4 PAQb UUR THE DAILY NEWS Friday, August 21 168; PRINCE THE RUPERT DAILY - BRITISH NEWS. COLUMBIA District News Paris For Creations Rural Girls Big Air Race to Be Held in Ontario Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu' NEW HAZELTON May Take Part in Style Show ti H. P. PULLEN --i Managing-Editor SpringlUId SUBSCRIPTION KATES Crty delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, pa ... advance- For lesaer periods, paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of Northern and' Central British Columbia. paid In advance lor yearly period By mall to all other parts, of British. Columbia, the British Em- pire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year .... ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word ... ... Local readers, per insertion, per line ., , . JL Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line- , Contract rates on application. i Editor and Reporters Telephone 85 Advertising and Circulation Telephone. 3& Member at Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Friday, August 21, 1931 UNITED ACTION NEEDED Tins is the time when united action from all over and Central British Columbia fs needed to urge even wnrthv nf nttpntinn as n nrarfinl franannrfatinn ontifv Owen Smith, engineer in charge j PORTLAND, Me.. August 21 of the construction of the new; Girls from the- rural districts ui nrr ; HagwiLret bridge, haa received In- Moiae winners- of the- 4-K Clu.' sn structlons to report to Victor! contests this -year, who will be de! and will be leaving at the end of egatsj. to Camp : Vai! at the E; 3oa this week. em States Exposition in Sprifts- ,ar wllr " extlngulsh a camp fire, were eaeh s,tms fined $25 by Justice of the Peace purPse sle owns and modfl1 ot d ozoU A. O. Sturgeon at Bams Lake on Monday. Both Ellison and Ousa ar! cmblnatton hH Th Sector, of. the exhibit la now from Ootsa. Lake j t in Paris making her model selee. In the of tU)na aml the Can?P Vail course a tour of Central Bcii-h; CDhajJ, J. Van RlcksdaL wil1 cnosea to d5ffplay in onsul general foe Belgium to van.' we MIie snDWS' , t J u v.auaj niwu r wvM3jr vjjvi j w v ui vuuu uLiuii ui. couver.. arrived! ucrc on the western outlet of the reace Kive'r railway by the fe deral government. night of this week Wednesday night beemg that the railways do not consider the P. G. E. i oeoree. -.. i field. Mass.. from September ifl . $6,001 The- New Hazelton baseball team 28; will have an opportunity ... 9.0ft went to Smithers, on Sunday and. peat In the. latest Paris cret!oni in one of the- best games seen by taking part in the dally style mere mis season, aeteaiea uie rau- m wur.ii wm uc a yau. ui : i ... 1.40 wav town team bv a score of 8 to 7. Home Arts ' Division displays N 02,, , throughout Exposition week. SMITHERS am Ellison pharpp and for LT", !r?? ,that 5?! sra'S sS5 ItinVPITlPnt A n flf M n Inn or t ho rn itt'fi u will etonrt tn hono. . 7 . .. . ., & "'v "r '"''" v nra, Mrs. u. n. Kooerts. was. lit U the OUtiet IS constructed and, all StlQUld insist that ltlftrleken with acute appendicitis, be considered immediately, rather than await the time1, she was placed pn the train at when the work is not needed as badly as it is today. . 't , URGING THE LIBILVRY Members of the library board and others in the citv are I Action must be taken to bring about a change by constitutional methods with a view to a better distribution of the world's wealth and to insure that none go hungry when there is plenty of food in the country. This way is the 1 path of safety. WET ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL Kor Cash at the Kate of 50e Per Tore Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.58, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PIIONE580 i Burns Lake and brought on tot I Smithers where a successful opera- tlon was performed on Monday. urging that a new library building be included in anv re-t PRIMPF nFORflF f Uef plans for the city of Prince Rupert. It is pointed out L AVli UliUIVUL. mat sucn a ouuoing is Daaiy neeued, tnat it could De Duilt , u T . lty would be behind the proposal to erect a suitable struc-1 department offices here to start on ture 10 nouse tne line Collection OI books- now owned by .several unemployment relief un-the city. dertakings which have been plan- (ned for this district. Camps have: . REVISION OF ENTIRE STRUCTURE ISSJTSS? T Revision of the entire structure of wair debts and re-(settled upon. paratioiis is being asked in order to bring about a better! condition of affairs in the world. We are still suffering: w- J- scott and h. w. soti ot from theresult of the-kst war. Whpnthp biVennflipf nm.1 Vancouver are- looking over the .wU...w. VW... . .. . C. 11.1,111 . .t. rrlpnpPfl tVioro. wna q hiivat-a ott-iVo. onmnf r,;:i possibilities- for the establishment They are will- the present, but the men thrown out of emolovment at?L& S?!1?:. creamery here. T hit ttma itinf f U .,..1.. i . .3 ? . 1 i. .. go ahead with the project mui. uuiu nciii iu liic tu auu iiie ua ijiein um not re- they declare, if they can get con turn. In the meantime they were fed and clothed by the itroi of the milk of the district. government anu mere was no. unemployment problem for that reason. The city council has found that there is no relief for hard water 7l fn. Vo Cf S VT I Y conditions here unless the city un- cared for m but for eamps peaceful purposes instead of idertakes to process the water' wurcare. The anomalous condition which clever statesmen must rectify ie that there is in the world plenty of food and plenty of clothes, while there aiv thousands without any of these necessary 'chines. It is a condition such as this that. Miss Mlrlan Peck of New West-4 minster has been appointed prln cipai of Olscome School. makes some people "red." They are mostly honest people Win for Tfain vho feel that present conditions are wrong and they see " I1UCI 4 lain no other method of righting them They are not willing to wait and have the natural method of evolution take care of the situation when they think they can see a more easy method. Within the next few years it wilt be necessary for statesmen in this country and others to deal courageously with this situation. . i. If nothing . . is done , there will be a recurrence Service Soon Will Revert tu Thrte Train a, Week Next Month With Times of Ar-rival and Departure Same A at Present ui mc Jitt3iu cumuuoni in anoiner im wiiv Years, mnrp nr Fffortiv ntamhor t.. iu less with more political disturbances, more suffering andlfervlce between Prince Rupert and iiiute uiuutou lor a radical turnover, mere is enough Wl" 10 ine food and clothes for everyone if it is only properly distri-1 'hr l10 buted The mass of the people do not know whit to do. AUjuS? tbT'JfS they know is that it IS wrong for them to be hungry and! Mondays, Wednesdays, and Satur-they turn to any scheme that thev think mav rieht mat-; days at 12.30 p.m. and arrive here ters. They argue that it could not be Worse and it might I 'roni east on Sundays, Tuesdays, possibly be better if a change- were made. v p-- Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert I Aurust 21, 1911 I The cas 1 proceeding in city police court before Magistrate Al-I i f red Cam of a young man who U i and cashing a post office money order for $87.68. . . Rav, Dc E. A. Chown, who. Is. a visitor ta the city, preached before-large congregation yesterday In the MethocMst Church. ' Yustertmy members of the Board Ot BaLhuay, Commissioners; wat up the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific I Railway as far as Copper City, belt lmr the ruests of Genera mmn. Jtendent W. C. C. Meelmn. Two exhibits showing now ia I been planned with the ldear thfe ! clothing selection and care "will of to woman vis-h falling to report a forest fire, ani teirwt every Clothing section in part'cu- n eh, tth hiiin. tn 1 Be- second cuspiay wiu oe ue- utiua.-ii", ui: uuiiw left OH' prlnce Demonstrations will be given in . washing sweaters, sport wear, other ilrtd garments kid gloves and similar articles which can be rul- it Wfll be best tq forget it in connection with the scheme andi Vancouver, tat been here for tbe,ned by careless handling.' uuuw uie provinciax governmeni lo nanuie it exclusively, past ftw- daj assisting local wari, Just now it seems as if the insistence of Premier Tolmie i veterans to prepare their pensiooii that it be included m the Peace outlet plan is holding up 1 claims. me wnoie scheme, it so. then it is time for the northern Micro-Synchronous Victor Radio -iffi C SRoute of TIP 7( AERIAL DERm vs" MTlOHAt amnion ffAMlTCVs YxBRANTTCRO Here is shown route ,)f 449-mlle Tip Top A. rUi Derby course. Below rt . t David Dunkelman. urp- sident, Tip Top Tallort, Ltd, sponsor of the ra.:e and Capt. VT. F ShayJor general organizer Vl CTO R "S upldte:, . smallest big radio ever built VICTOR RADIO T Ma J-TJL smalttadio ilie Victor "Supertxie " It's little, but it asks no favor from the finest big radio jjoujve ever beard. Iti value is amazing ... the "Superette" is big in everything but size and price ! Only complete with tubes. And remember! The "Superette'" is an aJvamtJ Super-Heterodyne. Added to the superlative selectivity and sensitivity of the most modern Super-Heterodyne are die tonal perfection and noiseless operation of the new super-control tubes. Only through Canadian production and Victor's immense - xicraiiic resources couiu such a radio be offered m ucb a ftne VICTOR VICTOR TM.KINPMM.HINI COMPANY Of MASTER It's an Eight-Tube Supcr-Hctcrodync TV f AKE no allowance for the zc of Uiii Concentrated in this beautiful, compact cabinet are radio-'s latest developments Advanced tight-tub super heterodyne ar cuir . . . super-control tubes . . . electro-dynamic speaker . . . incrcasevl-range tone .on trol . . . "triKgcr touch" station selector push-pull amplification . . . anJ a spetutl designed flit-con cabinet, permitting the tasteful use of decorative adornment Your Victor dealer will demonstrate the outstanding performance of the "Superctre ' and the other new Vioot Supcr-Htteto-dynes . . . Lowboy, JU9.JO, Highboy, J 122.50, and "Superette" with Electric Clock. 5105.50 and Victor RaJioElev. trol a Combination Si 60 all. complete with tubes Easy terms. RADIO I CANADA. tlUITIO-MOMTMAL BUILDERS OF RADIO "- McRae Bros. Ltd. Orthophonic Victrolas and Record -5