th Each Box of Face Powder Both For $1.00 rates Im. Ztfia Pioneer DrttQfisls nes 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PIIAUMICISTS UNION STEAMSHU'S LIMITED HI'IXIAI. WINTER t.ri UNION rAlttti .t uii -ale trom Nov. IS. 1M to lli. 2H, 1M1 (Kith final rrtiirn HOTEL ARRIVALS Javoy Hotel UOBma&efl limit Martli 31. man I.NXE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER S10.00 RETURN htinni-r Imir lrlnre Iluirrt I or Vancouver: Is C ATALA EVKKV TI'KHD.V . 1.30 P.M. ArrivuiK Vmirouver. vi.i O r in Pall. Thuradajr Noon appro. t Aitnr.N i:m:uv ntnm miomoht ft riv.iiij Vunroiiver Bundny m;duilii approx. ii;.n,". u Hon Hunpaou. Ahr Arm. Anyox, Btwart and Naaa Klver x tin Sunday. 8 00 p.m'iou regarding all villains and ticket at I'ltlM E It I I'tUT AUKM'V: K- ond Vvrnnr. Phone MS B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS I ROM I'KINCK RUPERT JTo Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Skagway. ("5 AST I January 10th and 24th. '.MSI1IPS Ito Vancouver Victoria. Seattle- January 1st, 14th, and 28th. PriM-ees Man Oioan Fallfi. etc Van:' uver and Vie- uoiiu ever) Fridny, 10 pjxi. Agents Tor All Steamship Lines A (' On:luid Oen AKent. SrdAv . Prlnoe Rupert. Pbunejl. Rupert's leading Iv'.r jiot ,ind cola water room. 11, PRl'IUIi'MME. I'rep. Bf Fruser md Fifth Stx Savoy 1; 7yee; W. I. OoDdtni. i,u m Gourd and Ethel Kiumtu: N. L. Jonu, .! Robertson, city. w Royal Hotel I, ZarrUI, Prop IIOTIX MOKTII Wllltr. id Water; Bteam Heat Ic PER DAY AND HI" Telephone Ml lloyal a ui and Andy Leonard, n Dool, Terrace; C. M. i TrVuraph Point: W. Se lf Ho-kevr. iston Grill m 457 Prince ltunerl Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS lirsdavs and Saturdays DANCING Saturday Night, 9 tu 12 ancc Hall for Hire omotlation foi Private PnrU-s "MX. HI H III IE. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Trucks Tractors Accessories (1u & Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Ave. East Phone 83 AO. reaolns habit. It SOMETHING NEW FOi: LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter Just to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today. Suit or overcoat complete and finished in three days. Lint, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. We deliver any part of the -lty. I LING THE TAILOR 819 Second Ave. Vhone C49 SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy In a comfortable roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 Promptness, reliability and courtesy Is our motto. A trial will be appre dated. Phone 2ft. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service Thelxstd&ase Against the co7d . 1 sx- finest fuel m Mars soa. j 33 There's only one defense against the cold weather and .that'iin proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal fromus and fire away at':tJM Man Winter. He'll quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note the liaste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone G18 11 mt- mm . . in i" Capt. Chris Patkvold of the hal (but boat Takla arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. Retail Merchants Association meetlngTuesdav, Jan, 20, Commo- aore uaie, xjm p.m., nomination and election of officers. All retail merchants requested to attend. 17 Dinnerwa're, clftna, crockery, glassware. Ilellbroner's Store. Mrs. It B. Rochester and daugh ter, Janet, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after spending a few days at Port Ba sing ton with Mrs. Rochester's mother, Mrs. J. A. Brown. JHft. WCJeLJVjjo been ldcn tinea wltnnTWaTroT the PamUy Shoe Store Here for the past few months, will 1tfuTty. the Oardena tomorrow aftSjrnrj) non his return to his home th Vancouver. Vti S 5 FranVMJ DpekfUl ofTelkwa Is paying a brief business visit to he city, having arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mr. Dockrill is at present devoting his energies to the opera tton of a coal mine near Telkwa. The first meeting of the city council following the recent elec tion will take place on Thursday evening of this week when Mayor C. II. Orme will announce his standing committees far the year. With only one new member on the board, it Is assumed that the may or's task of committee selection will be fairly simple. No my ex tensive changes are expected. . Union steamer Catala, Capt A. E. IHekaon. arrived in port at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox, atswact and attau northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning entoute back to Vancouver ana wayports. un ine conclusion of her present voyage. fhe Catala is to be withdrawn from service at Vancouver for an nual overhaul. The steamer Oamo-sun will come north in her place; for the neat three trips. . NOTICE Policy holders of The Family! Beneficiary Society as well as prospective policy holders in the Society are notified that W. C. Orover, duly accredited agent of The Family Beneficiary Society will be In Prince Rupert and environs ,(00 January 19) today. QUESTION OF READJUSTMENT A condition of affairs exists throughout Canada and the world which appears difficult to solve, However, there is one thing upon which all people agree, and that is tthut an adjustment of easts of com modities must be made. As an Illustration: with the present price of wheat a readjustment in the price of bread should be considered. The same Is true of other necessities of life and materials. AH of which leads up to the fact that ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LIM ITED, are prepared to adjust the price of any material they have for sale. If the price of coal u lowered we will also lower our price. The prices of many building materials have been changed, .and -we aro nrepared to change our prices. If interested in the above, call or phone 116 or 117. Albert & McOaf- fery Ltd. C15) ANNOUNCEMENTS J PresbjeflarkBUrukI JJahq.uet on January 23. Letf firickson Hard Time Dance January 23, Baptist Supper, January 29. Moose Legion Novelty Dance January 30 Sons of Norway Fishermen' Farewell Dance February 0, Moose . ,. ... ,-. iflUl. Jhe Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited announces a REDUCTION in PRICES S The following prices are effective . Monday, January 19, 1931 ,.- .i 5 New Price Old Price Reduction DeLuxeRoadster $570 $625 $55 ' . . De Luxe Phaeton 695 750 55 Phaeton 520 530 . 10 " Roadster .... :::0JA ... 515 520 ' 5 - Coupe 585 595 10 Sport Coupe..... 600 630 30 f ! De Luxe Coupe .. ..." , . i 630 655 25 Tudor Sedan. 585 595 10 De Luxe Tudor Sedan 635 645 10 , Three Window Fordor Sedan ... . 705 720 15 TownSedan 755 795 40 Cabriolet 710 750 40 . , Victoria ......,v.,... 695 750 55 Station Wagon . ..,...,.;...... 750 770 - 20 " Commercial Chassis ..... ..... 405 415 10 Model A A Truck Chassis, 131 1-2 inch wheel base...... 590 610 20 Model AA Truck Chassis, 157 inch wheel base 630 640 10, ,w"De Luxe Delivery...... 645 655 10 (All Prices F. 0. B. East Windsor, Ontario. Taxes Extra) You may purchase a Ford Car or Truck on convenient, economical terms through your Ford dealer l -UJJ ; : J' ' I . . . Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited .-.lift it: t. i j '. - JiiiiJ i; "A ( j-"i -.! -. f0ffl i j. THREE THE DAILY NEWS Monday, January 19, 1931 an Rheumatism So Bad Could Hardly Walk lira. W'm. Knenzig,. B.E. No. , Guelph, Ont., writee: "Tor yean I Buffered with TheumntUm, and my hand and feet used to iwell ao, at times, I could hardly walk, and I'ntild not elenjp or rest for the pain, 1 UxetU (Iiffer(ai kjada of medicine t)dt K' soft it t? do' me 'any good until a'rietid told ma to take Burdock Blwxi Bitten. Now I have no more pains and the rheumatism U jd gone." f. til t til int a tnr) nam, nuauxaclartd, (or the. put 51 run, alr tr Milium C, i-u., lorocio, vai. Bottle of Evening in Paris PERFUME FREE Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ilellbroner's store. w, 0r0al whjHias been re-celvln Jtidspltal roatrhent in Vancouver, rpturpeJ, to the city on the Catala last" evening.