t THREE Phone 566 Rupert Motors Glie and Service SfatToti DODGE and HANTAM AUSTIN nEcft-ik..f i FENdeu -uiuuuiura and rody work n arixiALTY Alexander x RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 "PANEK BLOCK DENTIST Indigestion So Bad Was Afraid To Eat Mra, A. T. Bowman, 15 T BeWa St., Hamilton, Oat, wrlteli "I had been troubled, for yean, with indigestion and Differed to Wl I wai afraid to eat I am on my third bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and 41 JOXrftUabTtbW'I like withim (raft&!hd- x .cjnm-jify O.ll. U, wnai it nai afne-i.tie," miaiitetaral, iot'lfy;$aii SI SI SPECIAL toe too tijtar jttn, m3f "ADANAC" DRY GINGER ALE Made by the makers of Canada Dry 12-oz. Size Bottles 15 Cents Ormes Eta. Dfuf Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHAKMICISTS BULKLEY VALLEY COAL THE liETTEK COAL Analyst v ' : nutter. 20.32; ash, 8.76; fixed carbon, 02.37; b.tu.'s, 13917 Bclr. 1'iiv in volatile it will not block your pipes. Being low in ash, : :j cr not buying clinkers. Being high in fixed carbon means : . : .j ' mg quality. Being high in British Thermal Units means more heat value per pound. Order Now. Your Dealer Can Supply You. WHAT - HAVE- YOU TO OFFER? We have many inquiries about houses to rent and to Vjy Our specialty is management of properties. If you have a house or property for rent or sale LIST IT WITH US McC AITERY, GIllliONS & COLLART, LTD. j J THIRD AVENUE U. TELEl'IiONE 11 ' UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED NI'tTl.lL HINTKU KMTItHION V.Kt tlst on t.1 Ir I rum Nov. IS, IKM to l. 1WI (with lliul rrturn hunt .Marrh SI. 1931) MINCE IIUI'EKT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 RETURN MiKinrrii Irene ITIiice Itupert I if tlBowm;- T I ITU t -.-.-.,.. f ..I 111 ,.. 1,11.111 ill. m. ii. i.w, ...... i ri.u, Vanc:urr. vU Ocean Pali. Thuredajr Noon appro T-IA (AltllCNA Ki;itV mill IV MlllMOIIT t:: A 1, u .... ... ,,, ,, ,fe , ,,,,,mv iiii.urr OU1MJWJ n, , . . nn - I Tori Slmpeou. Alloc Arm. Anjroa. 8lwart and N.a. Hirer ootnu Hunctay. 8 00 p.in mniion retarding li alluie anil ticket at riilM'E Illl-KKT AtlCM'Y: Hrtoml ,rime. I'lioite 31 11. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE bAILlMiS FROM PRINCE RUPERT ro Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, and Skagway. February 7 and 21. To Vancouvrt, Victoria. Seattle-February 11 and 25. I'rtDoeaa Mary Ocean Falle. etc. Van- over and Victoria, every Friday. 10 pm . . ' . t , f . 1 . 1 .. I InM nrrnij i or siraiiisiuii W i- Orchard. Qn Aiient. :lrdAv. t'niur lliipcrt. Phone 31 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAI it Y FOR S KEEN A BRANT) ' Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout thc.CIty COAL Buy the real Coal our fa-mous Edson and Cassldy-Wclllntton In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co IMIONES 58 AND 558 Local Items Merchants' Golf League tonleht Sunken Gardens. m 1 t . Glasses, .fitted; . .by-hreglstcrtd 'optometrist at IJcilbronerViwre. i M i;SaiatfSfp,f. Hie staff camejlh for Pttnisfriprahlp Hlcraitlnn nT la jr. nightytoMting of the hospital board. Certain revisions are to bo made. John Kyle, director of technical education for the province, arrived in the city on yesterday after noon's train from Victoria, being here on official duties. Mrs. Bert Stevens and son, Gary, arrived on the Prince George yesterday morning and Vill spend a month visiting with Mrs. Stevens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. John A. McLaren, Canadian customs officer at 'Whitehorse, and Mrs. McLaren were passengers on board the Princess Norah yester day afternoon bound for Vancou ver and elsewhere In the south on a vacation trip. i Capt. , wiliiim' I Strong of , ,Tulse -quah was a passenger aboard the Princess 'Ndran yfesterday ((afternoon b6und'f6'r Vancouver.flt was only last week that Capt. Strong went north but he was called back to Vancouver on business; There were fifty-three passengers aboard the steamer Princess Norah which was in port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver Three persons disembarked here from th vessel while several left for the south on her. Dr. H. T. James of Anyox receives an equal share with othe.' children, after the widow's portion has been deducted, in the $18,284 estate of the late Monro Jarofs who died in Vancouver on Jabiifcry 6, and whose will has- now bctm filed for probate. At the opening of the meeting of the Hospital Board last evening, o P. Ttflterr pre'i4eni -welcomed new members of the board and expressed hope that deliberations of the 1091 board would be marked with harmony and that all (members wotftfl do their beet, wjjrk for the hospital. A local boy, who was Jniplicateo in a serifcW dfirtMlng an4 entering incidents in the city and who had been previously out or. suspended sentence, was sentrnce.l o two rears in industrial- sch.x' by Judpe F. McB. Young in Count Court yesterday afternoon. Fou other boys, similarly charged, are appearing before Magistrate McClymont in city police court th's afternoon. The regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Board was held la.st night In the hospital. Those present were;. O. P Tinker, president O. V. Wilkinson. Robert Gordon W M. Brown. Fzaixk-Dibb. Aid. S D. Macdonalcl Aid. G. W. Rudder ham and R. E. .Bsnon. directors H. W. Birth, managing aesretary and Miss Jean Harrison, U N , lady uperlntendent ROUND TRIP WINTER FARES PRINCE RUPERT lo VANCOUVER VICTORIA Including Hll J b.rlk. .17 i , Tlrkala aaU up U Feb. Mth, 111. , Ralara Urall March Jl.l. Tut Informallon rail or wrile R. r. MeNAUGIITON, n.TJL. TrlaraRaipaH U.C. Canadian national THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, February 12, 1931 Toronto Optometrists Offer $20 Spectacles For $2.98 W. M. Brown, chairman of the house committee, reported to the hospital board last might that a j sketch of the operating room preparatory to installation of a new lighting system had' been sent ta the suppliers of the system. Installation is expected to start shortly. ..i,.. -v .t.H km f In the course of a holiday trip to-the coast, N. B. Walton, general superintendent ofMhe Canadian National Railways at Winnipeg, and Mrs. Walton arrived in the city from the east on this afternoon's train and will sail tonight on the Prince Qeorge for Vancouver. During their brief stay here, they are busy renewing many old acquaintances. Quickly Ends Itch of ECZEMA -JO0TM.$UV"MJnll(0THCII Mt babf hid bad caiaof kiidu. Bet eooa I applied 'Sooth-SiWe' he Mopped tweichier and crrtnf . HI (km eooa doued." Mre. j. Leareaca, "kaotha-Salra" and Urfe it MC4. all dru '(. DU5H o Grocerteria ARE YOU POSTED On Our Prices? Wc rIvc you the Advantages on Declines OGILVIETS QUICK ROL- .OCp OfJU LED" OATS, 2 pkts. v CORN FLAKES OCJa. 3 pkU P. tt O. NAPTHA SOAP C A f ' 0UL ,11 ban BLUE RIBBON TEA A C p OKf per lb. PUREiPLUM JAM CAn IrMWv- - ii-n VUi Dte5".::.:: .:: 40c BREAD QCn 3 loaves SWEET NAVEL ORANGES " 20C 75C dozen dozen Bush's Grocerteria Phones: 211. 212 We Deliver Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner's Store. S. M. Manning of Premier, after having spent a few days in, the city, sailed by the Prince George yesterday afternoon on his return north. I -iiii VTTTTTi. i If, I ii. it I 1 .ll dun -I i. ..'..iii' ' i Send Them On, 10 pays Trial . . TORONTO. Ont. The Dr. Rltholz 1 nargea wiin anving. an auto- Optical Company, have devised a : to the common danger, G. Casey, new comfort spectacle that will not Jr- was remanded , until tomorrow break or tarnish and leaves no mark ,oil appearing before Magistrate on the nose or face. These spectacles are really beautiful, give wearer a distinguished appearance and will enable anyone to read the finest print, ,see far or near. The Doctor Thomas McClymont in city police court this morning. A- M. Manson, M.L.A., for Om- inlca, will be the next speaker of offers o send a pair on 10 days trial. ( the Legislature if the .delegation to any reader of this paper with the of members from the north have understanding that if they are not anything to do with it." Ten amazed and delighted and do not years ago column Vancouver Sun. think the spectacles he offers at I $2.98 equal to those sold elsewhere ! Miss Jean Harrison, R.N., ladv at $20. they will be out nothlne. Just suDerintendent. reoorted to th send name, address and age today hospital board last night that an to the Dr. Rltholz Optcal Co., Suite electrical heater had been donated N-206 29 Mellnda St-, Toronto, Ont. for the children's ward by Hill for a 10 day trial and learn how you 60 Chapter, I.OD.E. The board de- may get them without cost, also new cided to suitably acknowledge th catalogue free. Adv. (donation. Miss Harrison reported that the house at present wa? This afternoon's train, due from comfortably busy, the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to oe on time. y, M. Brown, chairman of tho ' house committee, reported at last; Rev. Alfred Wilson, pastor of night's meeting of the hospital nrst united unurcn, underwent an board that the necessary material operation m tne prince itupert had been secured to make altera General .Hospital from which he Is tlons to the dumb waiter require mawng satisfactory progress. ,by the fire marshal. H. W. Birch 1 managing secretary, stated 'tHat' James Redpath, port steward for fireproof film was now being used tne YUKon ana wnite rass Koute jn the X-ray department-at Whitehorse, and Mrs. Redpath were passengers aboard the Prln- h. c. Fraser had a letter befor? cess Norah yesterday afternoon the hospital board at Its meetlnz for a vacation trip to Vancouver last ni?ht exprwsln? complete and elsewhere in the south. .satisfaction of himself and Mrs. : Fraser for treatment the latter hart A special article In last Satur- received while a patient in the day's Vancouver Province describe.-! hospital recently. Nothing more the success in ranching of Mr. and COuld have been asked for than Mrs. W. N. Walde near Fort St. wa8 given. Mr. Fraser said, and James in the Peace River country, they were desirous of expressing There is also a picture of Mr- and their great appreciation. Mrs. Walde's pretty farm home. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot .ind cold water In all roomi a. j. rnumi'VMME. rtop. Cor. of Fraser tmd Fifth SU Savoy N. Rund. Prince Rupert. New Royal Hotel I. Karrlll. Top Till. IIOTFI UOKTII, Ullll, II.. i At cold Wtr. 8tm Heat. 75c PER DAV AND UP Ti-lri-l,..!!, Royal G. Moffatt. J. M Johnson and Harry Scott, city; William E. Hansel!, Ketchikan. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Itupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night. 9 to IS Danrc Hall for Hire, Accomodation for Private Partifs Se E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas it Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Ave. East Phone S3 Rowe's Sheet Mfejal Works i Have Removed ; i' From Third Ave. to 227 2nd Ave. W. (The Old Stand) a Where they, will be pleased to meet all their old friends and patrons. When you drink BOVRIL you drink the Strength and Goodness of Prime Bee At the school board meeting last night Miss Mercer asked for a new flag for Booth School- The old one, she said, was almost torn away. Dr. W. C. Pitts has been appointed medical health officer for Glscome and district in place of Dr. J. T. Steele, whose appointment Is rescinded. At the meeting of the school, board last night, the first meeting j of the year, Mrs. Spencer welcomed the new members of the board and i also expressed pleasure at again' meeting the old. members. j James II. Sneddon has started on the foundations for a store and residential building which he Is to erect on the double corner at the southeast of Fifth Avenue and Eb-erts Street which he purchased recently from G. C. Walker. At the school uoard meeting last night Trustee Glllls elicited the in formation that most of the booki; in the public schools were supplied by the government but that in thi High School only two books were so supplied. In the first high school year the cost to pupils for books would be about ten dollars and in the matrlc classes possibly twenty dollars. . ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Women's League Valentine Tea February 12. Canadian National Recreation Association Seventh Annual Ball. Moose Hall, Friday, February 13. Anglican Cathedral augmented choir concert '(direction II. W. procklesby) Moose. Hall, Feb. 16. A college boy gets the surprise o! his life, In "The Mayor and the Manicure." at Moose Hall Feb. 16. j Diplomats and politicians can! benefit by certain lessons for pub-; 11c men In 'The Mayor and The; Manicure," at Moose Hall, Feb. 16. Women of Mooseheart Legion whist drive and dance, Feb. 19. Royal Purple bridge and whist, Friday, February 20, Elks' Home. Admission 50c. Next Royal Purple Brldge-whlst ' series Monday, February 23. Anglican Tea, i Mrs. ; WoodlapoVs Fifth, venue.-Pebruary, 24, - "Meivlnas cWrUtiipSf tirAtfrj' Church February 26, 27. Moose Whist Feb. 27. Drive' and Dance St. Patrick's Concert, Catholic Hall, March 17. InUIlUUC WUU1C11 9 lCUjim; OUU Sale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10. 34 A request was received last night by the school board from P. M. Dockrlil that the board ghe tho Telkwa coal a trial and thus encourage home industry.. ... .. Most of the time of the school board meeting last night was taken up with the estimates. Mrs. Spencer presided and others present were Trustees W. J. Greer,' J. J. Constable E. Everson, ROMP Gims Le0 Waugh. E. Barrie, "tary Williamson and the Dawson was a passenger aboard! prlnci- the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound south with a mental patient who is to be placed In the Essondale hospital. pals of the schools. Food Values Friday Ik Saturday Hall's Chicken Broth i per Un Alii, Hall's Sandwich Chicken 2 tins , Pickles Happyvale Quart Jara Sweet JCp Sour 7p per Jar per jar W'' Canadian Salt Iodized or iln Plain, per shaker lut Royal Crown Soap 9fip 6 large bars for OU FOR Pancake Tuesday One quart tin Waffle Syrup-One pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake or Buckwheat Flour O Hr both for Hedlund's Quick Dinner per tin Canada Corn Starch per pkg. Ryvlta Crlspbread Large packaget, each Quaker Oats Quick cooking large pkg. .f ment from Reld's, each Aylmer Peas Sieve 4 per tin SOAP 25c 10c 51c 21c TEKRACE NETTED GEM POTATOES We have Just received a carload of Orade "A" Netted Oema from Terrace. Guaranteed qual- 120 per half sack 52.35 Mayors are mayors, and manl-jstlna Oomrt Beef-l's 20C cures are manicures; but when the; Per t,n mayor "manicures" the manicure-See "The Mayor and the Manicure," at the Moose Hall. Feb. 16. Ifinltnna flalra Fraah shin. 25C 10c A real offer on'Palmotive Soap 1 BAR FREE with every purchase of QQn 3 bars for . Buy by the doaen No " limit. f'resh Molasses Snaps "Finest .quality, per lb. Ensifen' Strawberry Jam' 4-lb. tin White Beans 4 lbs 17c 576 25c Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 IMIONU 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS" FREE DELIVERY