mzarr:Mi Monday, Janiur FADE TWO THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News wince nui'Eirr - British Columbia - Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily "News, Limited, Third Avenue Attention :snermea'L. mm SUBSCRIPTION RATH By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Km i'bire and United States, paid In advance, per year 6, By mMl to nli other countries, per year rr. 7, ily miiil to all parts of Nothem and Central British Columbia, . paid in advance for yearly period Legal notices, each insertion, per Transient advertising on front page, per inch .IVAlvth 'i, Local readers, per insertion, per line : . Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1. Classified ndvertising, per Insertion, per word . i Or four months for Tor lser neriort. paid in advance, City delivery, by mall or carrier, Contract Tlm or. application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone . , Editor and Reporters Telephone ' - .' Member of Audit nureau of Circulations XJA1LY EDITION SPOKANE'S As mentioned before, the present plan of handing out meal tickets to men who are out of work is anything but a good system. Only the fact that the city is unable to get dny help from doing it any other way compels the city council to do what it does. From a recent number of a Spokane newspaper it is seen that in that city the men wqrfe three and a half hours a day for their meals and a night's Jodging. If the provincial and federal regulations were such that the municipalities could do the same as Spokane it would be much better for the men and the city would receive sqme return for ,the money expended. The men who receive help would feel better and there would be general satisfaction instead of the general protests that are heard today. If the two hundred odd men who are today getting city relief were put to work on clearing up the parks, there would by spring be enough clearing done to make the nuc-leous of a playground which would be very valuable to the city. But the city cannot afford to strand all the expense of doing this and the governments will:not-pay any of the'cost if the men are put to work. We are not saying this because there are Conservative governments in power at Ottawa and Victoria. Conditions were no better under the previous governments. It seems that if the governments pay a share when relief is granted for work done, the municipalities take advantage of the situation to get municipal work done cheaply. As it is, direct relief is given only to the men believed to be absolutely destitute. What we suggest is that the federal and provincial authorities get their brains working and evolve some scheme by which direct relief cart be given and the men be compelled to do a reasonable amount of work for what is given them. PECK'S CONSTITUENCY The Liberals have decided 'Hot to contest the constituency vacated by Colonel Peck recently. It is to be hoped that no candidate will take the field, as.was done in Prince George. It would be much better to save the province the expense of an election and keep the powder dry f(?r the jfj fight when the general election takes place. An opposition candidate today goes into the fight with a great handicap and the outcome means nothing. OO00OO0OlliWMaOOOOHO01KrooMMHJOOHra - Want Ads Let Them Be Your Broker in Buying and Selling Somebody Is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coaf VPU liave t0 ell- Somebody Is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, qr whatever else It Is you are in the market for. Get the habu) of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find uhdjeamed of bar- 1 gains undreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through thesfl columns and see how profitable and pleasant 11 Is. READ and USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" OODODOODOOOOODOCKlOaOOaaPOOaDDOOOODOODOOOOOOauUOODOO Daily News Want Ads. 0'! ,50 , . DO agate Une .me . ,,,u,.,.,,..l.r .15; ,25 ,40 02 on pet month 50 yearlyperiod naid in advance $5 I ...98 .....S0.. 4 Monday, Jan. 19, 193 EXAMPLE ( i I g bring qiiick Results Wra. T.-Tilden, former world's tennis champion, discussing game with his pupil Friedman. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Father Godfrey, OJAJ., of Sml-thers arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Vnn Interior. Inspector John Maedonald, pre-I vincial police, left oh today's' train tor a brief trip to SmUhers on official duties. Charles Vnson of Lake Kathryn is a visitor In the slty, having ar rived on yetteniay afternoon's train from the interior. Mrs. H. Q. Kennedy and mm', after having spent a few weeks visiting In Prinse George, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon7 train. Frank W. Allen, who has been on a holiday trip which took him as far south as 8an Francisco, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Foster William an.- child, who have been spending tb ; past month vlrtttnf in Vancouver, returned to the city on the Cataia yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dwyer, who were recently married In Vancouver, were passengers aboard the Catala last evening bound for An-!yox where they will reside M. R. Beinlachke. well known Alice Arm mining man. was a passenger aboard the Cat. da last evening returning north after having spent the winter In Vancouver. Frank Waterhouse motorshln freighter Watco, Capt. Ogden, was In port yesterday afternoon from . Vancouver discharging a cargo of, coal and steal for Phllpot & Evltt H. L. Landry, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs ) had the misfortune on Saturday, night to break a bone in his leg when he slipped and fell on ai bear-skin rug at his home in the Brooksbank Block. He will probab-f ly be laid up for several weeks as la result of the accident. Making her final voyage of the season on the route from here to all Queen Charlotte Island point. C. N. R. steamer Prince Wllllam, Copt. Wllttam Thomas, returned to port at 11.15 Saturday night and! moved up today to the dry dock where she is being tied up until spring. Most of thr officers and crew of the vessel will rr south, it Is expected, on the Prtner Rupert Thursday night to spend the rest of the whiter In Vancouver. The Queen Charlotte Island run is now to be taken over by the steamer Prince John operating between here and Vancouver via the Islands onJj2nily cneJjjf(i. .1 Capt. K. Gammon returned to the city on the Cabala yesterday afternoon Jrofn 4nef business trip to Vancouver. Miss AMea Spencer, enpr, who has been on a holiday trip to Vaneou-er, returned to thr city on the "latala, sjijtjiicflaltff emoon. Dr. H. T. James, .field engineer for the Granby Co. jnd former resident mining engineer here, wa a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning tb Anyox after having been ealled to Vancouver -ecently on account of the death of his father. ' I i Miss Margaret Maguire. who has ben spending the past few weeks at her home In Salmon Arm recovering from the ejfecti of a recently broken leg, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday after noon. It k still necessary for her to use crutches to get around but "he expects to be able to resume her teaching duties at Booth Memorial School soon. NOTICE PoHey 'holders of Tht Family Beneficiary Society as well as pros pective policy holders In the Society are notified that W. C. Graver, duly accredits agent of The Family Beneficiary 8oclety will be in Prince Rupert and environs (on January 19) today. r If you have headaches, or suffer biliousness i j'.i or indigestion 'ta&e o: 'y Beechain's Pills Bis Seccliaatii m:iwi (t-LUJ NR9 IcrrMV.. . I Most of you will be outfitting soon. Ileforc doing so drop in and see our stock. This is a time when every penny counts and you can save not only pennies but dollars by buying with us. Come in and let us quote you. We have largest stock and lowest prices. If yoli can beat them come and tell us. MONTREAL IMPORTERS SEVEN ARE ! BAPTIZED "nflay was Important Day In St Paul's Lutheran Church Revival Speaker Is Heard 1 With Rev. P. E, Fosse of Belling-! ham speaking at both services and seven baptisms taking place Jn the morning, yesterday was a notable Jay In St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The baptism were as follows: Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olof Skog. Sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Jensen. Ruth Viola, daughter of Mr. and MrB. Otto Jerstod. Sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Moen, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Andersen. Herdle, daughter of Mr and .Mrs. Mrs. M. Halkestad. H. Aasjord. I Roald and Reldar, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wohl. Sponsors, Mr. and Mr. H. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. II. Wohl. Jean Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Murvold. Sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Thor Selvig, Oscar Bather, Miss j Violet Whitlow. Arne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lien. Sponsors. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Wick, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Webber. I The church was crowded to over- flowing for the evening service and i people had to be turned away. There were two selections by the Varden Singers and, In addition to preaching, Mr. Fosse sang two solos In fine voice. Mr. Fosse will continue his revival services here nightly this week. ATTENDED MEETINGS John Dybhavn Reports On Dolus uf Itialog leal Hoard of Canada Returning last week from Ottawa where he attended the annual meeting of the Biological Board of Can ada, John Dybhavn, Pacific Coast director of the board, states that the proposed experimental vessel for the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex perimental Station will not be built at present owing to existing economic conditions. At the request of the minister of fisheries. Mr Dybhavn reports, the Biological Board is undertaking an Investigation into the nutrition values of canned, frozen and fresh fish in order that the Information thus obtained may be available for the Canadian public. The Idea id to bring about a greater appreciation of fish as a food. The question Of conducting winter courses in navigation and other allied subjects for fishermen at Prince Rupert will be looked into and likely arranged for next winter. Archfltacon Hudson and Wife Honored On Friday, Japuary 0, the congregation of St. Paul's Anglican 'Church of Ocean Falls paid a surprise visit to Venerable Archdeacon and Mrs. E. llodson. In commemoration of the silver anniversary of their wedding. During the evening a presentation of a silver tea service from members of the congregation was made, while from their family they received a bowl and candlesticks designed In sliver. mwnrrE mynsrr u the brand most favourtd by Scotsmen and they art the greatest conrwutturt of whitky. Could you make a wiser ehoic when choosing whisky for yeurteift iifHiTE This advertisement is not Liquor Control Board British i.jiinj.i!iij;i.ij,M:i.Ljjj,wmwBt Baby ThriVQS Cagh Brand: pf .''.iW I 1 Nam... " lit fined sugar nnd condensed by the removal of most of the water. The sugar furnishes the carbohydrates required by all infants. The milk euppllcs bone and tissue-building materials and growth-promoting vitamins. And in case of digestion. Eagle Brand can only be compared to mother s milk. If you cannot nurse your baby we suggest that you and your physican consider this food. eagle CONDENSED Thk Bohdem Co. Limited, Vancouver ritM nd FREE Baby Book to OM ! I- rm Lite "MARRIAGE"of j THE WHITE HORSE "VVTHITE HORSE" is Real Old Scotch. First matured an then bUndcd, it la again mature o and reblended, ao that th whir! becomes properly married, Ti,. i marrying of "VftriTE IfORST n a very lengthy process and th. result is a right noble spirit . subtle and distinctive aromu uii i bouquet, aoft, amooth and very pleasing to the palate, without a trace tof kick or bite. As a heart tonic and digestive "WHITE HORSE" stands supracM, Horse Whisky published or displayed by the or by the Government of Columbia. Cagle brand Condensed Milk is pure, fresh, whole cow'a milk, modified by the addition of re Brand Milk lUflYS WUTAJtS 1ST J