PAGE THItEB pr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup " Her Two Children Coughed Day And Night Mr. Fred. T. Kilnappel, E.E. No. 1, St. Agatha, Out, write. !-, two children were eoughini, day and night, from a wry aeme, whoopr cough. I tried every kind of medidoe I could think of, but they got no relief. A friend told me I ihouli try DrWodli Nem.y Pkhe fcyrup1 I gdl'.two b&W. of It, and before they were ued the children were rid of their oought. It i a Try good medicine, end I would not be without a bottle in the houee." rjee 85c. a bottle ;4irge. family eite Me. at all . druggiiti or dealer ot op only by The T. Milbura Co, UdL, Toronto, Out JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment of Easter Novelties, Including Chocolate Eggs, Bunnies, Egg Cups, Etc., Etc. Prices 5c to 25c Hring In your Colgate's Tooth Taste Cards and receive Uo 23c tubes for the price of one Oimes Ltd. Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THR.EE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS ntr a mt to. night RANT'S Best ProcuraMr? (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST1 IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BJrna -Orahwt OmOIotm. (Ml- Prepared Daily By A Jm This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Canadian Fish & Cold Storage -Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mruinrr leme Prime Kupert t or Vancuuw: T VS CATAI.A EVIiltY Tl ll.V. I.W I'M- Arriving Vancouver v. Oiemi Pell. TliurxUy Noon appro. tns. ..uii:v i:vi:hy ikiiiav midmmiit Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight appro. tmy Miunt to Port Stmpwon. Alice Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Naae River point 8undy. 8.00 p.m. I T'tier mlormatluii regarding al' wllirge and ticket at I'KI.Mi; III IT.KT AOtACV : Mrcuild Avenue. 1'Uone WW f t)AST I B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM riUNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juiieau. and Skagway. March 1. l and S&, To Vancouver, Viclarlieattl V lorla. 7ver Fn Jiy. 10' p.l. ' ' 4T Agents l or All Steamship Lines W (' Orrhurrt. Uen Arnt. SrdAv t'l -iiira Btipert. 1'r.uneSI Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Local Items Billiards tonight Orotto vs. Bmltohrvqicgen-frolnce n ... Elks, orf 4. IUnnecuare, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's sipe. Dressmaking, fur repairing and cleaning. Mrs. J. Fowler, 501 6th Ave. W. Phone Blue 153. 65 M. A. Marley of the McMUlar; Export Co., who has been here on company business, sailed, by the' Prince George last night oil hi return to Vancouver. U CP.R. (steamer Princess Alice. Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in port '. at 8 o'clock this evening from the south and will sail a couple of hours later on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Rev. W. D. Orant Hollingsworth of Calgary, who recently accepted a call to First Presbyterian Church In this city, will arrive on the C. PR. boat today and will preach his opening services Sunday first. His induction will take nl&e on MondaySevening at 8 o'cjrjcfi 61 ' ') ; II Jack Brawley, who hat b$bn In tion of Canada here. -,nd dpuglas the service of the Power Corpora-Scott of this city will sail fan the Cardena tonight for vWnobuver. The latter expects to retnalnnn the " East, The case of Dido Qurvich, charged with supplying liquor to Indians, has been adjourned until next Friday In city police court. E. F. Jones is acting as crown counsel while W. O. Fulton is appearing in defence of Gurvjch. The East End Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran Church mat last evening at -the home of Mrs. John H. Hanson, the pastor's wife. After devotional ana business periods, music and readings were enjoyed. Delicious refreshments were For Sale f V- Gas Boat "PEG." M feet long, equipped with -a 30 horsepower Kelvin engine. Built for a fish packer or cannery tender. Bids will be received by the undersigned up to noon, March 21, 1931. The highest or any tender not necesartly accepted Boat may be seen at the Pacific Salvage Company's float, this city. t01 C. L. MONKOC Official Administrator. Grocerteria PUIlS LOGANBERRY JAMgQg I JU tin ,.v,i, MAOiHONlU4 ' packet ..t MACARONI Ready cut, packet . SPAGHETTI packet . pktfXc KES for ROLLED 2 pkts fur TRY OUR BULK TEA-per lb 10c 10c 10c KANCY SOCKEYE SALMON HORSE SHOE BRAND t(n 1 lb tin. PINK SALMON 1 ib tinsi' 2- for 25c CLARK'S VEGEf ABLE SOUP Tin -v'- - 10c CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP JQpj Tin .. i 25c, 35c 40c Bush's Grocerteria FREE DELIVERY TELEPHONES 211 & 212 THE DAILY NEWS Friday, March 13, 1931 BLOOD VSKIN TROUBLES Nearly everybody- it eubjeet o tome form or other of blood or ilun troubles . . eepeciallr in the V Spring, ell to unnecet- 7 'Kiotiri if'WBlood OSiAnei' the Hood imam, and remove the poaoru that cause these trouble. Where eruption have appeared ue Buckley' Ointmen: along with Tru-Blood. Thi it a combination that can't , be beat. At your drugeitt'. a . tWa PLEASANT t. TAKE PROMPT ACT LASTING m KESULTS PRODUCT TRu-BLoOD Clears the Skin. wlr Cathedral Brownie Pack tea at the Rectory Saturday from 3 to 6. 61 A. J. Galland ef the Dominion excise department sailed last night on the Prince George, for Vancouver on official business. , Provincial Constable Gordon Daniels, radio operator here for the force, sailed last night on the Prinee George for Vancouver, having an insane patient in his charge. . t Mrs. Betty Johnston, whose husband is chief engineer of the steamer Canadian Winner, which left here this week after having been tied up for the winter at the local dry dock, will leave tomorrow by train . for her home in Montreal. Mrs. K. E. Blrnie of Smlthers arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior, accompanying this far the two children of Mr. and Mrs. James H, Groat of Smlthers who pro-, ceeded last night on the Prince George to Vancouver. n- a.vSouAce.ments' St. Patrick's HaU. March 17. SATURDAY SPECIAL Three-Layer NEAPOLITAN SQUARES 30 Cents The Electric Bakery The store of service it quality We Deliver Phone 667 SjEyParkefltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas Si Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third AvcLut , I'honc 83 4 Concert, Catholic Presbyterian Shamrock Tea, on March 17, In Chureh Hall. Inter-City Bidmlnton Tournament Premier ''vs. Rupert, followed by dance. Moose Hall, March 17 Rebekab Whist and Bridge, Met-ropole Hall, March Z3. Admission 50c. tlapt'st Easter Sale April 2. Easter Concert April 6 and 7. Direction Alex A. Connon, Moose Hull. Annual Daffodil dance, I.O.D.E Hall. Easter Monday. 4 1 II r . . Sale April 8. United April 9 Anglican fApril 9, Church Easter Daauu Cathedral Easter Sale Crib and Whtst League Banquet Cammodore Cafe' April 10. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 16 Oyre Hoedown May 1. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Valde hav now taken up residence at 512 Tatlow Street. The freighter ,M. S. Brosnoy has (eenajpcean, FUg this jveekr-diA- crrarging sulphur frorri'Uie Gulf of Mexlcd. Bush's Grocerterla: advertisement yesterday made the price ol corn flakes 2 for 25c. The correct price li 3 packages for 25c. H. W. Taylor, general manager of W. Hi Malkin Co, Ltd., sailed last nighf bythe Prince :George on his return to Vancouver after lng a few days here on company business. John Walker, assistant port ste ward of Canadian National Steamships, after spending a week hen on official duties, sailed by the ss. Prince George last night on hi.; return to Vancouver. Real Values for Friday & Saturday SOCKEYE SALMON Clovefleaf Brand. Packed in Northern B.C. 1 lb tall tins, per tin .. . V1' 1-2 lb flat tins, per tin PASTRY FLOUR 47C Wild Rose 10s, per sack MARMALADE Little Chip, 2 lb Glass JarsQ( each FRESH FIG BARS 35C COOKING APPLES 25C S lbs .. . .. FELS NAPirnlA SOAP La re Golden bar. per ctn BARTLETT PEARS 25 lOK' C Enwgn Brand. 2 1-2's, tin COOKING FIGS QCp omyrnai'n wnnr, ius. .. COMBINATION SPECIAL 1 tin Munro Malt 2 1-2 Ib 1 lb Bottle Caps 1 pkg. Hops. 1-4 ib 2 sheets Gelatine $1.30 value for S1.09 BROOMS 5 string. Made in B.C. by the blind, each 'VAGSTAFFS PEEL ' Cut, Mixed. 1 lb pkgs. per pkg. QUAKER OATS Quick Cooking, per pk. "OFFEE (Our Special) Frealily Rrmind .nrr lb HOWNTREE'S COCOA 1 lb tins, per tin Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 "TIIK m:ST I'Olt LESS" FREE DELIVERY HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Ruper.'s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roomi A. J. I'ltUnilOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, Prop Tin: iiotrx nnitTii while Hot ft Oold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone Ml Boston Grill riione 457 I'rlnre Rupert targe Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night. 9 to 12 Danre Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties ig Goodness 37c A. frnui!. 2ic mfcm 37c iJm 47c . GOOD n. car and cleanlU nen freth and full flavored. Theia arewbatgoott. nm mean In Waieurs. Try It when you art tired and hungry and aee how qulcllv it rep you up. Inexpensive Satisfying, WRIGLEYS CHEWING GUM " RADIO Tune In Jett for Fun' 1L and get a load of laughs from the Blue RibbonMalt Jester every Tuesday night over the Columbia Chain Stations. KOL 8.15 P.M. (Pacific time' "I'm lato-but I have time for Shredded Wheat" "Oh you don't have to w orry about getting to work on time when wc have Shredded Wheat in the house. It's ready- cooked, ready to serve and you'll have plenty to eat. SJiredded Wheat is the real energy-food: and whether you prefer it with cream or with hot milk on cold mornings, it's a delicious and satisfying meal." THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT OWANY.LTn SHREDD ED WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT LIEF EIIICKSON LADIES' CLUB HAS MEETING A meeting of the- Lief Erlckson 1 Ladies' Club was held last night; it the home of Mrs. Nels Luttu Eighth Avenue East. The proceed-1 tags proved very enjoyable, the program including songs, music and interesting readings. Refreshments were served at midnight. The choice of those men who appreciate good Scotch Whisky This advertisement is not pub libhed or displayed by the Liuuor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia IHVnHBSSS