THE DAILY NEWS seeee #88 PRS SCHR RHR e * pee ae acini MPS. WO; Pail pyitie en) Teseeseet sews BANK OF: MONT} > Re Ay For the East. oe if . EST 4 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News cutee pomenerenunnmmennneni | Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. ABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS wy ee Printing and Publishing Co., Third A\ enue. jurd vys at 10:30 a.m Cc {H. F. PULLEN, MANaGiNe Eprror. Likgs Butter ian | Prete the Ga ee and = y ; | Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. nterest Ch {SUBSCRIPTION RATES: sade We en, yee @ TR eques City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month Téc. lelighted with her first ‘attempt! C Those having f i . a i _ , . ev ate unds in- By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00.) 4; making butter with Pacific a, ee on ~—Te m Pested-in Bonds and other / To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 | Milk. ° aden: | Mig SS Oe ae Fi IP ge —-——_— She says the butter is really Mvevednile: < Sika ae ks “ a ai inancia aper, may deposit | | ‘TELEPHONE 98. better than the bricks she gets a a ae a Coupons, Notes and Interest | TRANSIENT DISPLAY A VERTISING — 85 cents per inch.| ‘T0)" (ie Sto From Vancouver + Cheques in our safe-keeping, ‘|| Contract Rates on application. - price it is now. From Vancouver and South. ; for Collection, at favourable — —__— = EE = Ii you haven't the necipe Wucanaes vi eae AR 4 . me. rates. / ‘ ec 5 f weee,. 2 Oe ee eee. hr ee’ ” aoe f DAILY EDITION. wo Eas Monday, Dee. 15, 19149. ae orae is ve ype murduge ... ss... 56:88 6. a. iy i anies « - , a MH. ST. G. LEE, Manager, ° ° 4 RID — ee For Anyox and Alice Arm. E,W. MARENTETTE, Mansser, , as ACE DRANG Pulp and Paper Setideae oem ee F. W. HARVEY, Pro-Man: ger , RRACE BRAN, Timber Becoming Scarce. Pacific Milk Co. Wednesdays ........04 it > - ettie Pr ae, Canada produces annually about $100,000,000 worth of pulp Limited Ratan 4. os’. sh weil it >. -. : ll FACTORY AT LADNER, B.C. and paper products. During the past ten years, especially, the = PS Ss Sree oe Tas industry has made rapid progress, until it is now one of the most From Anyox and Alice Arm. C di . Tuesdays ... m. ana (cain- Te} ican important in the country. The three outstanding requisites for , ; SOS CE CLT 9s +e De LAND REGISTRY AC'l a , ee eee p.m, the maintenance of the industry are large accessible forest dreas, (Sections 36 and 134 Sundays ......... sieae' oi p. m. 1 rade Relations particularly of spruce and balsam, adequate cheap power, pre-|,. Application No. 10493-I. File 6072 In America’s Inst fiscal year Canada sold 84: y rg o rer. ; , As TAKE NOTICE Wat application has been ae ferably water-power, and a plentiful supply of labor. As to the made to register John H. MeMullin, ial For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili 000 of her products in the U.S. Market, but eet two former, nature has been prodigal in her gifts to Canada, |#minisiravor of the estaie of s. &. stb) Bay, Wales Isiand and Naas River. there $700,000,000 of goods, Thus $1 100... O00 ; . ; > . : . The |under two Tar . Deeds from the Col-|/ Sundays ............. {tf p.m. of Canadian-American trade was ted bw Ww ater-power is not only abundant but is widely distributed. ‘The lec tor of ine city of pre Rupert, bea! , fluctuations in Oanad jian Saglouse. We a a irgi j = sts Qe ; y fy ing .daie the 28th day of November, 1917, ore n ain virgin coniferous forests of Eastern Canada were of vast extent, |\"# as! AXD SINGULAR that certain parcel] Fram Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill alten os ne ne 7a under spe. it is rg i , P w tract of land and premises situate, lying ' Va rv con ontreal, 7 new and it is perhaps not entirely surprising that the early settlers jor tract of in the City of Prince Kupert,| Bay, Wales Is!and and Naas River: Winnipeg and Vancouver Branches, oped seen ta and explorers considered them to be all but illimitable. SO PE ae ae Serere i Pasedage 6... . 6s os sees ss. p. in. fullest measure of assistance in your trade fina... But, for at least thirty years, keen observers have foreseen |esh (5). Map 923, and 2 oat one ~ te powtibty and, indeed the probes, vf exhausting te| cea tickg tt a aBtate's| quae aris wines: | UNION BANK OF CANADA contes. oi i P oy wh ee natural supply of pulpwood. The rapid growth of the paper) #'\'o ° aS ' Gain, tee 7 > ro ie aear ae — and RESOURCES, $153,000,000 re . RR Tle Jp ’ pints: THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA ; = . : ; » > ; : T fected Dy publication in a daily newspap. : ae ‘ industry has brgught the time within measurable distance. The Cee ee a oer Sees Nov, 27 and fortnightly thereafte: ‘ ic F : , f the “L i Kegist At with n = : larger producers of paper, particularly in Quebec and Northern |0f the Uiand Hegistry Act” with amend} 55m Masset, Port Clements auc Prince Rupert Branch : . A. T. Broderick, Manager . ? . 2 ; 7 , . » | from: J é ; Ontario, where the industry is mainly centred, have scented the Teh Me EE © demees op Gime _ Upper Island points: danger and have taken initial steps to put the pulpwood forests cate of Es peadens being ited befor Nov. 28 and fortnightly thereafter. : . Seo ore os one per “or Skidewate, Queen Chartlott -- = oh a permanent basis. son entitied under such tax sale, a a ee » Queen tharlotte | === iniemmmeeneis P persons 80 served with notice, City and Lower Island points: idiiniatiiieead =—=>= 7 ; . : > rte ; , and yose ci ro ’ On the North Pacific there are still large tracts of pulpwood . sadee tte” one ye hee; 39 end fortatabtiy therenfies | Th R forests, especially that part centering around Prince Rupert. In of any unregistered instrument, and From Skidegate. Queen Obarioite e oya Bank of C ‘anada | ; ; .ee , wy : coast ail persons ciaiming any interest i “ie > i the East reaforestation is necessary, but anywhere up this coa the land by descent whose title ts _ City and Lower Island points begs to advise that it has for rental at m: te | Nature does the work most effectually, The forest department) [pt [eee rg ender et ostueed | NOY: 26 and fortnightly thereat: : e prices a , us Act, sha se for ever estoppe | helena 4 A. Grai Minister of| and debarted “from telling upeen —- SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES at Victoria in charge of M \. Grainger, under the Minister of = My gy Pep Bhainteh Gnd Wee Cuhat Lands, studies local conditions and modern methods of protection pean | =. ears, To she Bega ok Oiaak alee tee Gare the : They are recommended for the protection from fire or burg. and possible propogation. ee ae el oe ee, Fe after. : lary of valuable business or private documents. Victory The need of using some of the timber on this coast is neces- mia tue o Cette eee bce From Skagway and Yukon. Bonds, jewelry, ete. ’ eo “asible sary in any scheme of conservation. After a tree becomes a/|' the above-mentioned lands, in the nanw |Decemben 7 and every ten days The Manager will be glad to furnish particulars cat ’ f the said OMicial Administrator i ; , pe rR Br h } certain age and size, it ceases to grow and begins to decay. If} AND WHEREAS” on investigating tx thereafter. nce rr ranch - A. W. Cameron, Mgr. | = lite i pears Mm rior : Me 3th a S , s S of October, 1916 (the date on which wu A a the trees are not cut when they = ready, there is a constant said jands ‘were sold for overdue tax stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp ———— ——————————— wastage and the land is not producing. As soon as the crop is | YoU were the registered and assessed own Point : i ; FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at th , ; . a. Os cut, reaforestation takes place and the young trees begin to grow. | FURTHER TAKE sor cae es For - Nove November 26 an = . , ; s ij sts st |pursuance of such application and issu fortnightly thereafter. To conserve the forest the trees in the older fore t Maust [peregnecs af sash sonication S06 jsow ~ right ob after be . if be cut. That shows that there is need from an economic vie@- lands in the name of the said \ilte!al rom—-P. M. November ‘27 an e : : . ; eeneer ese ee oa ee Bron fortnightly thereafter . ; it ; P f the proper proceedings to establish y : ; point to establish pulp mills in this neighborhood in order that Mg gy ye yk : om . é av : “he . , , vent such proposed action on my part —r ‘r re . the next crop of trees may have a chance to grow. cae ee ee Se Be pak MINERAL ACT. yp Prince Rupert, B. C., this @ist day of \ —_— 2 cd Lumber is King vember, A. D 1P*9: anne Certificate of Improvements. : - District Registrar of Titles E : . . " *TH! é, In This District. Te Ne ro carnena sPuirict Rewlstar ‘ot a eee ee DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH Just now lumber is king in this district. It is the business] _ Archibald MeKechnie, as to Lot $1. laims situate in the Naas River Mining One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your . ; ee 7 vivision of Cassiar District * to which we look to make things busy here during the coming LAND REGISTRY ACT Where located —About four miles from Effici Zz . “ - > my e o r ) s y side spring. Mills are reopening, loggers will soon be going into the (Sections 36 and 134. TARE NOTICE thet Lewis Ww Poumore, ciency” : i . ’ . . ; _ : F. M. C. No, 31018-C, ageat for B. | woods and there is every prospect of a very busy season. A*/ge Appiication No. 11318-1. Pile 6,259.| TYrwhitt Drake, Regis ter of the Supremy en le . ’ : TAKE NOTIC cen} vourt of Brit sh oh ~~ @ . ve = Prince Ruperi is the entrepolt for the Queen Charlotte Islands mace to reer aithio buminsto oO | utner’s Certificate No 33863-C,. laa f ‘ i’ ‘ : " js dine Prince Rupert, B.C. a . >| “xt¥ days from the te ft ’ business it is plain to see that we shall stand to benefit very largely | owner in fee under @ Tax Sale Deed fr sito the Mining “boossler os’ ern t , ; . ne : . the Collector of the City of Prince Rupe: f improvemenw, for the of ob by the developments of the next few months. bearing date the 23rd day of Oc tober, tei ginine a Crown Great a tan of the i a ne of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcei| above claims. . or tract of land and premises situat And further take noti d ” Silver Output ing, and — > 7 city of Pisa hue ri,} der a clon SS, oly my BB. bedare more particularly known an escribed a>] the iss ne he cate « POVE P Is Very Large. Lot re (20), Block thirty Seven (37 — Fe Crue + ong OFFICE HOURS ; ilw ; is is . ) yrese sar ys | Section ve (5), (Map 923. Dated th 4 Septe e i tn 19 mee sews Seip ia-thie. divtsies ‘Sor the present: year: is GS Ee alied © came mo win! glk tS ot terumter, 4 Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 40 6.30; Saturdays, $0 12 onl M5 i cell : io o “s, ast vear }o X purchaser within 35 days from : 15,000 ounces valued at wel! over a million llars. Last yea the date of the service of this notice MINERAL ACT Every Evening from 7.30 to 9 the output was 408,000 ounces, so that the output has more thor ine Dette Rowe rahe ee in . on . oo 406 a . doubled. Next year it will be many times greater, judging by |1pur jtgntion Is called to section 36 of the CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Dental Nurse in attendance nendments aD ; eee E ; ‘ shi to e rich |40d to the following extract therefrom NOTICE. i preparations that ae being a ide to ship from many of the rich “and in default’ of @ caveat or cer- “Mohawk,” “Mohawk No. 1,” “Mohawk Phone 109 for appointment mines of the district, particularly at Alice Arm, Stewart and tiftcate of lis pendens being fled be No, 2” Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas fore the registration as owner of the River Mining Division of Cassiar District . Hazelton. person entitied under such tax sale Where iocated Between Lime anc ~ < t oe ne . th Al all persons - £ rvee with notice, Roundy Creeks on south shore of Alice yerythi ints in om in e spring. Alice . and those claiming through Arm. 4 Everything poin s to a mini s ; pring or under them, and all sees clea TAKE NOTICE that I, George R Naden Arm and Stewart particularly are in the public eye as producing ing any interest in the land by virtue Free Miner's Certifeate No. 25,555-C. in : * of any unregistered instrument, and tend, Sixty days from the date hereo f, centres and the entry of the Gugenheims into Hazelton has all persons. claiming any interest in |4pply to the Mining Kecorder for a Cert ; the land’ by descent whose title ts cate of Improvements, for the purpo ol \ | brought that camp well to the fore, especially as the mines have ant resiate soe boder the provisions |obiaining 4 Crown Grant of each of the i . = 0 us Act, sha or ever es- »0ve claims ) ‘i f for a number of years and the value topped an And further » notice that actio n . 7 been producing steadily there for an years and th ! lopped and éebarred Prom setting BE | aot tactins eh, ake Motice thet action, un- aL eye CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES of the deposits are well known. land so sold for taxes, and the Regis- | ‘ihe issuance of such CertiNeate of im PACIFIC . + register the person en me PT 7 K t t ; Services titled under such tax sale as owner vated this 23rd day of August, A. D i C Cc S of the land so sdid for taxes.’ , 1919 — > owe oas eams ip ¥ = AND WHEREAS application has been|__ ——-— -_—--—- made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title | iN PROBATE ? = to the above mentioned lands, in the namc |!’ THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH S. 8. PRINCESS MARY iit r AND Ww HERS on investigating the we rh for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prines Ruper litle it appears that prior to the 9th day/!N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA November 12, 23 of October, 1918, (the date on which the TION At For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle fiom Prince Ruper ’ ee sald lands were sold for overdue taxes), ; and N : 4 Decen : oo . . you were. the assessed owner thereof iN rae Mat CER OF THE ESTATE 0} November 16, 25, anc I pa fee ‘ p PU 1E TAKE NOTICE that at th ‘ (LES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED - ae F GEE WHIZ ee same time I shall effect registration in INTESTATE . SG. Sammense GaATmcE rdy Bay, Alert Bay ser —— ps \f 4 DDN Lost \ pursuance of such application and issue a NOTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Herdy y Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the saig|!! MAY CONCERN of an Order by the Béaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victor's AAT PENNY \ lands in the name of Atillio Dominato, un-|“onorable Mr. Justice Clement, in the Every Saturday at 9 p.m a a | . 7 { HAD less you take and prosecute the yroper tbove Matter on -the 30th day of October , . a ts THINK IDA ! } } rae 7 petablish your clake. if is ohne BS oars : For rates, reservations and sailings, app!) % 52 » the sa be : ) that the sak oO as A RALBERAY J | proposed “ac ton ana: WeMullin shall be allowed oo om 5 W. ©. ORCHARD, Genora! Agent. a , > a> eS I p yr Office eam oO 1 said d ased as occ ai Ae vr Prince Rupert, be ee ned a: un the 26th day of ‘October ete atte Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Ruper’ setober, A. D. 9 " fw eApiration ¢ one ont oO < < a H. : y beac LEOD, t PARE hoTiC that by Southern Queen Charlotte Island Potts Decembet ut , ; oO . mt by Order « is aie antende'e’ : vosupeton marrie d it none = we Young made ine foi & TRAIN SERVICE a.m. for smither ian, ilen 0 , Ss "% ovember, A 6 as appo . 0 e f Gene lease the fe Mowing” de omen nee ” Administrator of the St as of nae Net Passenger Monday, W*dnesday and Smardey ss ow , : Commencing at &@ post planted on the | "2 deceased, and all parties Navin elatins Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipes, making \ * Brancs norm end of & small island on the west rainst the said estate are herehs all points east and south : } nd oe shed Passage, west of Hunter * a ue same pr werty verified. to me ue a ce south 40 chains, thence we . ” m th at day o ect er - —_——_-—— ‘0 chains, thence north 46 cheins. ees 1919. and all parties in sdnine t Bee me | AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMEHIP ee For information and reservations apply Son City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phe east 40 chains to point of eommencement are requrt red be pay the amount of thelr 16 hdbvirtioe i in “The Daily N vod Sontag 0b Merb eye or een | meommens te Be coninwit \ C. SMABY | MeMULIEIN e y ews” By Mark Smaby, Agent ; OMcial Administrator Date September 4th, 1040 hoa Doted this 95th day of November, \. Pp