THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPEHT - BRITISH COLL'MUIA ' . - Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Thin'. Avenur H. F. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor ft' Daily edition Nice "Snowy" a good tlmi' u suuschirTio.v rates City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, pal.1 in advance, per week ,', .,'.,,.1 By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year . : By mall to all other countries, per year , ,,. , AUVERTISINC. RATES Transient display advertising.-pei men, per Insertion .IlL Classified advertising, ptr Insertion, per word ; Local readers, per insertion, per line , , Legal notices, each insertion per agate line Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters lelepnonr .gj Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 .Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations A CHEERY NOTE Banks are often nnt rhpofni hut inct nnu. tt,A :ood Simw but it , ' tnr tver"huiet w.d tiie Loniiuji ,mo no use Snowv idea of open lie s Ir ipurd at ke (r $5.00 10c .IS Wednesday. Dec, SO. ll A GOOD OPPORTUNITY - - Iw vv uciciuu ainn ment of character. They get us out of the rut which many ! HIGH SPOTS IN MESSAGE First Step Toward Recovery Is U Establish Confidence, Declares President Hoover Following were some of the h!h- , lights of the message recently de- 3 (vj :iiTered to. the United States Congress by President Hoover: SC 00 j 0x11 ,rst stP wward recovery is 9.00 ; to re-eStAbllsh confidence and thus j res Vote the flow of credit which is the very basis of our economic life. i iwuiiuHKwu ui uui Liruib an lure. For the first time in the history of our major economic depressions there has been a notable absence of I public disorders and industrial ifUct. Business depressions have been recurrent in the life of our country and are but transitory. The nation lenee may prove. It has successfully ladiUSted itself to chanvinv Uons In the past. It will do so again, i Bank w quite happy over the condiUon in Great Britain ' In Us December report it says: TCWTU PAD "There has Kpon n - r - v..vum.m viartitK? ill wic tUHC 1)1 III- dustrv and t finance in Great Britain since the suspension of gokl shipments. At a time when falling off in employment and payrolls in the United States, France and Germany, is more than seasonal there has been improvement in the volume of employment in Great Britain. Exports have increased, home consumption of British products has improved, prices have risen, and there has been a gradual accumulation of nM anrl nmtonte ini)iiin. ti IS COMING Free Freight Pilcy Far Brreders llai Been Boan to Central Interior crisis nf rh rlcnruainn -.a . 7 i i The The selecUon selection of of the the ten tenth car-1 r T .. T.r"?! 1111,1 upmntsm nas oe- at bTMi,no anA tt(f kuii ui re-asseri iten ann that hu imnMfi .-p; 1 . . .......... ; r"" or larmers in the central interior"""" ZT i will nfiA wiilbe renected tu the x in movement of trade. jhave been issued, bv the end 0f I p p8 has enabled these stockmen to se cure good type animals at a mini- mum if n v nnnr. rt.a 1 1 1 i cnange in j market price is advantageous to the ; ouyer. Farmers throughout the central interior of British Columbia evidence greater interest in mixed farming than ever before. Curtailment of operation In lumber and mining camps has eliminated a market for hav and Brain pn Invert THE DAILY NEWS Man in the Moon ' It's about timp up wprp settine: our New Year lesolutlons ready. J Mike ihem; strong thiaear so! . Uaere'bfWore to il when they are! . DroKcn. I am resolved That I will try To chase the stars Away on high: But if t Chanee To go below, Some fRfhd wtil say "I told you so." Eve. Frank Hill. It. Lavery. Dr. O . . . , R. Learoyd and Sam Service The other day I ventured A a bet of two dollars on what I thought has emerged from each .v of them iiivui ; : was a sure niic thing. iuin. 1 I placed IHaCCU I Offers the best values in town Specials for Wednesday & Thursday Eggs Freeh extras ucotis, in cartotis, doc. llacon, sliced breakiast teilo-wrapt, per lb Cream of Wheat per plcg Quaker Quick Oats in most serious of t:ie British lVictory Blend Coff - aspect "cym me mi iii?n situation MiuitklUIl has nas j MWlover twl two lw hundred .iiuiurca and ana seventy- seventy- leen unemployment. By December, 19bM), the unemployed ;flTehdof cattle suitable for foun-numbered 1600.000 and hv the and nf CaniA.nknM ir.91 4u!Won tock will have been distri- L, ' faaa via , ri, fcllV peak, they numbered 2,826.000. By November 16 this total had .fallen by 177.000 and this fall had taken place at a iiiuuiciu nen unenvueyment in other countries was increasing rapidly anu at a time i.f vear when normally it would tend to increase iu Great Britain. It is the contrast between the trend in Great Britain and that in other I'uumnes wel, uu-asures t!:c intlueiK-e nf tho bnted to forty fanners in the dis irtct lying between McBride and Tbpley. The Dominion Oovemmtnt Free Freight Policy on breeding heifers! Chlnaware pkg. per Dg. Brunswick Sardines 2 tins Alberta Butter ptr lb. Thrift Blend Tea per lb. iRowntrees Cocoa 4's per tin Bartlett Pears, Royal CHy 2's. 2 tins y the farmer In the past. This has Clark's Pork it Beans .osuiiea in me rarmer turning his! No. 2 squat tins, per tin uienuon io livestock and market- r-i. ng his feeds on the export market I I hnff CKh Rr C'Wrv 1 111 111 X dll in a more concentrated form. I " y A large number of farmers! "CAItltv AND SAVF." throughout the central interior of 201 Third AveA Few Doors Do-,i B.C. have signified their intention From Moose Hall Phone K to avail themselves of the Bull ,uni.nsinraraxkrniutainiii "'""n ruuey oi me uominion Government. In securing high qual-1 ny sires ror me Improvement of: meir nerds and market, stock. It Is. anticipated that a dozen or morevdf UheteAjulls will be required this coming season and will be pur- rnnsed If suitable stock can be ob-1 talned at Kamloops Bull Sale from : B.C. breeders. j j The Agricultural Department of1 I the Canadian National Railways Is! co-operating with District Agri-I culturalists In assisting the farmers In the cental interior In !smb- i i ling ordrrs under both policies men-! , tioned atove. j Sliced Pineapple Del Monte, No. 2 tins, per tin Quaker Corn per tin Z Fels Naptha Soap per bar Jlf Sud In a Jiffy per pkg Aunt Jemima Pantake Flour, per pkg Waffle Syrup Quart tins per tin Radio Tubes Tested With the Jewell Tube Tester McRAE BROS., LTD. 33c 2lc 20c 24c 9c 25c 8c 22c 34c 22c 35 c 23c 10c 7c 16c 15c 43c 8c Canadian Legion At Anyox Elects II. Varnes Xaiurd President Wy Veterans of Smeller Town For Coining Year ANYOX, Dec. Mr The Anyox branch of the Canadian Legion has fleeted officers far the ensuing year as follow: President. J. i, H Vames. First vice-president W. Boyce. Second vtee-pitsMent, F. C. Gra ham. i l Honorary recretanr. A. D. Stew- .III??1,!? " U, n'S MC,al! Honorary treasurer P Powell. ? n aeconUn Sergcant-at-anas. P Lamont. to n the ability to nla Contract m. , .s ..i.u , j vuapinm. ipt. r. v. n.usiniriu. Ullage, j i-ie ir nw...w..i ,,a r t Jake says If. a bad habit to eon-, tlT(. c. 0. Frlf k.r w. F Rftd niuiciinui McLennan of W. E Fisher li on UUI- with increased strength and viriHty. 1 tertson, and now I'm beginning to 'w -ftte Ued yesttralay afte. - u If the ac world mmu is is to 10 regain regain its iw stand- svana- wonder wonaer how now I I'm m goto going to raise the I,QDn cn llt uaiaia ror a trip to . i The present is an excellent opportunity for those whoiard,of Hfe Umutlnrthrrdecreas'!lW0'fJwt ,f 1 hate to WOUlll like to Lake a hnnrl in tho nrlmfnictU, u e 001,1 t1 other, arms. , fairs. At least one of the aldermen will not be offering for i.'STT,' A!ner,ea,J' .lh!.,Hlshe,t Jhere one thJn about ,Wn to' ie-election ,.o nUfinn and onrl tuOTO there : ' i,' the Y -tn-i I0,r contribution to world sUbllity. Prince Rupert we did not have to; is always possibility that the el- The continuing credit paraiy.u tip the postman thb ctirbtoai eciors migflt like to make Other Changes. At any rate the h" operated to accentuate the de- There are alwaya advantage. : best thing for those who are dissatisfied is to offer for ti&tlon and JMidation of commo-: I election.' dltles, real estate, and eecuritles be-; He was wondering what heM buv ; Undoubtedly the coming Year will be a difficult nnp mrl ,ow any reaonab,e ba5ls of wiue.;for her so the saleslady, aottog hn it is to ho hnnprl th.M 2f ? m We must nave nsltent and de-' dilemma, stepped cheerily up and term,npd R'ductlon government. inquired: "Crndd I inteSt you in win men will be re-elected, because they understand the situ- expenses. ,a bathing m? The answaVcnme ation and doubtless Will be prepared to take such Steps as w must face a temporary ln-i quickly: "You certamlv would." may be neceasaiT to meet it Thev are certainlv eiyA nf c in taxes. the seriousness of the crisis through which the citv is w must irttenJr "nance the ; passing. 4 deficit by borrowing. ... I recommend that an emer-! . jgency reconstruction corporation A PERIOD OF CRISES the nature of the War Finance Corporation should be established. This is a period of crises. Almost every businessman : Td V .uhder ay8tem ls finds hiniseff K h0-y the extent of bank meeting a crisis. With a few it has been fatal. Others are finding the : going difficult, but most i am opposed to any direct or m- l Uiei5Iw?11 Come safeIv through although in doing SO dlrt government dole. they will find that they have had to readjust their affairs , 1 am oppowd to any general con-very considerably. . gressorial revision of the tariff. ifiese crises are often verv hpnPfiVinl fn t,a Ainn.-: 11 woum prolong the depres- v..w,.v.uo nuiii lui iiirjiiiei vt-s ;imi iiiil m wnipn . C. Ji. R. TRAIN'S Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 3 p.m. Tuesdays. Tliursdays and Saturdays io a.m. tu-KJt!BllaT?K!rCr.anVU?ftlBlH BE THRIFTY If our economic svstem doe., not: c uaja ui xniauer in- nutcn match nnr our hihet a expectations n i at i Conle.9 slend yur dol'ar it tobk such a period as the present to pry them. The crises 0,1 t,m". it does not require revo-! where it buys most .we unjjieasani OUl tney are beneficial. imionarv action to bring it into ac-irpi ,f n J o n - ! Icord cord with with anv anv neressltv necessity that that error. mr.l I nflfr I ncn Xr t ir ! ! A US U L VUOII UL CLl 1 J , Vancouver and Victoria. US L-iru 1 XT 1 E SB The Accepted Wine for CHRISTMAS DINNERS PARTIES PUNCHES nrrtar of full fl- iialWe THE lajtanbrrriea . . . rriialinl in the xinr irmr of llir tiniMrm' Wine Company and (trtl in tha-wtMMl for llirw vran. l-oirana and Vin Siiprrme ujr piquant Loganlterry Wliira MKAin an IrrraialiM flat or ' uiiMirpaaard a dinnrr wlnra. .41 Gorrnmrnt ijquor Slorei OROU ERS WINK COMPANY LTD. J?. V 1 X. 1 tsmnm mmm . 91t rv4lvMl hm (me pHitrK. 9me ftmrmr- Wednesday, December 3o M if! a . . aSbyatf aV I U m bbbbbD m m t rMVaaan ewspapers I nvestment Bead vhat leading Canadian newspapers, through their editoriuls, say nlwut Life Insurance : "It is one of the great hiulnrsHen of the worlil". The Halifax Chrwitlt. , - Trie Roundest method of saving money, afler all. SL Tliomat Timex-Jourial MAI1 investment roals are leading to life Insurance'. Gall Ettninq Iltporlrr. MAn outstanding feature of the present depression Is the record made by lifts Insurance". Muote Jaw Tinw Herald. i 'Has stood all the tests". Port Artiw Newt Clmnkk. Thinking men . . . create an estate Mltli the aid of life Insurance and then nay for it out of their income". Toronto Mail 4 hmpire. 'Is making a powerful contribution to human happiness". Peterborough Examiner. In fact, the best safeguard against poverty". Montreal La Palrie. "Is on a scientific basis built on a sound foundation". Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. "Wie men protect their huinc interests by J Imiirini 1 their llc".-Cwiiij'.Mrrcurj'. "Has made giant strides In popularity and Influence In Canada". Toronto Globe. "It is established on a firm economic basts". SL John Evening Tunn-Globe. "Has become a service that is being Increasingly annre-daled". Montreal La Preue. 11 "Makes for security, promotes independence and credit". Oltatn Journal , s "A sure means of .saving ni lnMtln money at good return". A wyifofi 11 hig-Standard. "A necessary investment, not an eipcnditurc. In every well-regulated family". Otren Sound Sun-Times. i Life Insurance Service One of a series of meses ipentored hy ( Lift Inturantt Companies. This advertisement Is not publisned or displayed by tu j., Control Board or by tiie Kovemment of Hritiah Columbia