fttords October 31, 1931 WEEK-END Candy Special English Toffee, 6-oz. bags, 20c Ormes Lid. Tfiin Pioneer Druqrjists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. 10 Big Features HAS YOUR OLD SET GOT THEM? 1 Vi i'ir 8 -tube Super-Heterodyne Circuit. 2 Inn-rased Tone Color Control. J Improved Volume Control 4. Famous Victor Tone. 5 Amazing Victor Sensitivity. rigger-Touch" Selectivity. ' N' w Super-Control Tubes. I A . tic ally Correct Cabinet I I, .'est Electro-Dynamic Speaker. 1!) P : n-PuU Amplification. VICTOR "Superette" $g9.50 COMPLETE WITH TUBES With Telchrone Clock $105.50 Sold on easy monthly payments PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers to buy goods of the best quality. They are a di c riminating people. Ii there aro. any Prince Rupert people not taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that they are n ui King a mistake in not taking the best. The price i now so low that it is a mistake to do without the Pi'i r that circulates throughout the district, all up the .Daily News business office and ask t'iat the boy call and collect. 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow Cltirfd RASH . Healed 9s xpels EMA Local Items Dinncrware, china, crockery glassware. Heilbroner's store. John Eyolfsen of Osland will sail j tomorrow night on the Prince, Denrce fnr a vnr.at.lnn trln n Van- I couver. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Miss S. E. Trlggs, who has been spending a few days in the city in ; the course of a hitch-hiking tripi across Canada, left on this morn-1 ing's train for Toronto. j D. McCorkindale of the Dally i News composing room staff, return- ( ed to the city on the Prince George this morning via Vancouver after a five weeks' vacation trip to his native home at Port William, Ont. Dudley O. LitUe of Terrace is paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's mixed train. He is the son of George Little, well known Terrace sawmill operator. E. Forrest Jessen, publisher and managing editor of the Seward Gateway, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning returning to his home in western Alaska, after a two months' vaca tion trip to California. He was ac companied by his daughter, Miss Lois Jessen. MUSSALLEM'S NEW STORE Opened Cash and Carry Number 3 This Morning in Meeker Block Today the Mussalem Grocery company opened its third cash and carry store under the management M N. Mussalem. the founder of the business. The new store which Is commodious, bright and cheery, is located in the Meeker Block, away from other cash and carry stores and particularly convenient fir those llvi&g in Wsstvlew or any part of'tfit Vim mast the city. Mr. Mussalem stated when seen 'his morning that he was putting 'a the new store as an extra ser vice to the customers who had been dealing with him and who found it difficult to be accommodated in the other Third Avenue store. Also he expected to extend his business n the new direction. Customers vould there find the same unfail hr codrtesy and effort to serve a, n the other two rtores and would ft thr- same wonderful values. Mr. Mussalem has been in bus! ness In Prince Rupert for the past twenty-one years and during that time . has worked up a clientele of which be may will be prcua. He says, bus one aim is to serve the public and give them just as good prices as they would get in Uie south. He buys a lot of his pro duce from northern and central British Columbia and does consid erable out ol town trade. This is made possible by extensive adver tising which is kept up all the time. All that Mr. Mussalem says he would ask Just now is for the people of she city to call and see hire !p his new store and be convinced what he is doing tor them. FROM MONTREAL 'To Glasgow-Iicliast-Liverpool Nov 8 Motilclarr Njv. ltt Ducheaa OS Vo'k Nov. 30 Duchrm of Richmond Ncv. 31 Duch-.w ol Atboll To Cherbourg-Southampton-' Liverpool Nov. SB Mnutcalm To Havre-London-Antwerp Kor. It Moutroae FROM ST. JOHN To Cherbourg-Southampton-Ant werp 'Dm. IS , Mantra. I To GlasgovBtlfast-Llverpool 'Dm. I MenttUfe i rxc. n - dusmm of BMtor'i I ix-. in Ducbita ol Richmond Dec. SB Monloa'm FKOM VANCOUVER l;illl-Jull-( llua-l'liHIi;iltir v 7 GmprtM of Canada x : . Fmpreu of Rumla i Otlla at Honolulu Aonlv to Afnta evervwhere or J. 1 lOKXIKK Steanwh'p Wnl. Paaa. Agent CPH station Vancouver. T'l-!ine Trinity list THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE NIGHT Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam laSaV Concert Mooseheart Day Cele RELIEVES COLDS WITHOUT "DOSING' II Scandinavian dance tonight. Fresh Wiled Bulkley Valley chickens, 35c per pound. Frizzell's Market. bration in the Moose Hall at S) pjn. Sunday, November 1. Every body welcome; (253) C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived In port at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver and sailed an hour later for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she is due, to return here next Wednesday afternoon Registration of Voters The office of the City Clerk, Clt; Hall, will remain open from 7 o'clock to 0 o'clock pm. each evening on October 27, 23. 29, 30, 31, to receive declarations of householders and license holders. (250 & 252 Announcements Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, No vember 5. Daughters of Norway bazaar. November 6. -r. Easjcs-Social spa danedf Noyem ber 6. Ladies refreshments? Gents 50c ' Moose. Carnival and Dance No 12 and 13. Baptist sale of wdrk, Nov. 17. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, No vember 19. Vardtn Concert. November 19. Recreation Club Scotch Dance November 20. Auto and Truck Engines 10 to CO Horse Tower, Suitable for Marine or Stationary Use. Batteries and Generators. Lowest Prices, Write for In-formation. VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1249 Granville St., Vancouver Branch Yard at 330 Second Ave. East Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Telephone tSl Royal Frank Murphy. F. Skcllum and C Erlendsen, city. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PUITDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser .md Filth Sts Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red COS J)0MINI03J)AIKY Mrs. L. Werneckd, wife of the; well known Yukon mining man, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning returning to Dawson after a trip south. Capt. Frank Tyler of the Pacific Salvage Co.'s local power tug Salvage Princess returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver where he "has been spending a vacation. j The Sunshine Mission Society rill give a program with refreshments following in the St. Paul's Lutheran Church Wed Nov. 4 at C o'clock for benefit of sick youcs man. C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from Van couver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Stewart and Ketchikan, whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Rev. W. McKim, who has come from the prairies to become vicar of the Anglican Church at Terrace and Mrs. McKim and children arrived In the city from the south on the Prince George this morning and proceeded by train to their new home in the interior. Father Connelly, OM.L, of arrived in. the city on the sv Prince George this, morning from the south to relieve as parish priest of the Roman Catholl: Church here during the absence ol Father Charles Webb, O.M.I., on a holiday trip to California. Percy G. Shaleross of Vancouver arrived In the city on thr sa. Prince George this morning from the south being here in connection with the adjustment of losses in connection with the fire in tru-lumber yard of the Bib Bay Lumber Co. here earlier in the week. NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. ,. IIYIlE TRANSFER. Phone 580. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY rl FOR RENT Furnished Cabin, sui table for married couple. Phone Red 103. 25!) JClr3.stl.H:Ji:i:axili;i,l'i:Bi.i::ia De Jongs Cash and Carry Phone 933 WEEK-END SPECIALS rhone 953 5 lbs. Granulated Sugar, value 30c 1 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee OOK, CJCJp value 35c. for 1 lb. Whole Mixed Peel, Lemon, Orange, Citron, 1 lb. Cocoa- OCn Ou nut. the 2 lbs. for Robin Hood Rapid Oats With new Wedgewood China ware tZCZn 2 okas. , 33i iMcOormlck Sodas In the pall A En each Nabob Plum Jam 4-lb. pail Toilet Paper 10 rolls for Nabob, Whole Baby Beans i Rowntrees' Cocoa 4-lb. tin R led ell's Honey 5-lb. tin Fairy Soap 6 cakes for 40c 35c 22c 63c 25c Malkln's Best Jelly Powders OQp 0i 6 pkgs. for Watch Our Windows For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Australia Oranges OETn V V va, Table Pears per doz. Cooking Pears 4 lbs Cooking Apples 6 lbs 35c 25c 25c clu"f!?:r 20cand25c IV1 sswu Carrots and Beets per bunch 5c I Vroo Dnlivrrv on Ornors of $2.00 or Over f:i'i:i'(;:B.7;Bi:k-l'i-'::'iBl'Mi;i'j;i.!iI Interesting News! To the Buying Public of the City of Prince Rupert: The new Cut Rate Shoe Store located in the Meeker Block, just opposite the New Empress Hotel, is now under the management of Frank Blackford, who wishes to announce new low prices on all footwear for men, women and children. Whether it be street or dress shoes for the ladies; school or Sunday school shoes for the boys and girls, dress or work shoes for the men, Frank says: "We have them all at rock bottom prices." Our values are high ; our price's are low. A visit to this store will convince. We guarantee all our footwear to be at least 25 per cent lower than elsewhere so why pay more? Our entire stock of rubber footwear is made by the leading rubber manufacturers in Canada, including Goodrich Hi-Press, the highest grade rubber footwear makers known today. Our prices on these high grade rubbers are actually lower than the wholesale cost as we take our cash discount and are satisfied with a small profit and quick turnover, so you are at all times assured of a fresh, clean stock. We will consider it a favor to have you come in and look around and compare our prices. Don't forget the address. Cut Rate Shoe Store MEEKER BLOCK Prices Are Lower at the Cut Rate SAFE WINTER TIRES SURE FOOTED Goodrich Silvertowns Get Them Now! Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Phone 566 (Night calls 161) DISTRIBUTORS: DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump ....... $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING - THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. .Phone 619 COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Alio Rulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Kobin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES C8 AND 558 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btramrra Irav Trintt Rupert t nr Vanraf'r: TJ.i. TATALA EVKKY TUESDAY. UO PM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T.8.H. t.'AKIir.NA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approi. Weekly aaUlnga to Fort SUnpaou. Alice Arm, Anjox, Stewart and Na4 River fulnti. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. Further information regarding all aalllnga and tleketa at PH!cr IUTKKT AUE.NCY: c ond Avenue, I'hone 80S