PACT? POtJR. nrtr daily ntwh News of the Sport World THE SPIRIT OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP'' TORONTO IS Two Husky Centres BASKETBALL TO 17 r J FURTHER UPi LAST NIGHT Increases Hockey Leadership Byi Intermediate League Match Was Blanking New York Tidbit of Evening's Hoop Americans j Program NEW YORK, Dec. 30: Toronto Maple Leafs increased their lead in the international section of the National Hockey League to three points by defeating New York Am' ( ericans five to nil here last night. The Chicago Black Hawks and Boston Braves played, a three-all overtime draw at Boston and remained deadlocked for second place in the Ameriean section. Montreal Maroons defeated De-1 troit Falcons four to two at Mon-1 treal and crept up to within two '. points of the third place New York j Americans in the international ! section. I SPORT CHAT The 1932 British thoroughbred racing schedule, just ratified by the English Jockey Club, reveals Britons are to treated to a full week of flat racing more than ever before allotted. The season will open March 14 at Lincolnshire and close at Manchester on November 26. Dates of the classics follow: Two Thousand Guineas, one mile, Newmarket, April 27; One Thousand Guineas, one mile, Newmarket, April 29; The Derby, one mile and a half, Epsom Downs, June 1; The Oaks, one mile and a half, Epsom Downs, June 3; St. Leger, one mile, six furlongs and 143 yards, Don-caster, September 7. Other stakes in which Canadians are particularly interested will be run on the following dates: Orand National Steeplechase, four miles, 856 yards (Liverpool) Mar. 1; Gold Cup, two and a half miles (Ascot) June 16; Cesarewitch Stakes, two miles and a quarter. Newmaket) October 12; Cambridgeshire Stakes, one mile and a furlong (Newmarket), October 26. . A girl's forehead provided the tee recently in a freak golf challenge match at the Thames Ditton and Esher Club, Surrey. England, between Oeorge Ashdown a young professional, and C. Mansell. One of the conditions was that Mr. Ash-down should tee up at every hole on a girl' forehead, and so Miss Ena Shaw, a young North London nurse, agreed to be used as a "teeing ground.- At every hole Miss Shaw, who had a tee-peg fastened to her forehead by an elastic band, reclined on the ground and did not appear to be In the least nervous when Mr. Ashdown played the stroke. The professional, who conceded one stroke at each hole to Mr. Mansell, hit some splendid shots from his. unusual tee and won the match in comfortable style by seven up and five to play. Basketball follows the football season, and this Is apparently position one, page three, as per Illustrated booklet. These two are centre and six feet three inches high, which gives them the edge TWO PERFECT BRIDGE HANDS IN ESQUIMALT . .. ,., ..-TTV- VICTORIA, Dec. 30: there was considerable excitement at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Elston here a few nights ago when two perfect hands were dealt, one in diamonds and the other In spades. The dealer bid seven diamonds, the next player went seven hearts and the fourth player seven spades, the third having passed. Hockey -Standings International Division W. D. L. P. Toronto . 8 4 6 20 Canadlens T 3 7 17 Americans 5 8 15 Maroons 5 i 3 9 13 American Division . W. D. L. P. Rangers 11 4 2 26 Chicago .6 6 6 16 Boston 6 4 5 16 Detroit 5 " 3 9 13 Try a Daily News ant-ad. . KEEP Basketball Standing Senior League W. L. Pts, Panthers 5 4 C. N. R. A 5..... 5 5 32 Taxi 4 5 Ladies' Leagne W. L. Amazons 9' 1 Cardinals ...4 5 ComeU ...1.....: 1 8 Junior League W. L. HENNESSY BRANDY HANDY BOTTLED IN COG N A C , F RAN C E IS 10 10 8 Intermediate League W. L. PtS High School 6 3 12 Merchants 4 5 8 Tuxis i 4 6 8 League of Nations .5 2 fBoy ScfrflU" 5 2 Japanese 3 4 Rovers 1 6 Pts This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of llrltlah Coftrmbla, 8 2 Pts 10 10 6 2 ' CNil. steamer Prince Rupert, Oapt. D. Donald, arrived in port at 1 o'clock noos today from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'cock tills afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence sfie, wtt return here to- i morrow evening southbound. Merchants Win CYK, Had Easy Victory Over 32 Taxi In Sealer Match Taxi In Senior Match Senior League ONJ. 49; 33 Taxi, 22. Intermediate League Merchant1! 27: TuxU. 31. Ladles League Amazons, lfc Comets 2. Junior League Jap&nese 22; Boy Scouts, 4. A fair sized crowd witnessed a varied class of basketball in the regular league series last nigh. The scouts and the Japanese stu dents started the evening with n good clean Junior exhibition cf basketball resulting in the Japanese students finding themselve nn the top of a 22-4 score. The Intermediate game was probably the best game of the evening. The Merchants defeating Ui Tuxls in a well fought battle 27-21. In the Ladies' game the Amazons again defeated the Comets 10-2. The Seniors started with the prorpcts of' making a fast and interesting game but it ended up by becoming a "light work-out" for C.N.R. At full time the Taxi men found themselves at the bottom rf a 4922 score. Intermediate Game The Intermediate game started with a great deal of spirit and pep on both sides but very little team play. The boys got warmed Up eventually and Nakamato started j the scoring for Tuxls but Dlntwe'.I (soon followed for the Merchants making everything even. In the rest of the first half the Merchants missed a great deal of their shots but managed to ring enough to give them a 1M lead in first half. The Tuxls had a good combination but could not work in far enough for a cinch shot due to the heavy checking of the Merchants' guards. , The second half started with Thurber swing two nice baskets ror the Tuxls. brinelne both teams ven. For the greater part of thu half It was a good game with never more than two points of difference, However. In the last few minutes, the Tuxls guards got careless and let Dlngwell have three open shots which he converted Into points. The Merchants held this lead for the remainder of the game. For the Merchants. Dlngwell and McNultv nlaved hanl whilst the Tuxls were best served by J. Morrison and Thurber. Individual Scorlnr Tuxls R. Morrison: J. Marrhnn 7; Nakamoto 4; Smith; Thurber 9: Moxley. . Merchants Comadlna: CurriP-' McNulty. 6; Dlngwell 13; Pierce 8. Junior Game The Japanese Btudents. who for sometime have been In the cellar let loone on the Scouts In one of ine best Junior games this yee.r. The Students' combination was good and it easily outclassed thi Scouts whq are usually In better form. The Japanese played a combination as well as the Intermedl ate teams. Combination combined with accurate shooting cannot bet beat as was easily demonstrated in ineu 22-4 victory. All the players were wnrklntr well for the Japanese but for the ocouis santerbane was the only one who seemed to be working Individual Score flcouts Wilson 2; Mlllef; San-turbane2: Smith: Vieleck. Japanese Students-Suehlro; Ob-j atolSl "J Nakamoto; Kanaya 10; KlshTmoto 4". ladles' League Despite the fact that E. Morm and C. McLeod were transferred to the Comets hi exchange for N Ourvlch, the Amazons still proved v . by,igci tvaill. ACHIli WUiK gave the Amazons the lead In this game while the Comets still seem a little shaky In the handling of the ball. There were a few flashes of good basketball In this game Wat Government Jiquor Stores Or direct from "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control Board Victoria, K.C. U98 Comets E. Steen; P. Harvey 2: . Morris; B. Jack; C. McLeod. I Senior Game j Ra tcli ford and Wrathall worked well In first few minutes giving' 32' a lead of four points. But not fori long for CJJ.U. soon hit their itrlde and in first ten minutes of; play the score stood 7-5 In their favor. The first hilf was rathtr low but close, making It Iterating for the spectators. In the second half the Railway boys ran loose and In the first few seconds Styles and Smith scored eight points. From then on the C. N. R. started to click together and soon piled up a big score. Their sTiTiTiTiTiTiTiTiTiTiTH I ST" W ftW m BiiiiiKBiiH RYE WH combination and Jump-off plays completely baffled the Taxi boys who soon loot heart and resorted to long shots, The 37 players should forget about taking these useless shots for ihv took fifty without making a solitary point. They also lost possession of the bail and the Railway boys worked It under their basket with short passes to make every shot count. Long shooting and long pasting can not stand up to real combination as the 49-22 score easily shows. For C. N. R.,alJ the players worked as a team but for the 32. Ratch-ford was the only one who fought hard. Individual scores: 32 TaxU-D. Stalker. E. Ratchford 8. 8. Ourvlch, Wrathall 13, Me-Nulty. Currle. C. N. R. A.-Styles U3. Smith IMPERIAL QUARTS IB OZ. ISKY Tills adverlisineuL u not published or displayed u ile Llum i.,n.i .i L, ... . , uoverniiient nf British Columbia hich resulted In netting the Am- izons 10 and the Comets 26. Individual Scores Amazon 3. Boddle 4; N. Our- vlch; Prltehard 4; Ritchie: C. Morgan 2. SI i. B. Stalker '6. W Join. i. '0. D. Morrison '3t. Nelson The refereemg was In the able hands of W. Johnson. D M r-rLon and B. Mitchell. BASKETBALL January S Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. High School vs. Merchants Cardinals vs. Comets. Rovers vs. Scouts. January 8 Panthers vs. CN. R. Tuxi vs. High School. Amasoas vs. Cardinals. League of Nations vs. Japancc January 13 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. Tush vs. Merchants. OAmets ft. 'Amaaon. Rorefa vs. Japanese Ass'n. Promise Yourself To be strong, that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything, and so make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, and to expect only the best. To be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you arc about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and to press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of ; yourself that you haVc no time to criticize others. To)be loo big for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.