ir- it ' mfe! if t H PAUE TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prinze Rupert Dally News. Limited, Thtrd Avenu H, P. PULLEN- - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, pa advance ...... 5.00 Tor lesser periods, paid in advance, per month 50 By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, l By mall to &11 other parts of British Columbia, the British Em ;1 plre and United States, paid hi advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year , ADVERTISING RATE Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word .. Local readers, per Insertion, per line - Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone -.. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION VERY GOOD NEWS RUSSIA IN THE LIMELIGHT ..86 ..98 $800 9.00 The announcement yesterday that the provincial gov eminent was prepared to take over the care of the unem " ployed " and to find them work on the highways of the pro Plenty of Color This Season; Shoes, Hat and Scarf to Match; Cottons Well as Silks the Vogue Gone are the days when you simply had to wear sjlk for "dress-up." ''Look artless in cotton"' on summer evenings, advises fashion. Organdie with sprigs of roses, dimity, muslins, cambrics, batiste which is eyelet embroidered . . . these are some of the cotton conceits which are to make in- paid in advance for yearly period . .. wcnueg 0f aM Lace anti sheer embroidery of the old. fashioned tvue aonear on ruffles and collars and tiny cap c puff ed , developed In mesh effects, fashion sleeves. Allover lace formal gowns ! themselves into chic hats for town in soft colors or white mingle wear, although the hair hat Is gen- ii .i i 1 u a prnllv rhnspn fnr fnrmiil afternoon I 4Q5uiaruy wim me uuutuig iiuuii& uii ; ! -. .i . .,n im and eveninc wear. ' " nrt . ixiiLuiis. oaiui. coucvianjf 111 wuuc, 2jj'uuu very Mimptc ui inic, icliucd ujj-..rnroval for evenine. Taffeta, velve- accent wim ormjuiii utcw. scans, ' ; berets, handkerchiefs. We wear July 24, 1931' white chesses, more formal in de- Russia is almost always in the limelight just now. That country is the source of conflicting opinions and conflicting news. It is such a blc countrv that what is true of one card to the work of women. This nroved so interestinfiby clips, not only one, btvt two, that we plan to publish more. Possibly there are other iJJ K'oJorf sides to the questions discussed but these articles are worth des. OPTIONAL CLAUSE The Alberta Wheat Pool, the concern that has the lease 1 less work for Mother when she serves Kcllogg's Corn Flakes. Delicious for any meal. No prqiaring. Wholesome. Easy to digest. Have KclloggV often and save yourself trouble CORN CORN FLAKES fn or thlUrm'i mmlng ml. MVf bf KtlUtt LonJort, Ontmrlo, Director Is Visitor Here on the Prince Rupert elevator, has an open contract thia J. ryfe smith Makes rirst Trip to year with wheat growers. The farmers are not bound to I city since Receiving uis sell to the pool but may, if they wish, dispose of their crops I Appointment tn nmr liliiinn Jt V.n.. nnll U 1 1 T .t. I ' tu ""J U"'CV " 1 ,cy t l I UUI "y B u J. Fjfe Smith, director, of tho payment anu me oaiance laier wnen tne wneat is sold. It i canadtan Ntlonai RaUwayt ac-is a radical change and an abandonment of the effort to : companted by Mrs. smith and b. j. create a selling monopoly on the prairies. Chappell general superinttndcmt of ; the wostarn lines, arrived in the city : this afternoon and will spend some time looking over the terminals be- j fore leaving for the south late to-! morrow. ; This is Mr. Smith's first visit to Prince Rupert since his appointment as director. He was here once before about fourteen years ago. ; ' The director hai been inspecting the part of the railway covered by the triangular Miction and stopped off 4 Jasper Park. . Civil Service In Argentine DUENCS AIRES, July 21: With I the appointment of a committee to tudv he reform of the National Civil Bervlc along British and Am-' erlcan lines, in so far as stable employment is concerned, the govern- f ment of Provisional President Jose Uriduruu has undertaken a task frequently sidetracked by previous administrations. IIUOII I. DICKKY, M.I). SPECIALIST Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Itoyal Hotel Colors Reaches the, Shoe 'ij .... HT iUl maAh vntt cava ViA Hen anu yanspareni veivei, usuauy ; in bright hues or black, fashion the i .ioe to the hat and the scarf, season smartest evening wraps. 1(j proceeds 'to become a ,uU,LOO!'SJ rft? Ten, blue, red or what-Whtte for sporta white for town , muM. wear, white for dinner and 1 eve- ,tne "J h"? ,H!kB V nlorod shoe has fashion's sanction. , course under our dark coats when , lored r de Qf we go to bridge, or or toner - in. jlor ihkK rough ,wwn. in uie oongy ongy fathers. leathers. The The mornlni morning as gardenias in au-wnite evening dresses. White polo coats dash hither and yon over the summer scene. White jewelry and white gloves ' ..Utl. - .1 k.UUa .Uaam 11 , u 1 i 11 mine alii WtlltC A11VCO WC1C vinv-c mis cAteueiiw novvo. it va o cajicvku ; never so completely popular before. so often we do not get what we expect, J Keep a cool Head Public Works Minister Bruhn seems to have the right i That's easy enough in the new idea, and this is doubtless a reflection of the mind of the t of fabric, often combined with whole cabinet. To take the stand that the federal govern- .SnserylTiVhr.; ment takes is a ruination policy. They intimate that it wndy flange on the generous brim! the duty of each municipality -to take care of its own un- 0f a flattering hat of black baku employed. The difficulty is that men do not stay in any j strikes a new note. Linen and pique particular municipalities in this country. They move from !lln wlth almost any straw to give; place toplace as they hear of possible developments. Prince and coolness. Hair bodies, Kupert is looked upon as a place with possibilities. That s " why they come here. Particularly interesting and commendable is the plan to hold a conference of the four western provinces and to have a strict registration and a uniform system of payment. The announcement of the government will give new courage to Prince Rupert people who have been finding it difficult enough to fight their own battles, care for their own people and prevent business losses frorn being so large that they cannot be overtaken in better times. We hope the provincial government will live up to .expectations, look after the men well and get a good de'al of work done on the highway. How Paris Now Is Using Jewels Anything, Which Helps to Make Things Stay in Place Being Used With Effect PARIS, July 24: There is a pew fashion developing in Paris. It has ; toklo with the general effect of fa-; ihions rather than with any one ! detail and prescribes a trimmer,' neater appearance. ' Clothes may stay in place, scarfs I must not flap aboitt, glove cuffs must not be flopping, belts and, necklines must be clean-cut in line, i One of the first uids to this new ! trtmness is jewelry. Clips, brooches. ' any type of jewelry which helps to ' i hold things together is important now. district may be wholly untrue of others. Yesterday we ! cravats are being worn instead of published a story written for the Associated Press in re-1 scarfs. They are held firmly in place Jut let me issue a word of warning about selecting them! For town or ports wear colored shoes must be town I'hoe is subdued In color; restraint ; is the keynote of th colored afternoon shoe: and few evening, white wimps or high-heeled barefoot andals show their colors only on 1 'he heel e at some vantage point for trimming. Judge it only ty the sV sV .ISsW , One or Friday, July U, 193 1 Two Examples of the Latest Styles ,r' CTO R SuBeietLe'' radio" you've ever heard! V 7 W 11 r vm i 1 -"" - tTTWW.fg .. -'-i: -l Dccaute ic ! a real Super-Heterodyne admined by leading tngineert to be the nvnt efficient circuit known to radio expect iig radio performance from the Victoi "Superette" and you will not be disappointed. It is a small radio that asks no favors from the finest big radio mad. It is a big r.dio in everything but size and prke! And the "Superette" is biggest of all in value. Only i9.50 for an advanced right, tube Super ! leterodyne. Such a radio w suth frkt is made possible today only through Canadian production and Victor's vast scientific and engineering resources. Concentrated in the beautiful and compact cabinet of the "Superette" are all the newest developments which bring to this small radio 89 Heat also the new Victor Console models, featuring the Jiwct,l Super-Heterodyne receiver. They give equally outstanding value in a choke of two beautiful cabinets Lowboy, R-8, JllO iO Hichbov R-9 jiii.ju ui cuinpinc nun Clgnt tubes. ICTOR RADIO VIC lot TAIUNC MtCHINt COMPANY OP CANADA lIMUIO-MONltU 50 Compeie with Tubes lot an Eight-Tube Supcr.HctcroJyne the maximum In selectivity, sensitivity, terW and noiseless operation. Sup-cwm tubes combined with screen-grid . . . electro-dynamic . . . speaker inreased ran tone control . . push-pull amplification ... and acoustically correct cabinets. Heat the "Superette" today. Canplre its value. Vout Vtctoi dealer will deliver it to your home on utjitms. Micro-Synchronous m m T - 1 Orthonlionic Victor Radio iffljaimffljaasTijmiTafflMiiBW McRae Bros. Ltd. sM,Bira.iiiirai 1 Victrolas and Records j