United Pacific Now Established For Distribution o Halibut of This Coast, Official Declares (Ketchikan Tribune) j All arrangements for the financing, shipping and distribution of the product of the Pacific Coast halibut fisher-' mm have been perfected, and the United Pacific Fisheries is now prepared to handle halibut in any quantity through a system of country-wide distribution. This is the word brought back to Ketchikan by J. E. Berg, Alaskan mana- LONG TRIP ON OCEAN Coquet. 65 Feet Lone. Reaches Vancouver, 111 Days From Hone Kong VANCOUVER. April 20: After a (rip of 111 days across the Pacific Ocean from Hong Kong, the (.5 foot boat Coquet, with Capt. VYaard and three companions on board, has reached Vancouver. It was an arduous voyage and the small craft encountered terrific storms through many of which the crew despaired of living. Municipal III At Terrace Is Q f-Cll TInriirPfl Perfect our organisation is. the U11I1 UlllUl CUigtaoyuMUon 0f the market must ' necessarily depend upon the source TERRACE. April 20 George Lit-j of supply, which Is the fishermen has resigned his commissioner-1 themselves. If we can continue to ! P in the municipality and Nigel ! handle the bulk of the fish brought MxTtrood. who had aeeeDted the' Into the market, we can, without Tr . - ! ition of clejk to the munlcipa- : !v vice 11. Halllwell, has aU? Matters are in a somewhat ' : 'l; led state and Interest in the -M, i veiling is keen. Meantime municipal of fke remains closed .mil aij parties pursue their several 'm'.Us. The two remaining com mission - ' approached J. Klrkpatrtck In-' iiR that gentleman to fill the v m itney. He had not, however, un-: i .i late hour on Saturday, agreed ' .iccept the offer. IS DEAD INPARK Body of Fred Jordan, Pioneer Resident of Vancouver, Found on Sunday VANCOUVER, April 20: The fc'Kiy of Fred Jordan, pioneer resl- 11 nt and prominent bowler, was "'nid in tanley Park yesterday. He ' "' been missing since Friday. Be- Klc the body were three bottles bc-lifvod to have contained poison. Approach at Edmonton Is Being Rushed EDMONTON, April 20 Three 'rewB of sixty men each are, rush !"K to completion the new approach which will connect SouUV Edmonton with the main section ft the city. Notice All men hlrrvd to work on crnln ger of the United Pacific, who has I Just returned from an extended trip to Chicago, Boston and points east, made in the interests of his :ompany. "The organisation has been per-: fected to the smallest detail," Mr. Berg said today. "Our headquarters n the east will be dhlcago. withj distributing offices in Boston and 'few York. On this coast the head ; f f Ice will be in Seattle, with other offices established In Vancouver,! Prince Rupert, Ketchikan. Peters- j urg. Juneau and Sitka. Branches; will be opened at other points , whenever the amount of fish of- j fered for sale at those points ap-, pears to warrant it. j "Every detail from financing to' distribution has been arranged very j satisfactorily." Mr. Berg continued, "and the success af jbjit venture is now absolutely assured. with the stabilisation of the halibut market firmly effected provided we cbn Unue to receive the co-operation ! and support of the fishermen that : w h hn for th nast fen' weeks. . doubt, I prevent any sudden and vide fluctuation In that market, but our control of the market depends enUrely upon our control of the ma jority of the fish offered. The fishermen have stood solidly behind us at a time when our organisation i Continued on page six.) RIGHTSF0R THIS PORT Mayor Orme Asks Ottawa For Treatment Similar to That Given Vancouver Endeavoring to secure similar rargo rights for Prince Rupert to those enjoyed by Vancouver. Mayor C. H. Orme took up In Ottawa last veek with officials of the marine department the question of lighting lids for navigation In Hecate Straits mrl also the load line limitation north of the fiftieth parallel The) uayor received no definite assur-mce since the minister of marine was absent. HANBURY SPEAKER OTTAWA, April 0 -Wilfrid Han-bury. MP. XOr Buititrd t Vancouver" dellverccuhli inWeta Apeech in the Commons on Saturday, ne JIo Oj WEATHER REPORT Trlnle Island Misty, rain, light easterly wind, sea smooth. Langara Rain, strong easwny wind, moderate sea. sltp will bo taken on at the Oovern- Dead Tree Point-Cloudy, soutli-ment Employment Office only, none east wind; barometer, 30.32; twn-will be hired at the elevator. (92) 'perature. 40; light swell. Today's Weather T Tomorrow's Tides Tuesday, April 21, 1931 PiM Cloudy, light High 2:39 am. 21.0 ft. .outheat g W barometer, 30.40; .15:30 p.m. 17.7 ft. tnmperai U- wa smooth. Low 9:29 a.m. 3.9 ft. 5" 21:14 p.m. 8 .2 fl. 3 d NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER 3 mX'l r -B - PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1931 price five cents uMted JMPRnssUiXM EMBARGO ON GOODS OF Drawing the Lucky Number at Irish Sweepstakes Otii oX:;: . vmI )m;;.aac..cr tif Civ, Qua. . u from a: .tOi u.- lut-ky nuaoei- :. older in the great Ir.-a ewe-pst WELSH CITY APPROACHES Grain Ship Should Arrive By Midnight Tonight or Early in Morning The Welsh City was reported this aftemoon to be due at Triple Island at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. The vessel will be boarded there by her pilot. Capt. C. W. Wearmouth and should be here around noon. 1 No further time of arrival ha been set for the gram boat Wettt City staee 13 midnight tonight wai announced By wireless, the teasel reported that ahe was MO miles from Prince Rupert at 2 o'clock Saturday. This should enable the vessel to arrive here by midnight tonight r early tomorrow morning. POLICEMAN ARRESTED Dtofoverv of Moonshine Distillery Causes Officer to Be Apprehended SEATTLE, April 20: Edward W. Johnson, constable at Maryvillt, WMn., was piacea unaer arrest on Saturday following the discovery of a huge moonshine distillery near his post. He Is the second policeman hereabouts who has been arrested within recent weeks In connection with dry law violations. FLYING IS SUSPENDED llreak-l'p is on North of Edmonton ' and 1'lanrs Cannot Move EDMONTON. April 20 All airplane transportation north of Edmonton has been suspended temporarily. Winter Is over, summer Is not yet here and the break-up is on. making It Impossible to use either skis or pontoons. Iu a week or so. It is expected summer flying will be practicable. DOMINION ORDERED BY T FEDERAL REVENUE. . IS $80,000,000 LF.SS ' ! OTTAWA. April 30 Revenue of the federal government during the fiscal year just . past was $W,080jOeo teas than ! In the year Immediately pre- vlous, Premier Bennett told the House of Commons Satur- . day. Income tax collections were $2,000,000 greater. i el ! WILL FLY PACIFIC American and Japanese Aviators Will Both Hop Next Month TOKYO. April 20: Thomas Ash, American aviator, plans to hop off from Kaslmagaura Field about the rnd of May for a non stop flight to the United States,, landing at Seattle or Tacoma. lie. will use the plane "City of Tacoma,'' in which Harold Rromley j unsuccessfully essayed a Pacific . flight last year. While he hopes to be able to make the hop In less , time. Ash will be prepared to 1 spend 18 hours or two days and two nights in the air. The date for the departure of SelJI Yoshihara, Japanese flyer, for his flight by easy stages to the United States has been tentatively set lor May 6. l ANOTIIl.lt POLICE COMMISSIONER OF VANCOUVER QUITS VANCOUVER. April 20:- e There is a second vacancy in the Board of Police Commlsv sloners of this city. As a pro- teat against the decision of the t city council lnasklng .Harry Burgeas to resign hW seat on the board, Norman McLean, re- 1 preaentatlve of the Vancouver j Rateoayers Association on the board, tendered his resignation on Saturday. McLean and Bur- gea nad oeen leading in a movement to remove W. J Bingham as chief of police. 4 : s.e - . .luiji' who took ui Dublin. Ireland BRITAIN MAY ACT United States Informed That Cruiser May Be Sent to Nicaragua LONDON. April 20: Two Englishmen having already been kitted in the Nicaragua revolution, the British government has sent notice to the United States government that .unless full protection is afforded British citizens in the South American republic, it (Great Britain) may have to send a cruiser to the scene of the disorders. ancouver Stocks (Ccurtry a. D Johnston Oo. ) Big Missouri, 41. 444. Duthie Mines. 5. 6. George Copper. 54. nil pfaavji. tp. I independence, nil. 1. I Indian MMH 1. l'j Kootenay Florence, 1. l'fc ! L. Si L., nil, 1. Lucky Jim. 2, 3.v Morton Woolsey. nil. 3. National Silver. 2. 24. . Noble Five, 4 Vj. 54. Oregon Copper. 7, 9. Pend Oreille, 1.15. nil. . 4 Premier. H, t. ) Pprter-Idaho, 6, 1. Reeves Macdonakl. , 50. I Rufus-Argenta. nil, S. ' I SUver Crest, 2. 3. ! Whitewater. 4, 5. ! Woodbine. 1, 1V. OILS ! Freehold, 84. 7. lUrgal, 5. nil. Calmont, 13, nU. Dalhousie, nU, 37. Devenlsh. nil. 8. ' ' . Fabyan Pet, SVx. 1 Homo. TT, 8. Royallte. 10.00. 1025. Merland. IS. 16 Mercury,' 144. 18.' '' IJastern. Stocks Noranda, 22.50. 24.00. Int. Nickel. 16.28. 16.78. JC. P. R.. 37.80. 38.00. ONLY ONE BOAT IN Only one halibut boat was in with fish this morning, this being the Pierce which sold a catch of 6,000 pounds to the United Pacific Fish on the usual term. eries MAYOR ORME BACKED IN OUTLET FIGHT BY THREE MEMBERS 4 ! OTTAWA. AprU 20 Mayor ! ' Cyril H. Orme. of Prince Ru- pert, here to urge upon Pre- mler R. B. Bennett and his ! colleagues the desirability of i building the Peace River rail- urav nutlet, tn Prlnr Pimort l was backed up not only by 4. e Olof Hanson, the member for 4 J?kwna hut tjut fllao also hv by J A Fra- ser. Cariboo, and D. M. Kennedy. ; Peace River. e I , i CANADA IS , ! f BOYCOTTED 1 Soviet Russia Forbids Importation of Goods From This Country t MOSCOW. April 20: M. Rosen-gloz, people's commissar for foreign trade, issued an order yesterday 1 forbidding all Soviet importing organizations and trade representatives abroad to buy Canadian goods or use Canadian shipping. ' OTTAWA, April 20: The embargo by Russia against Canadian goods was not unexpected here. Between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 of Canadian trade will be affected. SEAL HERD GOES NORTH Fur Bearers Made Safe Passage-Indians Did Not Hunt Them WASHINGTON. April 20 Thej annual migration of fur seal has I passed safely the British Columbia j and Alaska coast enroute to their sanctuary on the Pribtlof Islands, the United States fisheries department has Just been advised. Only Indians, who usually use the spear, are allowed to hunt seals, and on account of the low price of fur, they were not Inter -jetted this year. The herd was convoyed north by Canadian and United States government vessels. . Diphtheria Still Raging at Barrow All Efforts Unavailing In Stopping Spread of Epidemic in Far North POINT BARROW, Alaska. Apr'l 30 A diphtheria epldemla 1 still raging Jiejfe deapits all foita, that 'are being exerted to curb the outbreak. If te disease continues, more antitoxin will have to be brought In. IS KILLED AT MALAHAT Gordon Jones, Aged Eighteen, Victim of Car Smash on Island Road at Week-End VICTORIA. Aorll 20:-Oordon Jones, aged 13, was Instantly killed j when a car In which he was driving! crashed into a pile of stones while rounding a curve on the MalAhat Drive. Three companions escaped. SOVIET IVi-llVU ARE NAMED ruiicrmrn's Co-Operativc Executive Authorized to Go Ahead . With Plans After an all-day meeting during th the c urative handltas of ;l?lmIon JLch topte of dig- ;--'". "' ' nuiv riaucj mens oo-operanve Association on Saturday eventng Jfelted. the lowing permanent onfecisgwho wers authorized, with certain rescrva- tkms. to go ahead with plans for the handling of fish: President, Qostave Norman. Vice-presWent, J. Roberts. Secretary. Charles Lord. Executive Mike Anderson, Leon ;8anvar. William Thain and S. Pa-ton. The meeting was open only to members of the association. While no ann mncrment was made by of- fci j zt the association, it is under--toc? rh-it It has not yet been definitely deetded as to Just what scope the association's activities will take. &00SEVELT FAVORITE New York Governor Expected to be Democratic Presidental Candidate WASHINGTON. April 20 Oover- nor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York continues to remain the favorite for the next Democratic presidential nomination. If nothing unforseen happens, he should bi the choice at the forthcoming national convention. Contributing to Campaign Funds Further Revelations In Connection , Sound Savings Si Loan Company SEATTLE, AprU 20-J. Thomas, state printer, testifying before the Orand Jury investigating the affairs' of the bankrupt Puget Sound Savings ic Loan bo stated that he had received $2,300 on one occasion from the now defunct company and on another occasion $5,200 at contributions to the fund for the re-election of Governor Roland H. Hartley in 1928. ELECTION IN SPAIN Poll to Be Held In May For Purpose of Naming Permanent Government MADRID, April 20- The provisional republican government of President Zamora announced Sa-turdy that general election would be field tn May for the purpose of eieetlnjf a general assembly for Spain' which changed last week from the monarchlstlc to the republican form of government. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, April 20: Wheat was quoted at 62Ac en the local exchange today.