PAOB THRU NESTLfi'S UN APORATiO BABY SIZE &d MILK GIVE your children Nestts Evaporated Milk ... the milk that builds strength and vitality . . . that keep children rosy cheeked tod .iv healthy. The milk that is g pure " and wholesome. produced from Canada's . . finest finest selected select! dairy dairy cows cows . . . . . . then then sterilized and sealed in airtight tins. The milk for children. NESTLlf'S WarWt Largest Producers and Sellers ConJtattJ and Evaporated Milk, sttwdtn and-' vitality 11 NESTLE? aeartuo , TALL SIZC ECZEMA RASHEI AS ' Week-End CANDY SPECIAL Chocolate Covered Brazils, lb.,. . 50c Nut Buds, per lb 20c Take a Pound Home Ormes Ltd. Dfut Pioneer Drtia&isls Phones 81 & 82 l&OTHER SKIN TROUBLES Soothed & Healed by Zam-Buk. Hv1SfSfl J. Ml fh 3 I JliLL .aVLIU EAS the cool way East , . . ITS through unsurpassed scenery. Convenient train service to Montreal, Toronto and Chicago . . . with direct cotmectiorw to all points in Eastern Canada and the United State. Be sure to visit Jasper-and Minaki Lodges en route for golf, canoeing, swimming, riding and motor tour. Low Summer Excursion Ticfctt will be on sale from Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster, Prince Rupert. Vernon and Kanv loops. Optional routes. Liberal atopovers. Steamship TkleH to and from Third Ave. & Fulton St. AU Tarts or the World Ai. About Triangle Tour For Information, call or write: U McEwcn. D.F. it P A., Prince huport , P May 22 to Oct. 15 Return Limit, Oct. Jl Cnate tcrou sW Oust Ul(ti rem Port ArtJmr W Sarnis, it's mh extra. Joiner tWf Wct Set 1M V-41 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prinee Kmrt I r VancouTers-TNNVilTcieanEFan;.alvmVVam Thursday Morning. Mllmis Alios Arm. Anyox, Stewart and Nsas Wekl Weekly sailings tS w Port Blmpsou. rJe Bunday. 8.00 p.m. further intorm.Uon .regarding all cke V'f 5f.S ItWIVT UITPI'HT .1 1 1 r.. I 1 . pn: mhu i .... , If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the offr- Local Items Glasses fitted t registered ' optometrist at Heilbronot'i' store. Exhibition prize money will be' ready lor distribution at 2 p.m.! Friday. 118 Mrs. F. Higgles of Exstew Is pay-' tag a brief visit to the city, hav-! ir.E arrived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mr. and Mrs. R. A.. Pake of Sml thers are visitors in the city, having arrived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. W. II. Galbraltri Of Por Essing- lon arrived in the city on yester-day afternoon's train from the Skeena River for a brief visit to town. Don't foreet Eagles' Camlval dance tonight. Lot 1 fun and Tood time assured. Bring your mends alone, at 9.30. Gents. 50c. Ladies refreshments. A. c. Mattlneley, formerly Iden tified with the staff of the Consol idated Mlnlne ti Smelting Co. here orrtvpi in the citv earlier In the week from Stewart, sailed last Vancouver. He will be going on to Kimberley to reside. Hubert Bonson Campbell, govern mrnt asent at Smlthers. has been appointed provincial government representative on the board of man I arement of the Bulkley Valley Dis trtrt Hosnital at Smlthers. in place of Stephen H. Hosklns, who has been transferred to Anyox. of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor CouncU. sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for . Vancouver where he will attend the conven tion of the Trades and Labor Con gress of Canada, most Important labor body In the Dominion, Miss Irene Mitchell sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for. Vancouver where she win resume her studies at the University of British Columbia after having Ispcntalhe summer, vacation here rint iitr nnrent."f'Mf.' arm Mrs. John R. MltcheU Ninth Avenue East. Fihrr in the divorce acUon oi .Tnh-inv Pahl of Hartley Bay vs. Kate Phal of Alert Bay. The couple were married In Prince Rupert on August 15, 1921, by Rev. O. O. Hac-kxr riictnrfv of one child wis eran- ti to netitioner. Charlie Clair was cited as co-respondent. W. E. Fish er appeared for the petmoner. MAY 22 TO OCT. 15 RHUPN L! '.IT OCT. 31 LIBERAL STOPOVERS Summer excursion fare! east daily on Union Pacific s wonderful Portland Rote and olher fine trains. Scenic roulo. Short side trips enable you to visit... Grand Canyon, Zion, tryc Canyon, Rocky Mountain, Grand Totan and Y.llowtton. Nolionol Talks. Information and vacation boollntl an tin fNirffaitt! Thru world-famous COLUMBIA RIVCR GORGE Direct to SALT LAKE CITY, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICACO UNION PACIFIC Union Station Seattle, Wash. Friday, September 18, 1931 DAILT NEWS I J No Longer Bilious Thanks Vegetable Pills "I suffered with Biliousness for days at a time. Every medicine 1 tried tailed to bring relief ... the first dose of your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills gave me great relief ."Mrs, Leigh. Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a very definite, Valuable tonic action upon' the liver. They end Constipation, Indigestion, Acidity.Headaches, Poor Complex ion. All druggists. 25c & 75c red pkgs. Ucd Salmon, 12c. lb.; Halibut, 7c IbFISH MARKET. For sale Essex 1928 Sedan,' $300. Tn RnY IfiM 218 .w - - 0 Dlnncrwarc, enma, crockery, glassware. lIcHbroner'i Store. t "v Miss E. M. EarlVllt.all tnlgh cn the Princess wary ioi a wit ness trip to Vancouver. PrphvtArin tea and home cook ing sale at home ofMrs. J. R. Mit chell. 9th Ave. East, Saturday ai- ternoon. 3 to 6. 18 M. P. MeCaffery sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a busi ness trip to Vancouver ana elsewhere in thfc south. The Dollar Store has been ap pointed Aeents of Pictorial Pat terns, and has Just received a ship ment nf the new Fall Styles. 219 Mr and Mrs. W. Ts D. Jones of Sunnyslde are visitors In the city. having arrived fronuthe cannery on yesterday afternoon's train. Mrs. W. Alrd and daughter ol n , . I 1 iM .Via 4tir frnm thf racuic atintu i Aid. 8. D. Macdonald. president interior on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief town. official business. Through the medium 01 the city police, William Jefferson, foicman for the Pacific Stevedoring Co. nere for years, was yesterday put lr. touch with his mother and sister who had not heard of him lor forty years or since he left home for this country at the age of thirteen years. Mr. Jefferson mother and sister are now In Ouelph. Ontario, having arrived there not long ago from thuir borne In England. Announcements Kaiiles' Carnival dance Septem ber 18. Ladles refreshments; dents 50c. Gyro Fall Hoedown. October 16. Moose Hall. Hill 60 I.OD.E. Bridge and daiwe October 30. . . . Moose Carnival and Dance No. 12 and 13. Anglican Cathedral Basaar. November 19. ' , ", . SATURDAY SPECIAL Lemon Marshmallow Layer Cake , 30c The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone G67 Progressive mercnants advertls i i inii i i District News NEW HAZELTON I New Hazcltpn, champion baseball team of the central Interior, defeated Smlthers by a score of 8 to 6 in a game at Smlthers on Sunday. A number of the local rooters went along to cheer the. boys. -There was sixteen degrees of frost here on Tuesday night of this week. While many flowers were Jald low, sweet peas and asters are sun blooming. Red Watson is now able to be ahout after SDendlriz several weeks in the Hazelton Hospital as a re sult of an accident on tnc iiagwugei bridge. Road f uDerlntsndent J. A. Mac- donald visited Kltwanga at the first of the week. A thirty man camp Is to be established on the highway about four miles west oi tne village. SMITHERS A nrcttv wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents In Telkwa last Friday evening, iter. David Donaldson of Smlthers olil- r la tine, when Miss Susanna Mil. dred (Kitty) MacDonald, youngest daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. T. Mae-Donald, became the bride of Sldnejr KoDinson oi emuners. Anenuaiwi of the couple were Miss Bertha Chapman and.Topsy" Rooinon. The popular couple wlU reside at Telkwa. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fushlml left on Tuesday morning of this week for T.Kn ,k.r. if- tfiichlml will n- I nunc .. - .......-- - jwapall , L R. L. PickeU has been appointed tdergoa major operation. They will P.. . . a a- M ..14.1 rint I rf ( ' .. rm ill l 4L. nA rtf Qistrict regisi-rar vi yvu owiw j return vo omiuieiB ux wic bijiuh . n. - 1 f,l tl TI .... . A. J-lSi ....Ht tM Smith, whose appointment has been rescinded. . Rev. Leonard Hales of Smlthers arrived In the city on yesterday. world. No action has yet been taken In the matter of establishing unem- ninvmmt work eanrn in na .ln nnH 1. a ntntt at the Ancli- Mrflnv riMnllat Uw ft that In uaiu o"wxp,. " . ir. n, - on nwtnrv Hp will. take the ser-inmtnwa rtdinc considerable work vices at St Andrw'stCathedrl on'jg Dow going on. Sunday.- . - n t 1 ' '. Farewelled by many well wishing, PRIMpF riAlllULi nFORfiF VjliUlVUL. friends. Mr. and Mrs. A- E. Bazett-. Jones sailed last nteht on ss. Prina; ! Decree absolute was granted I Rupert for Victoria, where they will Th? work of cstablishin; road vtt-rdav afternoon In the Su-IUke up temporary residence pend- Pamps for the unemployed alon prome Court Assizes by Mr. Justice ins decision upon their .permanent the location of the highway be ' future home. ' tween Prince George and McBride i has not been proceeding as Anderson, road supcrinten ; iv as antlcloated and the public tnr A M1n HItHrt with head- rf.n9rtM.11t haa fniinrt it lm- u t .1 h ....... w-v- - nuimm u. v...h..v - quarters at Anyox. arrived In the j possible to provide work for all the .. - ai . V. MM , V. k nnM .... a 1 ryt.A m(I Cliy I rum we. nuiui u uw auh-v , rcguierea unemyiuycu. ic uur Rupert last evening and will bt fcg, therefore, to take care of u here until the end of the week on ( number of men, both married and single, who have not been other wise provided for. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Lyon and Mrs SHEDDON'S Cash and Carry Fill Your Market Ilaskct at J.ess Cost Malkln's Best Baking Powder 12-oz. tin ... Malkin's Best Temper lb Melkin's Best Colfee per lb , Chateau Cheese- Halves per packet II 20c 41c 41c 17 c Coffee Fresh ground OAp per iu - , Number 1 Creamery Butter 3 lbs - - Corn Flake 70c 9 c Eggs B. C. Fresh Extras "JQq 2 doz Jams Empress Pure )9C Strawberry, 4-lb. tin Marmalade Empress IfZn 0Ky 4-lb. tin Oranges Nice size, sweet Q I and Juicy 5 doz. : j SHEDDON'S . Cash & Carry ! Fifth Ave. E opposite Hospital 1 Telephone 581 NEW ARRIVALS In ONYX SHOES ' "ONYX- Styles are jdistin- guished,J)y lines of beauty. . . MONYX" Footwear is scien& fically built and exquisitely finished . . . correct fitting, styli&Ti . . smart . . 'serviceable. Come . . . see the latest models . . . their character . . . their individuality of style . . . Ask yourself . . . where else can I . purchase so much shoe quab ' . ity . . . 6uch smart 6tyle for -so modest an outlay? FAMILY SHOE STORE Third Ave. W. A, J. Webber. Mgr. Telephone 357 Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention 3. O. Wilson returned to Prince u tw Oeorge last Friday from- a motor For the East ... . Th.v am.: Mondays. Wednesday and Satur- days. 12:30 noon, ong the guests who were caught in ( Frm the Ea$t- the lire at the Lytton Hotel last . gun(jays, Tuesday and Thurs- week and escaped in tneir nign: days, 1 :30 pm The municipal lighting plant here is making a aood showing, in creased business has fully made up tor the loss In revenue from re duction of rates. Domestic light consumption is showing steady In urease. SBBBsSSBBk? De Jongs Cash and Carry riio.NX 953 rilONE 953 We Deliver $2.00 or Over Free Aylrner Red Plums 10 C Ki tUt , v Australian Peaches 2 Wt OP per tin Or. Orove Oolden Bantam OCp Corn S tins Dutch Maid Salad Dressing. OQp U-os. Sggs Fresh Pullet Extras, ) Qp per doz Cream of WheaV-Per 5-lb. OQp sack - Malkin's Best Pure Straw- CQp berry Jam 4-lb. can Red Arrow Whole Wheat QQp Fig Bars a lbs. for Malkin's Best Coffee 10p Per lb vw Campbell's Tomato Soup Qp perUn - Fray Bentoe Corned Beef -i 7p -l's Ripe Olives OQp per tin Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vcrma- -I Cp cell! per 16-M. pkg. 2 for AU V VELVEETA CHEESE 's 4 Op per pkg. REGAL or WINDSOR IflC AU SALT Per pkg :B;i:i:ii'lBiStlil'B:i:BiC''axiB:Bi:as'S DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' & Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE COMPANY SIS 3rd Ave. W. Phone 663 Values ! In Quality Foods For Friday and Saturday FRESH EGOS Pee Wee size. 2 doe. ROWNTREES COCOA 4-lb. tins, each ROWNTREES COCOA 1 l-lb. tins, each 39c 24c 47c 'CHOICE TOMATOES Royal 97p City, large tins, 2 tins CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Oftp Fresh stock, per lb.' " v v SPERRY PANCAKE FLOUR. 0 p larve narkaeea. ner nkE. RED PITTED CHERRIES fl Qp Ensign, No. 2 tins, per tin ... v v BARTLETT PEARS-Quaker Qp No. 2 tins, ner tin , PEARL WHITE SOAP OCTp iK' 7 bars CHOICE PINK SALMON On 0 Yacht Brand, tall tins, tin CELLO WRAPT GRAHAMS, Oflp Fresh stock, l-lb. pkgs., pkg.- v w DRI-PAK PRUNES Del ftXn Monte, 5-lb. tins, per tin PLUM JAM Fraser yallerjr. 4-lb. tins, per tin ..r.... MARMALADE Malkin's; 47p 1 r- J Ik Una rvAI itf otfc V 'MAYONNAISE Dutch Maid, OOn I 8-02. s.m Jars, 44f rvr per Jar lar . (Now nude in B KRAFT CHEESE- Per l-lb. pkg. CRISP CELEKX C.) Per stolk OKANAOAN ONIONS 8 lbs .-- OOLDEN BANTAM CORN Per do i. .-, WEALTHY APPLES- 4 lbs B. C. ITALIAN PRUNES 3 lbs. t Per i Crate 36c Fruits and Vegetables . . . m r 10c 25c 21c 25c 25c 51.10 Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS