PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS FrL JtPttmtef 18 ,j3l THE DAILY NEWS. NEWS OF THE MINES PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Published Erery Afternoon, Exeept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu' Tragedy in Cassiar RecalledReport on. Columario H P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor '. Spectacular Ore on Silver King SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, pa advance .. 5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month -50 By mail to all parte of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period 3.0d By man to all-Other parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year J600 By mall to all' other countries, per year , . 8 00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch', per insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Local readers, per Insertion, per line .- Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Contract rates' on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone -98 DAILY EDITION Member of' Audit Baread of Circulations NO CRIMES FOR ASSIZES. WHY DISCRIMINATION? 1.40 M J5 Friday, Sept. 18. 1931 It is satisfactory to know that there were no criminal cases before the assize court in Prinee Rupert this term. The courts are held half-yearly and the lack of cases means that no serious crimes have been committed here during that time. In the past there have- been serious crimes, but the criminals have not been caught. Several criminals are still at large and possibly will never be brought to justice. Of late, however, there have been no such crimes and the district is to be. congratulated on the condition. While the governments of Canada and Manitoba are uniting to give prominence to the efforts to establish the Hudson Bay route for grain shipments, the opposite is the case in connection with-the Prince Rupert route. The Dominion has fostered the first two shipments of wheat by guarantees and publicity, and prominent members of the governments are going north to see the first shipment made. Did anything like this happen at Prince Rupert? When the convention on the load line was in session and Prince Rupert knew nothing about it, did the Federal or Provincial Governments step in and protect Prince Rupert interests? When it was found that there was discrimination against Prince Rupert and Vancouver demanded ratification of the proceedings, what happened? The government quietly ratified it, leaving Prince Rupert m the cold. It seems that Prince Rupert has been given the cold shoulder on almost every occasion. Those living here will remember when during the Borden regime it was impossible to secure cars in which to ship the halibut, and the government officials lied about it and were proved to be lying and were ashamed to hold the cars back any longer. Prince Rupert has had an uphill fight all the time. So difficult t has it been that many of the old voices of protest have been silenced. Younger men must step into the breach and carry on the campaign until the city gets what is coming to her. DISCONTINUANCE OK CHARGES The Attorney General has discontinued the charges apipst a group of men in connection with the last provincial election. It was the wise course to take and Attorney General Pooley is to be congratulated on the move. At the time of an election people sometimes become over enthusiastic and do things that in their saner moments they would refuse to do. Both sides sin in this respect. any lime youre hungry, enjoy Kellogg's Corn Flakes and milk or cream. For breakfast, for lunch, for supper for a late snack. They're great . . . between meals and at any meal CORN CORN FLAKES Orn.frtth In lA tmxllf trrtpprr. Uait kr KtlUgt U London, Ontario. Drowning of two prospectors- in Cottonwood Rapids, Dease River, on October 11, 1930, was recalled in Supreme Court in Vancouver a few days ago when Mr. Justice Fisher made an order presuming the death of John Ensot. Accompanied by John Cantpbell and Claude Irving, Ensor; a Vancouver mining engineer, set out in a heavily laden boat for McDames Creek, where they intended to work a placer minx. Shooting Cotton woodtt " ' . rapids, their craft struck a rock and : fT'I? TIA Q A 0 17 f capsized. Irving struggled ashore. ilaLllTlO .Ta.Al.ljt The body of Campbell was found , last spring entangled in the wreck r At I'i ! ril P age of the boat. Ensor was never &jJ!LiLjlu&ulH 1 seen again. EMora Ensor of Van- j couver was the sole beneficiary of Sample aivm of Prosres Made her hiKbarxTs $13,242 estate. , D British rWiidicns la - i Sound l ilui j In a recent report on the property r to the directors of the Columario LONDOB, Sept. lBritlsh taUjj Gold Mines, Ltd. Ifefc. W. O. Norrie. W iye t-uthH a aUh -. consulting engineer, described the 8f t Zlkmx. as ms been' vein system as having a possible the ivlTaI Mhwn vertical range of over 4500 feet and irrianf1 ' 0l?ri"i a horizontal extent of 12.000 feet. "ft ? Development within thte area ha. en hWJl shown eight ore shoote aggregating J " 512 feet in length with an average der the daeetioa at Boy w T mi- width of 22 inches and an average . rMrM Pnted dur-. value of $12,30 in gold to which '5 tJ UM-tzi. ao far as possible should be added about 50c per ton we repreenttt example; of In sSver. As this ore has been ex- progress made in British pro-, oced on different veins and at ductlot wse the introduction of various horizons, it is therefore im- rtmd. The opening picture win, possible to nuke a definite eale'jla- hn Galsworthy play "The Skin tion as to tonnage but front present Game,' which has beea transferred indications, it should be possible to to the screen by Alfred Hit-h-o'-t. develop approximately 75.000 tons in The second picfure shown was known ore thoot between the Ten- "Dreyfus,'' a files dealing with the derfeet and No. 4 tunnel The famous espionage case, and di-necessary development to place the retted by MSton Rosme; and r ' mine on a productive basis includes 17 fCraemer: One of the chic! tunnel extensions and commnnica- scene is this Mm is the reading tiens. erection of treatment plant of the Tact use" letter bv Zola, and an aerial tram, costing about in wMefc he names the differen' $100,000. people who caused Dreyfus to be wrongly convicted of espionage'. A. T. Harrer ha returned to f!' Un1S T " Smlthers with speetaeular aamples J1 Al ore from the Sliver King mine in "a'f the Babine Mountains, on which if H0"7, Z wart if centinuing. The samples Dreyfus, Leonard Sbepard a brought in" have rich showings of T"3 and a?T' ,errlt native silver, with grey copper. The 1 To ensyre absolute correlate from the oi ta tKOtA eslgr;, wae a picked specimen workings which are being extended ere pwtay studied by the dir., under Driftwood Creek, this tunnel 'etors. Mlltary and hfetortsal tx- now belnc in over 600 feet Mr. WTts also held a watching brie! Harrer states Ujat the men are throughout the production of the working on a showing 24 feet wide. nhn. whkh has been made in this aM being good mining ore and three version s English. Frene&j carrying some stringers of high- "d German. grade ore such as that exhibited in "Dreyfus" was followed by "Ten the samples The Silver King hold- England," "Glamour." aa original ings constitute one of the most ex- Uory by JBtymour Hicks, who him-tensive mining properties in the self appears in the film, together: country, comprising 38 claims and vrtth UUs Elaine TerrUi Miss MaM extending from the Cronin mine to got Orahame. Beverly Nichols, andf a point westerly from Driftwood Basil Olll; "Uneasy Virtue," di- baain. On every claim of the prop- reeted by Norman Walker, with erty ore ha been exposed as a re- Miss Fay Compton. Adefe Dixort khH of work carried on during the Fmnnd Breon. and Hubert Har- pMt few years and there has Just ben in the cart: and "KeeDers of tn the province on wrucn nve values clarence, and Miss Mary Clare in gold, silver, copper, lead and zlne, et have been found in commercial (A( jn Eittiaftd) quantities in tne same vein. Mr. Wlth exception of "Tell Eng- ' land," all the trims In the Mal-demonstrated by smelter shipments. vern program have been produced There Is a good road to vftthin mile. Brlt,8n ,ntematV)na, pictures, of the property, but development tt Umitedat their studios atElstree. made expemlire due to the necessity EnffliUld- bajed on fwfreigbtmg suppHe. over the n- . E A Raymond., of completed section and efforU are dJrebtd ,am w4, for Bm. being made to induce the govern- fch lnftnictl(ma, Antnony ment to complete the road. A...ith off nu n ' i took jver 18 months to produce Word has been received at Smith- ; it many obstacles such as recon ers of the recent tragle death in a structlon ot the Oalllpoll lauding I mine near Tlmmtna. Ontario, of scenes, had to be surmounted be- Alezander Middle ton, one f the; fore this piece of British war! best known quartz miners of the history could be transformed tui central Interior district. The late the screen. Mr. Middleton, who spent half of Among the films now being madq his life m the central interior be-ifvt Elslree by the British Inter-fore leaving for the East last spring. , national Pictures organization are made his headquarters at Topley. "Money for Nothing" and 'Me-'lle toad been employed on several oiusky. the Sea Rover." The first properties In the interior and owned mm is being directed by Monty several claims In the vicinity of Banks, with Seymour Hick and (Topley. He was about thirty years Mlss Betty Btockfield In the chief oi age ana is survivea oy nis moaner parts. i and sister In the Old Country. QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN BJC Our Prinee Rupert I'rlcesi Na 1 fix per M. r Wi No. 1 Sx per M . i2S No. a per M 255 KOBEKTBON h fUMPSON Masse tt. B.C. Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 980 j Another British film now ki pro-! ductlon is "The Calendar," a screen version of Edgar Wallace's play ' which is being produced Jointly I by the Brttltft Won Film Corpor-iatlon and the Gainsborough (Or ganization. The cast Is headed ty Miss Edna Best and Herbert Marshall, mpported by Oordon Harker. Ronald Frankau, Allen Aynes-worth, and 8. J. Warmmgton. t Modern wireless transmitting and IteceJvlng equipment has been In- stalled in Samoa and short wave ! transmitter will be Installed in th Tongan Islands. 3Eear this cHew lip) B rr m GENERAL ELECTRIC QonsoL xjonsou amor SO great is the demand for the General Electric "Junior" Console that we urge you to see and bear it at once. A single demonstration will tell you the complete story of its Full Range Reception advanced features beauty of cabinet design and above all, the uoequallcd value which it offers at $119.50 (complete with General Electric Radiotrons). The General Electric Junior Console occupies little floor spsce. It has full she Dynamic Spesker, widely variablcTone Control and Pbonogrsph Connection. In tone, power and selectivity, it measures up to the high staodards of General Electric Avoid disappointment-r-chooio yourcpttanUectrlr UUDKNC UUH. m MADE IN CANADA. Listen to the Gtntral Electrir Vsghondt ertry jl l Tmtiddj evening orer Canads-uiJe nttuvr For Sale By Northern British Columbia Power Company CANADIAN GENERAL Jl Limited ELECTRIC & been uncovered a promising vein on youth." based on Arnold RidleyV - - . - - - - r' the claims immediately adjoining play of the same name, and dl-1 ; Mr- Justice Ffcsher, presiding Judge The appointment of B. Brynlldsenj Dr. A. E. Vary ef V the C renin holdings. The Silver rected by Thomas BenUy. wlth'1 theseasionef the Supreme Court .as stipendiary magistrate at Belltf'has been appointed mi King it said to be the only property Robin Irvine Garry Marsh. Q. B.iA here this week.-ttUd M. S. Coola hat been rescinded, as hsuijaf fleer Xor rort Simp Bryan, official reporter, will leave also been the appointment of Cyrus ical inspector of Osiaiui i on tomorrow morning's -train where t Albert DrjaiUdsen of Bella Coola as i son. Sunnyatde, Port E.v Assfscs will open next Wednesday. 1 stipendiary magistrate. 10c. a week! Haysport seboofs. 10c. a week! KEEP IN TOUCH With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the boy. will call and collect :... J : u;i-.-::;?-:. ulld