PAGE TWO A quality which has won supremacy 'Fresh f rem the gardens' Salada Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Cash & Carry Stores THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenui H. F. PULLEN ManaglngrEdltor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance-. $5.00 For eteer periods, paid in advance, per week 10c 0y mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period J.00 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year $6 00 By mall to all other countries, per year , 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Local readers, per insertion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Contract rales on application. Editor and Reporters' lelepnone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION A SEVERE HANDICAP The inheritance of a fortune of fiftpn mill? De a warning to all to be careful Bovs are the worst nfffiniW with flt-n ....86 98 1.40 .02 .25 .15 people, particujarjy those who are not in the habit of using guns, are often very careless. RELIEVING DESTITUTION The relief camps are to be ued only for the relief of destitution and not for the purpose of finding work for the unemployed. That is the latest news in regard to what is to be done at the highway. Those not actually needing the employment are not to get it. It is ppobable too that there may be some curtailment on the city relief works. Just now complaint is being made that while some destitute people with large families do not net ci.uukii w mem auve. owners wno do not need the i work are employed. In regard to the first complaint, pro-! vision is rn. mi- helping those with large families from i direct relief. The other complaint is more difficult to meet, 1 uiney oianeid oj Los Angeles, familiar racln flirt. JW. .when auvos were "horseless carriages." takes a look over the old bone-shaker" upon which he von renown belpre he sat behind a driver s wheel pathy with suffering humanity, and an invincible gaiety and joy qf life." Both writers bear witness to his deep religious convictions. Sir William is chiefly remembered by the laity for the psuedo-state-ment attributed to him, that a man of fifty should be put in the lethal chamber, because his life's pearl He also recogized that middle life. say from forty-five to fifty-five, marked a danger zone for the individual It is the pubescent period of THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, Octobers) ttll A SATURDAY SERMON "AROUND FIFTY" By Canon W. F, RusWiropKVIU. St. Peter's Church Seal Cove ! Sir WiJljam Osier takes a foremost nlace among the world's famous men. Two interesting .biographies or this great Canadian have been written one, of two large volumes, by his friend, Dr, Cushing, which deals chiefly with his position in the world of medical sfiience; the second, by Mrs. Ried, a lifelong personal friend of Sir William and the osiers. "Tne -areat Physician's. character," she says, "was a singularly happy combination of a Puritanical sense pf duty, a warm syra- Habakkuk which reads thus: Hab. 111:2: "O Lord revive thy work In the midst of 4he years in the midst of the yean oise known." Turned into modem English it might read thus: Q Lord revive thy work when I am middle aged: when I am middle aged let me not lose the true vision of Life.' Reared in Rectory i Dr. Osier was not only reared In a Oodly Anglican rectory but wms bilitles were over. He did not say the) himself rDr several yean a theoto- above, but he did, in other words, student. He was very fawiffctf make the assertion that the man riwtth Bibjtoal prophetic literatajf. woman who lived to be fifty sur-1 Hbafclcufc when he uttam) Us rounded by religious, educational. (prayer, was apssibly in the tnjddfe social and industrial opportunities, mf e dapgej gone, and also under the and, at the age of fifty, had not sin- ;dprsinj and looroid influtnoe of cerely attempted to mate gocd a decadent, thoughtless apd Qod mlght as wel) be dead, as the pwl- forgatUag soateiy. tfe fejt the (fewft-bUlties of making a first beginning drag of the nations put the in middle life were practically nil. upward lift of a great faith in Qot. On the other hand, for the ore j Just as during adptefioanee tre-who had struggled to attain, trie mfcndou fiysical and nervous fifties ushered In a period of the j ehagfes place in our youth a, purest and finest kind pf pqsslU'HUy rougblyspeaking. from the ages of of mental concentration, heme Joy, 1 forty-five tp fifty-five, physical and social infl'4sJ!pe and in Hu trial pre-; nervous changes of a very startling tige. old age as the ages from ten or ment. and ask Ood to twelve to twenty-one are the years to "give us a of pubescence for manhood and , womanhood. " Osier probably got his idea from Saturday, Oct. 31. 1831 the praye rof the Jewish prophet character aeeur in adults. It is a time when there should be a revival in life, when we should bring our wills and our better instincts face to face with Self and it's environ make known" vision" of what thist strange new thin in our Mfe means. Cast your thoughts adon life and fee if it is Hot true that most of Life's sadc?est tragedies occur during by the two sons of Thomas Edison is a great handicap for them. Happily they are not" Just starting out in life and OT TO PT I MiOiTIiOT O k have probaWy already acquired the habit of dealing in LliUKLn 11 J I 1 I .F.S w V A 1 A A.Mtw millions, a very necessary art under the .circumstances. ' - One reason why Edison was a great man was because ! he started life as a nonr hnv. Had h starts with fi'a ry seven millions he would probably never have been heard ffom. He would have gone down in history as simply one of the derelicts who went through life under the serious handicap of unearned wealth. It is probable that some day the world will learn that inherited wealth is a real handirnn and u-fll tnlfo ct 1 T7--S- 'tM v.V vv-vc V jJl fc- vent it. In the meantime all -V we can do is to hope that the j nm uui uc jiijuicu uy uieir luriune. FOOLED WITH (IT INS It seems desirable to return once more to the warning fT511n' tn the careless Mtln,Cf! lien of Rw,n. m 1 ..1 agaiptt use firearms. Two boys playing with gun were both shot and hilled. That should surely FIRST VNITW CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, UA. Morning worship at 11 atteck. Song by Junior Cttwlr Subject: "THE RIGHT ROAP, TUP TRV? UFPT Sunday Sehool at I?: 15 Evening worship at 7:30 Subject! "THE ONLY GUARANTEE OF WORLD. PROSPERITY" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 215 Second ATnue West) This Society is a branch of the Metfeer Cbgrph, the Flftt Church of Christ. Scientist In Boston. Mats. Sunday morning seryjep at 11 o'clock. Subject, "EVERLA8TING PUNISHMENT." Sunday School at 12:15. Testimonial meeting nesday at P P-TO- Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Unlster. ltV, W. p. Grant Ilollingworth, UA. Organist, John E. Davey U ajn. Sermon subject, "AN OLD TESTAMENT TRAGEDY" 12:15, Sunday Sehool 7:30 pan. Sermon subject, "A MAN AND HJS MONEY" How are we to regard speculating, sweepstakes and other forms of gambling. Come tp worship. Go, inspired to serve. . ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church ot EniUndl Very Iter. J. M. Gibson. Dean ALL SAINTS DAY 11 ajn. Morning prayer and Holy Communion Ti30 pan. Evening praye and aerrqen r This being the first Sunday In the month 8unday School will meet at 2:30. . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH llev. F. W. Dafoe, UJJ Minister Morning worship at Jl ajn. Sermon subject, "THE BASIS QP CHRISTIAN CONFIDENCE" Sunday School at 12:15 Evelng service at 7:30. Sermon subject,. "THE CHRISTIANITY OF JESUS" The ordinance of believers baptism and the retular Communion service. A cordial invitation thU period and often because nut Hod women fail to realize that thf ohftWf is not In, the attitude of hu- band or wife, or children, or society, but In themselves. They blame so? clety, In its broader or narrower ! sense, for what is their own morbid i changing sejf. I It b a period when we should pray that fled wfiuld. revive the love, the trust, and thf visions of youth and ripen them into understanding coni-!panlonshlps of maturing age. We have in middle life reached Mfe's apex. It we are hot men of 'alth and vision we may become ,-ynlcs and the horizon of the backward glance be- bounded by sordid things. We count the tragedies-there! there! there! there! miserable domestic, political and Industrial happenings. A glance down the other slope toward Life's end Is no brighter the outlook is sadder, if anything. There cannot possibly be a worse mental attitude than the cynical. Pi ww i jteeause we bring to oe i; ip, poi uie vision ot bright possibilities, but A faith that no lonn i and consequently, . tjand of Ood. Such u tsemea unit, shut in b very time when, if '. years are to be filled i mnt and peace his ()U: oe onniest and hi t :ind in those about him O Lord, in middle up vision bright. . .T.R mn, SVilUk Tmmrml (ij mr tk Muni t r (Mr4 Imrmim I lb. BUT YOU PAY COA1 Lcas.! VERY srldom is it possible to offer a Letter roil costing less than an inferior coal. Hut it's true in tliit case, Vancouver Island Coal . . . ".Nanainio-Wrllinglon". "I-ady-srnlth" or "Comqt" ... at today's price. plr )ou li more heat per dollar than your money will lmy in any lignite coal available in Prince Hupert. Just tp prove thist There are, on the average, 13,030 R.T.l.V lb. In these famous coals, as against 9.8 tO In the average Kr nite coal (importrd). For the Ma ml Coal you pay f 13.50. For lignite you pay more. Double Screened Lump - 13'19 Mine Run 12 " WoihedNut 12M There's a double advantage in demanding Vancouver Island Coal i (1) for Its. better heating valuei (2) your money remains in B.C. and benefit your own community. Order from your Dealer today. 9 . 10c. a week! ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. -Phone 116 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 648 Dittributors for CANADIAN COLLIERIES (DUN5MUIR) LTD MOST B.T.U.'s PER DOLLAR. KMC ;lnj 'lp-0 tatttt. ''li;-'s qiaa, "SOD li evil ,,i lire? P Life's 10c. a week! KEEP IN TOUCH With events that are transpiring. TEN CENTS a week brings the DAILY NEWS to your house every day. Save money by subscribing Telephone 98 and the boy will call and collect