IK PAQt TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue SUBSCRIPTION RATES fiy mail to all other parts of British Columbia, tht Biitlsh Em- , pire and United States, paid in advance, per year ti.O(l By mail to all other countries, per year ......... I. j 70 y man to an parts or Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly neriod Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Transient advertising on front pamper inch l,ocm reaaers, per insertion, per Iinai. . . .,; Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion ciassiiiea advertising, per Insertion, per word Contract ratet ot application. Advertisfns and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone .86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION PROBLEM OF INDIA TODAY Sir Henry Lawrence Tells of Piob-lems Confrontinf British Statesmen BRISTOL. Ene.. Jan. 7: Snaif. Ing on the subject of India before deprive tba people of all time liberty and that he hall eome to the ceaelMsion "tti-t the government of India exits solely for the exploitation of the masses." Ohandhi had a real desire to find grlevan :e and cure them. He was a man of Infinite courage and patient perseverance but also an admirable fa ' A .M 3.00 ,15 2.80 .25 1 .1.40 1 ' r9. Or four months for ' .' 1 nn i For leaser Deriod. Daid In Advance, Tipr mnnth '', rnl Qf ty delivery, by mail or carrler, yearly period, oai'd n'advance ?5.06 1 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1931 aeHor and a most skilful propagandist. In America the Ghandhl culfc was an amaflng thing. The Amerl- Iah. fnr nrhih Ik. r... nr.-l-i Hjm.iMn.iAH . . , , , VANDERH00F The fine new nrovincial nolle can people were asked to believe headquarters aup residence he'fl that British dominion in India was s nearing completion, the cpntrac-baed solely on treacherv imnri tor belne John MrTnnii - - T """ v ; forgery and unprovoked aggression. George. Jt Is a splendid Addition 10 Mjr vjiiBuum snunnea tne nc omiaingj. px tne town. Rftund Table Conference was he, . Conference on India was summon- Hindu politicians. The Indian poll- ' SThe b" dreLd rSiiTSSS ed. The Indian States were more tlclan. clawed Dominion status Slrjorte Jones S S S Wian one third of the area of India, land the right of secession from the I jf the nSr5 ettyc,Lamb if. - -venty Bmpire. Jf mWj.DirvonD oimon, inereiore. ine night or Secession p,.,. , " " J nmam that the nroblem hn,,w Mr. ohandhi Mr !?tt! ers for e most.conilcall be dlecuned in a conference where j many other political leaders had "S" the reoreaentativefl of the Indian I lived to old SAtea (Avid meet the represenU- 1 tton of Brlttoh Courts of Law and it ! , Bryan. WU1?ams' ame com Mva of British India and of the i appeared lmnossible for them t i ""T"' for Provtocfe. has ur5Mri ooverament. Mr. Ohandhi appreciate that the border tribes opposed the conference and declfn ed to come to it by putting forward important to understand the source of his influence. His father and other relatives were prime ministers of various small Indian State apti he was destined to follow this profession, but he broke away from ttie family traditions and went to Ulbdon to read for the Bar. lie vtojited his caste principle and had, Iti fact, spent hit life in rebellion. "Exploitation of (he He - avowed from - kbe dock wv. in in ip 1922 own did not recognize legal docu- was ii possiDie ior tne un advised the local Conservative As sociation that the deDartment iwm always he pleased to grant clajBM which he knew could not be tlsh Empire to surrender Into other pf rm U to 5ele" e klUln? accepted, it was of no value to de- Hds the protection of the-people 01 gam- whenever " needed for precate this man. He wu a nniitiABi .Tndi-' frnm food purposes. factor of treat nower and tt. Inelchhnmo I if i in . . , vanaernoor ha rnreivnrf tKi ii ujuu icvpinu uuinmion siaius , .r-..y with the right of secession from the ! sum Dt ms om the Provincial n-i.ii . . ... ... rnvprnment fnr I, .har. oiiiiau umpire uiu wouia necessar- ir '"?- oneic u -uqugi Hy confer on each province the right prpu fnd the UW Pf $137 for of secession from India. I Parlmutuel. A Federation The Simon report showed in every aaragraph the Justice of the claim Vanderhoof as therp were In ill ol tnat lt had heen written In i .nlr ,r.An ai genuine sympathy with the oeo- pte of India. But If India wis to have equal status with the other members iwaiurii ui of the me British tinusn Common- the ftowlatt BW was passed to ! wealth, it must enter as a Federa- A . ... . nsn, speasing witn one voice as Canada, Australia and Bouth Africa had done. (Mr Henry Lawrence rgfered to British trade and Industry, and, concluding, said that because of day." They will always ease a throbbing head. Quiet a grtlm bling tooth. Relieve nagging Siins of neuralgia or neuritis, r check a sudden cold. Even rheumatism has lost its terrors for those who have learned to depend on theee tablets. GaVgleYwitK Aspiiin tablet! at the first suspicion of sore throat, and reduce the infection." Look for Aspirin on the box and ilic word Genuine in red. Genuine Aspirin tabets do not depress tne heart. SPIRIN TRADC.MARK eiC Already hi 1931 there have hjpan Sift mfltiv morHfirrA mavI.a ru Mrs. N. Burdette has been p,ult HI during the past week and h eoudltlpn Is cauaing relatives ami friends some anxiety. The marriage took place her last Friday, Rev. S. B. Proper uiupjaung, oi Mies Demetra Mar-chfjva and Jbrjge Trreaf. The bride arrived on'y : recpnyy from naerty w a realization of prac-1 lt: . JTr ttcal dif floultles. lt was in the hfttt ' 1 "BUC ome m ouigana tradition of English statesmanship. P MEAN? Don't I helpless when you suddenly .et a headache. Reach in 3ur pocket for immediate relief. Jf you haven't any Aspirin with you, get some at the first drugstore you come to. Take a tablet or two and be nd the Mtn. Take promptly. Nothing Is gained 1y Siting to sec it the pain will leave of Its own accord. It may grow Wfpe! Why postpone relief? There are many times when Aspipn tablets will "save the The skating rink here was. opened ior the season on Sunday pf this week. ' i M& and Mrs. A- O. Birch havt I moved jntq their new home on ,Burrard Avenue which was tqm- pietea recently by Mervlll AvariU. Mjjji A. A. Iutehun returriad to Yttnqexhoaf or) Saturday night last atr a lengthy visit with hbr parent near Winnipeg. ALICE ARM ,Year' Eve wju happlljr In Alice Arm with a dance In the Alice Arm hotel, a - large crdwd being in attendance. - Tfca passing of the old year was exemplified by Jerry O'Connor as 1830 jrhUe little Bohald Evindsen represented 1931. Hosts for tjit danre Ivere Mr nnri Mr. m tr . lrtHsen;, Fine music wasurWISfal by th-.A.lfte Arm orch&frl and dwiclous refreshments were served flarrjr Smith has been apDolnted local agent for the estate of the late Jphn. E. Stark who died a few mor)ihs ago. Weather Is still exceptional for thU tlrpe p year here. Npt a. particle of snow lies on the krnnhd and the soli Is free of frost. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Januur, , . m:nu Dy proposed r.ockfelt.er radio centre, In New Vcrk city, Berlin has Just finish -4 nriant- bvUdtos. shown above in which will be housed broadcasting stations, radio laboratories research: work and ttiuseum. I NORTHERN B, C, NEWS TERRACE Miss nnle Lips, who spent th Phrlstmas holidays at thp home or her parfnts. returned to Prince Ru pert on Sunday to resume her studies In 'ttie High EkJhael and Sf Joseph'! Academy. cause he knew he could not carry! New Year's Eve was celebrated The Canadian J'lon hrid a , whXhor AdlscusiQnuln with a brilliant fancy dress ball, ! tuteeuful New Yeart Bve danc which the Mohamnvdans and other over isn nmnm ki i 1 . . - . Vr . . , ,A, -wvw... m n,cii- uuc, i jaree crown attended a; the Royal Emrii RTrw hm.f i; 8USPP J UlB "ana- mueic. NoyeUies. paper bW and Irence r UieriKheme of afnd. J J X floor master. vvviti ltz cviutu a Foster McLeod spent the las' week-end with his parmts Mr. an-l Mrl. A. McLeod. Stuart McLeod left on Ratiirrfav ior bmitners to speed a few da ' wim nis Brother, Foater, who Is employed m the CJJJt. shops. el ti i n . . min casie KPlfl retumaH nr, rriday vlai Prince RuDert to Vac couver after spending the holidays at tne nome ol Mrs. Oreiy. Capt. A.. B. V. Kbie. aon at Mr and Mrs. W. A King, wlao has bean visiung wnn hie parent for th patt two months Prince Rupert. . uamonton. has returned to MUs Blanche Ball, who ho he tne guest or har aunt. Mn n a Pinter, for the past three toootfes making many warm frtenda n. turned on Saturday to her hone in Miss Mary Smith returned to Usl pn Monday after AnWnrtn tv,- Chrlstmas holidays at the hftra .if per parents Mr .and Mra. B M Smith. STEWART New Year ffve n-o. a. ,u,i celebrated this time with a mmnr awe dinner, entertainment and dance at Premier, manv viattvu from Stewart being present for the occasion. The community hall was maae to resemole an igloo and flood lamps gave the effect nf nnmum UghU. For dinner, there were 50 tables. After dinner, there wu a program of entertainment to whieh miss Evelyn Blanton of Hvrter a a McPherson n .... of Stewart. . Paul Wala, ran. omurtnwaite and miu nan. exoft contributed. At midniaht Jaira KJlcker appeared, garbed as 1930 na gave away to 1931 represented by, young Leonard Manning. The. orchestra, whose members weta costumed in white parkas, gave an excellent account of Itself. The pro cecdlngs broke up at 2:30 ajn. The dog llbence bylaw here will oint0 effect-shortly. W. II. Wake-leld J has received the appointment oi onicii dog catcher. After an extended illness, Andie ni(,iiip. ujc ui ine Dfsi !iS0WP pioneers Of thl.1 dltrirtT.ri?cei1 at his' home here, tjeped came tlfnt.(Vifr'fnr mmi tliji .llw tIm if bltf They iocatedHllVxinc:e John ffoup which became well known. The late Mr. Archie was born 71 years ago in Nova Scotia. Rev. Evan flaker officiated at the funeral which took place on New Year's Eye. Ttie yUlage Of Stewart has received $313 In distribution of llaunr roijis py irj? prpyincja 80.vrn-mfnt and $?18 Jn parUmutuel, mak ing a total or ror tne munlcl pallty. LIBRARY I NCREASE (continued from pace 1) in volumes over last year. Libraries everywhere are putting emphasis upon the inducing of better reading instead of merely more reading; the trend is away from circulation only, and especially awav from the circulation of fiction alone and to wards the educational aspects of the work. The use of the technical books for Instruction; the reading of all works which educate, which emphasis upon the question of an aausunt; muw Miner Has done very well and Is now familiar with the circulation. Very little time is available for Instruction but I am hoping to be aWe to take up the classification with her very soon and to start her upon simple eata- To My Fellow Citircns. Jjogulng as soon as she Is ready for jjt, The ten hours a week she now (gives us may be sufficient for the I winter but next fall, It will evidently be necessary to increase this time: in order to nut the work unon I a sound basis, I believe that double j was 70. no record been kept or those which afe new vq-lumes and those, which are only replacements; I suggest that frum now on, the record show this difference so that It niay be known how mariy new additions are made to the collection. Toe mending, snows a slight In crease over last year's record of 102 of efficiency and that Increased help will soon be required to maintain the work on a basis satisfactory to the public and to pie board. - "The highest point In circulation was reached In November. 1830. when 6055 volumes were charged, wui an average or zszi. May, 1930, showed the largest . umber, cuuiui auuea in a single ro : ing a net total of 120 volumes ti nignest numDer or new born,,, came in vcwoer ana Novembef eacn montn tne Dorrowers reco,. I her present time, about twenty! Secretary's Report burden of putting away books Is a IJzJZ0 a .rer ,rf Jfe rhlne for charging bQRks,' replaelng I heavy one and later ft rnay be found 1 1 h "X " ,ib' ;f nit m.i.iu uiuuiuu iiuw ciupiujtu, 11 1 . v 'i"vj - nt the cloA nf 1020 mat talk innovatiqn is satisfactory lt will method Is considered (he best and totai or 7554 books ":"t: be a boon to smaii iibrartes, Increas- i cheapest by most libraries. ; Q borrQwera h irfg arru a.y as well as saving time. 1 "In connection with the books adr LVer 1929 hv sib mnnt ..Vv v..v vw. vicu w .iva.jr, 4. nun w iiuwi borrowers for 1930 9209 nnn-ftrtlnn non-fictlpn p.-iilQ(nn c.'rculatlqn nf of 1329 19Q! tVio that has heretofore yi.i4iniju aiw snow; uii irfHKf nf II mar loon ... ,a record during 1930 of 58,83a boot! circuiatea. -V...I A At . vw"i5 "is eyer-mcreasnj; p,! puiary or tne iwrary we huv bee inmnotloH n ... l I vt.pi.ifuM r m new one: vt tne space in the buildlnn 1 nal uxea to tne utmost. The board engaged Mlns e vnlnmen- t.htivenr 11 vn timai . . . . , .t "V'-, Aimer to assist our Jibrunur i VZJZ?' Z: an3 fte h K'ven ent,r enlanre the virion and eu.v-t. the i .nf ! l: "?"lf w in order! The board feelstnevsho,,;, wuBr. prunue ning malw , to maKe much lmpresilon. Miss lexDrefia th.,r not only for recreation but also as an aid to life, this is the function of the library. Special attention should be given in the selection of books toward Drortdlnc those which can be read with interest and profit by those who desire something v more Miller's onrHnu Hm. Anno nnt ot -. f r h . tr, Uf 1 .Up; ap4 'i." ta librarian, who Dga carried advisable for her to learn. thU ls;4ork ,0 capably and kept flefh- S "1" WQK so efficiently more more time In Uie future. In general . l-li ,Ua , . it may be said that pur Jarge ccu-!, purl? e ,Je" 11 re8u' ..p..Wa latlon makes vMn.-a Bk all the vaC rest b f the M'w i I nB ..held attend;u satlafyinc than fiction but who have . not the taste for fine llterature'or j present conditions Jn' the winter! aostruae oucumons. I months, onlv incessant effort Veen. "The Increased circulation mits thim; mnvlnir tt'tVl fair ammm. lSft IVUVIVQi O. V. Wllklnion "chairman V. Basso-Bert F. Dlbb - J. J. ami Mr?. Klrkpatrick P. H. Llnzey II. F. Pullen Miss Crulkshanks Oet pays. the Ad. reading nabli t Departaient of Trap? and Commerce f OJTAWA, CANADA Decpmber 7 1-3 Mr- Everywhere in Canacla. Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New! . Another few days and 1M0, with whatever it has brought us of success or of faBurc, will have passed into history, and our thoughts will be ctntted on a newryear, and on the better times we sincerely hope it has in store for uu WWle the opportunity of the past are gone beyond recall, the future it purs to make of it what we will. And we can make it a far brighter, a far more prosperous fttture. for ourselves individually and. for Canada as a whole, if we all resolve to profit by the lessons pur experience has taught us. Among those lessons, surely we have learned how dependent each of qs is for his own opportunities and his own advancement upon the well-being of Canadian producers as a class, and ho much better it would be for every one of us if in our daily buying we were aJJ fo fypu Canadian product!. If you believe : that 'Produced-ln.Can.da" dOctrjne is sound common sense, that it points the logical way not only to relieve Unemployment but to lay broader and deeper the foundations of our national prosperity, why not make the practice ortt one of your forcmos resolutions, for M 1 ? Celebrate the new year by ringing put old habit? of carelessness in huytng. and fHigJng in the new reiojve henceforth, to be atudbusly careful. For 1931 let this w " be your creed: 1 I believe in Canada. "I love her as my home. I honour htr institutions. I rejoice in the abundance of her resources, "I EJory in the record of fer achievements. I have unbounded con. fidenceinth? I chcrnh exalted ideals of her gettiny as leader arpong world nation,. "Toher I pledge my loyalty. To the promotion pf her best Interest. Ipl-dge my support. Tp bcr product pledge my patronage. And to the cause of her producers I pledge my devotion." If you are willing to embrace thj. creed, a copy of same artistically executed n colours, and pn heavy stock suitable for use a, a wall hanger or for fraXg your, for the asking. Ju dip and fill in the coupon herewith; Addres, enveipps u shown on the coupon. Mall it withqut S affixing stamp P' for ?Qf m partffMlar. letter will be carried free. Very sincerely your,, The Minister of Trade and Commerce Ottawa, Canada Please majj copy pf "MY CREEP" to Name. Address. Yfn. MJniUer of Trade and Commerce. 11 lao tM awk ta MUk th laMwii r cut. " The pally New