THE DAILY NEW8 PAGE BIX GIRLS WANTED To enter Contest for America's Most Beautiful Girl The winner will be chosen during fair week in Prince Rupert and will get a free trip to Los Angeles and back and be entertained lavishly while there. Entrants must sell 50 tickets to the Big Coronation Ball, the last day of the fair. Nothing else to do but look pretty. It's the chance of a lifetime. The fair board at its recent meeting decided to enter a candidate in the International Beautequest at Los Angeles in connection with the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the city, when the most beautiful girl in America will be chosen. The local candidate will be chosen at the time of the fall fair and immediately after her selection she will have, to leave for the south to get there in time for the big California event Her expenses going and coming will be paid by the Fair Board but while there she will be the guest of the Ocean Park Businessmen's Association, who are sponsoring the event. The attraction for the candidate is set forth in the following letter from the south. "Your candidate will be met at the railway station, dock or airport by a committee representing the Ocean Park Businessmen's Association. "She will be the guest of screen stars at various functions. "She will be entertained by a reigning star of the screen at her home. "She will be included in all parties listed as part of the program of the International Beautequest and La Fiesta dc Los Angeles. ' She will occupy a position of honor in all gatherings including pageants, parades, spectacles, receptions and, in fact, all events planned for the International Beautequest and Los Angeles' great reception." Candidates must be between the ages of 16 and 30, unmarried and of good character and the ono going from Prince Rupert will be chosen in the following manner: She or her sponsors must sell 50 tickets at $1 each for the big coronation ball to be staged on the last day of the fair in the exhibition building. For the one selling the most tickets a prize of $50 will be awarded. She may enter without sponsors if she wishes but she must sell the tickets. . The candidates must attend the Exhibition every evening while it is in progress here. On the first night one selection will be made by competent judges. On the second night a second candidate will be chosen by another set of judges and on the third night a third candidate will be chosen by a third set of judges. These three candidates will attend the coronati6n ball accompanied by the other candidates and at 9 o'clock, the final selection will bo made. Two hours later the coronation will take place here and the following day the winner will be required to leave and travel as rapidly as possible by steamship, airplane and rail to Los Angeles. Candidates from points around Prince Rupert may enter, such as Anyox, Ocean Falls, Smithers, Terrace, Stewart, Hazelton or other points and they will be required to sell 25 tickets to the coronation ball in order to qualify. Candidates cither in the city or but may bo sponsored by organizations who may help them in disposing of tickets or otherwise in connection with the event. Candidates or their sponsors should notify Secretary Vance of the Fair Association at as early a date as possible and as soon as the tickets are ready may commence disposing of them. NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Tclkwa Coal Mine Lands Big C. N. R. Order Devcl-oping Group of Claims on Hudson Bay Mountain Activity in Whitesail Lake Country The situation so far as the Telkwa coal mine being operated. by F. M. Dockrill of Telkwa is concerned was never more healthy than it is today and, with new orders piling up, there is prospect for an unusually busy season at this mine. From the Canadian National Railways, Mr. Dock-1 i rill has received an order for 750 tons of coal to be supplied to section houses along the line between Prince Rupert and Prince George. Work on this order will commence H list as soon as some smaller or- District News ALICE ARM A. Beaudln lift last Monday for a visit to Terrace. Mr. and -Mrs. WalJIs Henderson ind Stuart Steele arrived last Tuesday f rom Anyox to spend a vacation here. Mrs. G. S. Macdonald of Anyox irrived here last Tuesday and Is spending a holiday with Mrs. Lea- oyd and Mrf. McLachlan. I Mrs. F. Bushfield and family of Anyox are spending holidays here. I having arrived last Tuesday from the smelter town. Mr. and Mrs. Mahood and family are among the holiday visitors here from Anyox. BURNS LAKE Miss Maude Hartley of Vander-noof is a visitor here, being the guest of Miss O. Wahman. Mr. and Mrs. C. Yates of New Westminster have been visiting for several days with the Gowans tarn- ly at Oowansbank. Mr. Yates Is nanager of the Valley Dairy at New Westminster. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Renaud of Victoria, who have been visiting with the former's father. Robert Renaud. at Colleymount, left last week on their return south by auto. STEWART F. H. Hoadley, formerly school teacher at Alfee Arm. has received i he appointment of principal of the 3tewart Superior School. Duncan Cameron and Miss Rita McLean re main on the staff. J. II. Wilson has been appointed inspector here under the Noxious Weeds Act. TERRACE The Rev. and Mrs. E. A. McCarthy are holidaying at Kalum Lake. Lumbering Is slow here Just now. both Olggey's and Pohle's mills being shut down. Operations are largely restricted to getting out poles tor an unsatisfactory market. The school trustees contemplate the provision of fire escapes at the public school, a convenience long overdue. The Farmers' Institute Is arranging to build a meat market shop on Lakelse Avenue for the disposal of locally produced stock. The supply of livestock In the district has been steadily increasing of late years and marketing difficulties have led the farmers to take this step. A little flutter was occasioned by the arrest Just on train time of two ladles who were charged with attempting to "beat It" without paying their board. The ladles In question fooled quite a few people but In the end got It "In the neck." They had laid plans to Institute a nursing home at Lakelse hot springs but their financial arrangements did not pan out right. In the end they produced the necessary money and were alowed to go vowing to put Terrace "on the map" as an undesirable place for adventurers. Is Fined on Charge Of Smithers Theft Cecil Marsh, on a charge of then pmanatinst ..from Smithers. was fined $20 and costs in provincial police court yesterday. 'ders have been filled. Mr. Dockrill ls also awaiting an order tor 300 tons of coal for delivery to Prince George. General business In Prince Rupart and Prince George has also shown substantial Increase. Mr. Dockrll states. ! Several men have been emuloved for some time in carrying out a surface exploration program on th ? Trade Dollar, Silver Lake and Bchufer- properties on Hudson Bar Mountain near Smithers. Charles M. Campbell, well known Vancouver mining' engineer, has arrrveu to take charge of operations trader he ootlon taken on this group of claims by V. n. Wilson Sons Although the option was token out .f vars ago. comparatively lltUe development work has ben car--Icd n-tt under the deal Present -i-ctions are to be confined to -ur'aro prospecting and the op ting up of high grade gilver-lead-ilnc reins already traced over extensive areas on the claims. A new cabin la being built on the Silver Lake holdings from which th work will be carried out. this property being located above the Schufer holdings. Many prospectors are exploring the hills In the VUtesaH Lake country south of Burns Lake. With new highway transportation facilities lust provided. It is expected that mineral showings will be disclosed which, with the Harrison. Emerald and other properties, w'.tt bring that section to the forefront as a mining area. Saskatchewan Man Takini: Charge of Church at Terrace TERRACE. Aug. 19: The successor to the Rev. E. A. McCarthy, Anglican minister, who Is leaving next month for Atlin. is Rev. Canon W. McKlm, of Saskatchewan, who has had a lengthy experience on the prairies. Canon McKlm to an M.A. of Toronto University. He will be accompanied by his wife and Robert Moore of Newlandj In the central interior has been appointed a notary public, the B. C. Oa-settc announces. Y0URD0LLAR Buys More at ' Mussallem's We endeavor to keep the prices down and the quality up. Y'ou al-j ways find bargains at our store. I Aylmer Tomatoes 2 Ws OHn 3 tins OJK, Aylmer Peas Slse 3 3 tins Buy by doaen . ..... Aylmer Corn Golden Bantam, 3 tins Ashcroft Ketchu'p-r-2 quarts for Malkin's Best Spices All variety, 2 tins Malkin's Best Tea Real good, per lb 42cj .81.65 j i 49c 47c 15c 45c Malkin's Best Jelly Powder COp eJOi per dozen Mussallem's Cash and I Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" riione3C0 Phone 18 & 81 i31!)3rdAve. - 417-423 5th Ave ELKS SHOW ENTHUSIASM Are Keen on Putting Over Candidate In Beautequest Contest i Called together at the request of Exalted Ruler Oeo. Mitchell, the Elks Beautequest committee last evening heartily agreed to give their utmost support to their fair candidate, Miss Vivian Hlckey. Sam Joy was selected to make arrangements for a dance next week In honor of Miss HIckcy. This is expected to be enthusiastically attended as the Elks are very keen over their standard-bearer. Past Exalted Ruler, Fred H. Stephens haa been delegated to arrange the annual game of baseball between the married and single Elks which this year will be played ithls Rumc drew a tremendous at-1 tendance and this year ought to break all records. i The committee lias taken another hundred of the qualifying tickets and thefe can be purchased from all members. j 8. N. Boyle, accountant here for the Canadian National Telegraphs returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday visit to his home in New Wednesday August , i ft Wednesday &Thnrsd.. two snows, n?;; Try and Stop LaUJhlntll CHARLOTTE GRERWoOb - in - "Stepping Out" With Kerinald Denny. Uii Hyams, LiiUn Bond and Clitl Edwards What a cut I'layboy husbandsjold-di, King cutles. Th. n their tq found out and started to ft even with them, Just imijin( me lun Comedy CXYOK COOKn "DON'T DIVOKf E IlJM' Musical "TINTYPEs" Cartoon "CONGO JAZr FOX NEWS Feature Starts at 1 I:, t g ADMISSION - '3efc THURSDAY MATINEE at : I'citurc Starts a i.V lit fclfe Friday and saturdar JANET CAYNOK In "DADDY LONG LEGS" Crisp Salads Tempting Desserts Cool Drinks in Tall Glasses o t with an ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Pay Only no Down Every form of food and liquid is kept at perfect refrigeration point Spoilage is ended. Your family's health is protected. You serve delightful meals" and refreshments that enhance your reputation as a hostess. Convenient deferred payments make ownership easy. Why not end the days of drain pipes and drip pans NOW? Northern British Columbia Power Company Ltd. The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert-Brand" SMOKED BLACK C Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE KUPEItT, B.C. NATURAL PUKE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanlta tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE KUPEItT DAIRY o 895 Phone 287 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations M:"ic ( Collection and Delivery Frt'- LING -THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave.