iy Page 6 | | and Look’ over . . our GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS They are of the very best quality and the prices are very reason- able. Ormes, Limited Two Phones 82 & 200 At Y our Service Notice to Merchants, Contractors, Transfermen and Others. You are requested to render all accounts owing to you by the City, up to date on Dec, 15th to the CITY PURCHASING AGENT. $1,600 A MINUTE The insurance companies of America jay out to their poterneiters and seneficiarics during year ab average of about $1,600 per minute ‘or every working hour during the year. The amount of good accomplished by the life companies is incalculable. romes have en saved from. the nortgagee; widows delivered from ives of slavish toil; sons and daugh- ters have been educated and made yseful and influential citizens. Tile’s large mosh of fancy goods and toys opened up and at your service, tf ;. We don’t cobble shoes at Simp- The Jie ie. by aa atte }son’s—we repair them. Corner yrove * uality | wee : years of over increasing usefulness. | Fifth and McBride. tf yur insurances amount to over— ! e ¢« . $150,000,000. is YOUR home protected? THE MUTUAL LIFE 20 per cent discount on all wall- papers. We have to make room joer new stock. A. W. Edge Co. Uf Benefit dance in St. Andrew's Limited, Agents ’ Phone it - 3rd Avenue Mi. Mi. Step hens Notary Peblic $7,000.00 on easy terms, buys two of the best lots on Third Ave., Lots 419 and 20, Block 18, Section 1. —_ lor the home fireside; the com- | fort of an easy chair and rocker. aes store for holiday dis- — counts, tf 4) —— WestholmeLunch MAY. BILLINGS, Prop. . 50c Special Menu 50c ¥ ED ESDAY, DEC. 17 Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 7 Soup. Vegetable Fried or Boiled Salmon Fried or Boiled Halibut Black Cod Boiled. PL Hocks Baked Sausage with Tomato Sauce, Brown Potatoes Veal Croquettes, String Beans Do not overlook this snap in business preperty. Roast Beef, Pan Gravy Hoast ‘8 Lamb with Jelly Boiled or Mashed Potatoes Mashed Parsnips M. M. Stephens Real Estate insurance Financial Agent Apple, Cranberry Pie Cottage Pudding, Lemon Sauce Tea - Coffee SHORT ORDERS SERVED AT ALL HOURS DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- dy, 9 to J2 only. Evenin Tuesdey, ee and i- day, fiom 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT omocces9 Cadomin Coal No wait. Full weight. ALL READY for winds and storms. in order to allow the children to play out doors during the Fall and Winter season it is necessary that their little feet be —— ee protected by the very strongest shoes possible, $12.50 $13.75 We have «a strong and at the same time A STYLISH SHOE for the youngster We have them for girle as well as for boys. A strong durable shoe is what is needed tor the kiddies Neat time you go shopping* bring them with you to the Ton, Loose Ton, Sacked Consumers Coal Company Phones--Black 51, Black 293 A. G. GRAY Family Shoe Store Teacher of Piano Geo. Hill Ee. R. Tabrum Studio 137 Second Avenue The Practical Shoemen PHONE 182 or 444 i Phone 357. ‘ “< a ’ fish Golumbia, | al le ittustrated with views of all parts jare taken up, i River, jand Khatada Rivers. of Canada ;Hall Wednesday, December 17, Weterloo, Ontario istarting at 9 p.m. Harvey's Or- ; ‘chestra. 29 4 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, f, Sd THE DAILY NEWS NEW PUBLICATION ISSUED AT OTTAWA’ |Committee on Conservation Issues COME IN! . Most interesting Book. ‘ ‘ iy int Wate! and instruc. of Brit eresting tive book Powers has appeared from Ottawa. It is published by the Comiunittee a very authentic and comprehen- sive volume. Besides the invalu information it is profusely of the province. Many points in Northern B. | including Nechako Francois Lake, Kitselas Os Hagwilget anyon, Eestall The work of exploration done by Ritchie & }Agnew on the two latter streams is mentioned at length, BROKE WINDOW AND STOLE LADIES’ GOODS Mrs. H. A. Harvey Loses Quantity of Silk Goods From Store. When Mrs, H. A. lown to her shop on Third Ave. this morning she saw that the window was broken and = sl blamed the wind for the trouble On entering, however, she founda a rock inside and at once missed \a number of garments and fancy articles. The thief seems to hav: sroken the window with the rock ind then with a stick taken from heir hooks a number of iightdresses, sweaters and other irticles of ladies’ wearing appare! The police were at once notified and are now working on the case. STECHER BEAT JOHN OLIN OF NEW YORK SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Dee. 16. Joe Stecher of Dodge, Neb., de- feated John Olin of New York at wrestling in 2 hours, 2 minutes ind 30 seconds, with an anm scissors hold. It was the only fall of the match. Ulin was un- ible to continue on account of a | wrenched shoulder. NORMAL CONDITIONS IN COAL BUSINESS WASHINGTON, Dee. 16.—Vir- tually normal cenditions have been restoned in connection with he distribution of coal. |} Canyon, some Harvey came silk BRITISH TROOPS ARE WIPED OUT IN PERSIA LONDON, Dec. 16.—Thirteen hun- dred British troops in Persia have been wiped out by a hostile popu- lation, a Moscow despatch claims: There may be nemnaiites you want. See the classified column on Page 5, The “Dinector’’ Corset. Manu factured in Prince Rupert. Phon Blue 92. tt What is the greatest chance you ever took? See Alice Brady at the Limpress. Tite’s Christ Drawing. Every $2.00 cash purchase en- titles you free to a ticke!. First prize, brass bed, coi! springs fe' mattress and pair of down pillows Second .prize .ladies’ desk and chair, mahogany finish. Third prize 24-inch Kewple Doll. tf St. Regis Cafe Special Menu, 50c. Wednesday, Dec. 17 Luncheon 14 @. m. to 2°p. m. Dinner & p.m to 7: “Soup. Julienne Fish. Boiled Kippered Herring it Corned Beef with Cabbage trees. Veal Stew with Vegetables stuffed Green Bell Peppers Atkins’ Sausage, Mashed Potatoes individual Steak and Kidney Pie Small Dinner Steak joast. Beef, Pan Gravy Pork with Dressing Mashed Bolled, or Baked Potatoes Dessert. Bread aad Butter Pudding Raisin Pie Strawberry Eclairs Tea and Coffee SHORT ORDERS SERVED AT ALL of Conservation and is ‘ eevee | Local News Notes — oe ® is es ee ts es rt es ss es Ee Spiretia Gore@atiere, Phone Biack 257. For plate and sheet glass, see A. W. Edge Co. tt | . . , Tickets for prizes-——every $1.00 purchase, Wallace's. tf Pianos correctly tuned. 86.00, ©, Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf . . : Use “Muresco” the great sani- tary wall finish. A. W. Edge Co. . . , COMMUNITY PLATE. The ei:ft de luxe, at eastern prices, at lite’s, tf Do doctors ever disagree’? See Mabel Normand tonight. West- holme, oe lite’s special discounts, for eash until Christmas in our fur- nitune, rug and drapery depart nents. tf . > . loys, blocks, games, dolls, rains, children’s books, mechani- cal toys, at Tite’s Santa Claus headquarters. t! The Nick Gurvich liquor case came before Magistrate Me Mordie in the police court this morning and was dismissed. . * . Would you swallow tobacco and sndergo an operation for the man Mabel Normand in When Doctors Disagree.” West- holme i love? See printing 30° lists was The contract for copies of the city voters’ let to A. O. Franks by the City Council last night, the price be ing 8210. The Daily News tender was $213.35, . . . \ business meeting of the Wo- men’s Auxiliary of the O. B. U. will be held on Wednesday, De- cember 17, at 8 p. m. in the O. B. U. Hall, for the purpose of elect- ne othcers., 203 > . * The Westholme secured the services of Mrs. Taylor, the lady violinist, who has been on an extended tour with th« Theatre has ‘Hearts of the World” as musi- al director. he case of the G. T. P. De- velopment Co. versus Don. W. Peck, arising out of nepairs to a ig boat, before Judge Young in the County Court to- morrow afternoon. A meeting of Retail Clerks will v held on Tuesday night in the larpenters Hall at 8 o'clock. Elec- ion of President and discussion of 6 o'clock closing. All members Muested to attend, 2 comes At the City Ceuncil meeting last night it was decided to lay a side- walk on Jeffrey St., betwé@en 6th and 8th Avenues, the city to pay half the Of the remainder the owners on the north side pay one third and the south side two thirds. cost. . . * The Thorkenskjold, with 70,000 pounds and the Pioneer, with 85,- 000 pounds of halibut arrived for this morning's fish sale but had not sold up to 2:30 this afternoon. The Tom and Al and the Alton also yeached port at noon with cood catches. interviewed by the News today, i. W. Dowling, Dominion meteor- stated that weather con- ditions were not at all unusual, and, although the barometer was low this morning, it was not out of the ordinary, as had _ been rumored. The storm is clearing and nothing unusual may be ologist, away expected torhorrow, the 17th, Although the Vansee was of- fered 12%c and 10¢ for her 80,- 000 pounds of halibut on Sunday she went on to Seattle. The fish- ermen on the American boats wish to spend Christmas at home and are Willing to take smaller prices to do that. The offer was made to the Vansee by the Pacific Products Co, ist, 2nd and 3rd Prizes—XAmas Drawing——Wallace's. tf Christmas drawing. Pea Barrie's Every two dollars’ worth pur- chased entitles you to a ticket free. Starting Wednesday, No vember 19. First prize, Daven- port bed; second p pee, fumed oak table; third pri re, wicker, rocker. MORTGAGE SALE OF SAWMILL EQUIP MENT AND LUMBER at PORT CLEMENTS, B. Under and by virtue of the powers con tained in 4@ certain chattel maertange held by the vendor there is offered for sale up to and including Friday the @nd day of January, 1020, the following chattels, viz ihe plant, machinery, equipment and lum ber of the Port Clements Box and Lumber Co, Ltd., at Port Clements, B For particulars apply to J. B. Weir, 1906 ; Michards St., Vancouver B, ¢ 308 ' We can show you strictly tailored blouses for morn- eee? Everything for the Christmas Stocking OUR LINE of Gifts that WILL PLEASE WOMEN Numberless useful and beautiful is now complete. gifts are laid before you for your inspection. Gift: for Women, Gifts for Men, Gifts for Children Toys for the Christmas Stocking. Dainty Blouses ing wear or more elaborately designed styles that are dressy enough for any occasion. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND H. S. WALLACE €O., Lid. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St a re a eee ee Se eee — i. ee ca - aoeneere wae Y -——— re oe ts oes ne - PPOPL LLL DLL LOL OLE OLOE EEO OO Eww PLL EEO OR PE OOD Cutting Your Meat Bill in two wouldn't as much satisfa: ting into one o steaks we sell promise you ch but we do sell « of fresh fine qu: Try phoni factior The Rupert Table * Co. errr Phones 211-212 PIS PL PALS POAPPL OH © LANDED SEVERAL PHILADELPHIA, De Johnny Dundee. of Newsy a ans| Aeroptane Travels 226 Miles an uthoxed D. Palmeran of New| Hour in Burst of Speed } ’ York tm a six-round bout up to the last round when Dundee PARIS. Dee. 1 landed several hard blows. The) speed of approximat fight was slow. an hour was achiey ” an aviator I Do you remember ‘Mickey? jairplane test. ‘Nuff said. Don't miss Mabel Normand in “When Doctors Dis-| For first class igree’’—Westholme. iB. M. Simpson, Filt! — e?. ——_ on Te CHRISTM. IS NEAR Don’t delay your shopping as there only a few days left to get your gifts rea Do not del iy and prevent disappointmer We are ready to serve you witha comp! stock of good things and would advise you t see them before the choicest articles ar gone. of blouses, in silk night cat isoles, See our beautiful range and Georgette, combinations, and silk handkerchiefs, ' and all kinds of fancy Crepe de Chine gowns, scarves, chemises, fancy line: bat! robes, felt slippers. aprons, eee ee SS EE Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third Aveoue and Seventh Street | ae e ee ) im