Today's Weather Prince Rupert Part cloudy, calm, i au-iuj temperature, 47; V X 112 I 8ge NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM PRINCE RUPERT, B. WEDNESDAY, RIBOO FOUND Visited New 8panUh cadet bngaimne Juan .Sebastian Eleano entered New Van. haiooi on unofficial visit, recently, with loyal flag of Spati flying. DRY ORATORICAL ' CAMPAIGN FLAN IN 1932 CONTEST tJ .. M WASHINGTON. D.C.. ' May j 13 The Anti-Saloon League ' of the United States is plan- ! ning to put no less than 1.000 into the field in support of prohibition during the 1932 presidential campaign. 4 TURNDOWN ! BANK BILL! Australian Senate Rejects Measure Whcrtby Debts of Commonwealth Would Tie Met CANBERRA. Aust.. May 13: The! Australian Senate overwhelmingly ' defeated the Commonwealth Bank , Bill providing for the shipment of 35.000,000 of gold reserve to London in iune to meet debts due. GOLD IN CARIBOO No Lea Than $300,000,000 of Precious Metal Is Reported IJy P.G.E. Survey VICTORIA, May 13 The Cariboo has gold bearing sands vrhleh, if they can be worked ureeMfully on a commercial bath, may be worth as much as $tuO,000,000, according to experts of the Pacific Great Eastern survev. AIMEE ON WAY HOME Famous Evangelist in New York After Tour of Europe and Holy Land NSW YORK, May 13: Almce I McPhtrson landed hero yea- Sample I . . . A ... T-1. . 1 terday Biter a turn ui ciurvpc anq the Holy Land. She looked thin and appeared to be in a nervous condl- tion but maintained that sha wns' fi'pmm utiue wen. one buiu sue was anxiouk uj gel back to Los Angeles land her duties as pastor of Angclus Temple i'f 111,1 Foursquare Qospcl. VERY RICH IN York Flying Royal Flag of Spain GRAIN SHIP . ;IS'Q Kopner Line Vessel Ilrronspool DueThis Afternoon to Load .For U.K.Contincnt The Kopner Line steamer Hcr-onspool, fourth grain boat to load this spring from the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator, is due in port about the middle of the afternoon. She was reported due at 1 pjn. at Triple Island where she was to take on her pilot, Capt. C. W. Wearmouth. Soon after arrival in port, the Ilrronspool will move into" the elevator wharf to start loading a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. This vessel will, it ! is understood, clean np all wheat remaining in the rlevator. i Ul 1 U I 1 1 A I 1 1 1 M ! 1 JL UUtXllVJLJ WILL STAND Expert Expects to See No More Than 175.000,000 in States WASHINGTON. D.C.. May 13: The population of United States Uv til never rise above the 175.000.000 mark, it is declared by Dr. Baker, Agriculture Department expert. The declined birth rate will no more than balance the national decrease after 175,000,000 is reached. Dr. Baker believes. Vancouver Wheat, VANCOUVER. May 13: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at 61V COOPERATIVE MARKETING OF IIALIKUT DISCUSSION IS EXPECTED TONIGHT .Halibut owners and fisher- men of Prince Rupert will have a Joint meeting tonight with F. J. Kwapil of Seattle, president of the United Padf Id Fisheries. who arrived this afternoon on Uie Princess Alice from Ketchl- V-nn nn-nnefntlve markeilne Dosjibtatlcs for halibut will, it Is understood, be again under discussion 4 BIA'S NEWSPAPER MAY 13, 1931 I I i JAPANESE FLYER 4 HELD IN KURILES . 13-SeUUVofh; the Jap- - ... here in continuation or his flight from Tokioo to San Francisco but. after forty ! minutes in the air, was fore- ed by unfavorable weather to 1 return to Shana on Iturup. The flight has been held up up for fully a week now on account of bad weather. i ! IZARA AGA IN LONDON Aged Turk Takes Ills First Lesson In Aviation LONDON. Mar 13: Zara 157-year old Turk, who left United ; States a tew weeks ago on the pre- , text that he was homesick, seems to have recovered from the ailment since he arrived here. He took his first lesson In aviation yesterday. STEAMER ON FIRE American Vessel Ruth Kellogg Reported in Distress 150 Miles From Charleston NBW YORK, May 13: The Uni-j led States steamer Ruth Kellogg j was reported at the week-end to bo I on fire In the Atlantic Ocean about 150 miles off Charleston. South, Carolina. j An American tanker is standing by the Ruth Kellogg. HAYAKAWA RETURNING Japanese Film Star Is To Enter Talkies KYOTO. Japan. May 12: Sessue Hayakawa. former star of the Am- irtcan silent screen, is to leave hero !" iiMuywwu ai u talklea. He has accepted an attrai-- tlve cable offer to go back hi the ! films. PREACHED IN PENITENTIARY Itev. C. E. Motte of This City Takes Fart In Impressive Service at New Westminster Tomorrow's Tides Thursday, May 1V1931 High 11:36 am. 17:6 ft. Low 4:56 a.m. 5:9 ft. 17:30 p.m. 7:2 ft. AND OF ALFONSO BELIEVED SEEN IN SPANISH DISORDER Some Quarters Would Have France Deliver Up Deposed Monarch Outbreak Seems to Be Getting Under Control Although There Arc Still Clashes Throughout Country 23 Churches in Malaga Destroyed MADRID, May 13: The "Down with the Republic" r ; oinent, which has been responsible for much disorder various parte of Spain during the past few days, is at-fry) ,'it.ed in certain quarters close to the provisional gov-v inu nt to the influence of the exiled King Alfonso XIII. T . re i even said to be talk of asking the government of i France to deliver the former rnon- ACTION IS DISMISSED Carl Ilalvarson Falls in Damage Suit Against Brown and While M Justice W. A. MacdonaW. t,dfed; , , MrtUl Uw ' mtnl -itcrnoon. .supreme Court Assizes yeater-1 dlwnUtsd an action ,out lhe country arl ilalvarson -Errt Joe ' a and William White for dam-is a remit of the plaintiff's son, Theodore Ilalvarson, :i been Injured when run in Eighth Avenue Bast on 7. 1999. by a taxi car owned lnwii and driven by White. By lit of the defendant, each will pay Its own costs. Oordoji I of Vancouver was counsel for j nl.iinUff while W. E. William j . . : ..nd T. W Drown acted for the j COURTBNAY. Vanoouwr Mand, n(i.intJ, Miy J3:Flre in the hokJUigs of the lc River Timber Oo. yeatrdy de-W W:.nrui for the plalnUff were , T.Kergtn. Dr. Frank Patter- lovcd two tnHDm feet of roer-v.nrnnvn timber and spread i t.r.n-rint i Mr jcliantable i ia Ilalvarson. Anton Halvar-rvier Dolron. Harold T. Dunn ' ;irl Harvarson. i nce witnesses were William 1 ' Mrs. 8. Skogmo. Margaret Mom, Archie E. Hedstrom. hrr Hemmona and C. 3. Nor- 'on. The Claims plaintiff's claim was that TV had driven at an excessive 'Continued on page six.) LOAN GOES OVER TOP Readied $200,000,000 Mark This Afternoon With Subscriptions Still Fouring In Mmntoeal. May 13: The new rston loan passed the $200,-'" mark this afternoon with ' nptlons still pouring in from i n ts of the country. FUR SEIZURE IC fiTTAQUETl Bill Patmore arrived by the Al-IO lU JrlEiU Uska-Washlgton plane "Sitka" from Fred Wiggins of Southbank Sue ceeds in Certiorari Proceedings , At Assizes certiorari proceedings In the ' ipii'me Court yesterday, Mr. Jus-! W. A. Macdonald quashed a : iiseatlon of some $600 worth of : 1 1 which had been Imposed, in nd-' '' "i to a fine of $50, on Fred Wlg-11 Southbank merchant, for vlo-' ""I of Oame Act. Proceeds of the 1 11 which were confiscated will be " " iicd by the crown to the nppol-' ' The conviction Itself was not M. lacked. T- W. Brown acted as counsel for ' ins in Uie appeal while W. E. 11 1 appeared for the crown. arch up to his former country for trial. Meanwhile the outbreak teem to be gradually getting under control although a number of points throughout the country still reported clashes today between anticlerical demonstrators and soldiers. At Malaga a check-up shows that half of the city's 46 church were LARGE FIRE ON ISLAND Two Million Fret of Timber l)e- strojed Near Courtcnay Yesterday through the bush. More than two hundred men are engaged in fighting the outbrak. FISHjALES Summary American --68.500 pounds. 8c and 4c to 0.7c and 5c. Canadian 83.000 pounds, 8c and 5c. American Akutan, 34,000, OoM Storage,. 8 and 4c. Nordby, 38,000, Pacific. 8.2c snd 5c. Onah. 4JW0. Cold Storage. 9 and 5c. Hyderlen, 13,000. Booth. 9.7c sd 5c. Canadian Melville. 17.000; Cape Race. 3.000; Ihgrid II., 8.000; R.W.. 9,000; J. R, 8.500. and Eric Roy. 10,000. Cold Storage, 8c and 5c. Margatice, 4,000; Cape Spencer, 8,600: Toodie, 7.000; Kaien. 15.000, and Mayflower, 4,000. AUin. 8c and 5c. I1 KetcniKan mis momma. past six months he has been work ing at the Ilirst-cmomgoii buiu mine, where he has been gaining experience in mining. RF.LIOIOUS TKAIMNH ' IJEINO DISCONTINUED IN SPANISH SCHOOLS t MADRID. May 12:-The pro- vlslonlal Republican govern- ment of Siln announces that religious training will be dls- continued In the public schools of the country. Rev. C. E. Motte of Rupert East United Church, Prince Rupert, VERSAILLES, Miy 13: - Paul preached the special Mother's Day Doumer. 74 year old president of sermon in the British Columbia the Senate, was tonight elected the Penitentiary. New Westminster on thirteenth president of France to Sunday last. The. sermon was based succeed President Doumergue who upon the story of Rlspah. taken Is retiring. from the Second Book of Samuel, Premier Aristlde Briand, by vir-deallng with the sorrow, love and tue of an overwhelming vote of devotion of a mother when trouble confidence in foreign policy accor-overtakes her children. d! hlm by the Chamber of Dcpu-The service was in charge of the ties a few days ago, was expected, chaplain, and there were about 3S0 through additional prestige, to win men present. At the door of thf the presidency but this did not ma-church there .was a table with small Serialize, sprays of flowers, beautifully ar- ranged and contributed by the prison staff. Each prisoner as he entered was invited to accept a spray of flowers, and to wear It in memory of his mother, The prison choir rendered a beau tiful number entitled "Saviour, j Toll Vfthskf Til Vim TVioro I avu luvvm. t - v vv- i ; At the close of the-service. Colonel , Edgett, the warden, made an appeal , to me prisoners u nonor meir. f mnlhort hv tnalrlni? A rifttrmtnMl 1 - ?nio7the eafch man a special leuer 10 ns momer. ' The character of the service, and the contributions of the warden and his officers, combined to make a most touching appeal to their un- fortunate charges, to higher and better things. Vancouver Stocks (OourtMy s. D. JobmUk. On.) Big Missouri, 30c, 32e. Coast Copper. $40, nil Cork Province, lc, 2c. Duthle Mines,. 5c.. 6C. George Copper, 50c ., nil. George River, 3x, 4e. Oolcenda, lBc.. Sc. GrarHlv4ew, 3c, nil. Independence, nil. lc. Indian . Mines, lc, IVfcc. Kootenay King. He. nil. Lucky Jim. 14c Sc. Morton Woolsey, nil, 3c. Morrnot Metals, nil, Vjc. Nat. SUrer. 3c. rUi. Noble Five, 4c. 5c Oregon Copper. 74c 8c. Premier. 73c, nil. Porter-Idaho. 4c. 5c. Seeves Macdonald. 35c, 35c. Ruth-Hope, nil. 5c Cilver Crest, 3c, 3c. Snowflake. 3c. nil. Topley Richfield, lc. nlL Whitewater. 4c, nil. Woodbine. He lc OILS Freehold, 44c 5c Consolidated, nil, 19c. Ilargal, 5c, nil. Mercury, 1740, 184c. Calmont Oils. nil. 9c . DaUiousie. nil, 38c Fabyan Pete. 3c. 34c Home Oil, 53c 85c. United, 10c 15c Eastern Stocks Noranda. 2335. nil C.P.R., 39.35, 30.00. Ken Williams Is Released By Portland Club PORTLAND. May 13: -Ken Wil- '"" ein uuuiriurr. u urm given his unconditional release by the' Portland club of the Pacific Coast Baseball League. PRICE FIVE CENTS GOLD PRESIDENT QF FRANCE Paul Mourner and Not Aristlde Brl-and Fleeted to Succeed Doumergue MARLER IN VICTORIA Canadian Minister to Japan to Visit ... Various Industrial Centres In Dominion VICTORIA. ' May 13: Hon. Her- . ., ocrv Aiaricr, inwugui ounwier w "JTprSS in the Orient. JAPS BURN TO DEATH Sixteen Lost Lives in Picture Theatre Fire, at Sbiinmaki Island TOKYO. May 13: Sixteen person were burned to death and 30 more were injured by fire which broke out during a cinema performance at Shlmmakl Island of Hokkaido last night. POSTAL DEFICIT Rates May Have to Re Raised in United States LAREDO, Texas. Aiay IS: Addressing a convention of postal employees here yesterday. Assistant Postmaster Oaoaral Til toe predicted a postal department deficit for the present year of $130,000,000 as compared with some $90,000,000 last year. He predicted that It might be necessary to raise at least some of the postal rates. The Weather Triple Island Clear, northerly breeze, heavy northwest swell. Langara Island Clear, light south wind: sea moderate. Dead Ttee Point Raining calm. barometer, 30; temperature, 50; sea smooth. ED. JOHNSON IS ILL 4 AT PRINCE GEORGE; CONDITION ALARMS PRINCE 0 EC-ROE. May 13: E. D. Johnson, deputy minister of finance and former city treasurer of Prince Rupert, is ill here Ills condition tit cans- Ing some anxiety At noon to- day hospital authorities re- ported the condition of Mr Johnson u be unchanged. 5fe: i t 4 ; A "4, u ' gMt ' I ' ".ffcst 5fsr