PAGE etc THE DAILY NBW8 M N n a (i 5 hj ui u J H n n w H D ta M H fci! re a R K i- H H u U u St a a M U n B a tm WALLACE'S A Mid - Month Specials For Sat, and Mon. Selling MEN'S PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Fine TtT: 81-00 FELT IRONING PADS With cotton cover eye-letted for easy adjustment, with Qp vOs string complete, each CURTAIN RODS TP XtU Klrsch make, each BLACK DUCHESS SATIN A 36 In., a splendid quality, per yard V RAYON BROCADE . OeJi In a full range of shades, yd. PILLOW SLIPS dQp It? I Nice qualify, 2 for iCHECKfPiff'EA) TOWELS dQp ' 17U Blue bt Reel. 3 for OILCLOTH TABLE COyERS , 7Cp Red or Blue" design, each ell SILK VESTS 4QP In a full range of colors, each 7l PURE SILK HOSE Full fashioned in a full range of Q-t A A shades, pair ?AUU LADIES' SILK BLOOMERS- eJUl ftp All colors, pair - CHILDREN'S JAEOER ALL WOOL CASHMERE SWEATERS with polo collars in blue, fawn or brown, size 20 to 24. Off Regular to $2,25. each Q1.0 HOUSE DRESSES In a new range O-i A A 'of patterns. Vfy Special s?.l.UU Wo hare Justr urtnc ked a shipment of Sprlng Coas iB.twee d and rlpplesheen. all new styles jQdall m oderately priced. Third Ave. & Fulton St. Telephone 9 OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and burn dry cpal and see what 10 means to ynu. I'l.MKINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.50 MINEIIEAD KGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (J. T. 1'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc EI.ECTRIC ACETYLENE WELDING . Our riant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PUONES 43 AND 385 Dr Alexander X-RAY SEKVICE PHONE 573 IlCSNEIt BLOCK DENTIST COAL Huy the real Coalour famous . Edson and Cassldjr-Welllncton In any quantities. Also Bulklry Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Ci PHONES 58 AND 558 I FLOWERS AT THE SCHOOLS r Proposal Made by Trustee Gillis at 2 Meeting Left Over for Investi-P ; cation ' H At the meeting of the school board g Wednesday night some time was spent considering a proposal of Trustee J. J. Gillis to have flower beds at some of the schools, particle ularly at Booth. School. j It was explained by Acting Chalr-g man Barrle that, owing to the small jj Pla ygrounds at the schools, every -: inch of land .was needed for the Jjuse of the pupils. While Agreeing that the growing of flowers was very desirable and "would add to the appearance of the grounds, he did not think the scheme feasible. The trustees , generally were inclined to agree with this view so they decided to investigate further before taking any action. Principal Hartness of the High School explained that an effort had been made a few years ago but without success and the idea had been elven ud. He Dolnted to other places. Here it was a ques-ttion of space. Eagles' Whist and Dance Enjoyable Happy Affair Staged Wednesday Night in Lortee Hall 11 Tables of Cards A delightful whist drive and dance was held Wednesday night by the Eagles' Lodge in the lodge hall. There were fourteen tables of cards and prize winners were: lad les' first, William Rothwell, playing as a lady; second, Mrs. Angelo As-tori; third, A. Dominato; men's 1st' G. Brooks, second. Lee Dell; third, A- J. Croxford. After cards, refreshments were served and dancing followed with music by the Premier Orchestra. Thomas Clough was master of ceremonies and Richard Ford presided at the door A general committee was in charge of the affair. SWIFTS PURE LARD 3 lb tin ' MALKIN'S BEST TEA 3 lb tin B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR CTAp OUU 10 lb sack D K. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 10 lb sack d5f MALKIN'S BEST SEEDLESS nrz : : 25c daMolco man cieadk MOLASSES 3 lb tin SHELLED WALNUTS HalfsM light meat, lb CLARK'S MINCE MEAT 32 ox. jar JAP RICE Best Quality, 4 lbs 45c 40c 40c MALKIN'S BEST ASPARAGUS j TIPS oc: Fa, Un NABOB LARGS SIZE PRUNES 1 ,b- 25c 25c SUNNYBROOK CREAMERY I BUTTER Q1 1 01.10 S lb brick. I EGGS. Fresh Extras, 3 doz 81.00 IPRES MARMALADE Made from Australian OlTrt Orange, jar i SWEET NAVEL ORANGES Q A p 5 doun GOLD DUST SCOURING POWDER 3 tins 25c Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 WHAT MAKES PEOPLE MOODY? Did you know that our health and our moods are closely related to intestinal 'cleanliness? When the system is clogged by constipation, poisons are generated. Often these bring ort headaches and listlessness. You feel blue, or become irritable. The poisons of constipation frequently aggravate nervous troubles, rheumatism, high blood- ' pressure and heart trouble. . Yet constipation can be overcome by eating a delicious cereal: Kellogg's All-Bran. Two tablespoonfuls daily are guaranteed to relieve both temporary and recurring constipation. Try it with milk or cream. Use In cooking too. Recipes on . the red-and-green package. Aix-Uran also supplies iron for the !lood. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. , All-Bran Victor Herbert Is Subject of Ladies' Music Club Meet A splendid meeting of the Ladies' Music Club was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Carson yester day afternoon. Mm Carson was in charge for the day, and gave an interesting paper on Victor Herbert, followed by a short but enjoyable program as follows: Piao solo Dagger Dance," Mrs. E. Smith. , j Vocaf solo "Gypsy Love Song,' Mrs. M. H. Blot Cello solo William Beaumont. Vocal solo "Kta Me Again." Mrs. J. McLeod. - Vocal solo "Sweet Mystery of Life." Mrs. Cruikshank. WERE MARRIED r , , Week-oid very quietly Specials 60c S1.35 Mr. and Airs. Darrow Casey Sail for Stewart on Honeymoon Following Ceremony in Kupert East Church Following their marriage Wednesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Casey sailed on the Prince George for Stewart where they will pay a honeymoon visit. The wedding took place quietly at Rupert East United Church, where Rev. Charles E. Motte officiated, the bride being Miss-. Sheila Robinson. Attendants of the1 couple were Mrs. Ruby Weir, sister of the groom, and George Casey. Jr.,. his brother. The young couple, who wlH'"Ve-turn to the city later to reside, will have the hearty congratulations and best wishes 'of their many friends. The grom la the son of Ex-Aid. and Mrs. George B. Casey. Twenty Years Ago In I'rince Rupert March 13, 1911 According to an Interview published In the Vancouver World. D'Arcy Tate, chief solicitor for the Orand Trunk Pacific Railway, states that his company will arrest development here In order to bring the city to Unit In the matter of taxation assessment. Mr. Tate has gone to Victoria to discuss the matter with Premier Mc-Bnde. At a secret setakm of the , city council held a few days ago, decision waj made by a majority of the aldermen to send or H.M&C. Rainbow UAp'tder to awe laborers who are oSWn strike for higher wages, it has Just been revealed h The Idea of bringing in the mllltta has also been discussed. Without a single dissenting voice the Prince Rupert industrial Association, at a meeting last night, passed a resolution" pledging itsell win or lose to conduct and continue the present strike in an orderly and law-abiding manner. MANY NF.W MEMBERS! & Sat. Drive of Canadian Legion Meeting t With Good Success Planning to complete the front of the building, the Canadian Legion, is at present conducting a drive for members which is meeting with good response. Many old members arc coming back into the fold while a number of new ones are being obtained. At a meeting this week, nineteen new members' were voted in. These, together with some twenty or more others, will be duly initiated at a big meeting to be held on April 9. the anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. At the same meeting, officers will be elected and a social gathering enjoyed. Another crib tournament will be held by the Legion next. Tuesday, it. was decided. Pension matters were also discussed at last night's meeting ovei which James Smith, the president fpresided. DEER INVADES CITY GARDEN Was Drowsing Wednesday in Garden of S. D. Johnston ! Wednesday evening a deer was jseen browsing In S. D. Johnston's garden at the end of Graham Ave.) in Westview. It was a good sized, , apparently about two years old, and . ' cemcd quite tame, allowing specta tors to approach to within lers ih in 100 feet, when with leisurely u-apsi it moved away. Buy & Save at the Mussallem's Economy Cash & Carry Stores A careful inspection of our prices will surely convince you thai tfasre is a material saving. by taking advantage of our new Low Cash Prices.' HD ARROW CRACKEKS reg. 25c, per phg. wLAKKE'S COrUftiD UttJQg 20c! A, JJVI IU1 , WUICK- QUAKER OATS per pkg MALKIN'S BEST, ORANGE ! , MARMALADE 00 40-iars. at ROYAL CROWN SOAP 23 CI G-cake canon, per carton j CAMPBELL'S PORK & BLANS I 18-oa. per tin ROGER'S SYRUP 5-lb tin PUMPKIN, ROYAL CITY " fcsssa igi REFUGEE BEANS 2's, 2 tins for . QUAKER CORN 2's, 2 tins for LIBBY SAUER KRAUT large tin at 18c 20cj 33c! 10c 40c 25c 25c 15c HALIBUT STEAK OC AOKj 1-2's, 4 Una for FINEST SOCKEYE SALMON tslh, pr tin 3C FINEST SOCKEYE SALMON 1-2 flaU, 2 tins for 0tJV If MALKIN'S BEST WHOLE CLAMS -A tZn A3l I'm. per tin MALKIN'S BEST BARTLETT PEARS . 0f 2, per tin i. MARKET DAY SEEDLESS RAISINS 4Cp OX' 4 lb bags, at EAGLE BRAND LOBSTER Q 1-2'g, per tin 35c, 3 for THE ABOVE SI'ECIAIi? AT BOTH STORES Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 FIFTH AVENUE EAST I". O, BOX 575 l'hone-18 and 81 5 TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 PJU. Friday March ij fmKliKXillliaiinilBIIIIIBSilKI'AVa'BlBirairKJaai:;!;;,!'! ....... ' 1 1 h vvvm. 0 JIEKK TIIIiratE-ON THE SCUKE.N Amos ' n Andy The Shining Stars of Radio in "CHECK and D0UBL1 CHECK" WITH SUK CAROL and IRENK RICH Sec thorn. Hear them in a Joyous, Laugh-Packed Heart-stirring round-up of their adventures of the Radio Comedy "CHARLEY CHASE m "LOOSER THAN LOOSE-MUSICAL REVIEW in TECHNICOLOR-PIRATES PARAMOUNT NEWS AdmLssion 20c. and Goc. Feature starts at 7.50 & ..V) Saturday Matinee at 2.30 15c. and 10c. Feature starts at 3.20 g Monday and Tuesday 4WQM EN EVERYWHERE' IXKBi a re i i i i vi i r i rumu rm i a rai ri ia 1 1 e a i a i gi J Perfect Fitting Clothes GUARANTEED by 2 individual tailoring measurements taken from You. , Perfect fit It th. crt of ityllih clothes. Corrwrt ntyle it assured by our Styl. Committee, whow ' teleetlons each month are from th. latest developments of London and New York's leading fashion d-signers. Fabrics from world renowned woollen mills ensure quality second to aone, and exelusivenesa and broad variety as. well. JThusor$2fyoumay order a Tip Top suit or coat, tailored to your individual measure, and know that you are purchasing the ereat-et clothing value in Canada. Order now to nsure Easter delivery. iff f. Tip Top Clothes PCREVATT0 PK1NCE HUPKUT, B.C. I Set the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper and taking advantage of the help they bring