IT M '"Monday FADE BJX THE DAILY NEWS Aprtf 20, eriffs Seizure OUR COAL IS IN DRY SHED 1 - i .1 ) When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wef'cWC yoVareloslnr',i0. SoLetart fodayMrid fcurnl dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PI1MBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.50 MtNEHEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 I HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office SELLING CHEAP SELLING QUICK at J. A. Kirkpa trick's, 6th St. The stock of Gent's Furnishings which I bought last week at 25c on the dollar is now ready for you. , Buy what you need at these prices. The more you buy the more you save. Do g you realize that 25c on the dollars means that your dollar is worth seven times its purchasing power? The values I am offering will explain what I mean. They say commodity prices dropped down to 1914 level. This sale will remind of 1899 HtL -. 34.95 I Stanfield's Underwear Derby Shoes, value QO QC No. 7700 Combinations (g-fl Qff $8.25. Sale price P07fJ ieg. $50o. Sale price 3 . . . . 17 No. 3200 Combinations Q-fl J)T! Leckie f Working Shoes $2.75 m ReS- 53.00. Sale price . . aue$6 75 Salepnce.- No. A. C. Combinations Qf Values $5.75 $2.25 50- Sale price' . . Salc l)rice Red Label QS CJA Men's Rubbers Reg. $5.50. Sale price .. 9eW Sale price 7 Hatchway No-Button Or Men's Commodore Slip- Q4 ftff Reg. $1.25. Sale price pers. reg. $1.00. Sale ?-W i : : Balbriggan Combinations flCr Men's Running Shoes, regular $1.75, Reg. $1.00. Sale price . . $2.25, $2.75. Sale price Balbriggan Shirts or ftffrt 75C, $1.25, $1.35 Drawers. Sale price, each . ernnh Qn!f VrallsS1.25 MMdfeVsirPriM..$l00 Reg. $3.00. Sale price Me.s Working Shirts CA 12 Suits only. Values $25 QQ QCT Kha. val. $3.00. Sale V A,t3U to $35. Sale price ?0.eJJ Men's Shirts, Blk. Sateen CA -ZTr-rZ Re- S1-75- SaIe Price D 1 Slickers, Reg. $7.50 $3.25 Men's Dress Shirts, all Q4 4 B kale price yo.AO sizes. Reg. $2.50. Sale .. fli'ld Ties values $1.25 to $2.00 "JCp Men's Collars. Reg. 25c. Sale 50c and price Sale price. 4 for Socks, values $1.25 Hansen 5-lb. Working Socks QAn Sale price J"' Sale price ., WC Everything is priced for a quick turnover. Make me an offer for any of the following fixtures Safe, Cash Register, Typewriter, Showcases, Mirrors, Window Reflectors, Desks, Tables, Shelving. '. t ALL SALES FOR CASH SALE STARTS TUESDAY, y A.M. Geo. J. Dawes The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Sunday Concert By Boys' Band Recital Ycslcrday' Was Much En joyed By Larjscundj After- Weather conditions belni Ideal. the Prince Rupert Boy' Baud, under the direction of Bandmaster Thomas Wilson, gave a concert yes-tcrday afternoon on Totem Pole Hill. The music was much appreciated by large Sunday afternoon crowds. MOU COAL Buy the real Coal our fa-mous Edson and Welllntton in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 TELEPHONE 657 $ VALENTIN DAIrtY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City United Pacific Now Established For Distribution (Continued from rage One) was loose and Imperfect and;' the vessel owners, who have agreed to keep the fleet strung out, as best they can. in a steady procession to and from the banks. Instead of "bunching" their trips as has been the custom in the past. By establishing (heir own offices for the handling of the fish. Mr. Berg states that the United Pacific, will save the fishermen's company more than $300,000, which would otherwise be paid out in "We expect to be shipping from 20 to ao carloads per week to the eastern markets," Mr. Berg said. The market there Is good only dur ing the early part of the week, and fish should arrive not later than Thursday of any week to find a ready sale. It takes six days by train from Prince Rupert to New York. and four days from Rupert to Chicago. Pish shipped on the regular Monday train from Rupert would arrive in New York or Boston the following Sunday. In good time for the opening market on Monday Similarly, a shipment from Rupert on Wednesday would reach Chicago on Sunday, but any later shipment Is apt to land on a 'dead' market. Consequently, we plan to freeze most of the trips that reach Prinee Rupert between any Wednesday and the following Monday The fish received at Sitka and Juneau will also gennraPy be froeen. Mnlio.l of Payment 'The method of payment Is very simple," Mr. Berg declared. "Within a day or two we- will announce an 'advance' figure which will be the amount which the company will ad vance to the fishermen on receipt j of their fish. This set figure will hold good for the entire season. "No matter how the market tnayjgo, tfie fisherman Is assured of at leasi that much for hit product. Once each year, after thefrosen fish have been sold, the books of the company will be audited, and an average price for the fish sold during the year will be ascertained. The United Pacific will reserve two cents per pound to cover the expense of r.andllng. shipping and distribution: a certain percentage, will be set aside as a reserve fund for the organization, and any balance remaining above the 'advance' figure will be distributed pro rata among, the fUhernten whose fish have been handled, each of them receiving a dividend in direct proportion to the amount of fish that he has turned in." Handling Charges Questioned as to the estimated 'cost of the handling and dtstrlbff- 1 Pacific from the fishermen here In derstanding of the aims and oper-i Ketchikan or elsewhere will remain 'atlons of the company, Mr. Berg jin the hajids of the' United Pacific states that Mr. Nlckerson declared l until it reaches the point of dlstri- l that the Canadian vessel owners ibution, wherever that may be. There are with the United Pacific Fteher-,it will be sold to the established J ies 100 per cent. : dealers in carload lots. We. the Unl-' j0hn Nagle of Boston, is the Chi-ted Pacific, arc not going into the j gago representative of the company. ! retail, or even the wholesale fish : He is a man of sound Judgment and business, but will simply supply the I one experience in the fish business, ! wholesale fish dealers with what- and u head 0j the jorin Nagle Com-lever fish their market requires. Inpany flsh distributors of Boston, other words, the New England or ;Hta connection with the United Pa-the San Juan or whatever compan-,clfJc wUJ entirely apart from his ies may be ftaged in the business, lconnection with this company, how- 1 msceaa oi maintaining a wroe-i spread buying organization to purchase the fish from the individual fishermen, will simply place their order with us as the representnte-, (of those fishermen. This will. In the ?nd, work to the definite advantice ! if all concerned. The eastern deal- cies ers are already convinced of t'vji i ind have announced themselves in favor of our organization. On the West Coast the dealers are still a 'hey wfll change their attitude after they acquire a little clearer ln-;ight into the working of the new system. It Is -the only means of really stabilizing the market, and a tabUtzed market cannot fail to work to the advantage of every one concerned in it." Method of Handling It is the aim of the United Pacific to keep a steady stream of fresh fish feeding into the market, according to Mr. Berg. A stream sufficient to fully supply the needs of the market, without creating a surplus that would disturb the market condition. Tpe eastern agents of the organization, will be able to pretty closely estimate, from week to week, the demands of their markets and will place their shipping orders accordingly. Enough of the fish pur chased here, will be shipped to nicely fill these orders. Any surplus of fish above the current demand will be frozen and held in cold storage. The company will be the better able to do this through the co-operation of ever. ' J. E. Berg of Ketchikan, will have charge of the Alaska operation of the company; Einar Olsen will be ths United Pacific agent in Juneau. Np permanent selections bave as yet been made for the other agen- Frozen Fish Market ' Queried regarding the state of the frozen fish market Berg said that he was told last week that the fro zen halibut In. the eastern market hid been pretty well cleaned up; but that he was not In a position to know Just what the state of the western market Is. It Is his opinion, however, that there is not a heavy , holdover of frozen halibut anywhere. President Kwapll, who remained in Seattle to complete a few tumor details of the organisation.' is ex-', pec ted to ai rhe in Ketchikan the ! latter part of this week. Mr. Berg, in his capacity of buyer J for the Marlyn Fish Company, will j continue to be in the market for mtW-cure salmon, as In former ; years; but his activities In that field will not be merged in any way with his efforts in behalf of the United Pacific. j Mr. Berg states that all fish bought today will be received at the old advance of 10 and 7; but that he expects, after the arrival of Mr Kwapll. to be able to announce the new advance figure. The newly perfected organia'ion. he stales, be comes effective (in April 20. The Progressive Housewife Has started a savings account by dealing at the Cash & Carry Stores. Look after the cents and the dollars will look after themselves. Sunnybrook Gutter 3-lb. brick Soda Biscuits Dollar size at Sweet Mixed Biscuits 2 lbs Pride of Canada 8yrup U-gal. Malkln's Best Tomatoes 2's 3 tins Malkln's Best Spices per tin Malkln's Best Baking Pow- der 12-oz. tin Quick Naptha Soap Chips IZfin 3 pkgs ". OUi (Equal to Princess Flakes) Oranges Navels 5 doz. Potatoes 10 lbs New Spuds 3 lbs Fresh Spinach per lb . Hills Bros. Coffie L per lb Fresh Eggs 3 doc $1.08 49c 43c 75c 35c 8c 20c 95c 25c 25c 10c 60c 65c Economy Cash and Carry Stores 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. Telephones 3C0 and 18 Atonement Subject at Christian Science Church Yesterday The subject of the je$son -sermon at tion of the halibut from this cSMLr . nMt.m,axMt,amm.min.J many points, all up in the air.' Now, Mr. Berg said that it had been cffttlli " A "t" that our efforts have resulted in the ; definitely ascertained that the tW0 Bible'" Amdn(t the texts Included theTandHn iTSSt '"ll "XT' InlL the fol-the handling of their output, I ta reserve will be adequate to .., . ..Anrt ot think there is little chance that C0Ver all expenses, including the 'Xs V Salso ioy i n G PefDeS SSESX? i Not Affected . O. 1 "The dealers now in the field will .Canadian Halibut Vessel Owpea em ' , . ,n d d be in no w& disturbed by our or-1 Association, made a trip to Seattle tJVf Sons from tne ganization," Mr. Berg continued, to confer with Mr. Kwapll and Mr. chrislS and Health with Key to the Scrip tures," by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being as follows: "If Truth Is overcoming error in your dally walk and conversation, you can finally say, 'I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith,', because you are a better man. This U having ; our part In the atonement- with i Truth and Love." (page 211, ! An article on highway construction in this district, with particular reference to the Galloway Rapids' bridge, appears in the magazine, section of yesterday's Vancouver Province. There Is a picture of the recently installed span of the Galloway Rapids bridge. Monday and TuesdJ TWO SHOWS J - 7 4 , f EL BKEN'DEL in "JUST IMAGINE With Maureen O'Sullivan, Sarjw White, John Garritk. Fn. ait. a Aioerison ana man Love and, lauuli r See our world More Laughs l-ealurc htarts at 7 ltf The Salvation Army othrrl J hence With rh and gowns -"JI'st IMAtiy A rib-tick!i!, JSOVCIiy "U.NE lllf, MGg-l WEDNESDAY k TIURSDJ NANCY C AKHOI.L jg "STOLEN HEAVEN" Annual Self -Denial Appeal 5. V f t -ill: frit mrs i Pleiie Help The Array ef the Helplnr lUnd. The Sslvttion Army claims your auiiUnce m its worM igainst wrong and social miwy. Your gift will be pairt . n lick and suffering and sinful and thereby help to make a betu - MU yaur ruponne your utmoit effort, j Campaign From April 25 to May 10. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'KKATIMj (J. T. P. 20.000.TON FLOATING DKYDOCK EnglncersMachinlsts, Hoilermakers, lllacksmllhs, l'altcrn Makers, Founders, Woodworkers Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 383 i Kaien Motors Limited Central fiarage and Service Station CHLVUOLET and UUICK Open Day and Night Phone 52 -rasas! Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garate and Service F-tation DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN mrlhiitors t i vnt i tvn nouY won A SPECIALTY