PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS "Somebody has a secretary who knows her lunches'' "Vhcn you sec as much .food as I do during the day you get to know die best and most healthful things to eat. Notice that girl's tray whose lunch I just checked a box of Shredded Wheat and a bottle of whole milk." "Tasty, light, easy to digest, yet very nourishing, that that's my y idea ldca o of a a wc well balanced balanced meal. meal. My My job job depends depends upon upon my my keeping keeping cool cool and and wide wide awake awake all all sk-vSa You can pay more but you cannot find a purer, clearer Sin than . . . ' b jy P, ci VSr S y Stj&v. , t Ji . t LjJpA jv day day ,on long. That's That's why why I, I, Jwk I 'A JiW too, too, cat cat Shredded bhredded Wheat Wheat I 1 A Ii I hm rfiySji for for lunch. ,unch" fa ' rl m 1116 CAI" Nir with Canadian Wheat '.WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT n j m ii 1 1 win im i ! ii 1 1 ii i f y. K put imw irnm $150 Rep. Pint STERLING London Dry GIN $3.00 Rep. Quart not one that equals Sterling for smooth delicate flavor and value. For aaU at VwUn, ar dlrarl from tha Hqunr Control Hoard Mall Ordar Drparlmcnl, Victoria. II. C .,LtiXi2Ml zu U-D This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Hritixh Columbia. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Shower Given For Miss Winnie Dibb On Thursday About forty persons were present yesterday afternoon at a tea and shower given at the home of Mrs. F. W. Allen, Third Avenue, for Miss Winnie Dlbb who Is to be married soon. The room was tastefully decorated In pink and white, sweet peas and snapdragons being" the flowers most in evidence. Mrs. W. T. Kergln and Mrs. T. II. Johnson poured and Mrs. Brooks-bank cut the ices. Servlteurs were Mrs. Benson, Mrs. S. C. Thomson, Mrs. J. J. Little, Miss Dora Hell- broner and Mrs. Dlbb. The presentation was made by Mrs. Johnson, who in a few words referred to the popularity of the oiuest of honor and the- desire of all tor her future happiness. Miss Dibb replied suitably, thanking them all tor the beautiful eiderdown comforter which they had Jointly given her. Among the guests was Miss Ef-ford, a visitor in the city and a 'riend of the bride-to-be. Cruiser Detroit Sails Tomorrow From Ketchikan KETCHIKAN, July 24:-The big rulser Detroit Is leaving here to norrow morning on her return to .os Angeles. During her stay both fflcers and men have been the ruests at numerous events both lubllc and private. ' The Detroit is the largest boat ver to enter Ketchikan harbor. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert The United States Senate gave a lajorlty of 2d in favor of recipro-ity with Canada. It Is also unof-iclally announced that a federal lection will be held in Canada with eclproclty as the sole issue. George Morrow of Prince Rupert nnounccd his Intention of .being a andldato as an Independent Lib-ral in the federal elections. Dr. Kergln arrived back from a eek's holiday Jaunt in tho launch unbeam. He was accompanied by 1. R. Naden. Alderman Clayton Is asking for n inquiry into the fire department. Week-End Specials .'raser Valley Strawberry Jam, 4-lb. tin lalkin's Dest Sockeye Salmon, 1-lb. tin lalkin's Dest rears 2 s 2 Uns lalkin's Dest Honey per 4-lb. tin Jisign Peas Choice quality per tin .: vVltch Hazel Toilet Soap 0 cakes -rosso St Blnckwell Olive Oil, quart bottle Spring's Lemon Cheese per 12-oz. Jar Jprlng's Grape Fruit Dutter per 12-oz. Jar impress Indian Chutney per 8-oz. Jar Empress India Relish per 7-oz. Jar Edam Cheese Baby size 1-lb. brick Empress Raspberry Vinegar per quart bottle Dest Foods Mayonnaise per 16-oz. Jar 10c 25cj 50c 40c 40c 25c 20c 50c 35c 45c Genuine Swiss Cheese with fiCp Clark's Pork St Deans with Chill sauce. 2's. per tin 55c 40c 45c 70c 20c Alberta Market I. (J AMU LA, P'oprletor i ' I'lflh Street Phone 20H l Took it Befort Childbirth L'v . . . . : :v' faakaaal "J FIRSTtooktydiaE.Pinkbm, JL Vegetable Compound before childbirth because I was so weakv "After taking it, I felt much stronger. I could sleep better and I could do my work. "I hae taken .the Vegetable Compound for eleven years off and on, whenever I need a builder and I recommend it." Mrs. Emily Schindel, Renown, Saskatchewan. This is only one of thousands of letters praising this simple, home remedy and recommending it to women who need a strengthened Man in the Moon ; One hears a lot about the bulls and the bears on the stock exchange but little about the asses that keep them active. An educationalist declares that modern education dampens curiosity but we had not noticed it in Prince Rupert. "Go Slow" signs would be useless in Prince Rupert. Drivers travel too fast to see them. Most of us have all the employment we want, the difficulty is that we get almost nothing for the job. How will the husbands like the Adlo telephone that can enable a wife to take to them in Vancouver when they ought to be taking a holiday there? SOME MOON Two tramps walking along the railroad found a bottle of high- powered moonshine. One took a drink and passed it to the other. And so forth- until the bottle was empty. After a while one puffed out his chest and said: "You know, Bill, tomorrow I'm going to buy this road. I'm poing to buy all the railroads in the country, all the automobiles, ill the steamboats, all the hotels -verything. What do you think of that?" Bill looked at his companion dls--qritfirnlv end replied: "Impossible: can't do it." "Why not?" "I won't selL" Ifi, DANDRUFF and Fallinc Hair, uaa Min-mfi ard'i aaacliy aa you would II any hair tonk. Do Ihia 4 I J iinm a wtak and tha taiult in ba V Claan Haad and Olony Hair SATURDAY SPECIAL Chocolate Marshmallow Cake, 30 cents The Electric Hakcry Wc Deliver Phone GG7 Cook with guaranteed pure OLIVE OIL Will cure your sick stomach and you will enjoy lite. Direct from the Old Country. Only $25 a Gallon Phone Red 720 for Information Russian Chorus Is Here Tonight In Third Concert ' turned tathe city today and report a favorable trip in the north. They are going to have an all request program tonight at the Moose Iiau and as the prices to the public are so reasonable the Gyro Club are expecting a capacity crowd. District News TERRACE Mr. and Mrs. A. Attree and the bovs are having a holiday at Lakelse Lake. Kenneth and Harry h ive de veloped into great anglers. According to present arrangements. Mrs. Greie is leaving (or an extended vacation In the near future. Mrs. Grelg and Velma are going east, while Helen will visit with Mrs. Thomas. The Prince Rupert Girl Guides have taken up residence in the amp of the local C.G.I.T. at Lukelse ,ake and are having an enjoyable time, save for the unwelcome attention of the mosauitoes. Weather was glorious until Tuesday after- noon when a drizzling rain set in. Miss Doris Robinson of the Haiel-ton Hospital staff, whose home Is in Terrace, has had the unfortunate necessity of undergoing a further operation for appendicitis. She is reported to be improving satisfac torily. A great Improvement has been ef fected by the completion of the Spring Creek bridge and the con necting roadways, at each end. This avoids two of the worst hills be tween Terrace and Kalum Lake. J. Warne has had a new barn erected at his ranch at the crossroads on the Bench. H. Halliwell has spent moat of hit time indoors during the past week as the result of serious sunburns received whilst mowing rjay. Have you paw your suoscriptlon to the Daily News this year? HERE! HERE! This is what you arc looking for BARGAINS We have them I t Your Opportunity ! to Save i Alberta Hose Flour 49's ffi-f Iff! j per sack pXeleJ Royal Yeast Cakes 90p' m i 3 pkgs 1 Aylmer Brand Fancy Quality JOp Peus, No. 3 ;;, 3 cans M Aylmer Brand Golden Bantam' ! Com Fancy, 2's Op 3 cans uUU; Heinz Soups Tomato, Tea 4 Ap : unci Vegetable, per can .. "' Rowntree's Cocoa Vi's OOr per tin AoVj Dutch Maid Salad Dressing A9n per 23-oz. Jar Oi, Dutch Maid Mayonnaise per 32-oz. Jar Malkln's Dest Coffee per lb Malkln's Dest Tomatoes- 2'a, 3 tins : Fresh Green Beans 2 lbs Blua Goose Oranges 5 doz 80c 46c 40c 25c 85c Get Your Supplies Now, At Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 3rd Ave, Phone II & 81 417-423 5th Ave. I rrnaMBTiiii 1 1 n n " tmtmmtiKmimtmmMmatmni Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 P-m. Admission 20c & C5c Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9:40 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 !(k & 40c Feature Starts 3:10 THE LAST WORD IN ROMANCE Frda? July 2. , SiiB':E!i!3MaBEB:rrti::.Bri;: ' "KISS ME AGAIN" jj With Rcrnicc Claire, Walter Pidgeon, Edward Everett Morton. I I Beautiful Melodies by Victor Herbert 2 AND ALL IN TECHNICOLOR 5 Comedy "A HAPPY LITTLE HONEYMOON 2 Hodge Podge "TID HITS" PARAMO! NT r, & Tuesday CONSTANCE BENNETT Z 2 Monday in Born to L. wrnvmrn mw mmsm vmam tmmmimmvu: m : n i tavlHlBIIBi "BEST PROCURABLE PURE SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT DntlW and ruarantrH t William nnat 8oa Llmitd Gfenfefclkh t Halnfiia-nirliliTrt IJjattUrftra. UuS-toB A Claafow, Scotland. 'iiu ,tM.ri! i mcnt is not ptilililicd or dipl;t i C'ji tiui iiuarj or the Govcrnnietit of linn i A8SORTED SANDWICH BISCUITB Cellophane pkgs., 1 lb 25c , attaMnt1 PRESERVING TIE SAFETY SEALERS- 1 quart stee, per doz.' IS HERE! nUDUEft RINGS 2 dosen for CERTO For Jams and Jelile per bottle MEMRA Make Jams and Jellies the new scientific v.. per package PARAWAX per package 8UOAR per 20-lb. sack JIFF SOAP FLAKES per package FRABSR VALLEY STRAWBERRY JAM - per 2Vi-lb. iar DEL, MONTR APRICOTS per large tin HEALTH COOKIES per dosen . NUT DUDS A new nut and toffee candy p-r lb .... " COOKET A vegetable shortening for flaky pastry u, ctlsi) frying In bulk, per lb. Telephone your order and pay the driver "We guarantee everything we m-H" 0 & S GROCERY Phones: 227 St 228 S1.43 COO Seventh V CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND 15c 32c 13c 13c $1.15 18c 49c 35c 15c 10c 25c 2Cc SHIPYARD UI'KRA l'lNIi (1. T. P. 20.00U-TON FLO ATI NO llUYIMM Engineers, Machinist llollermakcrs, Hlarmllhs. I'allcrn Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Ktc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK HlONES 43 AND 383 asKawnssassisMBBnaHHnaBC 1 ansniDKisiaKKsnBanasuBaaMai