ft We are Agents SAPFS ftY Van CHOCOLATES Always Ormes ltd. vionccr Drtu&ists THE KEXALL STOKE Phones 81 and 82 Third Avcand Fulton St. PATHPHRAI ! XMAS TREE Over 150 Children at Enjoyable Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon The Sunday School of St. Andrew' Anglican Cathedral had its annual Christmas Tree entertainment yesterday afternoon in the social, hall of the Cathedral. There wore about 160 children In attendance and all had a very delightful time. The proceedings started at 4 p.m. with the serving of games until supper was served after which a program was presented by the children followed by a visit from Santa Claim who distributed gifts, candy, etc. to all the children. Dean Gibson acted as chairman for the program which was as fol lows: Piano solo, Ruth Nelson. Vocal solo. Jimmy Taylor. Piano solo. Maureen Kilpatrick Recitation. Margaret Smith. Piano solo. Mary belle Stiles. Vocal solo. Betty Ellison. Piano solo. Norma Smith. Vocal duet. Edna McLean and Roslc Cox. ReciUtion. Doris Leach. Piano solo. Jean McLean. Vcal solo. Bobby Long. Piano solo. Edith Smith Vocal solo. Noma Blackhall. Vocal solo. Mabel Leach. Vocal solo. Alice Hunter In charge of the entertainment were Mrs. C. W. Homer. Mrs. W. J Greer. Mrs. J. B. Gibson, Miss Winnie Turker. Miss Eleanor Moxley, Mis Eileen Gibson. Leslie Amor and Jack Jeans (Santa Ctaus). Mrs. Charles Taylor, who ha been paying a Visit of several months to her native home near Glasgow. Scotland, returned to tin city on the Prince Rupert this morning, having returned via Vancouver. in MUSSALLEM'S Sanitary MEAT MARKET A. to We Wish Our Many Patrons A Happy and Prosperous icv i car Wc have a Fresh Supply of Geese lor New Year 9n per lb - Roasting Chicken 32C iu. Sirloin Tips qf Beef 20C of he Sirloin Roast of Beef ORp per lb T-Bone Roast Beef iOj per lb Legs of Pork "IfiC at per lb ..I. Shoulders of Pork 15C per lb i Loins of Pork 20C per lb. Pork Chops 25C Legs of Veal 25 C per lb. II. 8houlders of Veal 10U Op per lb. Pork Sausage 35C Fifth Avenue Phones 18 and 81 by Appointment for couver- Fresh District News STEWART Neither low price of metals or inclement weather dampened the Christmas spirit of Stewart people and Yulettde was celebrated here in an enthusiastic manner. Across Fifth Street were strung festoon after festoon of red, blue and white lights and at the corner of Fifth and Columbia Streets an enormous Christmas tree was erected due to the initiative of W. J. Crawford. The holiday was, indeed, a memorable one. In a letter written to the local 'married men's unemployment as-jsociatlon. Hon. R. W. Bruhn, Min ister oi public works, holds out the hope that, before long, the necessary arrangements will have been made for a resumption of relief work. 1 Duncan Cameron of the Stewart public school teaching staff left last week for Vancouver where he ni nnH ti. nhri.tm.. by me ln W?dt P6"0"- Year Year holiday holiday season. season. Raymond LaMarch, who is engaged in trapping on the east shore of Portland Canal between Stewart and Maple Bay, paid a visit to town last week for the purpose of marketing a quantity of mink pelts. VANDERH00F The outstanding bright feature of the closing year tn the Nechako district was the bumper crop which farmers of the district had as a reward for their labors. Apart from that, the year was by no means a sensational one. There was a special service of Christmas musk at evening service the local United Church on Sun- lay, both United and Anglican Churches combining efforts for the occasion with Rev. R. Q. Dunbar ind Rev. B. S. Prockter as Joint clergymen. Among those contri buting to the program, in addition the choir, were R. H. Meore, Mrs. O. Birch, Mrs. Oeorge Ogaton, A. 8tO. W. Brain and Mrs. Stephen Holmes. John D. Charleson has been ap pointed auditor for the village of Vanderhoof by the board of village commissioners. Hon. R. W. Bruhn, provincial minister of public works, has advised the local board of trade that hopes for an early resumption road construction work to give emplyment to at least the most needy cases. Miss E. Arland spent Christmas Smlthers as the guest of Rev. and Mrs. David Donaldson. I Oordon HalL, principal .of Port! Fraser Superior School, .wa,s the: suest over Christmas here gf Mr(. and Mrs. Fret! '6V Cook." Mr. snd Mrt. Lloyd Woods of Qullford are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Bettis in the Mud River district Mrs. Bettis is Mrs. Woods' mother. Col. Andros Is visltlnp here as the; guest of Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Taylor, i Ms R M Taylor nnd Mr. and Mis. J II Andros. i Local Items Come to the Gyro's Turkey Shoot Jan, 1, 19322 to 8 pjn. tf Hogmanay, Scotch Dance in I.O. D.E. IIaU" Thursday, Dec. 31 al 8:30 p.m. Refreshments. Gents.. 75c ladies 50c P. King of Inverness cannery Is paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived from. the Interior on yesterday's train. Mrs. W. Hagen of Copper City arrived Jn the city on yesterday's train from the interior for a brief business visit to town. Alberta Sootless Eric, $11.00; Tclkwa Lump, $12.50; Nanaimo-Wrllington Lump, $13.50. lib Alberta & McCaffery, 117. Miss Betty Arney of the Dominion Fisheries office, who has been spending a holiday visiting Van - .uuver, remmea 10 me my irom urc suuwi on ine trince Kupert this morning. In the social section- of a recent Vancouver Sunday Province ap- THE DAILY NEWS lne,Ve i fcr Burns. Scalds. 8 lies. oias, snapped snin. Cuis, Bruises, etc. " MAD I IN CAHAOA Ulasscs fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. A charge of vagrancy agilnst Pat Clinton was dismissed by Ma glstrate McC.ymont In city police court yesterday afternoon. W. E. Drake, manager of the io-cal branch of Edward Llpsett Ltd., relumed w tne city on trie n. ;prlnce Rupert this morning after Upending a holiday in Vancouver. Kenneth McCannel, who has been residing in Prlnee Rupert during the past six months, is spending the holidays here as the Mr. and Mrs. W. L Ccates have taken up residence in the Waldron Apartments Mr. Coates, who arrived recently from Juneau, is the new general agent here for ths Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Ball In the sum of $2,000 was allowed by Magistrate McCIvmont in city police court yesterday afternoon in the case of William Murray, who Is charged with at tempting to break and enter Watt'i Grocery store early Monday morn Murphy of Prince Rupert who is at 7 ,7 '"""'"' . nr:; . ? """f'iCannel.-Vancouver Province. her parents, Major and Mrs. H. B. King. Miss Katherine Reld, who spent the past four months in Prince George and is now visiting hei parents in Ntw Westminster for the holiday season, has Issued cards of invitation to an at home on Tuesday afternoon. Vancouver Province. Any one who omitted sending a Christmas Present and Is now anx ious to remember a friend at New' Yer. drop in at the Cut-Rate Shoe Start. A good assortment of seasons hb rnntwoar .. uilfahla fnr WU.VUW.W IU1 such nrro.iro. anA , ,i ".v fv - c ' the lowest in the city. 302' NOTICE On and after this date, I will not "BUSH'S be responsible for any DurchaseiiMonday' January by the Sec made for my account, unless dc- rkA i wrmen oraer, or CARL JOHNSON December 14th. 1931. Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot ti Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PLK BAY AND UP 3. Zarelll Telephone tl Wah Soon and Slgmund Delzed-vald. city: W. Oarland. North Bat-Ueford: Chan Jon, Takla Landing; J. Davidson, Inverness: Lee Jeng Haselton. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. I'RUnilOMME. Trop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts Thomas H. Bubb. Tucks Inlet; S 8rvice, Anyox; John H. Eassie Cloyah. Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk rhone Red 608 D03IINION DAIRY Prince Rupert ' DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating th,ree Dry Docks Total Capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining-Machinery Itrpaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting L'lertrlc and Acetylene Welding SO-tnn Derrick for Heavy Lifts lng. On account of ine first Friday in . . ' T 1 I f. - - .wn.un, inuary being uciiib New w Yetrs iKirs uay, Day. the Annnil .K- r.1 1 .c wnamucr UJ vuiiiiticiuc win uu iitriu uii tfuiiuary 8th. Nomlnatiorjferl832 officers ana memoers ofj the Executive will be received up"to and Including Trial of Murray Clifton, Matthew Leighton. IJohnnjr Auckland. Oeonre Poall ihrl 'Jfsnnpth Pnu-S'l l all Indians, on assault charges rc-j suiting from a melee at Cow Bay ; during the Christmas week-end. is proceeding before Magistrate Mc-jClymont in cltypoBce court thu ! afternoon. Mrs: F. W. Allen returned to the city on the Prince Rupert th.s morning irom Vancouver where she was called recently on account of the condition of her husband who was seriously injured in a recent automobile collision In Vancouver. Mr. Allen, while not out of danger yet, has a good chance of recovering, It is now stated. Capt H. E. Nedden has taken over command of the steamer Prince Rupert, which is ln port today, ln place of Capt. Dan -Donald, who Is now on holidays. Capt. Dan McKlnnon. regularly master of the Prince Charles, is now chief officer on the Prince Rupert. Arnold Evans is relieving J. A. Crawford for one trip as purser and Miss Johnson has taken over the duties of stewardess on the vessel. Announcements Hogmanay dance I.O.D.E. Hall December 31. II II Oyro's Turkey Shoot, Jan. 1 1932. Eagles' Social Dance January '8. OenUemen SOp. Ladlet -refresh ments, , ' Presbyterian Bums Banqiiet January 25. TENDUKS INVITED Tenders are invued lit writing for removing two Commissary Buildings from their present site on our property, the ground tn.be left In a clcftimnrt tld,yiq()jJjn on completion of removal." Further details are to be had at our office, and' tenders to be submitted not later than noon December 31st, 1931, to this offjee in sealed envelopes marked "Tender for removal of Buildings." Best or any tender not necessarily accepted. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK. 302) Have a good, time and brln home the Turkey.. t! - Leif. Erlckson Xmas Tree tonight at 8:30, Mejropole Hall Admission 50c. Everybody welcome. 302 Mrf,.iR,iJi-Upnnwsyj oJ-.Bm.ltbers is paying', bjief ;,jrLstt,V. the city, having arrived on yesterday'strali: from the interior. Come and enjoy yourself at the Moose Legion dance New Year's Eve. Scotch, Scandinavian and Canadian dances. Five hours of fun for 50c. Legionalres wear your re-1 gallla. 302 : i .i '.-II , . , . B. Cornish, member i of the staff of one of the local banks, sailed on j the Catala yesterday afternoon for , Vancouver enroute to his home ln Nelson, having received WQrd of bereavement in his family there. Bishop and Mrs. O. A. Rlx have: assumed residence In the new Bishop's Lodge on Fourth Avenue West, official home of the Bishop of Caledonia, construction -A which was recently completed by the contractor, W. J. Greer. NOTlCt Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and eel your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580. rf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Four room cottage. Ninth Avenue East. Official Administrator, t.f Grocerteria Stock Up at These Prices Sugar B.C. Granulated 50c 10 lbs. for Blue Ribbon Tea 40c per lb. ' Christies' Sodas 15c per pkg. White Beans-- per lb. 1 Vy I TaT .1 J iGgssa nestle s ! Rgfl Milk 8 S-b I Talis n pAPORATtrD pgr, ; lit IMlUfJ aiby Op can Nabob Plum Jam A fin 4-lb. tin " dl rm ASM PK. :. Bulk Cocoa Zn 1 per lb , Nabob Tomatoes f per tin XUC Campbell's Tomato Soup OETo 3 Una Bush's Grocerteria WE DELIVER Telephone 311 I Rupert MotGrs i Dodge & Plymouth : Dealers jon Phone 566 We specialize ln complete overhaul jobs and all kinds of automobile repair work Night Calls: 161 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRANT) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City WINTER SAILINGS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver, calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. 10.00 p.m, Thurtday For Anyox and Stewart 4.00 p.m. Wedneadayi Fortnightly service to Queen Charlotte Islands. Particulars on request. TRAIN SERVICE Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3.00 p.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg Mid points East. F inormalim call H. McEWEN. D I. V P.A. Prince Ruptrt. B.C. Canadian UNION STEAMSHIPS PAGE THREE SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARES EHrctive November 1st (Owl to February 28. 193J. REDUCED FIItST-CLASS RETURN FARES. From PRINCE RUPERT (Including Meui and Bertn) To Vancouver mid Victoria SIO.00 rrt. TO PRINCE RUPERT I Including Unb and Berth) From OCEAN FALLS 212t ret. From ANYOX 113.36 rft Frcm STEWART S 16.70 ret. SU-amerx leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 pm. IBS. CATALA.) EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT (S.8. CARDENA.) Full. Information, reservation and ticket from R. M. SMITH. Prince Rupert Agrnrjr. KmuikI Avenue. Plume .Vi J. H. Horton of tne Canadian Natioral Express Co. here returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. O. P. i.yons of the Canadian Fish.! tt Cold Storage Co. office staff,1 who has been on a holiday trip t J Vancouver, returned to the city from the touch on the Prince Ru pert this morning. Max Larkln of the Government Telegraphs staff, who has been spending a holiday visiting, in Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. O. W. Laidler, accountant of .W. II. Malkln Co. Ltd., who lus been spending a vacation visiting in Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on thePrln:e Ru pert this mornlntr. Mrs. Laidler will be back later. C. P. R. steamer Princes Mary. Capt. S. K. Gray, taking the place of the Princess Norah for one voyage, is due in port at 5 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver via Ocean Falls and will sail about an hour later for Skagway and other Alaskan potntc whence she is due here next Sunday afternoon south bound. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert December 30, 1911 Twenty-five men are employed clearing a road and packing sev enty tons of drilling machinery in to the interior of Oraham Island for the Oraham Island Timber & Coal Co. The equipment has al ready been hauled a distance of eight miles in from the beach but there Is still ten miles to go. It is hoped that the drill will be at work early ln the New Year. Men have started work clearing the site on Second Avenue for a new land registry building which will be put up on the same ground as that occupied by the office which was recently burned down. The wedding took place recently at the Baptist Church Manse, Rev. W. H. McLeod officiating, of Miss Sophie Haudenschild and Thomas Balllnger, a well known local young 'couple. After the ceremony a jolly reception was held at the residence Seventh Avenue which will be. occupied, by the popular bridc.and groom. The groom is a member of the staff of George D. Tlte's furniture store. . kRy iT-vovru. l .... YORK ;vz&TT1r2Ho itttLT: '.pr 1 T. .TT?ar swam rr.mlr . : or whit local gmt or V-IOT National FISHERMEN HAVE POLL (Continued from vxe one) pert, Seattle and Ketchikan were as follows: . Shall P. R. Branch Be Closed'? Yet No Seattle 105 43 . Ketchikan 35 19 Prince Rupert 4 19 148 8G Shall U tics Be Increased? Yet No Seattle 35 118 Ketchikan ..... .... 5 53 Prince Rupert 6 15 40 180 Shall Agent's Salary Be Reduced? Yet No Seattle 117 . 37 Ketchikan 11 Prince Rupert 22 1 183 . , 43 Shall Ieetincs Convene at 2 VM.1 Yet No Seattle 80 CO Ketchikan C 51 , Prince Rupert 18 , 80 129 Seattle Atcnt ' Set.Ket.PJl. Ttly Orottle 82 28 12 120 Kroperberg: ... 71' 20 5 05 Sathcr 10 11 1 22 Ketchikan Agent Kjorvleh 45 3 0 48 Myrland 34 1 2 37 Olsen 81 55 18 154. Prince Rupert Agent , Larr?n 55 20 4 79 Morrison 68 28 19 115 Pioneer Resident Of Vancouver Dies Donald Roderick McLennan Passed Away Suddenly in Southern . City at Age of 71 VANCOUVER. Dec. 30: Donald. Roderick McLennan, aged 74, plo neer resident of Vancouver, died suddenly on Monday. The following Is the scale of chanres made for reading untices: Marriaire at.d KiiKauemeot announcement $2. Birth Notices 60c. . Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanh. 12. Funeral Flu its 10c per name. . WERAVOU rHOCOUATE "