SPLIT-UP IN LABOR SoealNts Are-Drifting Toward Left Ming Snowden Makes Ser-lous Pronouncement I DON. Feb. 12: The posslbll- ,:: reused drift of Laborltea to ' : wing of the party U being rtt? rrs.it hfTwHtfralicJhTtesHoday 1 mi ' Just night's debate on the i : votive motion of censure on M.u-.Donald government which i :!! defeated. Liberal members are to be for the comfortable major- 1; v 1 i h the government received 1 ::- vote. ' mlnous tone taken by Rt. Philip Snowdcn, Chancellor of Fx hequer. in making one of m serious pronouncements !1 'ii.se has'henrd in a long time l ied to have aroused dtscon-'ii'nig more Socialistic La- The Weather itfoe Rupert Cloudy; calm; u i 28.72; temperature, 43; -Wl'll ' iri Island Overcast, mo- asterly wind; sea rough, i' Island -Strong southerly ' a moderate; overcast. him. TnnntJTO. Feb. 12:-The . TvOnnt-nm IRA Id vestef" T lUlUUkU tiib',M ' . j. "nt. Hon. Arthur Melghen The Premier made a full una frank retraction of the charges and offered publicly the regrets of his government for the dismissal which had come about under a misunderstanding. The Premier s statement did not mince matters and the government's frank retraction was received with an outburst of applause from both sides of the House lAeceptaDeeby Mr. Watt of his po sition back will, it is understood, involve no demotion for C. L. Monroe, present government agent, but Mr. Monroe will be moved, It is expected, to another responsible position ! in the south. MILL CLOSED FOR REPAIRS Plant of Big Bay Lumber Co. at Seal Cove is Being Given Its Annual Overhaul The sawmill of the Big Bay Lumber Co. at Seal Cove has been closed down for a couple of weeks for annual repairs. Usually. Uw mill Is closed down during a cold snap but there has been none this winter so It Is now being closed anyway. , The box factory Is working still but will also close down In a dav or so- Provincial Government Seeking Quincennial Census, Legislature Learns in Speech From Throne VICTORIA, Feb. 12: The British Columbia govern- 'V.rrt ha rnmlnorrwl nnfrntintioilS With the Dominion gOV- ' njrnt for the establishment of a quincennial census r io r to that obtaining in the prairie provinces, it was V."d in the Speech from the Throne at the opening of LilWnslature yesterday. "It is lroyirionally win underrtood De Senate Wants Explanation ,)r irrs to Know Whether Compromise Belief Bill Provides For Food and Clothing v iiKHiNOTON, D.C.; Fcbj ,12- i nate yesterday adopted a 11 ion calling upon Secretary '' A" i Culture llvrln tn exnlaln y :''-iir or not the proposed $20,- ""100 compromise relief bill cx-1 1 to the purchase of food. ''"'MnK and medicine for suffer-' The motion was moved by Fv 'ior Borah of Idaho and passed ".u.t unanimously. that this request and will be put Into effect renew ing the Dominion census oi me present year," the Speech said, adding that, "with the rapid Increase In the population, we may expect this should have an advantageous effect in the adjustment of our subsidies." MEIC1IEN TO BECOME ' CIHE1 OF BAiMtrti BOARD. PAI'EK SAYS is likely to succeed Hon. II. A. McKeown as chief of the board of railway commissioners, the Telegram was Informed today. f Blazing Ship Coastguard From San Now tii.iking his first tour of the country us member oi the Pension Boajtl t "which he was recently appointed. -T HALIBUT BOAT OWNEKS ABE MEETING IN CITY TURBINE Sir INVENTOR I Seen On Sea Vessels 1 Dispatched Pedro to Invest!-' gate SAN PEDRO, CAL.. Feb. 12 Re LABORITES AGREEABLE Premier It. MacDonald Accepts Suggestion of Liberals in House of Commons LONDON, Feb. 12:-A Liberal resolution, moved in the House of Commons by Sir Herbert Samuel and railing upon the government to adopt sweeping measures for, the relief of unemployment, has been accepted. Announcement of the government's policy was made by Premier J; Ramsay MacDonald who said that 'the government accepted the resolution "in the spirit in which it was put forward." ' Wheat Falls Rack Further Still In Vancouver Today VANCOUVER Feb. 12: The price of wheat took another slide downwards today being quoted at BOgc or three cents lower than KILLING IS JUSTIFIED' Seattle Jurv Absolves Woman In Connection -With Killing of Husband SEATTLE. Feb. 12: A frail little womaTn, Mrs. Mary Burley, walked from a local courtroom yesterday afternoon on the arms of her two grown-UD sons, having been ab solved of blame in connection with the killing of her husband, Joseph Burley. last Saturday night. It wai proven that Burley came to hlsi'wlfeV home and" threatened her. As he endeavored to break In, she 'killed htm ports that a large ship was on fire) The Rotary Club at Its luncheon in Ue Pacific Ocean off Orange, today decided to vote $100 of the Y. County coast caused coastguard ! m. O. A. fund to be used toward dc-vesssls to be dispatched to the 'fraying preliminary expenditures sceno south of here yesterday at- In connection' with the organi7,atlon temoon. ,work. Siorrow's Tides . Why Advertise? February 13, 1931 5. lay, Some people do not want more 3 5? 1030 a.m. ' 19.2 ft. business. That Is why they neglect "4 23.56 pjn. 17.2 It. the generally accepted method of 4.20 a.m. Il l ft. placing their wares before the people J 17.30 p.m. 5.2 ft. in the form of advertisements'. ,3 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER r PRINCE RUPERT,, B.C;, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS ORMAN WATT IS REINSTATED HERE BRITISH COLUMBIA LIQUOR BUSINESS SHOWS BIG DECLINE Free and Full Retraction Made By Premier Tolmie of Charges Against Former Local Agent f. Misunderstanding Was Responsible For Regrettable In- Pft1 f W Parlr V C ' cident, Dr. Tolmie Explains Announcement v'Ui " " 1 CLt Y Greeted With Applause in Legislature VICTORIA, Feb. 12:-Exoneration of Norman A. Watt v if h full amends by the government coupled with an offer of reinstatement in his former position of government r nt at Prince Rupert and all rights under superannua-i n provisions was disclosed in the legislature yesterday v v, n Premier S. F. Tolmie made a complete explanation of the status of the inquiry and the j finding of the commissioner Mr Justice W. A. Macdonald. clearing Watt of all charges laid against FUEL OIL TAX ASKED Resolution Passed at Meeting of Vancouver Island Hoards of 'Trade in Nanalnio - NANA1MO, Feb. 12 A resolution that the gdvemmenVbe asked to place' an adqnateax on all foreign fuel oil was unanimously adopted at an executive meeting of the Vancouver Island Boards o Trade Association yesterday. LACOR GOVERNMENT BEATS CENSURE VOTE LONDON. Feb. 12: The La- bor government defeated a Conservative motion of cen- sure last night by a vote of 310 to 235 or a majority of 75 votes. The nttrtt ofthe Liberals voted with the overnment, only Conservatives supporting the censure measure. 4. For First Time in History- Pontiff Addresses People of Whole World; Is on Air VATICAN CITY, Feb, 12: For the first time in history Pope Pius XI today sent his voice to millions throughout the world in a radio message of peace to mankind. From the microphone of the new Vatican City radio sta- iiaiibut boat owtfers of titis ! tion, he proceeded to the Pontif icial Academy of Science port are to nave- a meeting jt0 address the academy. The day was the ninth anniver- thls afternoon when it is ex- sary of his nanacy. pected agreement will be fin- smiling and tranquil. His Holl-lly reached In the matter of ness spoke over "HVJ." the new sta-the boat's share of gross pro- tlon which was bulit for hlm by coeds as well as other matters oUg!lelmo Marconi, the inventor of vrnicn nave neen in dispute. wireless. Senator Marconi, Introducing the Pontiff, spoke briefly. The faithful were directed by the Pope to obey their pastors and the governed were instructed to have respect for their governments. He spoke as "the pastor of souls of the i universe" and addressed himself "to i the world categorically." He dtrec-! ted his remarks to bishops, priests the faithful, missionaries, governors Charles Parsons Passes Away of nations, the governed, workers; While. on Cruise of West land the poor and sick. He asked, ladles leach to consider his own position ) Workmen should labor with con . I sclent lousness. His Holiness advo- LONDON. Feb. 12: A radio mes- sage received today said that Hon." ' Sir Charles A. Parsons, inventor of the turbine steajn engine, died last night while on a cruise to the West Indies. He was 78 years of age. The late Sir Charles Parsons left England last month on the liner Duchess of Richmond for a tour of the West Indies. Deceased was the head of the el- ectrtcal and engineering works of C. A. Parsons & Co. and 6f the Par sons Marine Steam Turbine Co. Ltd. at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Heard Here The voice of Popt Ptus XI.. speax-ing.from Rome in connection with the-opening of a new broadcasthw station at the Vatican, was heard quite plainly by local radio list encrs this morning. Senator Marconi, Inventor of wireless, who directed the Installation of the Vatican station, introduced His Holiness who spoke In Latin. The broadcast was hoard a few minutes before r, o'clock. Booze Sales Last Year Fell Off by More Thali - $100,000 Each Month Expected That Decline For Whole Year Will be Well ()ver $1,000,000 Attorney General Poolcy Presents; r. Report to Legislature VICTORIA, Feb. 12: British Columbia's liquor, business dropped off at a rate of more than $100,000 a month in the six months endine; September 30 last, according to balance sheets of the Liquor Control Board which jyere filed in the Legislature yesterday by Hon. R. H. Pooley, attorney general. In the six months' period of 1930, sales totalled $.847.961 as against 18,- TORY VOTE ! GUT DOWN TORONTO, Feb. 12: In yester-' lay's two provincial by-elections, the electors of Orenvifle and Ham- ill . . r . . . . . i ' The great German dirigible Graf Zeppelin may be seen over Prince Rupert or here- about before long if plans CaDt. Huo Eckener. comman- der of the giant airship. Is now making, materialize. Capt. Ec- kner's object Is to demonstrate the possibility of Polar flylni? by starting in Germany, crossing the North Pole and proceeding down the Alaska, 1 British Columbia and United States coast to San Francisco. More Unanimity National Anthem Canada Desired The question of greater unanim ity in Canada's National Anthem was dlscuosed this afternoon at the Rotary Club luncheon and it was decided to take the matter up with the central advisory committee of the club with a view to getting united action and possibly an official declaration. It was pointed out that most organizations would be willing to change If they thoughfthey were going to adopt! thd'fctflc'ilfl Version. 'George ' wboalMicf. the' local member of the advisory committee, has the matter in hand. At the meeting of the Rotary Club today. President Syd. Johnston read an appeal of the Ridley Home committee asking for funds for the enlargement of the home. No action was taken In regard to it. 454.710 In the corresponding period of 1929, the drop being $606,749. This would represent a decrease of $1,213,493 for the year whlch.wlll end March 31 but actually the drop is expected to be much larget'ow- Ing to the sharp decline In sales lovernment Candidates Returned J durlnS the late fall and winter, in Ontario By-Elections With ! Decreased Majorities TROUBLE AT UNIVERSITY inun west returned conservative , rovernment candidates by greatly , , . . , '. :; educed majorities. .Editor-in-Chief of Ubyssey Suj- JaniM SandPrsnn wn rWtprf tn penuCa lor 1 UOllcailon OI lucceed Hon. O. Howard Ferguson, Tormer Premier and now Canadian High Commissioner at London, and Argue. Martin was returned in Ham-JtoiiwesVtb succeed the late Hon. Fred Smy the. j Banderson was elected by a ma-orlty of more than 14bo while Martin's majority was 334. GRAF ZEPPELIN MAY BE SEEN HERE SOON Forbidden Matter I VANCOUVER. Feb. 12 Suspen-sion for two weeks of Ronald Grantham, editor-in-chief oJ,.Ub'-jyssey, the student publication ,, a: the University of British Columbia was ordered by President L. 8. iKllnk on Wednesday. '.. Grantham, who Is in his 'sehfor year, was suspended for defiance of the President's order forbidding him to publish Items regarding government criticism of a recent 'editorial on limitation of enrol lment. i Following his suspension, the I publication board, a student body, ; voted confidence in Grantham's 'policy and decided to cease publl-1 :atlon of the Ubyssey In protest. SURPLUS REPORTED Revenue Exceeded Expenditure During Last Fiscal Year. Minister of Finance Tells Legislature VICTORIA, Feb. 12 For the fis cal year ending March 31 last. Hon- J. W. Jones, Minister of Finance, told the Legislature yesterday that surplus of current revenue over expenditure was $211,728. Current revenue amounted to $25,- .498.303 and current expenditure $25,286,880. - There was a deficit on capital out of Income of $133,482. . COLUMARIA MINING , COMPANY RESU.MES USK DEVELOPMENT ,i The- Columarlo Mining Co, Is about to resume develop- ment work on its promising property near Usk. according. to word received from the ln- terior. The Columarlo Mln- ing Co. is controlled by Toron- to interests and Capt. John Wfllman Is In charge at Usk. . 4