PAGE SIX SHINE UP YOUR t Champagne em GLASSES ris oaver, of course, to have a bubbling drink sparkling in your champagne classes for every dinner and surprisingly inexpensive, if it's The Champagne of Ginger Ales Canada Dry . Canada Dry is a beverage worthy of a champagne glass, for it is an aristocrat. Frostctl-gold in colour, with , a delicate aroma, and a flavour as elusive as .that of a rare old vintage it has won the patronage of royalty the whole world over. You couldn't buy a purer, more healthful ginger ale nor a more delicious one. For convenience order the handy cartons of six or twelve bottles. Then you will always have an ample supply of this fine old ginger ale. Canada Dry now comes in two sizes the familiar ii-ouncc bottle and the new five-glass magnum. ' r' ' t ' TWO CONVENIENT SIZES Magrium size 1 Oc v ' (pint jc lotth dtfotit) iz-ounce size 2.0c (flat 3 c bottU dtfuii) CANADA DRY THE CHAMPAGNE OF GINGER ALES Our Prices Will Please You , Come in and let us show you how little it costs to equip your car with GOODRICH SILVEU- ' TOWNS. A complete Garage Service Distributors Dodge Cars and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS Nighf Calls: Phone 161 SHINGLES! Phone 566 No.l-3xatperM $3.25 No.l No. 2 5xatperM $3.75 at per M $2.75 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE HUPERT, IJ.C. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wclllngton in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIKY FOIt S KEEN A IIHAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout he City LOCAL NEWS H. S. Parker returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from one of his periodical business trips to various interior points. Miss Pulmlra Astoria, who ft-s ben frerding a vacation visiting In the Interior, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train The Pacific Steamship Co.' slmmfr Admiral Wllov hns hpnti j at Ocean Falls during the last Jew days loading paper for Call fornla. A. Beaudin and son of Alice Arm who have been on a two-weeks' trip to Vancouver, were passengers aboard the Catala last evenin returning north. Inspector John Macdonald. pro visional police, will sail on the s& Prince -Rupert this afternoon for . trip to Ocean Falls on inspectio i duties. Mrs. George Frlizcll, who In been spending the past five month.; visiting at Los Angeles and else where In the south returned honr on the Catala yesterday afternoon Sam Jabour has secured the ser vices of W. O. a rant, merchant i ing expert of Vancouver, to clo out Jabour Brothers Ltd. bmk- rupl stock. Mr. Orant will be to full charge. Constable J. H. McCllnton. dl visional clerk for the provlnctu police here, sails this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a two weekr vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Carl Orafstrom, manager of Butedale cannery and cold storage nlant. is paying -a brief buslnem visit to the city, having arrived from down the coast on the Catala yesterday afternoon. There were 106 passengers on board thesteamer Princess Louise Saturday afternoon when she ar rived here from Skagway anl other Alaska points. Five passengers disembarked from the vessel here. Forty-eight were round trip tourists returning south. GET THE HABIT And visit our stores where there are lots of bargains. We need your business and you need our prices Specials For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Bread per loaf 7c Duttcr Forestvale OC .per lb Butter fiunnybrook non 3 lbs 1 Malkln's Best Tea JttTn per lb w (Stock up on these lines, as prices are on the advance) Malkln's Best Jama All varieties, 4-lb. tin Malkln's Best Prunes QCn 3-lb. pkg AOK, Robin Hood Oats China- OHn ware, per pkg uwv Malt Extract for your summer drink Hop flavor, light or dark Q? tier 3-lh tin UO Plain Malt per 3-lb. tin Canada Dry Ginger Ale Qt) or Der doz yuetiv Grape Juice per pint bottle Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Strawberries "i(n X3L per box Cherries per lb Tomatoes per lb Spinach 4 lbs. Netted Ocm Potatoes 12 lbs. 65c 85c 35c 30c 20c 25c 25c Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents' ritone SCO 319 3rd Ave. Phone 18 & 81 417-423 5th Ave. THE DAILY NEWS 11 J Whiskers, Plain and Fancy BURNS LAKE A Western Canada Airways plane has been making headquarters on Burns Lake during the past week, being engaged In taking surveyors to Thutade Lake. A plane of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. is also based here for the Nohr Hauer, 'w ho Is now in the forest patrol service at the east end of Francois Lake, had an encounter with a grizzly recently but he managed to scare the animal off before it came too close. SLITHERS R. J. (Jromle, publisher of the Vancouver Sun, addressed one of the largest public meetings ever held in SmUhers on Tuesday night of last week, the subject of his dis course being his recent trip around the world, and Canadian trade op portunities, Percy Davidson has been appoin ted by the village commission as chief of the Smlthers fire depart ment. E. Hann and H. G. Wlndt have been acting Jointly as I iro chiefs for some time. Charles Hewitt, well known pio neer rancher of the Glentanna dis trict, lost his home recently In a forest fire which did great damage to Umber stands. T. E. E. Greenfield, for several years identified with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police In the district, has purchased the Telkwa Hotel from P. Slavln. Six hours of heavy rain on Tuesday night of last week considerably brightened up crop prospects in the Bulklcy Valley. ALICE ARM There has been an epidemic of cutworms here recently and they are playing havoc with local gardens. Hunting cutworms has become the chief occupation of local The sawmill building, which has been a landmark at Alice Arm for many years, Is now being demolished, prior to his departure for the south last week, Al Falconer soldj the .structure to Gus Anderson who is tearing It down in order td have lumber for future use. , j A. D. Yorke has been elected pre-' sldcnt of the Alice' Arm Athletic Club, succeeding J. Trinder, resign-: jed. Ted Kcrgln was elected vice-: president in place of Al Falconer,; who has left town. ; Mrs. C. W. Ruckhaber arrived from Anyox last week and Is spend-; ing a holiday visiting here with Mrs. ' J. Wier. The Alice Arm Athletic Assocla-! tlon held an enjoyable and well attended card party at the rlub hows Saturday night. m -MSJ Whiskers, black ones, brown ones, some yellow ones. ;md u lew red ones, are seen sr routing worn the noble chins of those men of the "briny deep" who returned to Boston recently aboard the United States steamer Milwaukee after a Ions water trip Those boys may be relatives of thr wo'l-known Smith Brothers who knows I NORTHERN B. C. NEWS TERRACE The village authorities have at last got the scarifier on the streets and a great improvement Is seen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Russell have left for the Salmon Arm district after spending a couple ot years here. Mr. and Mrs. R. deKergommeaux and family left On Friday for the south where they Intend to locate. They shipped their car to Haselton whence they propose to proceed by road. Employment on. the roads' here is gradually fading out. Up to now the men have been given l2-dy spoils, but from now on these are to be reduced to six days and with a Ions waiting list, it seems to mean Just one step above destitution. PRINCE GEORGE The. Canadian Engineering Co. Ltd.. which has been looking over the local light and power plant with a view to purchasing it, has decided to defer action for the present. A survey of the local sUuaUon re- ! vealed that It was not as satisfac tory as they had anticipated. The concern Is, however, still interested and may submit another offer later. A coroner's Jury- here on Monday last returned a verdict of death by misadventure in the case of John N. P. Bennett, the young English lad, who started out from Police Coupe last fall to make the trip to Prince George by way of Pine Pass and 'whose body was found recenUy on the trail. It was established that Bennett had died of starvaUon and exposure. R. J. Cromie. publisher of the Vancouver 8un. addressed the Prince George Board of Trade at luncheon last Wednesday. Mr. Cromie predicted that conditions would force the continuation of the Pacific Great Eastern to Prince George and into the Peace River country. with digdion fa MUM (TTwN'ilion'iLmtife) ft B23 God the Preserver Science Subject The subject of the lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sunday was "God the Preserver of Man." Among the Bible texts Included In the lesson-sermon was the following from Romans 8:35: "Who shall separate us1 from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or pcr: secution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?" The lesson-sermon also included the reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy, one I passage being as follows: "It Is. ignorance and false belief, based on a material sense of things, which i hide spiritual beauty and goodnewi. I Understanding this. Paul said: ! Neither death, nor life, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.' ThU Is the doctrine of Christian Science: that divine love cannot be deprived of its manifestation or object; that joy cannot be turned into sorrow, for sorrow Is not the master of Joy; that good can never produce evil; thit matter can never produce mind nor life result In death. The perfect man governed by Ood, his perfect Principle Is sinless and eternal." Till llliS i Monday and 1W, BARBARA STANWYCK "TEN CENTS A UANCE" With Rlcartlo Cortez. Mon She was a dance hall but the band nmr WjJ( iiumc. aweet Home" for htl Comedy "THE HEADACHE" Color Review "SNAPPY CABALKHno' Novelty "OFFICE SCANDAL" ADMISSION - JOcfcK, rcamre alarm at 7:15 4 Wednesday & Thursday "INSPIRATION 3 CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMKLTING COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TK.UL IIK1TIMI COLIMISIA MinuUcturcr of ELEPHANT , llraml CHEMICAL tEKTILIZKItS Producers is Refiner of TADANAC llranrt ELECTROLYTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE MI.PHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-IUSMl'TII BEAUTY TRE&B1ENT tJiat kaeis your I stove yoiuig Keep your stove looking as well as it cooks! Learn this new and easier way to keep stoves glossily black through years of service. Apply a little ZEBRA, in its new liquid polish form. Let it dry . . . Polish . . . that's all 1 Clean and quick- ZEBU! TAUED FOR STOVE PO US i III. A IN BOTTLES For thoa who prefer it, Zebra Pte obtainable. In lntt Paste and Liquid the Zebra it the aijn ot a food ttove polith. IFF i 1 imm llll Ill I I illiilitiii Qulokly soothhg and hei.llng Zam-Buk s splenj ' J Tor akin troubUa of all kinds. It heals with Uti of Nature's hertoa, In Nature's own way. IS