rV i- FaG2 FOtTH 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN $350.00 P. O. Box 1C01 WIN WHIST LEAGUE CUP By defeating Moose 7 to 2 In 'he play-off last night. Grotto -won the Dybhavn Cup, emblematic of Fraternal Whist League championship, while the Moose, as the runners-up. r Great Buys All Reconditioned One' 1928 Essex Sedan One 1928 Chrysler Sedan One 1927 Dodge Sedan One 1927 Chevrolet Sedan One 1927 Essex Sedan Telephone 52 LONDON-BUY GIN $125.00 $400.00 $360.00 .$275.00 $300.00 Delivery Cars from $50.00 to $250.00 Easy CMAC Terms Small Down Payments Balance a few dollars per month KA1EN MOTORS, LIMITED UC12-14 I take the Newton Cup. Grotto was la Barba is successful in winning, i the winner of the first half of the from Kid Francis in a bout at Ma-season's schedule while Moose took dison Square Garden, it is prac- the second half. TITLE BOUT IF HE WINS Ucally assured that he will meet Battling Battalino in a feather' weight title bout on May 1. Billiard League NEW YORK. March 27: -If Fidel j Mar. 27-$pto vs; Legion. B 1 1 WND0N I f llf '- v BRYGIN L! ! pjM i . brands of qm I V J0R -but only one .A- This advertlsment Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hwd or by U. Governmeoi b? British Columbia THE DAILY NEWS CA NA F)IFN WIN 'vwvvvwvw V1I iJrkJLlJLjl f JL frill TOUt A$SVAN OP DISTINCTION AND UTMOST vULi THf f ASMION-C Af t lAlfl Frenchmen Are in Commanding ; Position With Next Games at 1 wrfwersjr ti Home; HawKsTn3 Rangers Win BOSTON. March 27 .-With the remaining frames to be played on their home ice, the Montreal Canadiens went.-ipto a commanding position in the Stanley Cup first place ; play-offs last night by defeating Boston Bruins one to nil. i The series is thus tied up to date in games as well as goals, ' tne mum.- navincr won the lirst game five to four Tues day night. All remaining games will be played on Montreal ice, the third to take, place tomorrow night, the fourth next Tuesday and the fifth, If necessary, Thursday. The best three games out of five decides. Chicago Black Hawks won the second place piay-off four goals to three by defeating Toronto Maple Leafs last night two to one In the second of the two game series. New York Rangers were the winners. They defeated the Montreal Maroons three to nil last night and took th round eight to one. The Black Hawks and the Rangers ,wUl play-off later to decide who will meet the winners of Ca-uadian-Brpins in the final contest for National League honors. WILLING TO MEET WILLS Jack Dcmpsey Throws Sensation Into Boxing Circles CHICAGO. March 27: Dempsey, former world's heavyweight champion, threw a sensation into, the boxing world with the announcement here yes trday that he was willing to return to the ring to Yneet Harry Wills, former contender for the heavyweight title. AVERAGES IG. Howe and A. McRae Tied For Individual Leadership duled for his team, vis. 15.) 1 W. L. O. Howe, Grotto 38 16 A. McRae, Grotto 38 J. MeLcan, I.O.O.F. 36 B. M. Stropson, Moose 32 Q. Otdtek, Orotto 30 J. W. Smith. Dy Dock 30 C. R. Btegmrt, LO OP. 30 O. RuddertMtn, Grotto 30 J. Oaron. Moose 30 T. Bruskeland, L. E. 30 II. R. Love. IJDXXF. ... 26 O, Andersan, Six Mus. 25 Rol Barnes, Orotto 26 A. A. McEwfH, Six M. 24 J; Andrews, Seal Oove 25 F. E. Wermlg, O. R. 38 H. SkatteboL G. Ram. 26 J. M. CamnbsIL Wan. 23 L. Richardson. Six M. 23 E. Deikman, G. Ram. 24 E. Wllklns. Seal Core 27 11. M. Harper, Seal C. 27 A. J. Croxford, Dry D. 27 B. Pederson. Leif E. 26 a L. Barker. Can. L. 26 1L Arney, Can. Legion 24 J. Frew, Wanderers . 24 J. E. Jack, I.O.O.F. 21 W. J. Seymour. Can. L. 22 A. W. Carr. Grotto R. 23 J. Hfilman, Orotto R. 23 J. Allen, Wanderers 23 J. L. Mcintosh. IOOF 24 A. Skuland, Leif Erik. 28 N. Qundcrson,- Leif E. 23 A. C. Cromp, Dry Dock 20 J. Judge. Can Legion 21 A. McRae. Seal Cove 16 16 16 19 18 21 21 21 21 24 20 20 19 21 33 26 26 22 22 24 27 27 27 26 28 27 27 24 26 28 28 28 30 29 MERCHANTS Av. i 7037! 7037 GOLFPLAYi 4 PRINCE OF WALES MAKES HOLE IN ONE AT KIO scored a hole In one. FINALS IN BADMINTON Canadian National Tournament Brought to Conclusion Last Evening Finals in the Canadian National Recreation Association's badminton tournament resulted as fol lows last night: Men's Singles William Tobey, Jr. Jack beat J. Momadina, 15-3. 15-7. Men's Doubles BUI Tobey. Jr.. I am willing to meet htm any time Squire 18-15, 15-9 and any place." Dempsey said. and Bob Tobey beat Petty Officer Instructor Young and J. Maefle. 15-8, 15-4. Ladles doubles Mrs. J. H. Hor ton and Mrs. J. W. McAuley beat Mrs. M. M. Lamb and Mrs A. J I At the conclusion of the play, cups were presented to their winners by W. II. Tobey, divisional superintendent. Refreshments ere , served and dancing followed. Jl WTJljnrP Th? committee In charge of the 111 WH I.N I iiWs proceedings consisted of ii , J. a. Tang. Mrs. F. A. Rogers. Mr. Prince Rupert Fraternal Whist League individual averages for the treason' IK30-31 are announced as faQows: i To be Included in this table a player must have played In i at tout 86 of the matches sthe-! and Mrs. B. E. VaMe and Albert Wood CRIBBAGE SCORING Arney of Moose Led Individual List For Season G- Prince Rupert Cribbage League ez74 Individual scores foe season 1930-31 68.50 were as follows: (To be Included in 58.82 this table a player must have won 5832 at least 70 games.) M ll. Arney. Moose 58 82 j. McLeod. Eagles 5535 a. Reye-r, Moose 5 J 35 Rorvik. Moose 5J35 s. Pearce, Prince Rupert Hotel 123 116 .113 112 110 07.77 p e. Wermlg, Operators 109 1 5,33 A. A. McEwen, Six Musketeers 105; 4. Andrews. Orotto 5,-8S A. W. Carr, Grotto 51 m D. Smith, Prince Rupert Hotel 51 11 W. A. McLean. I.O.OJ. 51 11 J. Feasby. Eagles 5900 i J. Skinner. Six Musketeers ... 5900 J. L. Mcintosh, Elevator M-aiN. Ounderson, Moose M 00 :C. Dixon, Seal Cove 4H.UU 4S.lt, J .47.06 R 47J0Q 46.66 4SX)9 45X19 45.09 4481 43.13 32 3333 V. Menales, Grotto HlHman. Hawks 100 Vlerlck. Eagles 99 A. Astoria, Knights of Colum. 99 P Pmtv. HauVa ao 1L Skattebol. Operators 98 J. Hampton, I.O.O.F 98 0. B. Church. Seal Cove 97 1 W. Roberts, Hawks 97, A. O. Macdonald. Moose 97 D. Mm rev Klvjlnr OA R Jimo Operators 90 ! ,!! B- we8t- IO.OJ 85 .M.UV.W.., UIV I. W . n O. Boulter, Hawks 94 J. A. Allen, Prince Rupert Hotel 94 , A. McRae. Seal Cove . 91 H. Klllen. Eagles 90 P. I. Solent. I.O.O.F 89 E. Jack. Elevator 88 E. Deikman, Operators 87 H. M. Harper, Boa 1 Cove 87 Hunts Had Low Team Score Last F. Aldrldge. Hawks 86 Night E. B. Clark, Low i& W. Tucker, Toe H 85 Individual H. R. Hill, Operators 85 D. McLennan, 81x Musketeers .... 79 Scores in the Merchants' Oolf W. Dungate, Toe H 77 League at the Sunken Gardens last : H. Letourneay, K. of Columbus 77 night were as follows: jL. Astoria, K. of Columbus 77 Hunts 324: BalgerT 344. jJ. Delorme, I.O.OJ". 77 Old Empress. 309; News. 375. IG. Vlerlck, Toe H 76 Northern B.C. Airways won by de- M. McLeod, Elevator 73 fault. - V. Godwin. Operators 73 The low individual score was 73 J. Garon, K. of Columbus .... 72 by E. B. Clark. J- Ward, Toe II 70 i RIO DE JANEIRO. March j 27: Playing at one of thej 4- fashionable golf courses here I yesterday, the Prince of Wales ! In the. third place play-off, the! ASUAL COMFORT ea$y swinging nonchalance.. end yet the graceful poise of the per-fectly-firted garment, characterire fiis handsome raglan by tASHION-PRAFT Your choice of fine fabrics and delightful colours EXCEPTIONAL VALUES from 25 Brock Hats New Shades. Qft Z( , arStylea OO.OU . Corjjeous New Spring Neckwear Uncreasable Q-f A A ' Woo) Linings t?X.UU , See Our Windows For Display BRYANT COMPANY LTD. 1011 LeSQ loi rfc S O WONDERS Mm wn Mm 1 J ,lhsnsckofj ,,IU of s9;"! I bri ' Vf. . . i .1.;. ufhitfi 4 RYE WHISKy. Tills advertisement is not puhhshed or displayed oy tJ,ff Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia