Mr.rch 13, 1931 Why THE DAILY NEWS paos rm N ot Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room. Sflriirfi Hfln. Sfill. Furniture. Ra1 Estate. Etr,. Throucrh a Classifier Ad. FOR RENT MUSIC -i. ii 'Ml 1 1 - m - i . . FOR RENT- Furnished room, board SINOINO Lessons. Mrs. Karl Dyb-if dcslrec. Phone S43. 02 havn. Phone Oreen 618. tf FOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat ...... . .. with bath Phone 547. tf VIpUN TUITI0N FIVE roomjd .flat for rent, steam -1- . heated, ffione Blue 345. tf VACANCIES For day or evening pu- Mia Nellie Lawrence. Phone FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms fumishePhone Oreen 471. 65 FOR RENT By day, week or , x,n month, furnished apartment. riCANSFERS Phone Red 607. tf - Z Z CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. T OR RENT- Flv.-roomed furn- Blrch Dry Cedar and Jack pme i.hed apartment. Apply Muasal- tf lem's Phone 18. tf . RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and FOR RENT Clean, well farntohe.:, Furniture Moving. Phone 204. modern apartment. Palmer Ap- tt artments. Phone Red 444. tf I FOR RENT- Four-room modern ' niPC;JAf AKVU house, close' in, Phone Oreen 402 IJn&O&JlArVttK j or call 329 Fifth Avenue West. 64 ; : MISS N. ROGERS. Phone Blacl: 236 SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN u-apU work. Phone 1. 63! Public Stenographer MURIEL MORRIS, office Wetted-haver Block, Phone m. tf nELP WANTED WANTED Linotype man for week ur two. Apply Daily News. I ; DIESEL AVIATION, DIESEL j MARINE DIESEL Electrical, Diesel Stationary Engineers, Diesel Road Equipment. Diesel Refrigeration Engineers, and soon Diesel Moto Stage and Bus Engineers will be required by the thousands. Why not write for our new "1931 Diesel Opportunities Booklet?" Others have. Your copy is ready Its Ftee- Day and Nhght School HEMPHILL DIBS EL ENGINEERING SCHOOLS, 1043 Pf-nder Street West. Vancouver. B.C. FOUND FOUND on Third Ave pair hornrimmed spectacle in leather case. Owner can have same by paying for advertisement. BOARD AND ROOM- ROOM and Board. Phone Red 129. tl. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, aril or exchange any kind of furnlUire ot household goods, musical! instrumented, ma rblnery ete. . Generairepa!rs, crating, packing and- jilupiin.. Workmanship guaranteed Just phone Black 120 and we' will calL G. J. DAWES, AacUoneer. federal RlOf tf PALMISTRY PALMISTRY Readings by appointment Phone Green 127. - -T MRB. JAMES CLARK; Palmiatrj and Crystal Reading. White House 225 Second Ave Telephone 767. C. N. IL TRAINS From Easi Sundays, Tuesdays urvi Thursdays. 3:30 pm. For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. 11:30 ajn. SiMONDS tM-" " r . t at auC r vc Slmonds ateel ensure the even of Slnwnds I lack-Saw Suality lodes. They cut faater.easler and reslat wear longer. TRULY WWUMiu Simon Da Canada saw Co. Ltd. MONTRML TOUONTO VANCOUVI" SAINT JOHN. - LODGE MEETINGS ELKS' meeting nights First and Third Mondays, Metropole Hall. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated i ? . . . . m .... 1 . n. j, AsruAJib iiniropr&ciurj Phone Green 211 & 7 Exchange Blfc. tOpp. Orme's) SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it." ... . . , c racitlC Salvage UO. Ltd. Fuly Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Acents for EASTIIOI'E ENGINES Boats and Scows of aC descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Enfines Northern B.C. DistrlDutors Coolidgt Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity, dellverrd anywhere by water Phone, Day or Nljbt 561 P.O. Box 15C4 SCALE 'OF CHARGES f The following Is th scale of chances made for readinir notices: - Marriage and Enpagement announcements S2. Birth Notlees 60c Funeral Notice SI. Cards of Thsnks. $2. Funeral Flna-era lc per name. 4 Demand the B. B. Brand of Fresh smoked Haddie Cured Fillets ALASKA BUCK COD Kiri'EKS and BLOATERS Put up bv the BACON FISHERIES On sale at all local stores BRINGING UP I GOTTA OST TO AT OiMTY 'S " WAV . ."T HUMTINC TOR HER LOST i 1 w i i r- .. ., . i ,- 'I .1 .1... Country Readers of " The Daily News" To the readers of the Daily News who live out of town, we suggest that the classified columns of the paper pro-vide an excellent .medium for the disposal of articles they may have for sale or exchange. Last season a lady at Smithers did a large business In selling fresh eggs direct from the farm by advertising in this paper. Chickens, implements, household goods, boats, fishing gear, guns, cordwood, furs and dozens of other articles may be disposed of. The charge is two cents a word but .six-times goes for the price of four. , Many people get gool results. t ; ' Why not you? THE DAILY NEWS Classified Department PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. MINERAL ACT rr.RTiiirATE or imfrovement NOTICE Lot 4G8S Oolcondt: Lot 4686 Broken Kill: Lot 4687 Klnburn: Lot 468S Bar- Lot 4689 Lut Cbtnoa; W .m XMoU Mother LotK Lot 4G91 Rnrrew; Lot ittoa Apex; Lot 5486 Reliance;, Lot 5487 tttoiown. Mineral CHilm. ataifctt la t ( Atltn Utplnc Dtvwloa of. Cur ixa- LocattA oo White Muose 'Meuntatr ' an South West vide of Wen Taku Arm. TAKE NOTICE that Maurice LorJ ( rton oITatton and Estate ot Otto H. Partbdje, Pre Mlner'a Certificate I Noi 44101 3. and 30691 D.. Intend alrtj , teva trom the date hereof, to apply to the Misuse Recorder for a CerttflcaV. of ImprovemeaU for the purpoae of jbtalolnc a Crow a Grant of the abovt aUtew. And further take notice that action. I under eeetton 8S, mutt be comintnotd I before, ttte lawancv of aueh Certificate; if IttpTlW I meata. , Dated thta lHtt day of Januar. ad. msi. H. MeN. PHASER, mio. Agent. oet the AO. reading nabtt. ft nava FATHER TVlAT POKER GAME 'iBBBffaf OA Tfcuc hAA&ia I JxHKH3 uffl? CXXi . ii , . J Mail Schedule for the East-Monday. Wednesday and Saturday .. 10.30 ajji. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday ,., . , 3.30 pjn. For Vancouver- Tuesday 11304 Thurrday . ..... 9 p.ra. Friday 11 pjn. March 22 pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday 4 pjn Wednesday w 1030 p m Friday pm. March 18 and 28. For Anyox and Stewart . Wednesday 3 pjn, Sunday 7 pjn i From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 1U0 ajri., Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naas River 'and Port Simpson Sunday v... 7 pan From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday 1120 ajn. For Queen Charlottes Marcn 21 ajn. From Queen Charlottes- March 19 9 pjn. For Alaska- March 18 and 28. ajn. From Alaska March 22 I pjn ( ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- merits should be in the hands of the printers not later than 3 p.m. the day prior to publl- cation. This is necessary to en- abie best posiUons to be se- cured. THE MARKET Following are retail current here today: Apples- Yellow Newton, household ... $2.2.i Yellow Newton, fancy box 2.75 New tons "C" 2.51 Stayman's Winesaps, dox .... 2.83 Spltzenberg, fancy 2.75 Spltzenberg- "C" 2.50 1 Winter Bananas, fancy 2.75 j Delicious, fancy 3.35 Delicious "C 2.75 Fruits- Naval Oranges 15c to S1.00 Lemons, Sunklst, doz. . .40 Florida Grapefruit UVtC to .2tr California Grapefruit ...6c to .12-j Bananas, 2 lbs. .33 Extracted honey, per Jar .. 25 Comb honey ... 25 Dates, bulk, lb. .12fe Raisins, bulk, lb. i . .15 Dried fruits Lemon and orange peel ... JO Black; cooking: fl&s. lb. J.5 Currants, lb. ... J.5 Citron peel .35' White figs. lb. .151 Apples, dried .... 20, Peaches, peejed 20 Apricots, lb, 20 Prunes, 60-70, lb. .10 Prunes, 30-40, lb. .15 Prunes, 40-50, lb. l2Vi Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas j0 California soft shelled walnuts .35 Walnuts, broken shelled . 25 Walnuts, shelled halves .. .40 Peanuts .15 Lard- Pure - 25 Compound EBBS llOitf B.C. fresh pullets, doz. B.C. fresh first, doz. B.C. fresh extras, doz. -4U Local new laid, doz. .50 Sugar-Yellow, 100 lbs 5.00 White, 100 lbs; 5.60 Butter-No. 1 creamery, lb .40 No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. ... 1.15 Flour Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat f 1.90 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs, a. j0 Feed wneat. no. a Aioerxa 125 No. 5 Alberta 1.80 joi Beef, pot roast 22z to 2fl Beef, boiling 15c to .15! Beef, roast, prime rib 20 Lamb, shoulder 25 Beet, steak 35c to 20, ; Lamb, leg .. Lamb chops Mutton, shoulder Fish i Smoked kippers, lb. lb. . lb ...... TJL. 150 JiHahhut, frozen. Vegetables-Middlings . 2.10 ; potatoes, netted Jems. 9 lbs. Barley 1.75, tk ;4 Laying Mash 3-10 , Potatoes Oyster Shell 1.95 Ashcrpft, 8 lbs Beef Scrap 3,95, Sack urouna ou caw Fine oat chops 2X0 Crushed oats 2.00 Fine barley thop .. - 1.85 Cheese- McLaren's Cream, Jars. 45c and l Camembert, 8-dz, pkg. vv Kraft Llmberger. Hs 5 Ontario solids . 20 New Zealand sorters . 20 Stilton, lb. 40 Kraft .45 Norwegian goat , : b Napoleon Llmberger Io ttoquefort . j- Swift's Brookfleld, lb 45 Oorgonzola, lb. 50 Brookfleld Swiss. H-lb. pkg.. 2a Gray ere .45 Brookfleld Canadian cheese, V,-lb. pkg J23 Golden Loaf. lb. .45 Meats rurkey 21 Fowl, No. 1. lb 38c and M Roasting Chicken, lb .40 Broilers .. .45 Ham. sliced, first grade J5S Ham, picnic, first grade 201 Cottage rolls, lb Bacon, side, sliced, best grade 51 Veal, loin ,40 Pork Shoulder .. .an Pork, dry salt ,. 25 Ayrshire bacon, lb ... 35c to .50 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to Buy than rent All makes of machines re-paired. McRAE BROS. LTD. INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. JOERGEN P.MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave. W. Shoe Repairs For Finet Work trj LOUIS SI1IBIG - Box 30 351 2nd Ave. W Pr. Rupert Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 Window Glass and Glazing. .BLASTING AND Earthwork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings By George McManus I 1 FgEL- "" I f BY OOU.y. t LCPT eVEW CtMT I M WIB . I VC tXT niCMT HBKfc utMTiu . nwuuckvday wv.:i4uMycjrnRCXOTVof-iVLMAve , f Me covnes -and it hc. trs o tblu mux i vfTgty My T A li""3 HOfAR awo I rwe hb vma-scoohinci pormv ukt ' m .40 .40, J0 .15' .25 A 2x0 25 2.J5' Parsley, banch .10? Galilornla Celery, head 25c and JO Sptnax California, lb , 15 Oarllc, hnported, per lb .40 I Leeks, bunch iff i Cabbage, B.C .. X8 . i - m it. A UillUIU, O JOS. California, head lettuce, ha .13. Mexjput, outdoors. Tomatoes, lo .35 Bruwels Sprouts 50j Bulk Turnta. 7 lh 5i OattilDowef. California, hd .25 to 25 Rhubarb, -hothouse 2 lbs. 35 Parsnips. 4 lbs. S uarrots. ids k...,..,- Beeto. lb .Oo tltt4t444t44f The Dally Newscan be pur- chased at 4- Post Office News Stand. 325 Granville St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince Oeoree. B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C General Store, Anyox. Smithers Drug Store, Smith era, BXJ. l$ f k v,4.4444 f