V rrh 27, 1931 TOT DATVY HEWS FAQ3 vi ot Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Kent that Room, Secure Help,. Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc.. Through a Classified ... "'SK.. Ad. m iFOIc RENT YOV -IENT- Firntshcd 4 room ft'. w ;h hath. Phone 547. if Fivr roomed flat for rent, steam v.'-jtod. Phone Muf 345. tf F'i? RENT New ffre-roomed sao - house, 17, Bffotti Avenue )-ssx. t. , h . i'fTS FOP RENT 3 roomed furnished ! iti !" Summit Avenue. Phone BUt 293. r M.-ufie on AWrcd Street. Phon- i VACANCIE6 For day or evening pu-r. , r,w n pth- MU NeUi Lawrence, Phone pup RENT F!p-roomed fum-! :i d apartment. Apply Mussal- mi's Phone Iff. j K'P RI!? 'll'KS- meeting night First and ii'-' uiiicin. vinwu njJMy :. mis. Phone tt. , W, FORSALE FOE RALE libatiabold furnrhsro (I kitchen utensils. Phone r.K ii 805 or call 508 Lotbinere! r ' t 75i rt.p Rmaii unfiniriHii i e. Seventh Avenue E.. Bear il Cove. See Patmore and Ful-! m i.i Phone It. i')P SALE Bdlson Diamond Disc , "7 , lining w irvurus. o3. rnunc BJk 430 or apply Box 16M. TV j Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. r .r sAtJBmTbed and table !xd condition. Phone Black WJ Equipped for Diving andj : or call 821, Fifth Avenue W. ! General Salvage Work j 77 , . . pi-pimPtAvo SITUATIONS WANTED Tx'rrET I G.!.i wanu general housework; I: :.e Green HO. 77' EXHTIENCED WOMAN V&Bts . ork. Mondays. ThuradayK Fridays. Phone 27. 73 FXTERIENCEO waitress wanU po- n store work or houselnep- Apply No. , Sea VtewApart- 77 Public Stenographer MI RIEL MORRIS, Mftee We- v" i Block. Phone 7W. tf i REPAIRS F' i .usi-rlaas Furniture Repair' French polishing TH. Z - Buck 833. TRANSFERS I fMMKRQN'S MKRaN'S Transfer. PhM 177 frJjtfch. Cedar and Jack Ph tf r- k Rri.'s: TRANSFER Cartage and gjiture Mavtnc Phone S64. "' .a. The eholce of those men I who spprfdile good ) Scotch -Whisky ! T advertisement is nnt pub 11 :1 or displayed by the unr ronf rol Board or by tJia Government of Briliah Columbia DRESSMAKER MISS N. ROOERS. Phone Blacl: 23G. SHOE REPAIRS rptt m Work try Louis Shibig, ,fiW6SBd" Avenue West, Box 3C.! Prince Rupert, B.C. tt VIOLIN TUITION IT7. LODGE MEETINGS Third Mondays, Metropole Hall. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments, Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated I W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) I rnone ureen zu & 7 Exchange Bit. tOpp. Orme's) SALVAGE AND TOWING If hi on or under the water we . Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of ail descrip- tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. DlstrlDutore Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity. delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or ivight 5C1 P.O. Box I5C4 PALMISTRY PALMISTRY Reading by appoint-meat. Phone Qreen 127. MRS. JAMBS CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. White House 326 Second Ave., Telephone 76?. AUCTIONEER FRINGE RUPERT AUCTION MART r-I We buy. srll or exchange anyj kind ot furniture or household j gwods. musical instruments ma chinery, etc Uenerai repairs. crating, paelC and shipping. 4MA nob- Lot ce Broken ' Wurkmanshlf guaranteed Jua mu: Lot Kkbum; Lot -tcea bu. phone ffia 150 and we will ; J&t tSnM. Ml ealL G. J. DAWI?f Auctioneer j H Ape tot 5486 Rtum; Lot 58 f; " -tMtjj. w , Federal Bloe.k tf I nmjc .!trM. ' ! SCALK OF CHAIWJIIS A T I 1 The faDowlB Is the urnie ; f f charges made for wiinir notices: ' i Marriage and Kngs-ment 4 nnoiflnents S Birth Notke 504. Funeral Kottcas $1. Cards of Thanka, $t Funeral Flowers 10c perj name. BRINGING UP .1 1 b. v v I y ill I. jite 1 F?S - To'lhc readers of the Daily News who live out of town, we suggest that the classified columns of the paper provide an excellent medium for the disposal of articles they may have for sale or exchange. ' ' i Last season a lady at Smithers did a large business in selling fresh eggs direct from the farm by advertising in this paper. Chickens, implements, household goods, boats, fishing gear, guns, cordtvood, furs and dozens of other articles may be disposed of. The charge is two centra word but six times goes for the price of four. Many people get good results. Whynotjyou? r. THE MINERAL ACT CEKTiriCATE OF IMPKOVrMFNT 1HOTICE liocated on White S&xmc Mountain South Wt W of W Tku Arm. TaKe KOTtoc tht M.urtcr heri Kf rtn o: Tatton ni Eute of otto H. Pjr.ia. NO 44S01 9. mi sqmi D. latrmi. autf irotn tl date kwol , to tMdy to the Muting iwoorw ror wraimw 1 obUJains t crown Orsnt of the bovr J!2 ,..v-. ,.v. m, MMkw Mctton 8S moat be eommnoNj lfJfJ,." 01 Mattl tti tw ltth cf of Juwary. IMl. II. McN. rRASSlC Ml. Oet the AO rending natitt II FATHER I ( II t at nqoM me 1 m aR fiOlM' OJT . tu you A-TNn 1 . I .. . . i ' 1 Country Readers of "The Daily News" DAILY NEWS Classified Department PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. Mail Schedule For the East Monday. Wednesday and Sal- urday 1030 aj,, From the East 1 SundaV( an, Tnursday -4-J30 pjn ' For Vancouver i . M i Tuesday 12J0 i Thursday 9 psi. rnaay ii pm March 22 pm i From Vanconm Sunday 4 pjn Wednesday 1030 pm i Friday pjn. March 18 and 28. Wednesday 3 nm Sunday 7 pjn From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 1130 sun. Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson- i Sunday .. 7 pjn From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday 1130 am For Qncen Charlottes March 21 ajn. From Queen Charlottes-March 19 , 0 pjn. For Alaska-March 18 and 28 ajn, From Alaska-March 22 l pjn. Demand the B. R, Brand of Fresh smoked Haddie Cured Fillets ALASKA BLACK COD KtrPEKS and BLOATERS Put Hp bv die BACON FISHERIES On sale at all local stores THE MARKET Following are retail prieS current', here today: ...Apples Yellow Newton, household ....$2.24 Yellow Newton, fancy box 2.75 Newtons "C" . ... 2.51 i jBtayman'a Wlnesaps, nox ... 2.85, Spitzenberg, fancy ... 2.75 Spltzenberg "C" ... 2.50 Winter Bananas, fancy- 2.75 Delicious, fancy 335 Delicious "C" 2.75 Fruits-Naval Oranges 15c to tl.00 Lemons, Snnklst. dot .40 Florida Grapefruit Uc to California Grapefruit ....6c to .124 Bananas, 2 lbs. 33 Extracted honey, per Jar ...35 Comb honey .... 3b Dates, bulk, lb. , - - Raisins, hulk, lb. j. U5 Dried fruits Lemon and orange peel Black cooking figs. lb. - .IS Currants, lb. J5 Citron peel . 35 White figs. lb. .15 Apples, dried 20 Peaches, peeled JtO Apricots, lb. .. 20 Prunes. 60-70, lb. 10 Prunes, 30-40, lb. .15 Prunes, 40-50, lb. .12 Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas M California soft shelled walnuts M Walnuts, broken shelled 35 Walnuts, shelled halves .40 Peanuts . - J5j Lard- Pure Compound Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, doz. 32 B.C. fresh first, doz. ... 35 B.C. fresh extras, doz. . ? Local new laid, doz. Sugar-Yellow, 100 lbs. 5.00, White, 100 lbs. - 5.60 Butter-No. 1 creamery? lb.;. . .40 No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. 1.15 Flour 1 Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat .. 190 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 30, FciCs"- Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.95 j ' No. 5 Alberta .. . "0 1.85; Bran 130 Shorts 1 gn Middlings 2,10; Barley 1.75 Laying Mash - Oyster Shell Beef Scrap Ground oil cake 45 Fine oat chops 2X10 Crushed, oats 2.00 Fine barley chop 135 Cheese-McLaren's Cream, jars, 45c and .gsj Samembert. 8-oz. pkg 35 Kraft Limberger. Hs 35 Ontario solids 30 New Zealand sonas . 30 Stilton, lb. .40 Kraft .45 Norwegian goat Roquefort Napoleon Limberger H Swift's Brookfield. lb Jx 3orgonzola. lb. - brookfield Swiss. H-lb. pkg.... 30 Oruyere .45 Brookfield Canadian cheese, V4-lb. pkg 35 3olden Loaf. lb. .45 Meats- Turkey 35 Fowl. No. 1. lb S8c and 35 Roasting Chicken, lb .40 Broilers . .45 s Ham, sliced, first grade 35 Ham, picnic, first grade 30 Cottage rolls, lb. 35 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .53 Veal, loin .40 Pork Shoulder 3) Pork, dry salt 35 Ayrshire bacon, lb. . 35c to 30 Veal, shoulder 25 Cow Bay Machine Shop H. Blanchard, having sold his interest in the Cow Bay Machine Shop, formerly Blanchard and Fasolo, all accounts should be paid to the undersigned. RICHARDS & FASOLO P.O.Box 300 -Prince Rupert, B.C. Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tuy than rent All makes of machines re-: A paired. McRAE BROS. LTD. INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. JOERGEN P.MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave. W. Silversides Bros. j Third Ave. Phone. 22 Window Glass and Glazing 30- BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings 1 Pork. loin .40 Pork, leg Beef, pot roast ...22c Beef, boiling 15c .j Beef, roast, prime rib f??Lamb. shoulder JSjBHi. .teak Lamb, leg .. Lamb chops By George McManus 35 to an to .15 30 33 35c to 30 Matton. shoulder 30 Ffch- ' j Smoked klppecs, lb. .15 Salmon, frtwen, lb, 3 IHalihat, froatn. lb .25 1 Vagatables ! Potatoes, Potatoes, netted netted Jems. Jems. 9 9 lbs. lbs. ... J9 sack sack . . 230 Potatoes 1 Athcrof Athcroft, t. 8 8 lbs. lbs. 35 Sack Sac 2.18 Paraky, bunch x. j ' no Calilornla Celery, head 35c and 30 ... ... . .. ii Splnae California, lb . ,.15 OarUc, Imported, per lb .40' Leeks, bunch 07 OaMmce, B.C M Onkms. 6 lbs. .2 Calitarnia, head lettuce, hd . .15 Maakan. outdoors. Tomatoes, lo .35 BrtMMia Sproats 30 Balk Turntos. 7 lbs. ii Oaailflowr, Oalifernl-a. hd .25 to 35 Rhubarb, hothouse 2 lbs. .25 Parsnips, 4 lbs. 35 Carrots, 6 lbs 33 Beets, lb .0o Dally News -Want Ads" bring utek rulti. .r. jft tl " r Vl . ' 5 II ( 1 1 COE-i-M COIN TO I I - W llll ' ,Ml uttSfi. I f