;aue rwo THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published. ,Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue DAILY EDITION 'H. F. PULEEN - i farrtrittC-Eiditor High 031 ' SUBSCRIPTION JtATES . ,..r City delivery, by mnll 01 carrier, yearly periftdpald In'advanee ... For leaser pericds, paid in advance, per month .,. By mall to all parts of Northern and Central' British Ce-lumbla. paid in advance for yearly period 5.00; 50 1 3.001 By mail to all other parts of Britlsn Columbia, Jthe British Empire and United; State, paid in advance. perjar .... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year r...'..f. 9.0U ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion 140 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02 Local reader, per insertion, per line 25 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line - ...r!P.. 15 Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Monday. April 20, 1991 Terrace Board of Trade, After Long Debate, Endorses Alaska iway But With Reservations dorse the resolution so long as Ca nadian interests were safeguarded. This was agreed to. Repairs to Queen Charlotte Wharf Are Being Asked Charles C McOonegal, handless veteran, postmaster of Bell. Calif can drivp an automobile, fly an aeroplane, write or typewrite, and usslst himself in every way just as If he had the use of his 1 1 handSv feOWNTREES Tea and Sale at Affair Held Saturday by Ladles' GuUd of United Church TERRACE, April 17: A resolution received from the! Burns Lake Board of Trade urging the provincial govern-; terrace. mpnr rn start pnrmtrnrti'nn nf rhp R. T.-Alnskn hiVhu-av nt Pleatnrtt anc woccsuui tunfiHim once, but not at the expense of any major highway pro-'TSSSSS lect m the nrovmce already undertaken bv the mibiic f, rv k,- an4 Hasta mvJt. I Mrs. W. L. Anderson presided over j the home cooking being assisted by I Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Thomas, while the tea .tables were attended by .Mrs. Swann, Mrs. Kenney and Mrs. Is Seeking THE DAILY NEWS Monday, April 20, l9,n QUART MEE' RLY HELD Much Business Transacted by Terrace Body Secretary Submits Report TERRACE, April 20 There was a good gathering In the Legion j Hail Terrace on Tuesday night on 1 he occasion of the quarterly meeting of the Board of Trade. Mr. J K. Gordon presided and in open-mg the meeting expressed regret at the absence of Henry Halliwe'L the secretary, for the first time during the years he had served on he board. N. Sherwood was elected secretary pro tern and read the minutes of the last quarterly meeting which were adopted on the motion of Fred Nash, seconded by H M. Witlson. letters from the secretary to the CPR. and to th" Hon R. W Bruhn were approved. A motion introduced by F. Nash and seconded by H. M. Wllteon. railed upon the Dominion Gavtrn-ment to Institute a system of unemployment Insurance throughout the Dominion forthwith. m o A resolution in favor of the es- 1 erraCC OUCCeSS tabilshment of national health In- suranee was deferred for consider-ation at a later meeting Dfeeusslon took place on public works and Mr. Hepburn said that Mr. Cotton had expressed himself as very sympathle towards ' the Apm aa.-A rery:nwk of tftf dArIet works department, was the centre round which a lengthy tng sale was attended by a large 7 "H" ia inc arac- ttons of the district. discussion took place at the meetings - number of friends. The church and of the Terrace Board of Trade on have to repair it three tines a year, hu ur v.r. nrttiiv hii Oi motion of Mr Burnett it was decided to send a letter of thanks to J. C. Ollbert for his help In F Nash moved and W. A. Klrk Tuesday. and should never be able to keep and ,eUow and panted Patrick seconded a resolution ask In reply to Mr. Heoburn it was . tt ta repair. . ntaa.hu? f ft i ln Dr. Mandy to approve an ap pointed out that a private corpora-: A vot taken on a moUon to Mr; Q Beveridge, as president of ! PrPrtatlon r making a trail tol tn had orrered to traUd the road pp" " "imu uirc nwuiwn the Ladiea' Ouild, was in charge and ' MJC numer group ui cjaims near in re tarn for concessions and that but W declared lost. wag gpiefKlidly supported by the la- Ka'un la-the concessions were chiefly the two 1 Mr- Nah- however, moved andr'Ai9MO various committee. ' secretary presented the fol-cenU on gasoline and the right to Mr. Hepburn seconded, a further re- xh ancy wrk sU11 In tn! lowing quarterly report: establish roadhouses along the solution pledging the board to en- capable hands of Mrs. W A. Kirk-1 ' . highway. Mr. Nash strongly favored sup porting the Burns Lake resolution bat thought American money was1 not really needed to build our road. Mx. Hepburn thought the door ' should not be closed against any of- fer of assistance from America, which was going to help in devei-oping B.C. t Mr. Nash: "Well, whatever eon-! cestfcms are made to American in Patrick with Mrs. Soucle and Mrs. j Tne QUarter has n one ln Ffalter assisting. j -.hfc-h . mnd rtMl of urlr ha hun undertaken and useful results achieved." , j At the annual meeting Mr. Nash raised .the qufsUoa afaV'buy-at- home" campaign Kahim bridge started. and the whole MeKenney. Mrs T B Brooks aeted ! toetadlag a consideration as treasurer and Mrs J. Brooks and j of iocal prices, was referred to a new Mrs. McDonald poured. leommitu th mmn. mmn. During the afternoon an aoeept-t t ,,- . .lth able and varied program was ren- tuch i 01MS-h0J? QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, April dered. A pretty toy tea party scene ! ,17, I . . . t. . ,.Ta. 1SI A ,1 .v.- n .1 I . . - . .. - . . oct.uc a. irumuw ut MrresH wo mm oe aosoiuieiy eer- w "' vrucru wui- was enacted oy uoromy nuey ano . t,. ra,, tr,rtjfinr, nt ,tn i Uta ,of the freedom of our Canadian Board of Trade was hd M sheila MeKenney. Rev. H. T. iUlHtjffJi! road." week. After routine business the sang a toU and a pretty piece was T ithouh nrw.d thmntrh Mr. Burnett: "If we are not in a board took up the damage done to rendered by Misses Sophia McLar- tl " , mnnlV! unawTiHnff I position to build the road ourves. th boat slip moorlng by th recent' en. Evelyn Thomas and Berth. ' AS t pZSLrt. we cannot expect America to de It ine sum oi sia was asxea oy Moore, while Eileen Beveridge gave ln ;h rd on ,he a, tM(, th(. without concesrtons. and If we re- wt from J. P. Forde. district engm- interesting reading. j lake was supported. nrS fuse them, we wUl get no road at r- Vic torn to repair damage-all." The meeting endorsed the fair Mr. Robinson pointed out that af- ol of the wages for work ter the concsialoju proposed had on the wharf lately repaired here, paid the cost of the road the whole . on which trouble arose as no wage cost of maintenance would then de- was posted on the Job. volve on Canada. . Mr. MeNtehoi. Usk, roundly condemned the whole scbeme. Th? road would, he satd, cost about $24,000,000 to build and afterwards we would PRESBYTERIAN Recommendations from Stewart; Board of Trade with reference to , proposed alterations in mining laws : WHM rfm tn Jhm mfnlfvt inm. I YO! 1NH PFOPI V '' mtMt- w11 not et reported. ' lvwi,u - A resolution frwn Burns Uke Board of Trade regarding the B. C. JV .A tol01 th? ranadlan Orcanixatlon Former at Meeting Alaska highway has been consider-JrT. ""f1""1 epartment ar- Aftcr chureh Last Nljht E. ed. but was referred to thU meeting. rived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's tram SsaaaaHMaaaVaaaaaB Smith. President Burns night was celebrated under - j tbe auspices of this board and was After evening service last night, a j a great success. $62.40 being reihz- Young People's 'Soeltty wat formed I ln conneetifl wlgta Fttsi Pebyter-' Another function was the benefit! Ian Church. 'MeHns wtlnbe held! dance speneored by the board for, every second Tuesday evening ' tf DeKergommeaux family after starting next week. A provisional th? fire in which they lost every-. slate of off leers has been elected. , thing, and by this means over 9100 These wll lserve until June, when, was raised, the orRanitation will suspend actt- Application was made for the al-vitlee for the summer, resuming in 1 location of at lea rt,0t0 for the September. The officers are as follows: President. E. J. Smith. Vice-president. Miss Malsie Mac donald Skeenn riding, and pressure was, exerted to get the erection of the: March secrc ary. M, PolemaTameran. J aVu Meh meetln g nl,. , rT t: T ..u ' frmea regarding the ifJitS ?.n h, lth!rln, of men for employment Ml Jj"" ! the agricultural M 1 rha 1 1 anrt Orf fSo0 Educational m,!L Miss Eileen JL L Oe- 1 otSmmltt. but so far no report has borne. Mis. Sheila Stuart. MlsaM.r 'leeture. rt was arranged Mf wtt7 n " Dr. Mandy lectur- iS rdiaTdemorutrated to miner, and km MSiS2; Olive Munro. SSS-JSi! fcmu ...... n . J ! cjrpectedly popular. Dwltcht Rice. mm wvi kV caUM K vision of a government bath-house atLakebe Hot Soring has been un-avaiteg, - Stroas-fferU have been put-for- 0JCdiCrbHip thew e(oru hay ,rult. 1 A meeting of the economic corn Representative Fred A. Ilrlttaln 01 mittee wus held with the merchants lUlnoH jNQinliutrs Himself WAS111NOTON, April 20 Repre-yentatlve Fred A. Brlttaln, Republican from Illinois, announces that he will be a candidate for the Speakership of the House of Representatives In succession to the late Nicholas Longworth. am vs Colds dosing Just rub on VICKS VAPoRua i,iin,n.i,i.iirij;i:.iij 01 the town and a lengthy discussion took place with the object of trying to find some means of promoting more purchasing of goods in Terrace, but nothing resulted. A number of resoluUons were brought forward by the economic committee, these Including one asking for the establishment of a rriar- ket for the sale of farm produce. The question of unemployment insurance was referred to the quarterly meeting. A resolution from the civic af-.aire committee suggesting a com-.nunlty picnic was approved, as was ne to promote a father and son .lean up day. A resolution to introduce a park Jevelopmcnt scheme was referred .0 the commissioners. The instillation of a fire alarm yttem and fire fighting equipment was strongly recommended by tbe board of trade and was put Into .ores by the commissioners. April The April meeting was also a busy one. The annuaf return was ordered ii be sent to Ottawa and an appll-latlen from the Canadian Government information Bureau at Detroit for information regarding the pro-potfd purchase of land in, the Lak-else Valley was referred tq Mr. Ken- 1 ney. A list of members of the board I was sent to the Canadian Forestry Association who will probably com-, munlcate with each me:nber before long. ! I Thanks was aeain received fromi I the American consul in Prince Ru-' pert for services rendered. I An effort to help the Fatt Fair As sociation was approved and is to be reported on tonight; Various resolutions of the economic committee and the civic affaire committee were referred to this quarterly meeting. . The secretary announced his intention to resign and several members spoke in appreciation of his work. He promised to continue In office during April, but intimated that he would not withdraw his resignation. It was agreed to give a welcome to the Hon. R. WV Bruhn, on his forthcoming visit to the district. A suggestion put forward by Mr. iKenney and adopted was one to communicate with the C. P. R. urging that the claim of the railway route from thp Peace River district via the headwaters of the Naas and iKalum Valley. i Generally the work of the board has proceeded with smoothness I during the quarter. TTieit constipation remember these age-old non-habit-, forming correctives Seecjam'J mm BRING HEALTH Thinking 1 M en invest -1 , in Life m mm JL 1 1 1 "r "fY nsurance TN years gone hjt man sought independence for X himself and family by diligently saving part of his earnings and gradually accumulating a "nest-egg,, to provide for old age, death or other eventuality. Today, thinking men reverse the procedure. They first create an estate, with the aid of Life Insurance, and then pay for it out of income. These men regard Life Insurance as the most important of all investment! one "which immediately guarantees protection for loved ones, education for the children arid independence in later years. What other investment offers so much? By owning Life Insurance you can have the confidence that comes from having certain definite resources behind you-reserve funds that you can depend on for future needs. And Life Insurance encourages systematized saving Jle foundation of auccess. Think what your financial position will be ten or twenty years from now. Then ask a Life Insurance Representative to assist you in planning bdepen-dence for yourself and family. 1. nt Lite Insurance Service ivrwp