T t ! t n Jrf mi (tneral atoree; V, Vke T Milbura Co, Ud, Tprooto, OuU FREE! One Tin of After-Shaving Talc With Every Purchase of One Tube of Klenzo Shaving Cream 50 cents Orates Hct Plumes 81 & 82 TIIREK GRADUATE IMIARMICISTS BETTER BEDDING WEEK Featuring Simmons Products ' Sec Our Window Display Barrie's Home Furnishings TELEPHONE TIIE CONSOLIDATED IIiNING& SMELTING - toMPAjRV op Canada, hlmitei) - lit All I1HI1IMI Mm ml ml ultra of ELEPHANT lira ml ( llr MK At. li:itllHl l(S ''1 r it Roflnerw of TADANAC II. .iid I I l:t TUOI.YTIC Sailings From Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wranjjcll, Juneau and Skyway April Z9. May 0, 10. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle April 2t May 3, 13. Princess Mary For Dutedale. Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay Campbell River, Vancouver and Victoria. FRIDAY, at 10 IM. Full Information From Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines W. C. OKCIIAKI), General Agent. Telephone 31 Prince Rupert. B.C. Corner Third Ave and Fourth St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED k , , Strnntrrs lrvi rrliir HupVrt fur VanWUiiVr: t.UAI.A EVKKV TltMiAV, I. .10 I'M. .)'- Arriving ViiUMiiMv'Mi tr'ni. rls. ThurlH Noon appro. .,VUIK,, KVIilVYi'jrilll'AV.AIUIMUlllT I i ii'T1 Arriving VanomiveV Sunday niuliugru. pjirox 1 V BlUnjta to Port Blmpoii. Mick. 'aA0.aTim, 'Bttvrttrt aria Nsas River poUiU. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. J nilorniatlon resxidtiiK all viiliiigt mid tickets at -KIMT lll l'UKT .WIKNCY: Set' olid .Uriiue. I'hune WW TH.h T.M H tin, I' My News Want Ads. Covered With Bolls on Arms, Back and Neck Mi Marguret Higgins, Dyment, Ob t, wntei: "I was covered with boils on mj arm,, f1!e -j Bwk j used plasters and other remedies with no results Mv to BordoA BIimhI attention, BlTtsrs, was so draw,, I II tldodi to .got s blAtlM 'Tttelrttoia ,we.r 4Hrveoul.,,l;ciB ao,tttoJJrJU. boils had complete djfppred, and. fnj skin was clearer ind ,.. ever. 'i' J 1 msnsfecinn, m"B"c,'lr,I. ' , the pelt H., uL', U 'jesrs, on FREE! Third Ave. & Sixth St, ia COM Mill I ammonium phosphate sull'iiatk of ammonia Till PLC SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH bring quick Results Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroncr's Store. .. 1. ' . . 'i ; ju ) iiift . i". Ride in, . safety.', nhone, 1 32. . .Taxi. Specialize;, in . night .ervice. 1 Two drivers pn the Jpb. . (tfj: Among those' registered recently at B.C. House in London have been R. II. Leighjon, Prince Rupert, and Henry Stott and Thomas L. Stott of Hudson's Hope. James H. Blake of trie mechanical 1 department of the Forest Branch is a visitor in the city from Victoria on official business, having, arrived from the south on Saturday. Union Oil Co.'s tanker Unacana, Capt. Powers, arrived in port at 5 o'clock this morning from Vancouver1 and, after discharging fuel for the company's local tanks, sailed later in the morning for Alaska ' points. i Adair Carss Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters "of the Empire, realized $00 on' Saturday in the Ua&.day tQ,ralaft.fun.U,ioi.Jbe .up keep and hcautification of ex-service men's , graves in Falrvlew Cemetery. O. C. Stuart, who has been on a brief trip to Edmonton on business in connection with his dutle? as census commissioner for Skeenn returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon, having travelled home via Vancouver. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imper ial. Capt. Oeddea, arrived from loco at 6:30 Saturday evening with a full cargo of fuel for the com- panyt local station and. after dis charging, sailed at 3:30 yesterday afternoon on her return south Arac-tjg ar group picture" of this year;UMMting eta" from 8t Tosepttf?JI1ottal. victoria, pun- Ished bi laat Wednesday's Victoria ColoiUrrt si o toe seen Miss Evelyn Rice, daughter of F. D. Rice of his city. The graduation exer clsea we held last week. aSL. HaBy"Mfct. who Is suffering with heart trouble, was brought to the city from Terrace on yesterday afternoon's train, accompan ied t Dr. Stanley Mills. The patient wat ghced on the ambulance from'UML'lliin and taken to the Prtnolrt General Hospital. tjayed by making a special call at'Casslar cannery in the Skeeni slough with members of the can-nerjb.erew. Union steamer 'Catala Capt. A. S. Dickson, arrived in oort at 4:20 yesterday afternoon frvm the south and sailed at 8 p m or Anyox, fkwart and other nor thern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning en-route hack to Vancouver. Youri Chief Steward 2 goU ifripes tig-tag .: . . is wise in the, way of providino. your person l comforts, you'll look forward to your meats, for his menus, art deilgntd p daily to satisfy that sca-alr appetite. They are based on 91 years of cxptrlcnce In the art of pleasing passtnjtrs, sinct 1840. Sillinji weekly fiom Monteel Cabin rttli from .... SI 30 Toorlit Third Csbin . . . SI OS TKiid CU11. Round Trip S15S Specie) Senonel Third Chit Round Trip Escunlon Rete Jnotmotlon rom X'VjI Hoitfcfli Street W. (Phone Seymour 3648) ! 1 Vancouver - or Any su-anuhip ogent (4 TIIE DAILY NEW8 A MILLION FAT FOLKS CAN'T BE WRONG And that's a low estimate of tlie -nwmlwr taking KrimlK-n'to keepdowu suKrlluoua fut, When you take vitalizing KniM-hen Salts for a tew (lavs that old indolent '.rm - rliair (tiling deserts you it iliicvn't matter luw Tat you are the urge for activity liaa got you and you're " step)i'ng lively. And Unt of all voiiike this activity you walk a couple of mile and enjoy it you thought you'd never dance again, but you find you're getting as apry as ever tie old tingling, active feeling reaches even your feet. Crunchen is a comlu'nation of the MX salts Nbature has already put into j'our lirMiy to keep you alive -if it were not for these vital salts you could not live. One bottle is enough, to prove to you that Kruschen will make you feel younger v- spryer more energetic you'll enjoy life- veiy minute of it. A half teaspoon fu( in a glass of hot water every morning is all you need to keep healthy keep your stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys in splendid condition free your system from harmful toxins and acids. Furs remodelled, cleaned ani repaired. An experienced cutter Ooldblqom's Fur Shop. t' Father Champagne, O.M.I., sail ed Saturday night on the Princ John for a trip to Port Clement and other Queen Charlotte Islam points' on an ecclesiastical mission W. E. Walker, manager of Ar randale cannery, was a passenge aboard the Catala last evening go ing north to again direct the ses -earon's operations at the Naa River plant. He was accompanlc north by Mr. Griffin, cannery ac countant. His mother in Latvia seeks in formation through the Salvatto' Army ac to the thereabouts of O Peterson, formerly John (Janls Hartman. aged.. 44, who has no' been heard from since three year ago. The missing man, who ha been a sailor and a miner, is tal land stout, blue eyes, fair hair anr oval face. ANNOUNCEMENTS . I! II Royal Parple bridge whist am dance, MetropoU Hall, Monday April 27. Gyro Hoedown May I, S O N. Vlnland No. 28 Indepen dence Day. Dance, "Moose Hall. Ma 15. Canadian National Recreatior Association Monte Carlo night May 18 and 19. C.N.R.A. Badminton Courts "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" B.C. Products ur 1 i Week rVAPOKHTf-S ' B. C. product build B. C. Nothing equals payrolls. They are the life fluid of prosperity. Rich Industries enrich the communities where they flourish. Patronage is back of it all. The patronage you give to the products turned out in the community where you live has the utmost Importance. That's why attention In a particular way is called to B. C. Products this week. Native Daughters' exhibit at Old Hasting Mill store. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Ablmtfford. I1.C. 100cr B.C. Owned and Controlled ifirT .diioirK Of suits OR SPKING COATS New samples Just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest 'quality and the patterns of the very latest LING THE CUTTER . Steam cleaning, pressing and altering Free delivery to any part of 'he city. 4M LING -r-TUB TAILOR 317 Second Ave. Phone C19 Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. E. E. Gregg, assistant district forester, returned to the city" on yesterday afternoon's 'train from a trip to the ' Jnterior on official bus-Infess. Vf ' . B' It is announced toay tjhffl' the Canadian Dental vIlygienepouncil campaign will beheld heret April 22 and 23 as originally' planned. 92 James Adams, official of the Un ion Oil Co., silled last night by the Prince Charles on his' return to Vancouver after a visit here on company business. Mrs. C. L. Monroe, wile of the newly-appointed government agent! at Nanaimo, passed through Victoria yesterday en route from Prince Rupert to Nanaimo to Join her hus band who preceded her there last week to assume his new duties. Vic toria Colonist. Rescission of the appointment? formerly held by Charles Leopold Monroe when he was government agent here is announced in the B. Gazette which also names the multifarious duties he will have in connection "whth" ' his new .office as government agent at Nanaimo. of Norman Alien Watt as district registrar of voters here is also made. Ends Right Away "Th very first tims I used 'Sooths-6It" it ended the itch sad peis of mf Ciles ri(ht ewiy. Stopt t wellini end leedina. Piles now rone." -L.T. beers. Quickest relief known. All druiiuts. Mother's Day Teach your children the real sentiment of Mothers' Day, that they may always keep it. Plan a Surprise! Have them give your Mother their photograph Benson Studio . Phone 426 S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas & Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose 'and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Glasses HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading turn lly hotel. Hot .tnd cold water in all roomi A. J. PltUIHIOM.MK. Prop. Cor. of Fraser Jid Fifth 8t Savoy S. R. Wahlstron C.N.R.; Peter Leighton and son; Metlakatla: Mt. and Mrs. H. Anderson. Winnipeg. M. Pederson, Norway; J. N. Mil ler, Vancouver. New Royal Hotel I. TurrUI. rop Tilt: IIOTtL WOKTII WHILE Hot it Cold Vlr: Steam Heal 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone tKI Royal T. A. Batter, F. Elliott. II. Vosper and M. Chri&tlanson. slty; S Brathwalte. Edmonton. Jack flak- ikkala, Anyox F lUltJO.$ r !; Boston Grill rhone 457 Prince Rupert targe Cabaret ' SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Monday, April 20, 1931 We Guarantee to You a Monthly Cheque as Long as You May Live After you nave worked hard through your productive yean, and most of your - family responiibiititJ hare-been fulfilled, you will have earned the right to leisure and ease, with time to enjoy the good things of life, free from financial worry. If you will do your part, the Confederation Life Association will guarantee you a monthly cheque lor as long as you live. . . . Will guarantee that you will never be in the dependent das which, statistic show, is the lot of such a large percentage of humanity. You can start now to build your income for retirement out of earnings. You Confederation Life Association Toronto, Canada PVtv .Tend me, without obligation, full information of your plan to provide roe with A Guaranteed Monthly Income for life." Name- AMtuu. WALTER PURKIS, Representative Box 414. PRINCE RUPERT REPORT IN VICTORIA Olof Hanson M. P. Asks Ottawa About Peace Kivcr Outlet OTTAWA, April 20: The report of the engineers who carried out a survey of the Peace River route with a view to the possible establishment of a railway line from the Peace Uiver to the Pacific Coast, is at present being studied by the British Columbia government, Hon. It. J. Manion, minister of railways, told the House of Commons. Replying to Olof Hanson (Liberal, Skcena), the minister said the report would be tabled as soon as he was able to do so. New Snagboat Near Complete Expected Craft Will Soon be Turned Over By Dry Dock to Government j The new snagboat Esslngton ' built at the local dry dock for the I Dominion government, is now prac- tically completed and will, it fs ex pected, be turned over within the next few days. The new craft replaces the old Bobolink which for many years has served on the Naas and Skeena Rivers. Spokane Refuses Traction Gift SPOKANE, April 20 In the midst : of a dispute over service, the. Washington Water Power Co.; which has Spokane' street car franchise, offered the system to the city as a gift. The city coun- ell turned down the offer when it , was found that a $2,000,000 bonded indebtedness was Involved. ! will never miss the deposits, and you will have satisfaction of seeing your savings- assume 'considerable proportions. Meanwhile, your dependents will hava the protection of a substantial estate; and if you are totally disabled by sickness or accident, you will receive a monthly cheque almost immediately, and your deposit will be waived during disability. All this b GUARANTEED by th Confederation Life Association. A safer, surer plan does not exist tt provide a certain, definite monthly income. Mail the 'coupon NOW for full information . . . it will be sent to you without obligation. FALL FAIR HASFIGHT 'efforts Being Made to Keep Terrace Institution From Going Under TERRACE, April 20 Terrace Board of Trade made a strong ilea for assistance to the local ?all Fair Association at the quarterly meeting held on Tuesday. ' An appeal' for financial assls- tance had been refrred from the council of the board to the agri culture committee and the chair man, J. K. Gordon, strongly urged that all possible help should be given the Association. In fact ail ocietles in the town should helo o keep up the standard, which would require at least $530. N. Sherwood, as convener of the tgriculture committee stated that the committee had not met to consider the matter, but he urged hat as many subscribers as pos- ible to the fair should be secured. W. Robinson pointed out that both n 1929 and 1930 Terrace Fair had ranked first in the whole nortn country and last year it was fourth in the whole province. He thought between $602 and $650 would be required to meet necessary expenses. He felt sure there was some active opposition to the fair in the district but ft had been proved over and over again that where a fall fair exhibition was dropped the quality of produce immediately deteriorated. It was agreed to use the influence of the Board to assist the Fall Fair Board. In connection with the forthcoming commencement of the tourist trade, the current Issue of Canadian National Railways magazine contains a number of items and pictures of local Interest One of the pictures shows a view of the steamer Prince Henry moored at the company's dock here. Adda Nourishment to Kiddles Meals! New wjjwlthout n of OXO Cubes-for p.0 should be a part of every child's middar meal serve at bouillon- sdd to soups, gravies and stews for that citr'a nourishment that means strong, healthy children. . At Ymr Cnctr't latins of 4 and 10 cubes