PAUK TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - IiRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLBN - -' - Managing-Editor W-'' 1;.-.,;. . SUBSCltiPqp J RATES city deHveryyroatlr csfrrier. yiirlf period, paid In advance ;Ffirleser jjerkds, paid in advance, per month -By mall to all parts Of Northern' arid Central British Columbia. paid In advance for'yearly perio'd . .... z. By mall to all other fcarts of Brltisn Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance; per year By mall to all other countries, per year Local readers, per insertion, per line Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations s DAILY EDITION vcfju. Friday. March 13, 1931 COST OF LI VING 5.00: 50 3.00 : $6.00 j 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES . ' ; Transient display advertising, per inch,- per Insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02 : t "25 J .. -.15! SUCCESSION DUTIES The way to bring1)eoule to British Columbia is to trive Hfe" aBBflLBk wOSm SbS3bHbbH ' Pola Negri, screen star, chose Rrmakl Tun . British actor, as beat type of dancer out of downs of applicants in London. Here Pola It going through script of new play with him, in which dancing takes iromlner.t part. w r it NEURITIS Ob llunf llut kelp u to w.rm duh, pour in Mia. rd't. TWi rub tk. luuaiii fatly to. Pain oases off! fKIMG OF PAIITj The Letter Box ONE PER CENT INCOME TAX., other sources of taxation that the males pay, such as the poll tax and road tax. So on summing up the honorable gentleman's method of raising taxes, I think there are other ways of raising taxes beside theis the earth and tax them nothincr. accordinn to some ta,tat T inur nairi man Terace. B.C. or people. However, we do not want population at that price.'woman. who have practically only One of the members of the Legislature'advises the elimin- a pittance, i win now close with a ation of the succession duties, one of the most democra- few- w.ordI ttom tn Oood Book: tic methods of taxation in existence. Hi8reason for so do- "fSffi TiZ mg would be to induce wealthy persons to settle in a part honoureth Him hath mercy on the of the country where they could hand their wealth on to poor.-their children without payment of any of it to the state, i "Rogerum.-. In Britain the succession duty is very high and also in ! : some other countries. It tends against the accumulation of great walth. British Columbia can well afford to take a reasonable amount in the same wav. . ?It is oftin.tHie"(Uthat the worst handicap a boy can LIKES JONES BUDGET Editor, Daily News: Considering the reeent Jones' : u f si i , , f, T' , . tJuaaev i minK n is vne most sen- mv uc a uu sum uj muiicy icwuvcsi ii uiis tjbje, budget in ye4rs. He uses is true, it is a great benefit to the parties most interested great' foresight in not tncumber-when the state takes part o the legacy in succession du- ing our descendenu with our foi-ties. To abolish this tax onjfie rich and to place a one per cent, tax on the poor is hardly in line with modern tenden-' Rertdeilt 0( B c- tor Tmnt' t.iao i "ears. Musical Meeting Greatly Enjoyed, Large Attendance at Gathering Last Evening in Salvation Army Citadel There was another good-sized gathering at the Salvation Army Citadel last night for the weekly musical meeting. The congregation enjoyed ok. and new. hymns and Riv J. Kennedy, who has presided at a number of such meetings during the past winter, gave a farewell address. Caw. E. Warren presided at the piano and! there were solos in Norwegian by Mr. Carlson. Commandant Wil liam Kerr presided. 'At,, the close of the Meeting, oof-fee and doughnuts were served. ! W. J Barrtv presided at the meeting of the school board on Wednesday night in the absence of Mn. T. M Spencer, the chairman. Others present were Trustees J. J. OUlls, L..W. Wangh and W. J. Oreer and Secretary J.03. Wllllra-son as well as the principals of the schools. THE DAILY NEW8 FncL BANK ON ' STEAMER Precedent Set as Prince Robert Carried Branch" on South .American, Tour MONTREAL, March 13. Setting "'vit students of Canadian banking history believe to be a precedent, the ganadbn National liner Prince Robert recently became a bank branch in Itself. The liner is now in South-American waters with the Canadian goodwill, and trade mis-ion to South America and had .cached Pernambuco. Brazil, when the innovation took place. Observing that the Canadian trade Editor, Dally News. mission consisiea oi inuuemuu mm Re the new provincial income ta wealthy Canadians, the Royal Bank all f Canada arranged with the Can- plan whereby incomes less than :$12 per week, those receiving aaian wawnai sieamsnip 10 insiai I Mother's Pensions, Old Age Pen- a brancl aboard tne Prince Rob(,rt slons. War Disability Pensions and 1urin lne 5lnt r8 sUy at Pemam" allow.ntes and "Incomes" from the ,UC0- S wc was the experiment Operation of a Farm are ekempt. that e same bank arranged to The :DominlH. Government say that the average cost of a family a - per week stands at about $28.60. This, seems to say that our own At the Rotary luncheon yesterday the manager of provincial officials donot keep in Malkin's wholesale grocery firm showecT that , the cost on Jg-K staples alone had been reduced twenty per' cent.' Possibly money at any cost but get it. Now. on all classes of goods the reduction is greater. to my mind, this is.working an in- ship from Montevideo to Buenos Aires, scene of the British Empire Exhibition. C. C. Pineo, supervisor of South American branches for the Royal Bank of .Canada, is a member of the trade mission aboard the Prince nc " Robert, "' he introduced the Complaint is. being made and made justly, that some Justice on a lot of the poorer folks, T v lines of business have not reduced prices as much here methe burd?na -ady heavy aboard. Already numerous cam as at other places. Jn other words Prince Rupert is looked en instance There are cases nave been made at the teller s cage upon as an expensive-' town. This has been particularly no- here in Prince Rupert of famines iboard and bU8lness wU1 be ticeable in regard to the COSt of meats and bread. Now the who are Just getting by on $60 a especially brisk on March 13. the bakei-s have cut their prices very considerably and the month, when we look at the f?'1 JenSS butchers, it is understood, have made some eductions. Smf doubtless very soon there will be an equalization. In Some. Again, we' will go back to. some Prulce Robert branch of the Royal lines of business the same ' prices are being charged here of the young people who get $50 Bank oi Canada 18 but one of 902 which the firm maintains as elsewhere: per month to begin with, with de- branches It is not good for a city tohave the reputation of being e b-gd at ,40 per fif expensive but at the same time it is noted that acheap SSL1?? r the-first ocean liner, sir Samuel town is often the poorest town in which to live. A FREE ADVERTISEMENT The London Cafateria. qf Vancouver has a does not leave much for pleasure, (let alone taxes. Cunard of Halifax. Nova Scotia. , was Intimately associated with, the I notice that you quote Mr. Hinch-1 ot cuMefchavnU' Baf Striking would be carried by imported labor. . oya' Bank of Canada- , advertisement in a Vancouver newspaper from which we people without property, etc. Any are pleased to duote the following: "Prince Rupert Grows. to ruead at a ?,an" wo.m jj in You don't hear enough about Prince Rupert b'ut it grows hM S"-, United PadflC wun me years, inose rnnce uupert people wno see tne Now the tenant of a house pays northern port as a big city some day are right, say we, and taxes indirectly through his rent they are also right when on their visits to Vancouver tRey Th worker also pays for any busi-make their eating headquarters at the London Cafe- Ux' whlch 18 fald "Je . neither landlords x m storekeepers, as i or storekeepers are benevolent In- w i i it i A i. A xi t i Yve are glad to give thiadvertisement to the London stttutions. in exchange for the luiblicity they have given Prince Ru- And last, but not least, there are pert. Often others seffus better than we see oursdves. Fisheries (continued from v?e 1) got to work, the present down' price of 10c. and 7c. might have to' be amended but it was expected at all times to have an arrangement that would be satisfactory to the; i whole, fleet. The co-operative prln eiple would at all imes. of course prevalj with the profits being distributed among the fishermen. j Officers of the United Pacific Fisheries. Mr. Kwapil announced,-are: t F. J. Kwapil. president and gen' eral manager , O. K. Strizek preldent of the , American Exchange Bank. Seattle).' wcrKary-treasurer. I Gee-rge E. .Listram (banker and member of the executive board of the Labor Temple, vice-president. Mr. Kwapil sailed by the Prince Oeorge last night on the as. Prince Oeorge on his return to SeatUe. Mr. Beig will be here for the next few days in connection with the inauguration of the local branch. COLDS IN HEAD J I THROAT or CHEST I "llv4 by Hubbtnf In ZmBuh. FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS OR SPRING COATS New samples Just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very latest. LINO THE CUTTER Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Vhone CIS ' Kaieff Motors Limited General Garage and Service Station CHEVROLET and BL'ICK Open Day and Niuht Phone 52 Third Avenue ANNOUNCING Thv Opening Saturday Morning of Carrying a Complete Line of the Latest Ladies Ready - to - Wear In the New Styles and Colors A Cordial Invitation Extended to You to Inspect our Stock t Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St j in . e will grow up strong and healthy Ink 1 Join I U n. EVERY mother dreams of her babv'i future. She pictures U yean ahfii ees him growing up through sturdv, healthy childhood to strong, vigoroui manhood. What baby will become depend vtfT largely upon that itrvice of love even more important than the tiny garment! so fully chosen. During the ' baby trrjrts the nptttant moth, nil ouite wr tbt iht will be Mt f" tti btifelf. So much depends upon this! Inbatvh are laid the foundations of future h!t and happiness. No substitute i equl w maternal milk for giving babv a n start in life. And no substitute -o sutrly safeguards a child against nutritional diseases, such as rickets. , Qottou, nurses anijnolheri itih ftflifii0SAe relnpkibU ralut of "QalnC wtproriothg adqtt lacldlion When this delicious beverage is !" before the birth the milk is sufficient quantity and rich in quality, fven . only taken after the birth the u ' "Ovaltine" has quickly erTected a "d" change in the quality and quanta ' milk ,'Ova!tine, moreover, maintains the mother's strength while nursing and ensures a quick return to normal hcalm- "Ovaltine- Is prepared from NW foods which are richest in nutriment -tip batley malt, creamy milk and egg-quickly prepared snd easily dif"tfd. There is no food beverage comparable with "Ovaltine". It is the richest in t.wd value, the most economical in 0,thtk fold tmJ iff", " '"' 75C $15 and P,fliU f4.1t dttw'd'1 U A. WANDFh llMrrm IjJ., Injil"'1 PrUrUirounh, ' TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE (bnaUes Jy(atks b 55teast-feed tfiein liate Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. 9