the next few days on business in connection with his dnties as aofcii-tant eotnmiso)oMr of Indian Af-' fairs for the province. ' t C I GAR.ETT ES Peter Black, jr u : (Jty from Vam-ouv : Wnee Rupert thi will again tx attatic mer staff Of the 1:: Fiheriet teperimei t.i was accompanied Mr. Peter Bu SCOTLAND Sir. BU nrnZrsr M UbelliKg Vou can depend on "Perfection". It it the we Scot Whitley that It actually distilled, blended, aped ia the-wood and . , . BOTTLED ... in Srotland. Fame! iof uniform hijeb quality lince 1807. Imported in t&'X in. and 40 ot. huttlet only. Sealed with the convenient meaturing cap. "Smifib 41 m kiiltn't MUf ill C m, a '.0 i s R Will also spend the -an.iusr : "i A (DcCbdIums OrCuUraa Bus advertiscmeTit is not publvshed or displayed rj th Liquor C-ontrol Board or by the lievermnei1 cf Ilnusli l olumbia