THE DAILY NEWS Friday, July 24, 1931 tifV3 i.HHHHnnaai Local Items I NOW OPEN! Canadian Football Dinnerware, Legion. tonight china, , Merchants crockery, vs I ujnl A1TV IT y A FEW DAYS LEFT ! mt ai. In Our New Store Ormes Etfl. Ztiui Pioneer DrugfjijsZs Phones 81 & 82 silk Bloomers All sizes For NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Fe from any preservative or tre.ittuent whatever. Milked utifl delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive y-urs Government Grade A '"'nifteote Health and 8anlta. tKm A trial solicited. SatU-l.u'tion guaranteed. WIINCR RUPERT DAIRY ta "X 83S Phone 287 Third Ave. & Fulton St. DEMER'S Summ er Clearance Sale Coats Broadcloth, Twills and Tweeds. Regular up to $35.00 . Girls' Tweed Coats Size 10 to 12 years. For $19.50 $7.50 Navy Suits Man tailored Q1 7 Values, $29.50 and $25.00. For . ' V Wo')l SuitrTh-e-iiicce ' Vy QQ A'A? Regular $12.95. For ... t?7.VU Wool Suit Three-piece 4 ft A $22.50 value. For t?XefJU $1.00 mMIBIIUIl..lMlllllt.mfl TO GREAT BRITAIN and back SPECIAL REDUCED third cl. fare frunt Mont real to IWft, Gla-ow, Liverpool, Plymouth or London and back. Cood going from Aug. 1st to Oct. 15th Return portion Tali J for 2 year. Hound trip rate to Continental point! reduced proportionately. Two tailing a week. tttull formation ajtafy Ct'NARD LINK JJ lltln Mrrrt W. (Phon Krrmour JMSl Vanraunr , II I er any $imm$hip cftnt " CD N ARD ANCHOR -DONALDSON UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED MntitK'tt Irate ITIitcr llupcrt f r Vanrouw: T N.N. f' rVKUV Tl'KHIlW. IS" P.M. Arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. THH, , (KN r.VKHV MIIH.IY MIIINIUMT Ai riving Vmwuvet Bumfey midnight appro. Wwklv Mllinxi to Pert aimpaou. AJ:c Arm Anyox. BUwart and Nu RUct -olnU. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. p. i,n. . .Mn rwtaHinff "1' ..nil.nt mitt tlckn at - miNff MTKKT AHKNrV: acrmwt Avcnii. rixMW SflS Suits Made To Your Measure Extra Pants Free! $24.50 M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. V. Phone C3 Next Itenson Studio glassware, Hcilbroner's Store. David and Rosalinda Colthurst are In the city today, registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Steamer Princess Alice arrived In port this morning with passengers for Alaska, most Royal Russian Chorus presents all request program Friday, Ju'ij' 24, Moose Hall, at 8.15 p.m. Tick ets 75c. and 50c on sale at Arsen- eau's. . T. Mrs. William Anderson ririrtiiiirtfm 'viTiv"a'A"TKa was cashier at the Presbyterian tea on Wednesday, and Mrs. T. McMeekln in the home-cooking group. Mel Lee left this morning on th Princess Alice for Juneau from whence he will go into Tulssquah to join his father who Is there. James Mitchell of. North Vancou ver arrived on the steamer this morning to Join Mrs. Mitchell ant' family who are visiting with the parents of each here. j ada. A. W. Archibald, mine manager for the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. accompanied by h's son, arrived In the city on the C. N. R. steamer this morning and proceeded to Stewart on the Mrs. A. J. Webber and son arrived on the Princess Alice this morning to join her husband Alec J. Webber, manager of The Family Shoe Store. Mrs.- Webber was ac companied by her mother, Mrs. Friend, who will visit her here. ANNOUNCEMENTS Kagl's Dance, Friday. July 34 Ladles refreshments. Genu. 60c. - Catholic basaar October 21 and 22. NO WONDER IM Im. m st. ai Miii in lo4 nry in Coall lra MltctW l4t tt not piw4 lntlif.iaiFiMt V.lky, n4 inm II Vol boy k.lpt I aipeoit t I.C. MnhV. Ym cm m lort.i St, 0I MHk vkwmi I ntfp ctlli tot allk, mi yoHI ltMltWt Mo 'tBctoni ttnm I yoM tlU, and t-tarn ikkMa ! cef tc TV Sordn Co. UmM, t HtM Aiu4 SoJMtai. VANCOUVIR t tctorn Soatk Su r. ... ST.CHARLES a ts B.C. I 1 ilh E m SAILINGS FROM PltlNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wranecll, Juneau and Skatway July 24, 27, 31, August 3. To Vantourer, Victoria and Seattle July 35, 39, August 1,3. For Rutt-Calc, Ocean I'alN, Namu, Alert Ray, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full information from AV. 0. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. ft 4th St. Phone 31 nLaUUBWam i liijlftl This morning a C.N Jl. tour party ! in charge of S. N. Orecn of Mont- m.I n l r Arl In . V. a Alto n4 In' ' irai ftjiiTcu ui biiv vai. aim ,c t - ji later on the train. Most of th visitors came from Eastern Can Ladies' Nemo Cor sets. All sizes. Reg up to $10.50. Bank rupt Price $1.29 19 Pairs of Misses' Slippers & Oxfords size II to 2. Reg. price $3.25. Bankrupt Price $1.89 JABOUR Glasses filled bt registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. .in.1 Dr Written Th" nttendinee was not as larm r mtRht have been but the notlep a is very shnrt md he meeting "i th? afi".i'"n. The modera-:iu however, gave a 'powerful ad-(ii e.s.s and w.t in insptrttloQ to all who heard him After having tea at Dr. Wrinrhs and viewing hospital, the vhi'ors Went on to Smlthers where a service was held In the evening. Steamship Sailings ' For Vancouver Mondayas. Pr Oeorfe . 4 pan. Tuesday as. Catnla 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Pr Hetiry 0 ajr. Thursday as. Pr Charles. 2 p.m r naay as. t-nn msijt jw pan. SS. Citrdenn midnight. Saturday ss. Pr Rupert . 7 p.m. July 23 as. Prm Charlotte Julv 3 ss. Prln Louise 5:30 pm July 2J as. Prln Alice 5:30 pnt. From Vancpuver Sunday-. Cata'a :.. 4 pjn. Monday Pr. duties 11:30 a.m WcL-n. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a,m Friday ss. Prim Mary 4 pjn. Frl, as. Pr. O. e. 1130 ftin Frlday-is caui a pjn. aaUir-Jis Pr ii iry. u 30 a,m July l ss Prti Alice 9 a.m. July 17 .s. Piii. Cliat'iMUc Remainder of La dies Hats. Values up to $5.25. Bankrupt Price Bankrupt Price 69c an Jabour Bros Bankrupt Stock Sale will be an event' of the past Come with the crowds ! Everything Sacrificed ! SHARE IN THESE WONDERFUL MONEY SAVING BARGAINS Remainder Ladies Coats Boys' Running Shoes sizes up to 5. Bankrupt Price 1NSPECTOU H. C. FRASER.1S MOVED John McRae arrlvrd thU morning (Continued Irom Page One) 73c from a visit to the ranch at Terrace. iStcwart, niton and Qaeen Char- - lotte Citv repaired. An experience cuvier places victoria tying for second Ooldblom s rur Hnop. w gitiuu vear before that a nunil Induction Of j Rev. Mr. Redman At Hazelton '0f ocean Falls secured the highest mark ln the province. Results for this year have not yet been an-j . HAZELTON. July Key. Dr. K II. Oliver. modertToTthe United mRmUmXitfS2SH3S&Gi& ,...1, Church ln Canada, paid a visit to this district on Tuesday aftcrnoor. 'n company with Rev. Oeo. WUsot tnrt Rev. Mr. MoConnell of Prlnru -r-r" W inorrator Is making :B.USH'S a trii throttch th west to see tn? r"i t vino is branches rt work the jS maa Al church Is Interested in. While h'W he conducted the Induction reprices which made Rev. Mr Red- iiousekeepins Allaw- man the off) ir.l pastor in charae '. : t Hazelton and Now Haselton. He Pu,thcr ' Ba'4U ,,erc! i-! :i'!strfi by Kcv. Dr. Wflnm b.c. Oranulated Sugar h suprr'n'iident of Mtsstotvi !n ios f0r Ti C. and bv Rev. au. McConnell EiEp.ess Tea Ask for free sample. 1 lb. pkt New Potatoes 15 lbs. for per sack So. 1 Jap Rice per lb Nabob Strawberries per tin Nabob Loganberries per tin $1.45 5c 25c Nabob Red Pitted Cherries OCT ft i per tin Fancy Peas No. 1 I per tin 20c FREE! FREE! 1 Pkt. Super Suds with each purchase of 3 Pkts. of Princess Soap Flakes 45c Memba per pkt Fresh Local Qreen Peas 3 lbs. for 10c 25c l'RLSII FRUIT AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON Bush's Grocerteria FREE niaiVEItY TELEPHONES 211 & 12 (Ladies' Rubber i Raincoats, . Reg. I price $8.95. Bank rupt Price 89c 1 HALF-PRICE 1 $4.50 Misses' Running Shoes sizes up to 2.1 Child's R u n n ing I Shoes sizes to 10. i Bankrupt Price 63c tid mm wmim mwmtwxmwxKm QUALITY FOODS Mrs. John Mitchell returned to- The nortnern schools have stood , AT PRICES THAT WILL aay on me inui, jrvm a vmv w wll ln examination work. Last year Carlytle ia Qranby Bay pupil led the pro- . Tince In entrance work and Ocean Furs ;od ueancfi, ana Falls xcvinA second and nounced. Swansdown Cake Flour For OOU O O p Mr. Fraser says he much regrets better cakes, per pkg lepving tne norm. lie naa seriously Macaroni Long or ready cut thought of declining the new ap- pjjg vwnvo Will tVlnra ttiAPO V rl ta nj ii -iiicin uui ci 1 vac wviv auimt- p L.t,'-; iu in ltiiit'ij 111 iitui ii f iv- ..r!a wich co.ild not be overlogked. SAVE YOU MONEY Friday & Saturdayl SPECIALS 4 lbs Nabob Extract! Lemon or Vanilla, per 2-oz. bottle King Oscar Sardines In pure olive oil, per tin Assorted Biscuits "Red Cellophane Pkgs. per 1-lb. pkg Assorted Health Cookies-Cello wrapt. per dos. Tomato Catsup Aylnier per U-os. bottle Toilet Rolls 7 rolls tirana s a-i sauce per bottle Lux Toilet Soap 3 bars 8c 25c 18c 14c Arrow" 25c 11c 15c 24c ggc PRESERVING APRICOTS Are now at their best. We ex-ifZo I nect a larrc shipment of this 25ci fruit on Monday. Prices right. Order now. mui jar Kings 1 per dos Iparowax ; per 1-lb. pkg I Kellogg Com Flakes 3QCI per pkg. Sockeye Salmon Halktn's Dest, l's tall tins, packed on the QQf Skecna, per tin 7c 18c 9c 21c 22c Watts' Grocery I'HONK 55 IMIONE 56 "THE REST FOR LESS" ran i m minuTaxifKEia m Mind Your Health and Drink Dally Pure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY . fhone Red 608 P.O. Box Ati Vlxllors Welcome Ladies' Monarch Debutante Hose, Semi-service. Reg. 51. 5. Bankrupt Price 93c Girls' Flannel Dresses. Reg. price up to $1.95. Bank rupt Price $1.95 BANKRUPT STOCK SA LE HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel I'rlnce Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roonu. A. J. rillinilOMME. l'rop. Cor. of Fraser nd Fifth ats. SAVOY S. R. Wahlstrom, Endako; Begaln, Premier. New Royal Hotel I. Tarrlll, l'rop rtlf. IIOTKL, UOKTn WHILE Hut & Cold WnUr: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Tdrphont SSI Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Quests Say They Are. S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Oars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas Si Oil - Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA RRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early DHWer Throughout the City Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 566 (Night Colls: Fhone 161) Distributors of DODGE CARS and TRUCKS l aeats: w , 1 1 - Mil., Ul::l 1.33)3.. ;:; vilr I ROYAL M. Lee. Juneau, Alaska; A. Ylng Chin, Vancouver. m vfT Jli 1 'Ta. '1 'IJ '.Mllll I