Wednesday, January 7, i'J2!. n r i a i uassmea m ITaiUril nlrvlr tf THE DAILY NEW8 page nn i i n r i iff ? n l i i m iverasements. Business ana rroiessioM men s we. Legal nonces. A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED. PIECE, OE. FURNITURE INT&XASH. TRY IT! i . :.,; . , lis' . . llillDT ; tl 1 " ' ' ' - . i ,' Trli y f 1 " .If lit Mil i . I FOR RENT SALVAGE and TOWING i miBK3B3mmamamBcmu.iLj Rm,jjmmm0nammmjmi.ii,mMMjm rasgjEgggaroEiwpwMBWBaw ... lIuTT ! : 1 " ! TTiili FLAT TOR RENT Wallace Bloc. Enquire store. FOR RENT Modern house, 5 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. tf ROOMS for rent, furnished; Apply Mrs. Reed, 1001 Third Avenue. 10 FOR RENT Furnished 5 rooa; flat. Steam Heat. Phone Bl.! 34S. tf TWQ Room Cabin furnished; iglv and water, suitable for couple or bachelor. 241 Fifth Ave. West Phone Red 108. vf To Rent Cosy Two & jnirccgiioomcd!New and Second-Hand Goods sht. Sold or Exchanged Free ur.e of electric light andl washer Rentals $10 to $16 ponthly ; fJVEU APARTMENTS SKI) A FE.i FOR SALE EALVApE SALE 80 h.p. Atlas engine, condition guaranteed ; Ford marine' engine; S h.p. Yale engine; small, pleasure boat; on,e Simons' .steel bed complete. $20; bureau, 97; 3 wicker chairs fi a piece; small tables, eU All the above Just as now. No reasonable offer itfused. Pacific I Salvage Co. Limited. i ' - . FOR EXCHANGE I tADE A nice level lot in ! -Section .0, Eighth Ave. East. :. Any proposition or trade considered. I A taxes paid. Apply P. O.JScpiU. tf Public Stenographer PRIVATE Stenographer. Ex -Instructor in Commercial Subject?. 910 6th Ave.. Wast, P.O. Bat SM. B SITUATIONS WANTED MARRIED man wants Job drlvlnt truck, not afraid of hard work. Phone Red 317. 8 RELIABLE woman wants work oy day or hour. Phone Blue 411, from 11 to 1. 1 AGENTS WANTED GOVERNMENT POBrTION8 a Postmen, Clerk, Stenographer.?, Custom, and Immigration Ofti- ' clals. Free DooKlet tells how w get them. Obtainable only from the oldest Canadian Civil Service jCoKftspondence School, M.C. a Ltd 401 Kensington Bldg Winnipeg. MUSIC 8INQINQ Leasona evenlnga. J. E. Davey. phone Black 396. J17 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Ph:.r.e 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture' Moving, Phone 204, CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrtns' ... plscasesSpeclally Trcaled .WjO. ASPlNALU Chiropractor) Tm Phone flrecn 241 fl & 7 Exchange ait. lOpp. Ormes) AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sdl ot exchanue any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Oenerat repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES. Auctioneer -Hit's on or under the water we 3 ' 1 do if Pacific Salvage Co. .Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving andi Ajents for EASTIIOI'E KNGINKS Uoatt and Scons of ail descrip- jj Row Hoats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.c. Distributors Coolidgc Propellers tend and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water riMHir. Day or Nlht 584 PO Wax 1Sft4 SECOND-HAND DEALEUS W TJ Mnnf 1 A uillgUiliCI trnmprv y 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 THE MARKET Following are retas prices current here today: Apnles - v 'Yellow Newton, household ..$2 Yellow Newton, fancy box .... 2.85' Newton "C" 2.50 Jonathans, fancy box 9.7 8tayman's Winesaps, box 2i)t 'Spitenberg, fancy ..... 2.76 iSpitzenberg "C 250 Winter Bananas, fancy 2.7S Delicious, fancy 3.35 Delicious "C" - 171 Oolden Bens, fancy t.M Mcintosh "C" ..... 2-29 Fruit Naval Oranges lie td $UQft: LCiUVCM, OIUIH w -r Florida Grapefruit 12VjC to Jv California Orape fruit ...Jc to .11' Bananas. 2 lbs. Cranberries lb. 1... M Extracted honey, per Jar 2a Comb honey Dates, bulk, lb. 12ft Raisin, bulk. lb. .15 Emperor Orapes, lb .20 Unto-- Almonds, shelled Valencia ...... M California soft shelled walnuts -28 Walnuts, broken shelled 3i WalnuU. sheUtid halves .40 Peanuta - - J9 Vfgttablet Potatoes, netted Jems 9 lbs. ... M sack IN Parsley, ounch 10 California Celery head 25c and JO Spinach, lb. 15 Oarlic, imported. per lb .49 Leeks, bunch ,0f Cabbage, B.C , .06 Onlona, 6 lbs J5 California, head lettuce, ha. .IV Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. M Brussels 8prouts X) Artichokes. Globe, dot 3.M) Bulk. Turnips. 7 lbs . X) Cauliflower. California, hd .25to J.1 nrvrn PeDners lb M Parsnips. 4 lbs J9 Carrot. lbs Beets, lb At Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs Flour Flour, 49s, No 1 hard wheat 1.99 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. M Lard-Pure M Compound 2S B.Cresh pullets, doz 40 B.C. fresh first, dos 4 B.C. fresh extras, doz i im.1 nw laid daa. 60 Fed-r- ,. BRINGING UP FOOD MILEAGE FUEJLING the household machine is an Important item those days, After all, on the road of dajly life, most of us have to get the last mile out of every dollar we spend. High food mileage means careful buying . . . thoughtful selection of the foods that not only suit the tastes and physical needs of the family, but the pocketbook as well. That's the value of advertising. Every day, here in yotf- paper, are presented new and interesting food ideas. NeV ways of preparing old reliable favorites. New combinations of the foods the family needs ... in ways they'll unvarying quality is the outstanding, feature, merchandise in general . . . and qf fopd particular. Quite a factor ip geiting.higll food like. Standard, of advertised products in mileage! Read daily , Wheat. No. 3 Alberta 2.25 No. 5, Alberto, 2.10 Oats 2.55 amn i2S Shorts 2.35 Middlings L 2.73 Barley 230 Laying Math - ?.60 Oyster sheU . 2.10 Beef scrap - 435 Ground oil cake 4.50 Fine oat chops 2.65 Crushed oats 2.G3. Fine barley chop . 2.40 Dried fruits Lomon and orange peel 20 Btoek cooking ftgs, lb. .15 ration peel . .35 White figs, lb, .15 Current, lb. 20. Apple, dried Peach, peeled .22 Apricot, lb. 25 Prune, 6470. lb, .10 Prunes, 30-40. lb. 15 Prune, 40-80, lb -. .12Vi Sugar Yellow. 100 lb. 4.50 White, 100 lb. - 5.4Q Butt? Ho. 1 eray. Jb 424 Ntj. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. 1.15 Chitai McLaren's Or cam, jars, 45c and .85 Qfcmambert, 8-oa. pkg. .65 KrtH Llmbcrger. &s .35 Ottttrkr ioHo -30 Nww Zealand soitas , JO SUlton, lb 40 Kraft 45 Norwegian goat Napoleon Llmberger .70 Roquefort Swift's Brookfield, lb. .45 aorgonzolu, lb .50 Bro-okfleld SwUs, V4-'b. pkg JO FATHER the food advertising: here n paper ... it will show ypu tie to higher food mileage. Gruyere .45 1 Brookfield Canadian cheese, fc-lb. pkg. .. .25! Golden Loaf, lb .451 Meats- Fowl, No. 1, lb 38c and .35 Roasting Chicken, lb .40 Broilers Ham, sliced, llrst grade M Ham, picnic, first grade M Cottage rolls, lb 35 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .50 Veal, loin 40 Pork Shoulder Pork, dry salt' M Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c to JO Veal, shoulder 25 Pork, loin 40 Pork, leg 35 Beef, pot roast 22e to .20 Beef, boiling 15c to .15 ucci, iwuv, yinnv tin .v Lamb, shoulder .33 Beef, steak ;L. 35c to M Lamb, leg .40 Lamb chops - .40 Mutton, shoulder JO Fish-Smoked kippers, lb .16 Salmon, frozen, lb .25 Halibut, frozen, lb M The Dally News can be. pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 326 Granville St- Vancouver. Ifnrl AnHnrsnn Prince . m V vsw'f George, B.C. ' i n ill . T-... Oin exlth. A 4 era, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. General Store, Ariyox. , 4.4 t your way Mail Schedule For the East-Monday. Wednesday and Saturday lOq am. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 1 32Q pm For Vancouver Tuesday 1 noon Thursday .... .. q pm. Friday 11 pm. Jan. 14 and 28 . pm. Prom Vancouver-Sunday 4 pm Wednesday 10.3Q pm Friday , pm. Jan. 10 and 24 -.. pm For Anyox and Stewart Sunday .. 7 pm. Wednesday .3' om. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays IUQ an. Thursdays . 8 "pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pm. From Naas Riyer and Port Simpson Tuesday ; inq am. For Queen Charlottes ' Wednesdays 7 p;m. 'From Qutcn Charlottes ! Sundays , am. , For Alaska I Jan. 10 and 24 am. : From Alaska ' Jan. 14 and 28 pm. AROUMOTH BS? VVb OAV TT K,0 THAT KVO? ! j SCOUT ASS'N ! IS PLANNED Lack of Assisting and Advisory Body Is Felt Here The Boy Scouts of Prince Rupert and district have been working under a serious handicap In not hav ing an organization of adults called , a Local Association which usually, assists the troops in raising funds ; for camps, equipment, obtaining ex-1 aminers for badge examination and j In general, to promote and increase j Rover Scout, Boy Seout and Wolf Cub activity in this community. The Local Association would bear a similar relation to the Scout Troops as the school board does to the schools. ! Through the kindness of a friend ' of the Boy Scouts in the city a ! prize will be given to the Scout or j Cub who through his Influences ob- 1 tains the greatest number of names . , of adults who before January 31 Tuesday as. Catala .1130ajn. would be willing to become mem- Thurs. as. Prince Qeorge 8 pjtf. bers of a Local Association. The fee Fpr Ocean Falls-is one dollar per year and member- as. Catala ... 1.30 pin. ship cards would be Issued when1 Thura. s. "Prince George 10 tne association is iormea. anyone who Is Interested In boys' work, ladies or gentlemen are Invited to become members. Local People T) 1 T-tI ied.U IraVcl While Fiction Leads at Local Li- brary Other Books Are Used In the report ot the Librarian presented at the annual meeting of the Library Board last night, the following classification of the books borrowed during the year was sh6wn: Fiction 3,M8 Duplicate Pay 2,035 Philosophy 242 Religion 135 Sociology 247 Language 18 Science 291 Useful Arts 666 Fine Arts 323 Literature 843 Travel - - 140S Biography 593 History .'. 943 JuvenUe 14,781 Total 58338 Circulation In 1929 .... 46960 Increase in 1930 1138 4 SCALK OF CHARGES The followinR is the seale of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement nnnniinpiment S2. name. Birth Notices f0c Funeral Notices $1. Cards of TJisnks. $2. Funeral Flowers 10c per Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignole f ennanent Wave Guaranteed $7.50 Skilled artists In all branches of beauty rulture 211 Third Street Phone Blue 56) By I DOMT O-U! -IB c, tsj to SOMK TO Steam Sailings "or Vancouver Tuesday aa-Qatala .... 150 pan. Tlmraday-js.' Pf. Georpe 10 pjfti. Plrtd 4rincos8 Ae 10 as. Cardena, lg midnight Jan. 148. Princess florah pjnj Jan. 28s. Prin. Norah p m. Crora Vancouver Sunday 3. Catala ... 4 pjn. Wed. s. Pi. Geonje ..10.30 ami Friday 88- Cardena p.m. Friday- ss. F.incess Al'ce P-nt. Satur.--s. Pr Rupert. 10:30 am. Jan. 10 as. t-iln. Jjoraji ani. Jan. 4 . Prin. Noraji am, ('rom Naas River and Port Simpsgp . Sunday as. Catala . 8 p m. For River and Port Simpson Tuesday 88. Catala 11.30 am. For Stewart and'Anyox-s Sunday ss. Catala. ........ 8 p.m, Wednesday ss. P. Geqrge 4 pm. From Stewart arid Anyoj; Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. From Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. George 10:30 am. Friday ss,' Princess Mary 4 pm. sa. Cardena p.m. For North Queen Charlottes- Wed. ss. Prince William 8 pm. V! Xorth ueen Charjottes Sunday ss. Prince WJJIllam a am. Fpr Alaska- Jan, la s. Prin. Norah ; From Alaska Jan. 14 ss. Princess Norah pm. Jnn. 28 ss. Prm. Norah pm. From She ena River-Friday ss. Cardena pm. Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to puy than rent All makes of machines repaired. MeRAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITERS No otlirr vtlue ran approach the uperlnl REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Very mjt trrmii All mhrr mkt Unm SUM HirsimitANn AitniNn MAHIINCM UniterJ Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOt'VKIt n.c MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading While House 225 Second Ave.' Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 23 Window Glass and dazing George McManus KKIOW VJHO Hfe JUST C4t "ttrv .avj- SUPSCFWPTIONI-: 5oty I