Scottish Cup Second Round Replay Game? 8j Bernards 1 ; Kings Park 0. St. Johnstone 0; Cowdenbeath 4 SCOTTISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Queens Park 1; Hearts 2. SCOTTISH LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION Arbroath 5; AHoa 3. FIGHT BILL IS PASSED WashingUm Wrestling and Boxing Measure Gets Its Third Reading OLYMPIA, Feb. 12: Without a nmrnvur af protest and with but one jffgtst aratstdment, the bill to gov-tffl boxlstg and wrestling In tie ssat f Washington was given iU second reading to the state legislature yesterday and will be giyen lis tWrd reading today, coming up for final passage next week. It is expected the measure will go through wtthoat opposition. The bill authorizes stx-r-eund box ins boots fen the State of Waahlng-i tan and will bring both boxing and wresting under a state commission RECORD SETUP Ross Robinson Establishes Ktwi Time For One-Mile Skate Sprint 1 NEW YORK. Feb. 12: Ross Robinson, veteran Canadian sped skater, set up a new record hare yesterday for the one-mile is sprint He did the distance fan two minutes and 37 seconds. The fo$ mer record was two minutes, 38 35 seconds. Crucial Hoop Series Starts SEATTLE, Feb. 12: University of Waahiagtan and Washington State CWege meet here tonight and tomorrow night in the deciding games af the Borthweat conference basketball sr)ea. Last week-end the Hus kies eliminated Oregon State College here. The games will be played in the University of Washington Athletic Pavilion. SPORT CHAT Famed for its annual dog derby, The Pas now boasts horse racing and followers of the sport declare ft Js the farthest north that equlnes have raced on this continent. A car- lead of horses arrived at the Northern Manitoba town recently and were sold to local horsemen. The horses, all trotters, will compete on a prepared track on the ice of the Saskatchewan River. The races will be a new feature of pog Derby Week this year. Bobsleigh teams representing the .United States, Switzerland and Germany competed at Lake Placid this week In the first North American bobsleigh championship races over the Olympic bob run. The Lake Placid Club Sno Birds, in co-oper-ajjon with the New York State Olympic Winter Oames Commission, conducted the competition which was sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic Union and the .International Bobsleigh and Toboggan-lne Federation. The races will serve to, prepare tne Americans for next year's Olympic tests. Jpseph Orcer, wjw moved from herOilo'Vlctorla last year, Is repor ted to be doing well in the Capital yere he has established a men's furnishings store. He was recently elected a director of the Victoria Gyro Club. He has also, taken up golf and Is a member of the Ouk Bay Golf Club. FAOBT0TJ3 rnr. tun. mrs HOT GAME EXPECTED Hockey Match Between Portland and Seattle Tonight May Be Rpueb Affair PORTLAND. Feb. 12: W the rough hockey tactics that have been employed by the Seattle Eskimos in recent games are to continue, Bobby Rowe, manager of the Portland Puckaroos, threatens to get acj the tec himself tonight in the game between the Eskimos and the Bucks. If these tactics are to be continued, he might as well be in 08 U himself, Row fraSana. If the Eskimos wis tonight they nil go Into a tie with the Vancouver Lions for first place. A win far the Buckarcos would make them even with the Eskimos, two points behind the Lions. Students Are riaying Basketball And Badminton At the meeting of the school-board last night the report of the principal read by the secretary showed that school sports had been reorganized, the girls playing bad minton In the I OD E. Hall and the boys and girls playing basket-' ball In the exhibition building. An effort was being made, the report said, to foster the formation of a school orchestra and a glee club. Billiard Averages C. P. Balagno (fil 18 A. Murray (CD 16 J. Bmlth (E) 10 G. P. Tinker (CD .16 F. Zleman (CD 13 Don Brown (0) 8 G, Howe (G) 18 W. WlHUcroft (E) fJL Waugh..(Q) M. McUchlan (O) 17 C. Baptfe (CD .' 11 J. May G) B M. E. Young (B) .18 W. Mitchell E IB A. Macdonald (CD 7 M. Andrews (CD .17 J. Andrews (G 10 F. H. Stephens (E) . 5 C.L. Youngman (CD 4 T. dough (G) 3 F. Bray (B) 3 W. Murray (E 7 J Scott (CD 1 John Bulger iQi 1 4301 3001 2400 3708 3014 1842 4003 2507 3837 3800 3917 3802 1400 3614 3412 1020 814 500 600 1342 172 100 244 244 241 237 231 230 228 228f 225f 224 2464 224 1767 . 221 217 2J5 214! 213 213 205 204 200 1071 102! 172 160 BOUT SITE IS SOUGHT j Sehmeling-Striblinc Bout to be ' Held in Chicago, Baltimore or Philadelphia i NEW YORK, Feb. 12 The forth coming bout between Max Schmel. ing and Young Strife! tag. In which the former will defend bis world's ; heavyweight title, baring bean officially recognised, spscwlattosj u now rifs as to where wiU be the rite for the June bout. It will pro- ibabty not be announced untp AP-, rll. Meantime, Chicago seems to b? , favored as the venue with the possibility that Baltimore or Philadej. phi may get the big fight if Chicago should not be suitable. it Feb. 13 Orotto vs. Legion. Feb. 17 Legion vs. Elka. Feb. 20 Elks vs. Grotto. Fab. 24 Qrotto vs. Legion. Feb- 27 Elks vt. Legion, Mar. 3 Elka vs. Grotto. Mar. 6 Grotto vs. Legion. Mar. 10 Legion vs. E4k. Mar. 13 Elks vs. Grotto. Mar. 17 Orotto vs. Legion. Mar. 20 Elks vs. Legion. Mar. 24 Elks vs. Grotto. Mar. 27 Grotto vs. Lesion. GOLF" February 1C GTotto vs. Banketa. Great West vt. Dry Dock. Oen. Office vs. Acme. Flying Corps vs. 75 Taxi. February 23 Orotto vs. Dry Dock. Great West vs. Acme. Flying .Corps vs. Bankers. Gen. Offices vs. 75 Taxi. Alarrb 2 Grotto vs. Acme. Great Wost vs. 75 .Taxi. Flying Corps vs. Dry Do;k' Oen. Office vs. Bankers. 1 March 9 Orotto vs. 75 Taxi. Great West vs. Flying Corps. Oen. Office vs. Dry Dock. Bankers vs. Acme. Murth 1G Orotto vs. Bankers Great West vs. Dry Dock. Oen. Office vs. Acme. Flying Corps v. 76 Taxi. March 23 Orotto vs. Dry Dock. Great West vs Anme Flying Corps vs. Bankers Oen. Offlue vs. 75 Taxi, LEGION WINS IN BILLIARDS Fixture of Last Friday Complete Last Evfnjnr. Givjn Aeere-r-gate Score6r Klf io 1071" Against Elks' , ,,. A VTnrrav i PonnHlan Tfflnnl feated William Mitchell TElkst by ; a score of 250 to 237 last night In the final postponed game of last i Friday's Billiard League fixture. : The Canadian Legion won the match by an aggregate score of 1218 to 107f. The league standing for the sec-' pnd half of the season: Games Total Ave. Grotto 7 7934 1133 Canadian Legieq 7 7994 1142 Eiks .8 8565 1071 Canadian National Miniature Golf Is Played Last Night i Scores to the Canadian National I Miniature Golf League last night! wert as follows : Station. 356; Machine Shop, 309, General Office II., 402; General Office I.. 327. Several games postponed. Carnival Queen and Hockey Captain Doris Parkes Inset) versatile Vancouver athlete and queen of the Banff Winter Carnival which op-ened Saturday at the popular mountain resort, is captain of tht Vancouver Ladle' Ice Hockey Association team, pictured above, which meets leading feminine teams from Edmonton and Calgary for the Western Canada title at Banff. The team is comprised of. bottom row. left to right: Mary Bevllle, Belva Oraves. Bobby Haddock: middle row, Nora Senkler, Mary Nelson. Martha Cbrlett. Laura Walls, Maxlne Smith: back row, Harry Workman, manager: Phoebe Senkler. SPORTS AT BILLIARD HIGH SCHOOL! SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF WHIST February 12 Seal Cove vs. Dry Dock. Canadian Legion vs. Grotto. Lelf Erikson vs. Moose. Grotto Ramblers vs. Wanderers. Six Musketeers vs. I.QJ'. February 16 Moose vs. Elevator. Kts of Columbus vs. Six Musk, eieeri. I.O.O.F. VS. P. R. Hotel. Operators vs. Tpe H. .Eagle vs. Hawks. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Grotto. February 23 Hawks vs. Seal Cove Sawmill. Toe H. vs. Eagles. . P. R. Hotel vs. Oporators. Elevator vs. JDD.F. Moose vs. Ktc of Columbus. Grotto vs. Six Muskecters. March 2 Hawks vs. Grotto, Seal Coyc Sawmill vs. Eagles. P. R. Hotel vs. Toe H. I.O.O.F. vs. Operators. Kts. of Columbus vs. Elevator. Clx Muskeetcrs Vs. Moose. March ? Grotto vs. Kts of Columbus. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Toe II. Operator" vs. Hawks. Elovotor vs. P. R. Hotel. Mooije V. IAO-F. Facie vs. Six Musketeers, Marrh 1G P. R. Hotel vj. Hawks. Toe H. vs. I.O.OF. Elevator vs. Six Musketeers. Moose vs. Grotto. Eagles vs. Kts. of Columbus. Beul Cove Sawmill vs Operators, Ladies' Music Club Meeting "Chaminade" Subject of Discussion at Gathering 1'esterday at - Home f Mrs. Alh-n - The Ladies Muslf (Hub had. in fnforAclinir mMtlnf VsterdaV ai- ! ternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank W. Allen when 'Chamtnade" was the subject of discussion. Mrs. BbH- ford Dartop read a paper on the subject and the program was as follows: Vocal solo, "RitournelJe," Mrs. Er-nesj ' Anderson. Piano solo, "Air de Ballet," Misj, M. A. Way. Vocal solo, "The Silver Ring." Mrs, J) A, Hinten. Piano sola "The Flutterer," Mrs. Robert Barttett. Vocal solo. "Rosarajinde," Miss L. HalHwell. Vocal solo, "Sunny," Mrs. F. W. Piano solo, "Pianette," Mrs, t. J. Smith. Vocal solo, "Nod of the Birds," Mrs. ponald Ross. Accompanists for the afternoon were Mrs. M. H. Blot and Mrs. E. J. Smith. The meeting wfct wiR attended. Vancouver Stocks (Ooorty 8. D. JohBOTon Co.) Bayview, nil 1. Big Missouri, 46, 49. Coast Copper, 5.50, nil. Cork Pfovine, i. Dunwett, nil, 6. George Capper. 6$, nil. Georgia River, 31. V Qalconda. 3$. 38. Grand view, 7, 7-Independence. nU. lty. Kootenay Fknwea. 1, Kootanay King, J, . L, ii L.. nit I. Lake-view, nii. . Lucfcy Jim. 3, aU. Mohawk, nil, Morton Wodaey, 2fc , i Marmot River Gold, n ft, 1, Marmot Metals. nlL 1. NsJtmal SJJvef i X Noble Five. 9. 10. OWgcu Copper. Hu.0. Pend Oreille 1.40. 1.59. Premier. 70. 74. porter-dahc 1. 8.' Reeves Macdonald, 46, 48. Rufus-Argenta, 2, 3. Sliver Crest, nil 2Vfr. Silverado, 4, 7. Snowfkke. 34, 3H-Sonloch. nil, 76. Tppley RicbfieW.lH, 2. Whitewater. 5. nH. Woodbine, 1, 2. George Enterprise, 3, 5. OILS A. P. Con. 29, 31. Calmont, 22, 23. Dalhousie, 52, 5$. Deventsh, 7i. nfl. Fabyan Pete, 2, 4V. Home, lil, IM. Royallte, 17.00. 17.50. Freehold, 16, 15. Hargal, 11, 12. Merland, 17, nil. Mercury. 28, 28 United, 2,6, 30 Eastern Stocks C. P. R.. 42.40, nil Ford "A", 24.00. nil. WASHINGTON : i r 1 SALES TAX lirastic Heyenur BUI Introduced yesterday in State Legislature OLYMPIA, Wash-. Feb. 12: TJie administration yesterday in trod uc ed a state sales tax measure which It is estimated will result in some (20,000,000 revenue annually beln(r obtained. Provision Is made to lm pose frpm one to five percent, to:: on every business in the stat Public utilities services and amusement enterprises wtmld be assessed five per cent and income from professional services, two percent with ordinary businesses, one per cent. f SCALE OF Cll ARf!K8 The following In the Hcalr of charges made for readinir notices i Mnrrlnjre and Rnirnpement mipnnnrements 2, Birth HQUces j50c, Funeral Notices f j. Cards of thanks, 12. rnn.iral rjowera 10c name. per There, are reasons why lgftiBVsElsslBsiiBflF"- y 1 LccKgcclKsiBsiBK r"': i'Lir GUIMNE! IS GOOD FOR Y01 EXHAUSTION. Guinness is a grot i tive. Famous doaors say that it is very t in cases of mental .and physical exhi8sici ii both stimulating and nutritious. Iid&I feel better and its strengthening effecsnl and lasting. , Guinness is a natural beverage it a nap iscd and therefore preserves its originals and quality. Guinness .will keep Cm ones ibenU not hi trntd COLA This advertiseraent is not fHhea i- J ,.-: sra Liquor Control Board or by tht - ;;ir.' t: British Columbia. HENNESS COGNAC BRANDY ThU nilMHIlomint la nnf nt.ll.t,4 nr d Ji'W'd ii m . .,.. imeiii UJ ftiuur woniroi uoaru or uy ine ",, British Columbia If you want anythinjr, try a clas: