i ii i . : WEEK-END CANDY SPECIAL ! Itoxed Assorted Chocolates, Including Ncilsons, Winnifreds, Ganongs and Job Special 1-2 lb. box, 3.c; 1 lb. boxes, 10c, 65c and 75c Take Her a Box! "Jjio Pioneer Drtgzats Phones 81 & 82 HUGH L. DICKEY, M.D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 FOR SALE AUDITORIUM Fine Hull. 50x100 Maple Floor, equipped for both skating and darn ing; 200 pairs skates; organ and piano; Ideal place for bowling alleys; none here. Make me an offer. SNAr FOR CASH Apply Auditorium, 215 6th Av. CLEANING & PRESSING Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE CO. J2J 3rd Ave. W. Phone 663 Next Benson Studio si Third Ave. Si Fulton St. tlHWUIIF.! T. J. Sljonton, Inspector of mines sailed this a:t?rnoon on thePrincv Oeorge for a trip to Stewart on oj-I'lcial business. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roomi A. J. riCUimOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser mid Fifth Sts. SAVOY J. Walker, city; Mrs. C. D. Pog-wn, and daughter. Port Essington: 3. C. Sharpe, Queen Charlotte City; E. J. Moore, Terrace. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. "Top THE HOTEL HOKTII IVIIILE Hot Sc OoH Water: Stem Heat 75c PER IHY AND UP T'lrphonr tl Knox Hotel Are, Our MEALS Good? Our Quests Say They Are. SATURDAY SPECIAL Lemon Cream Layer Cake, 30c The Electric Hnkcry We Deliver Phone 6G7 TRAIN SERVICE PaMengei trains leave Prince Rupert daily (except Sundays) at 12.30 p.m for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. Fat informal w ll "rt1 hiral aurm II MrEWtN Illairlct KH1M 1 fid urnilrr Airnt 1'naaa lUpttl. v-m. TEAMSHSP RViCE SUMMER SAILINGS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Mondayi ... 4.00 p.m. Wednesdays 9 30 a.m. Thundiy. .... 2.00' pjn. Saturday . . . 7.00 n.m. M CW rata inj Ml Km For KttchiUn Juneau and Sbgway (calling at WranRell Hithhound). Wednesdays and Saturdays, 3.00 p.m. For Stewart and Anyox Mondays 8.00 p.m. Friday 3.00 p.m. Weekly service to Massett Inlet and fortnijjhtly service to South Queen Charlotte "lands. Particulars on request. TRIITV SERVICE Cily from Vancouver at 1.45 P- .for Victoria ni Seattle. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stmnirrt lrn I'rlnrv Huprrt t or Vnneouvrr: tab, ('.TAi.. r.venv titmiav, t.so p.m. Arriving Vancouver. Thursday Morning. T-. CAIIIIIINA KVKKV FHIII.1Y MIIIMOIIT . Arriving Vancouver Bunday midnight tpprox. aUlng to Port Simpson. AUc Ann. Anjrox, 8Uwrt nd NM Klver lolnta. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. '"fthtr Information rgrdlng Ml wllingi, and ticket t miNcr It! I I UT AIIKNCY: fM-oid Avrnue. rhone Local Items Dlnnerware, enma, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Swimming Qala, Salt Lakes on Sunday at 2:30. Boys' Band In attendance. Silver collection. 185 A Ridgeway tour party of 16 persons from Pennsylvania arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver and proceeded east from here by train. Pacific Salvage Cc's tugboat Norshor arrived in port this morning from Vancouver to pick up a tow of logs from the Big Bay Lum ber Co. for delivery to the Ocean Falls pulp and paper mill. Miss Ruth Gillies of the Prlnc1 Rupert Fisheries Experimental Str tlcn office staff will sail on th Prince Oeorge tomorrow evening to spend a vacation visiting in Van couver and elsewhere in the soutli S. S. Salvor just finished unloading full cargo of Natiaimo-Welllnclon Coal which will be sold for cash as follows: Single screen $1225 per ton. Double Screen $13.50 per ton. Albert & McCaffery, rhone 116. tf. Mls L. McKenzie, R.N., of Tor onto, who has been visiting for the past couple of months with Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Woodland, Fifth Avenue East, will sail on the sj. Prince George tomorrow evening for Vancouyer enroute back to Toronto. There were 80 passengers aboard the steamer Prlnce63 Louise, which was In port this morning north bound from Vancouver to Skag way. The list included twenty-five members of the Elks' Lodge from Stockton, California, who are making the round trip. CPJl. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived In port at 9:30 this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 11 ajn. for Skag-way and other Alaska points. Although the tourist season Is now commencing to fall off. there were quite. a low going northpon thl; ship. . - CPU. steamer Prince George. Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port on time at 11:30 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox nnd St?wart wh?nc she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. Mrs. F. J. Calkins, wife of ths general agent in Vancouver for the Chicago. Milwaukee .St. Paul & Pacific Ratlway. aftrr hiving spent teveral days in the city, left on today's train for Jasper Park enroute to Vancouver. She will be met at Longworth by Mr. Calkins, who has been visiting interior points on business. THRIFTY VALUES In Foods Famous For Quality Coffee Nabob 45c per lb TeaNtbob 45c par lb Royal City Peaches Halves 45c 2tj'8, 2 for Ltbby'a Sliced Peaches 24c 2's, per tin Try Our Bulk Ton 35c per lb Wee Creamery Dutter 25c per lb Clams Saanlch Drand 35c 2 for Deeklst Honcy Fancy Jdrs 25c Riverside Peas Nice aha 10c tender, per tin SHEDDON'S Cash & Carry Fifth Ave. i: opposite Hospital Telephone 581 T3ordeA& ST. CHARLES MILK h BORDEN'S mtU I I.C htm laUda1 dairy cam, .MrtwU la Ik laneM Fiatar Rival Vallty. Eary Ma ye bay kelpa l lappart thli laul ladntay. SL CkarUi tnpfUi Milk l Inntaabla I aauawlvai. Whan raa ma H o will M II will fraatly ! Ik tVroat l y caaklai. II Ii Mail f Mpf, om, huh, a-4111, tll, Matrin, ale., at., a nidi ridua I Um lavaf l yw cat a. Ti tin Co. Italia, I Haf An' ialMai, VANCOUVER Ftctafyifetta Sum mW II CT--lVaBaBBjajaBBBBjajja Etna Glasses fitted b registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Football tonight at 6:45 Regi ment vs. Canadian Legion. Big Whoopee Gingham Danes Moose Hall tonight. Admission 50c. 19(5 Mrs. S. H. Hosklns and son of Smithers arrived In the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mr. and Mrs. D, GySchubcrt are sailing tonight on. the Cardena for a vacation trip tit 'Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Capt. R. Steele, local commandant of the Salvation Army, returned to the city on Wednesday after having spent a furlough in Edmonton. W. H. Tobey. C. N. R. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on this afternoon's train from one of his periodical trips to the interior clalUg ameS A; Brown", well known Ecs-tall River sawmyl operator, arrived 'in the city on this afternoon's train from Port Essington, being here on a brief business visit. Miss May Donaldson returned to the city on this afternoon's tram from Port Essington where she has been paying a visit with her mother, Mrs. James A. Drown. Fred Scodeen, Indian, charged with drunkenness, was fined $15 and costs, with option of 14 days' imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc-Clymont In city police court this morning. A charge against George Daynes of conniving to supply liquor to Indians was dismissed in city police court this morning. A charge of false pretences against Baynes is proceeding. Theo. Colla'rt returned to the city on this afternoon's train after accompanying J. Van Ricksdal of Vancouver, Belgian consul-general, as far as Smithers in the course of a tour of this district. Dr. A. S. Lamb, government tuber culosis specialist, in the course of one of his clinical tours of the province, passed through the city on the Prince Oeorge todsTy bound from Ocean Atlls to Anyox. Flight Lieutenant Johnson R. C. A. F. arrived here at noon today from Vancouver aboard one of the Jericho Beach seaplanes, being here to make an inspect t in of the Northern B. C. Airways 'seaplane fol lowing its mishap at the first of this week. Mayne D. Hamilton general superintendent of the Canadian Bank of Commerce for British Columbia, with headquarters In' Vancouver, sailed this afternoon on the Prince Oeorge for Anyox and Stewart In continuation of an official tour through this district. ADVKRTISING COPY . MUST BE IN EARLY Cnnv fnr dUnl.iV nrivrrlKo. ments should be in the hands of the printers not later than 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- cation. This is necessary to on. able best positions to be se- cured. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS v J Eagles' Novelty Dance August 28. Ladles refreshments. Gents. 50 Eagles' Social and Smoker September 10. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. TOLD ABOUT THE ORIENT Continued .from paxe one) workers. Kioto, where the greatest statue of Buddha is located, was for many years the capital of the country, and the emperors are still crowned there. This he found was the best place for tourists to buy. for they could find anything they wanted there. The sacred.deer'were interesting. They were very tame and were fed by tourists. Kobe was the chief port for trade with Canada. It was a ' city of less than nne hundred thousand people but wp.s the port for Osaka a. city of two and three-quarter millions. The 1 .speaker told of the huge merchant marine, which had been rather ov-1 erbuilt with which Japan dominated the Pacific Ocean and which was seen in all the seven seas. China Shanghai Hong Kong and Canton were the places visited In China. Shanghai is the commercial centre of the largest part of the country. with a population of three million people. It is protected by the war vessels of several of the great powers. The British concession was policed by Sikhs who managed the traffic splendidly. Many of the rich Chinese lived in that part of the city In order to enjoy British pro tectlon. but even there they were not always safe from kidnapping. The rich people usually had gunmen with them for protection. The visitor told of the St. Andrew's Day races in which speedy Manchurlanl ponies took part and which was splendidly controlled by the Shang hai Jockey Club. Another Interesting feature of the city was the famous Shanghai Bar, supposed to be the longest in the world where -he saw patrons lined up eight deep awaiting their turn to be served with drinks. The vessel took a police guard be tween Shanghai and Hong Kong jowlnjj to te prevalence 0. pirates 1 m tnose seas. Tnese men were mostly Russians. The city of Hong Kong was a very beautiful place, made so ' the British who converted It from a barren Island to the naval centre for the British fleet. It was a wonderful spot, a tribute to British efficiency and Initiative. Many Chinese had taken residence there iq order to secure British protection. The narrow streets and unsani tary condition of. Canton were told about. The smells were indescribable. Many of the people still lived on boats in the river. Summing up, Mr. Hamilton said he did not see how there could be much Improvement In China without better means of communication. People in different sections of the country could not understand each other's language. Under these conditions it was difficult to secure peace. FRESH KILLED BEEF Pot Roast 75C Sirloin Tip OCTo per lb "VX, Prime Rib Roll 9 Co per lb Rump Roast 20C Round Steak Roast 20C Shoulder Pork HEZn 6 1bs.L ....... Leg of Pork- OXn per lb Shoulder Lamb 4 C0 per lb XOl Leg of Lamb 30C Tll.umb:II si.oo Boneless Cottage Roll O iOKf EJ n 4 to 5 lbs. per lb Corn Beef No less than Cn OK 6 lbs. per lb. Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 Si 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. "I am ordering Shredded Wheat for lunch today" MI don't waste the noon hour trying to read a long" menu. I just say, 'bring , me two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with a bowl of half and half and some ' berries'. It's a nourishing, delicious lunch and keeps me wide awake all the afternoon. The crisp, flav-ory shreds of baked wheat are delicious and I know I am getting all the whole wheat in a digestible form." SHREDDED WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT BACK FROM FAR NORTH Eric Seaiey Here Yesterday After Spending Year at Copper Mine City Eric Seaiey, who has been located at Copper Mine City In the Northwest Territories as wirelesj operator for the past year, and Mrs. Seaiey passed through th city yesterday on their way to Vic torla, sailing In the afternoon ou the steamer Prince Charles. Mr. Seaiey was met at Edmonton by his wife. While here they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ian Fraser. Copper Mint City Is situated close to the Arctic Coast of Canada. It has a population of six whites, the remainder being Eskimos. There Is a heavy airplane traffic there with as many as six planes based at Copper Mine at one time. Some of the planes are engaged In gov ernment survey work and others in the transportation of trappera and mining men. THE MARKET Market prices current today are is follows: Vegetables B. C. New Potatoes, 15 lbs 55 sack ! 1.41 B. C. Beets, bunch, 2 for .15 Parsley, bunch .10 B. C. Celery, head. 15c and 55 Vegetable Marrow, lb .06 Spinach, B. C, lb . .10 Jarllc, imported, per lb .40 Parsnips, 2 bunches ... .15 Qreen Beans, lb.' , 10 Jabbage, green 0 a.C. head lettuce, head ... 10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb 50 Field Tomatoes, lb 15 Oreen Peas, lb .10 ithubarb, outdoor, lb 05 Bunch Turnips, 2 bunches ... . 15 B. C. Cauliflower, hd., 20c and 55 B. C. Bunch Carrots 05 1 Victoria hothouse cucumbers each .... ,15 Hothouse Cucumbers, each .... 45 Hothouse Squash, lb .15 Broad Beans, lb - .05 Oreen Onions, 3 bunches 10 fladlshes, 3 bunches .u. ,10 Onions, 4 lbs. . 55 Apples Oreen Cooking Apples, 4 lbs. .. 55 California Oravenstelns doz. 00c to 1.00 Fruits- Valencia Oranges 20c to .70 Lemons. 8unkist, doz. ...... .40 California Orapcfrult .. .7'ic to .10 Bananas, lb 15 Calif. Seedless Grapes, lb. ...... 55 Morgan Eastman of Vancouver,' district governor of the Rotary Club, arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from the south, accompanied by Mrs. Morgan, and will pay an official visit to the local club this evening. Tomorrow afternoon he will sail on the Prince Henry for Kotchlkan to visit the club there, returning south on the Prince Rupe'-t on Mondav. UMzmwv.mmwam:mimm?LmM:m SAVE By Buying Quality Foods at These Prices Picnic Hams Swift's 9f average 5V4 lbs. per lb aOl Butter No. 1 Alberta 47f i v creamery, 2. lbs Pearl White Soap Made in OCTp B.C, 7 bars Snowdrop Family Flour H(n per 24-lb. sack t VI 135 per 49-Ib. sack Lux For all fine laundering. Buy a supply at this price ORn S hkol aStJl Oinger Snaps Red Arrow, 15c new stocK. per lb Cornflakes Quaker Qp rvr nlrtr v f-- Soup Campbell's Tomato 10c per tin Campbell's, Other Varieties Offn Soup. 2 tins MUX, (Now packed in Canada) Coconut Brittle Fresh and CitZn delicious, per lb Cut O reen Beans Quaker acn choice quality No. 2. 2 Unsi-U Wheatlets Off !5C per 5-lb. cotton wek Campflre Marshmallows Q ET, per 3-lb. tin uuj FRESH VEGETABLES Oolden Bantam Corn l e. nor rim ZOKf f Oreen Beans 7c per lb .r Bunch Beets 5c per bunch Bunch Carrots-pec bunch 4c Outdoor Tomatoes 25c 3 lbs Watts Grocery imioni: 55 PHONE 5G ONE QUALITY THE BEST