COME IN! and Look: over ..our.. GOODS. FOR CHRISTMAS They are of the very best quality and the prices are very reason- able. THE DABLY NEWS ~~ 7 Local News Notes - ——o a at Rt Ot ot a ee oe ee ~ "XMAS “| ) i. Weatherhead, of Massett, ts in town : . . . ! | Spirella Cor setiere, Puen | | Black 257. ss | For plate and sheet glass, see : arriving lA. W. Edge Co. tf . e . . . This Week | J. 8. Gordon and ©. BE. Rose, of | |Anyox, are in town, | | ‘ . - ‘ : x te | Tickets for prizes—every $1.00 i Watch This | Besenase, Wallace's. tl ! Advertisement eh i ieieitl aaiekl Ue. ae } ° ! Rh. F. MeGinnis came in from for Prices iAlice Arm last night. ; . . . Major V. Cowper Young left for Vancouver last night Rupert Table Supply Co leet ' | Pianos cornectly tuned. $6.00, Phones 211, 212 G. Cc, W alker, Pucne Stus 389. tf M. 8. Montgomery arrived in towy from Hazelton last night NUSSERDHPRER ERODED Bea ees RAIA EMRE EA REE EE ckkhhteeeeeee =e Grid iiriininh fein t iii tiie kk kee eh eee —— Ls 4 WESTHOLME Theatre MABEL When Two Reel Paramount Co ne British-Canadian New ALICE “Her BRADY Two Reel Keystone Mack Sennet ( IN— | BASKETBALL GAME hay finish. 3 Lie heen Gh. | TOMORROW NIGHT cate & RECOMMENDS ITS MONEY ORDERS ! Asa safe and econo d of remitti o Sh These Money Or te ure j eine wit! ' arge at bank in Canada ( ixon excepted), In New found] cities of t he U: ted States a ire? tiable at « Gr t Br ' ire 1. $5 and under cents Ov 10. r ‘ Over $5, not exceeding $10, 6 cent Over not A. W. Came: Prince Rupert Branch - - arrived from - s Evelyn station on last night's The Callies will meet the|tpain. ° ° rravellers tomorrow night in the jie 6 rm es imi eC skating rink in the second basket I. Levinson, Winnipeg fur mer- 3 ball game of the series in chant, left last night for Van- Pri D Sasketb eague.) couver. Two Phones 82 & 200 At Y our Service Prinee Rupert Basketball League. |couver yu . rhe following teams have been e | o chosen: a, vas the greatest chancé | Callies—McLean, Menzies, Kelly |¥OU ever took? See Alice Brady| I ap bell, Brown, Williserof ana|at the Empress. _ ~ — | Martin. ae fravellers #- Tinetti, Robinson,|.. P!@ Princess Mary, Captain é 8 is e “0 Sot | Notice to Merchants, Contractors, cnorcw. Mane learn a ‘| Saintie, arrived from Vancouver at orrow, oper, oberge, Seott $1 600 A MINUTE Transfermen and Others. a thacil a | ne on with passengers and mail wMmoersen, - . . . 9 You are requested to render ~ The veferee w ill be Lee Bell Fe rite’s spee ial discounts fo rhe insurance cempanies of Amorins jaccounts owing to you by the ‘ash until Christmas in our fi tone Aciaries eee. year “en City, date on Dec. 15th to > All | NOT CUTTING jniturne, rug and drapery depart. | iverage of about $1,000 per minute C nents. tf vr every working hour during the ATY PURCHASING AGENT. FOR FEW DAYS | ne i ae year. ee eteieeemenpeneennnnninetD A re Tite's 2 anc J. Senescue, violinist at th rhe amount of good accomplished by ite’s large stock of fancy wasil testa ~~ h life yopanies is incalculable : ; s ime eg 7 or Se. Somes Shave Deen saved from the §/800ds and toys opened up and al Part of the Prince’ Rupe | stab = "a = a Rut ae last P; , rs delivere rom ; aryi ; e on the ‘ince e las portengee: CN scas a dsush- jyour —. yee t pruce Mills, Ltd., plant here hay: ight | ters have been educated and made z ; losed down for a few days for " ’ } aseful and influential citizens. { We don't cobble shoes at Simp- tt . , ‘ : ~ i . . ‘ rhe Jutual Life of canada «hs son's—we repair them. Corner le ote a om 9 as a t loys, blocks, games dolls, | ved its quality near a near the holiday, it is ssible ‘ - en’ . sche veers of ever ineveasing eootulgeed. Fifth and McBride. eo = or " —, rains, children’s books, mechan yur insvrances amount to over— ! .. 2 utting may not recommence un al toys, at Tite’s Santa Clau : * Po ; ' : ‘ oils quae ie 12 «oe! 20 per cent discount on all wall- Lil after New Year's Day. | readquarters, ‘ innidnnies papers. We have to make room The finishing mill continues | ; Sire,» tr vork and the shipping depart-| Would you swallow tobacco ani | THE MUTUAL LIFE Feces. saison’ for new stock. A. W. Kdge Uo. _ M. Notary Public $7,000.00 on easy terms, buys two of }: the best lots on ‘Third Ave., Lots 19 and 20, Block 18, Section 1. Do not overlook this snap in business property. . be held on Tuesday night in the 'Carpenters Hall at 8 o'clock. Elec- ition of President and discussion of 6 o'clock closing. All members Stephens Conveva~ cer vesholne Linc MAY. BILLINGS, Prop. 50c Special Menu 50c TUESDAY, DEC. 16 hanspee 1180 a.m. to 2 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Cream of Tomato * . M. heai Estate insurance Financial Agent , Fi Boiled Salmon, Cream Sauce Fried or Boiled Halibut, or Black Cod Boiled. otha Ox Tongte, with Horse Radi:! n Botled Spare Ribs with Cabbage M. Stephom i Entrees. Raked Meat Pie ~ Sealloped Salmon with Tomato Sauer d DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- ‘Tuesday, Wednesday and : day, from 7 to 9%. ; DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE j FHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT foast Beef, Pan Gravy Roast Pork with Dressing Vegetebies. Boiled or Mashed Potatoes Creamed Carrots | requested to attend, 29 = ment will be busy during the shut) undergo an operation for the man| will remain in t! will attend to he veather too cold to undertake ac She tive construction, vening. south where she ' Andrew's down pam you love? See Mabel Normand in| of Canada ‘Hall Wednesday, December 17,' — When Doctors Disagree.” West vl wtario ; yal 9 p.m. ‘ oy’s Ore I e. Wate eo, O ta — if 9 p.m. Harvey oe REPARE TO BUILD | 1olm soalAS i McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, | ct NEW DOCK AT HYDE. >| Mrs. Young, sister of Mrs. D Limited, Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., have | |. Morrison, arrived from Govan, | Phone 11 - 8rd Avenue §/ just received a shipment of fir: t |} task., by last night's train, She] ‘hundred doors ang windows—the HYDER, Dec 15.—Plans are} vii) visit with Mrs. Merrison for =~ | ‘nest and varied stock in Northern| Y¢!! advanced for the new do few days. * 1. «. ti! vhich is to be built here. tt is | . ° 7 | ae . o be 1,000 feet long. At present] Mrs. Wm. Goldbloom was A meeting of Retail Clerks wijl ‘he snow is too deep and the/passenger; for Vancouver = but as soon as} the weather breaks, work will! .tore down there. Miss Fuller will commence. |e in charge here, i iepetasinniaetin vince | . * . For first class shoe repairing,| The last boat south for Christ 8. M. Simpson, Fifth and McBride.| "4s will be the G, T. P. ces. i | . . . | Prince Rupert, leaving here on | Do doctors ever disagree? Sev| December 21. Those desining|} | Mabel Normand tonight. West-! good accommodation should book holme. jwarly. ; se * } . . * | The “Dinector’” Corset. Manu-| George F. Johnston, city ticket actured in Prince Rupert. Phone | agent for the Grand Trunk Pacific | | Blue 92. tf) Railway and steamers, is leavine * . * j} for Montreal on Wednesday to | | spend the Christmas holidays, He | For the home fireside; the com- fort of an easy chair and rocket One decayed or missing tooth Apple, ee Pte; “ree Pudding lowers your efficiency Pe ERR SEpeNa SHORT ORDERS SERVED AT ALL HOURS DR. BAYNE “vy, 9 to 12 only. Evenin rie oston re Gri Cademin Coal No wait. $12.50 $13.75 Ton, Loose Consumers {al Company Phones--Black 51, Black 293 The Best Place to Eai MENU ON THE COUNTER We have No 50: Lunch:s We employ All White Help Full weight. Ton, Sacket Studio 137 Seeond Avenue Open all of the a hours, ~ A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Look our et aah PHONE 182 or 444 Menu in the same place eee ae j will return in about a month 5 | | Tite’s store for holiday di: | time. sounts. f| . . . Do you remember “Mickey? MAKING }’Nuf said. Don’t miss Mabel No: ‘SSTHONIA MA G jmand in “When Doctors Dis PEACE WITH SOVIE' | agree”’—Westholme. ee Pi > Es, te Special by «GT. P. Teleeraphs.) | Tite’s Christmas Drawing.) bONDON, Dec. 15.--Peace be-| Every $2.00 cash: purchase en- | tween Esthonia and Societ Russia | titles you free to a ticket. First| “long the lines laid down by the: prize, brass bed, coil springs fe’! | Bolsheviki seems imminent mattress and pair of down piliows | j * Second prize .ladies’ desk and ‘|chair, mahogany finish. Third RAILWAY COMMISSION rize 24-inch Kewpi ul. i, | prize @t-inch Kewnle Dol, «f/ ~—BLOCKED MAIN LINE | é vi ae (Special via G. TP. Petegraphs St. R TRURO, N. 8... Dec, ¥ aa) jtrucks of the private ca Acad . : : ’ é ‘ te iS aac bearing members of the hail SS a ee enn —— = Commission left the traek at 4 (ee (irand Lake last night, bloeking | Special Menu, UC. the main line, Tuedsay, Dec. 16 ee ! ; . CONTINUE STRIKE } } Luncheon 11 a.m. to 2 p.m aa : Dinner & p.m to 7:30. ra (Special via J.T. P. Telegraphs.) Beef Broth wath Noodle WASHINGTON, Dee, 15 The | Boiled matthat” Nitex. iil’ ine jnational commitlee of organized iritled Spring olpoa. sit Lemon piston workers have decided to con jork Spare Ribs, Heinz Sauerkraut jtinue the strike and renew an ae Entrees. live ftleld e¢ aie Veal Croquette, Green Pea j ’ ee Lamb Cur with Rice } i neglish Pot Hoast, Mashed Turnip : sa dt n Toast fst, 2nd and 3rd Priges-—Xmas iver and Onions 1) rawin Wallace Roast. : aa " Beef, Steamed Macaroni Barrie's Christmas drawing fashed, Baked or Boiled Potatoes Dessert. . | Fvery two dollars ‘ un Ploating Island Pudding one wore . stard Pte Florentin Meringue chased entitles you to a Lickel Te Co , ; a and Coffee free, Starting Wednesday, No SHORT ORDERS senveo ar ar f)YODer 19. First prize, Daven-| HOURB. port bed; venereencenconemenanmmneenmns we ||)! second prize, third prize, fumed oak! wicker rocker hen MoM, DID Yor SEE ANYTHING OF A GARTER SNAKE , HAD IN MYT " coaT PpocKe;r § iil i Oni ght NORMAND ~~ Vectors Disagree” EMPRESS Theatre Tonight Great Chance” * ss. ** SE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EERE EE EEE . . . - * - - - i, THE ROYAL BANK OF CAN ADA i “une THE SwELLEST PEACH CAKE AT AONT MAMIES To- DAY — i OUGHT TO THE eREMEDY FOR iT AWD MAKE . ME SOME ocToRs ‘Hee sacnee GOLDWYN PICTURES Starring tonight al the Westholme Phealr