FOR RENT fOR KENT Modern Apartment W.ynhaver Building. tt FOR KENT Furnished 4 room flat with bath, Phone 547. if jrjVE roomed Hat for rent, steam hfjtwl Phong Blue 345. tt poi KKNT Furnished room buani if desired. Phone 543. 95 FOR KENT Five-roomed furnished apartment. Apply Muslim's Phone 18. tf - MODERN, superior flat, large rooms. heated, Electric Range, tor rent. Dybhavn & Hanson. 02 FOR RENT Nice cosy completed' liirimhed apartment downtown 3 minutes from ffch dock.'Dre-jtel Apartments. 140 Second Av-pmii' Phone 943. tf FOR RENT 4-room dwelling furnished on road mile from town; beautiful view over Inlet, golf, fifhim: bathing, boating. Write cha- VaUey, Queen Clmlotte, B. C 97 FOR SALE FOR SALE Household furnltun Phone 341. 9? FOR SALE Modern 4-roomed house with bath. Plwne Blu 921 97 daji WEEKS" ranch at Tertac. bearing orehard, good five-room house. John MeRae, Box 447 Prince Rupert, B.C. m-w-i-tf FOR sLK -Bggs for waterglasa-intr April and May eggs are cheapest and bt. Specially selected infertile, new laid eggs 3d dosen. F.O.B. Smlthers Mr- r a Chapman. 93 CHIROPRACTIC Banthlne and Red Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and ChUdrvns' Diseases Specially Treated W C. ASPINAU. (Chiropractor) Phone Green 2tl tt i Exchange BIk. Qpp Orme's DRESSMAKER 1 JO&s N R0QER8. Phone Btael: 236 THE MARKET Fciiowmg are nXaJi current nerv today: Appl Yellow Newton, household $2.24 Yeli ,w Newton, fancy box 2.75 NPWt'Mld "O 24t 8UM.un'.s Wlnesaps, vox 2.03 Spittnberg, fancy :.. 2,73 Spiteuberg -c 2J0 Win i-1 Bananas, fancy 2.75 P1" "u.s, fancy ... 3.35 Delieious "C" .,-.,. 2.75 riiiitv- Nav u oranges 15c to $liW wn, ,;i, 8unklstdox, .40 Grapefruit 12lc to rtu "in -iiia Grapefruit ...6c t6;i2H Ba" ius. 2 lh ' vl -..25 01..:, honnv . r "af hii V ik .12 b bkm. bulit, lb. Z -. .13 " and orange peel 130 r-nsfigsVab. m vltror. bv1 as lhi!- tigs. ib.T." .15 M'-.v dried ... 0 .20 .20 "um,., 60-70. ib: .10 "'"m 30-40,. lb,' .- 15 rfunp.s, 40-50. lb. , Meatv- No 1. lb 38c . and 20 Chicken, lb. .40 Broilei-t. Hfm first gfaide ZZ" .43 .S3 Willi! nl,.nl !.. '" Ktauii ....... JO Catf , " rolls, lb, .33 ide sliced, best nrade .53 III .40 NEWS STAND BESNER NEWS AQENCY Complete line of magazines and papers. Old Country publications a specialty. Call or Phone 671. We deliver. Taxi and messenger service. 94 TAXI & MESSENGER TAXI and Messenger Service. Phone 678. Day and Night. Dar-row it Bert. tf FURRIER MRS. Q. FOWLER, 601 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 153. tf SHOE REPAIRS FOR Finest Work try Louis ShibHr, 331 Second Avenue West, Box 3C, Prince Rupert, B.C. tt Public Stenographer PRIVATE Stenographer. Ex-Instructor In Commercial Subjeeu. 310 6th Ave.. West. P.O. Box 3M. 18 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. slU or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call. O. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block tf SITUATIONS VACANT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS AH Letter Carriers. Mall Clerks Customs Clerks, Stenographers,; Typists, etc.. are constantly va-i cant all over Canada. We are' the oldest and largest Instltu-1 tlen In Canada specialising In preparing candidate by mail for these positions. Booklet free on request The M.C.C. Ltd.. 401 Kensington Bldg., Winnipeg, tf C. N. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays ind Thursdays, 3:30 pjn. For East Mondays, Wednesdays tnd Saturdays, 11:3Q am. Pork Shoulder Pork, dry salt -35 Avrthlre bacon, lb 35c to 50 . Veal, shoulder - 3& Turkey t.,u i. Beef, pot roast 22c to (Beef, boiling 15c to .15 Beef, roast, prime rib .. Lamb, shoulder -M Beet, steak So to Lamb, leg v. Umb. chops l - .40 Mutton, shoulder '".Na smoked Pish kippers, lb jjjoata 1x4 ! 1 Salmon, frosen lb (Halibut, frozen, lb Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, dot. 31 B.C. fresh first, don. ... 35 B.C. fresh extras, dca. . :t;. 49 BRINGING UP FOUND FOUND Circular plate off outside of auto wheel. Dally News. t'r HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 120. tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 . Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine ! 1 tf! RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone. 204. tf KNIFE GRINDING Qet your cutlery sharpened (knives, 10c; scissors, 15c. Variety near Post Offlce (7H) PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. White House 225 Second Ave.. Telephone 767. LODGE MEETINGS ELKS' meeting nights First and Third Mondays. Metropole Hall.'' SALVAGE ANP TOWING If it's on or under the water we do it." p:n fi T rl Ful'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents lor EASTHUPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand ind Grave; in any quantltv dellverrd anywhere by water Phone, Day or Nlsht 564 PO Hot 1WU FLEET CAFE BARBBR 8hop and Shower Bath WW open In Nelson Trading Co. boHdinff on waterfront April 1 under management of H. A. Nd- fcjrw , ;,'.. : a2. JiLocdi new laid. flMS-- - JO tard- Pur Compound iM;n $ Yei&W, 190 1 lbs,, 3.0w i. 5.6f . .4 "" i.r Plol,r 4 No. x naid wheat . 1.90 pjnuy Flour. 10 lbs. jq p.. wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.05 5 Alberta 1.8Q us Bran . 1.5Q -. V60 (Middling! 2.10 Barley 1,75 Laying Mash 3.1Q Oyster Shell . 1.93 .-ijishoiii FATHER Doctor of Chiropractic Office Jlpurs: 11 to 12 ,2 to 5 7to8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Consultation free. Phone 837 Room 15 Besner Blk. House, Blue 539 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS CLASS Third Avenue Cow Bay Machine Shop H. Blanchard, having sold his Interest In the Cow Bay Machine Shop, formerly Blanchard and Fasolo. all accounts should be paid to the undersigned. RICHARDS & FASOLO P.O. Box 300 Prince Rupert. B.C. Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cneaper to ttuy than rent All makes oC machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING lAND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prtces. Easy Terms JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave W BLASTING AND Earth Work NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street I Phone Blue 823 Evenings FURNITURE Gibbard's Solid Walnut Dresser. Vanity Bench, Rocker and Chair. egular $170.00. Make us an Offer.! MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES REST IN 1J.C. Our Prince Rupert Priresi No. 1 5x per M $3.75 No. 1 3x per M 3 OS No. 2 per M. 2.75 RORERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C. Ageiit: Hyde Transfer. Phone 380 Uei the AO reading nablt It t April 20, 1031 Monu.: " THZ DAE.T NEWS W hy Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furnitucen Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified, AcL t-S. Special $5.00 RUPERT DAILY NEWS LTD. PRINCE MINERAL ACT CEKTIFICATK or IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Lot 4683 Ootcondt. Lot 4686 Broken sui. us wo ( iviuuui st k vv s- rlw UK 48 tut Cbt: Lot 46; Mother Lode; Lot 469! Rnfrw; Lot 4M lApu Lot 8486 IKlUnoc; Lot B4ITI1 RMtown. Mlntrsl CUlm. !tB In Ok tHrt! - LMated on WhIU M.m MmmiUIi oil South wt )de of wtat Tmku Arm : w.... . . ! trton of TtttoA M cuu of Ott. 1 H. rtrtridt. rry Mnwr orrtutost. N. 44ST. tnd S0S91 n . WHKd. i7 dsft from th dte hrtol. to ViS to . Hl Ultng RKoroer for 0rWf ' of Improvement for th piTm . okUhstag Grown Ormt f h toci tete- : I AM furtiw Uke nettt thit euon uac MCtVtn 84 mutl be eommtnecd brtore th tHuao mt Mteh ottMt of iatptovnamu. ; i ntd tMa itth dr or JtnutTf. I1881, I H. MN rnASKB. mtt. Mail Schedule For the Easi Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 1030 ajn. - At mi UU,4U- - VVn P-h por Vancouver " Sunday 9 porj, l6 " 12-M Thursday 9 p.m. Friday 11 cm. April 1, 12, 2S . pjn. f ,. rom VancooTer- ,, Sunday 4 pjnf Wfrtnntrfiv ruuuay 1030 pm f Friday pjn. April 8, 18j 39 ...... pjn. For Anyox and Stewart wdnwdav weanesaay 3 j am vin Bunday . 7 p m From Anyox and' Stewart Tuesdays 1130 tun. Thursdays , 8 pjn. For Naas 'RIver and . . . t Port Kimnson Oner For Short Time Only 15 Months' Subscription For the1 Ordinary Yearly Price of $5.00 in Prince Rupert -or- $3,00 Anywhere in Northern B.C. Outside of the city limits FREE! j' I Villi ' . Qtw rmi. mtl) " " limimli ' t ill i I ! To the fortunate holder of each Twenty-fifth receipt as advertised above, on subscription accounts and issued from our office we will present a cheque for- PALMER GUADUATE Sunday 7 pm. From Naas RUer and Port Simpson . , Tuesday U30 am For Queen Charlottes April 4 nnd 18 ajn. From Queen Charlottes April 2, 10. and 30 9 pjn. For Alaska-April 8jl8 and'29 ' u.4J.a.ra. From Alaska . , ' April l. 2 and 22 ..i Sm. The Dallv News can bo miri- chased at Past Office News Stand, 325 . ORinvllle St. Vancouver. , Karl Anderson. Prince t 4 Oeorge, B.O. . R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. Oeneral Store. Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store. Smith- 4-ers. B.C. By George McManns ! k 5V . 4P ' ""V V0