Tides )W s Of Special Interest Ml " Tt j nuary 20, 1931 High ;h 5; 2.40 a.m. 19.5 ft. -iave yon read the classified 5 '.4.14 21.0 ft. tl c pjn. .. advertising page In this paper today? Low . .. y 8.30 am. 7.9 It. ft If not, now is the time. 2- 1.55 pjn. 2.9 ft. O ..3 x NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . .'I Vol XXII., N. g- ?? PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS J . o RONOUNCEMENT MADE 4 VESSELS TO BE REPAIRED SOON AT LOCAL DRY DOCK Premier MacDonald Enunciates His Government's Stand With Regard to India Federatioi Administration's Attitude Is Based on Overwhelming Desire to Let Country Settle Own Affairs Amnesty For Political Prisoners Rumored LONDON, Jan. 19: Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald, in a pronouncement today on British policy in India, told delegates to the Indian round-table conference that he accepted the idea of an all-Indian federation as the desire of the delegates. "It is a great achievement," he said, "both for India and Great Britain. We are grateful to you." The KIndians. the Premier said, must INFLUENZA ALARMING Northern Eurasia From Far East to British Isles Affected LONDON. Jan. 19 The deadly influenza, such as that which swept the world in 1918. looms large as a mehcrjdy In Northern Eur it. ia from the Far Bast to the British Isles. Fifty persons a day are reported to be dytng from the malady In Tokyo. Japan. While It Is said in Paris that there no cause for alarm, many persons arc stricken In France with the disease and industries report employees irregular at work owing to 111-nrss. The malady is also rampant In Spain, it is reported. Protest Increase In Wheat Price French People Are Greatly Opposed and Express Feeling With Violence PARIS. Jan. 19: The move to Increase the price of wheat in France from $1.50 to $2 per bushel Is meet-inn with violent protest as It Is considered that it involves an Increase in the cost of living. There was a .serious disturbance in a city theatre yesterday In protest at the move. FISHERMAN LOST LIFE Paul Aschcm Stepped Overboard From Vancouver Boat In Active Pass VICTORIA, Jan. :9 Paul Asc-hem. aged 35, Vancouver fisherman, was lost overboard from the fishing vessel Muriel C. In Active Pass several hours after the boat had left Vancouver for Barclay Bound Saturday night. He Is presumed to have accidentally stepped overboard In the darkness. Labor Member Passes Away Dr. Ethel Kcntham Had Represented East Islington In Commons Since 1929 TownrvM Tnn io T")r Ethel WUIIi w ' nontham, Labor member of Parlla- inpni jor nasi isungum omwv died yesterday at the age of sev- settle their own communal disputes. The attitude of the British government, he said, was nothing more jthan an overwhelming desire "to let you settle your own affairs." The Premier said that he d,ld not like the idea of placing safeguards about the proposed Indian government but he pointed out that such safeguards existed in every constitution In the world. The necessary steps would be taken to separate Burma from India, Premier MacDonald announced. Gossip was rife around the conference today that amnesty Is probable for thousands of political prisoners In India who have not been sentenced for crimes of violence but rather for agitation against the authorities. Welcome to India LONDON. Jan. 19: Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald today extended a welcoming hand to India as a Do minion In the British Common wealth of Nations with responsible self-government. Bringing the In dian round-table conference to a close with a declaration of the British government's policy, the Premier assured the delegates that the weight of government support was , nioHEPd to the findings of the con-: ference. The work begun at London j will be continued, he said, without, interruption and the new Indian constitution will be passed through j the British Parliament as soon as u is completed. The Premier also 'promised liberation of India's political prisoners "If civil quiet is proclaimed and as- j sured in India." The new constitution envisages a national federal government with a Senate and lower house and with executive power In the hands of a Governor General much the same in iha ulf.Dnvprnlner Dominions. ua til -"v o - - - - The Indian cabinet will be com posed of responsible ministers from the national assembly. The only reservations are provis ion for the retention of Briusn con-ti-ni nvor foreisn affairs and na tional defense during the transit ional period and for certain sale-guards to assure no impairment of India's financial credit. Foreign affairs and national defence will be administered by mln-ipr responsible to ine vloe-roy who will also have power to carry on constitutional government in uie event of a breaksown in the machinery. ..... Lord Wlllmgdon is to oe me vuv- roy of India. The Weather Dead Tree Point Rain, light south east wind; barometer, .tsu, tnrp 43: sea choppy. Langara Overcast, with light nnttoriv wind, sea CB1IU. Trlolo Island-Light, south wind. smooth sea; overcast. Prince Rupert Ciouay, cau, barometer ,30, sea smooth. GOES ON PONTOONS Canadian Winner to Be On Dock For Two or Three Weeks Seigneur Later Canadian National Steamship freighter Canadian Winner, which is tied up at the local dry dock for the winter, was taken on the pontoons this morning; to have hull overhaul and repairs carried out. The vessel will probably be out of the water for two or three weeks. After the Winner conies off, the Canadien Seigneur, also tied up here for the winter, will go up for a similar overhaul. Later the steamers Prince Charles and Prince William will go Out for hull work. ROCK FALL AT NIAGARA Huge Breach Caused In Parapet of American Falls at Week-End NIAGARA FALLS. N.V., Jan. 19: Thousands of tons of rock broke away from the parapet of the American Falls over the week-end and crashed into the river below. The greatest damage In the memory of white inhabitants of the district was done. The huge new breach in the brink of the falls Is at least 200 feet deep and 150 feet wide. A scries of rumbles heard between 10 0'eJock Saturday night and 0 o'clock Sunday morning are believed to have accompanied the falling of the rock. The, fall of rock took place between the American shore, and Luna" Island. W. R. Overend of the local Cus toms House staff sailed last eve-1 ntng on the Catala for Anyox where he will be stationed for a while in relief duty. I Scandal Develops In Dominion Civil Service; Arrest of High Official Expected Momentarily OTTAWA, Jan. 19: Arrest of a prominent official of the Civi Service Commission is expected soon, according to a story in the Ottawa Journal today. It is stated that the official in question headed a job rintr whereby candidates for positions in the postal services at Montreal paid from $100 to $500 each to have their examination papers filled out at Ottawa where they came too be marked The first arrest m connection, with the frauds was Made'tndiftf when Lionel Chartrand Xif Wylrrferfl Que, was take,n Into custody. He was employed In the offices here of the Income tax department. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Jan. 19: Wheat was quoted on the local exchange! today at 54c. Plying Is In order to be abln t.- .y ver Mannequin A'-atf-w whi-h w is learning to fly She is at i,r ErincesAre. On Atlantic Sailed From Santader, Spain, Yes-' tcrday After Hectic Trip ' Through France SANTADER, Sputn, Jan. 19: Having come safely through a train wreck and automobile accident which marked their Journey through France, the Prince of Wales nd Prince George arrived here safely yesterday and sailed last night on the liner Oropesa for South i America. The trip from Paris by train developed Into considerable of an adventure. The princes were held up for four hours by a derailment on the line and later had a long muddy ride In motor cars, arriving here long after the Oropesa was scheduled to sail. Dr. Hastings of Toronto Dead TORONTO, Jan. 19 Dr. C. J. Hastings, aged 72, former medical health officer of this city for many years, is dead. LEGISLATURE WILL il OPKN KEIlliilAKV 11 HAIUO ANNOUNCES It was said over the radio at tho week-end that the legislature would convene at Victoria on February 11. No announcement has, however, been transmitted by Canadian Press so It Is belteved that the date has not as yet been officially named. Becoming a Business Asset .n tun Mixs MiJthf'tt plies and ra'n- manncq .uv for L moment devoting all her spare tim lands flying school 4- 4 NOTHING NEW IN RENAHAN SEARCH , KETCHIKAN, Jan. 19: "Nothing new" was the state- ment of Pilot Anscel Eckmann after he and his mechanic, Frank Wadman, had flown for four hours yesterday in search for more wreckage and the bo- dies of Pilot Robin Renahan and his companions. Good fly- ing weather prevailed. Mrs. Renahan Is still here awaiting further developments In the search. The search will be con- tlnued for a few days longer. STRIKE IS COMPLETE Members of Weavers' Union Are Voting Today on Question of Further Negotiations MANCHESTER, Jan. 19: Lancashire's textile strike was virtually complete today and both sides awaited returns of the vote among the members of the Weavers' Union as to whether it would authorize Its general council to negotiate further with the mill owners. Already 250,000 men are out of the factories and it Is expected another quarter million spinners and finishers will be let out within the next few days. Unidentified Man Burned to Death Hody Found In Shack Near Nelson llclleved to Have Been That Of Tramp " i i '. NELSON, J(n. 19:-The badly charred body of an unidentified man was found in the ashes of a , shack near Shoreacres which was ' destroyed by fire Friday night. The man Is believed to have been a transient who took shelter In the shack. Shoreacres Is situated a few miles west of here on the Canadian Pacl-'flc t Railway. p- w s:v: uj thu Mayfair nd :: . an P; . . :a hion houses, u, Ifsi'ons in piloting at Brook- SMUGGLING,. ORIENTALS Scheme to Import Them Into United States Is Seen at Los Angeles LOS ANGELES. Jan. 19: A plan to smuggle Chinese into the United States from Mexico In a wholesale manner Is seen here. - A huge airplane landed near here mysteriously on Saturday and is sa Id 'to have unloaded a crowd of Chinese. Immigration officials are to be especially watchful. Vancouver Stocks (OourWiy 8. D. Jobniton Oo. ) Dayview, nil, 1. Big Missouri, 40, 41. Coast Copper. 4), nil. Oeorge Copper, 60, nil. Georgia River 2&, 2ft. Orandview. 3, 4. Independence, 1, 1ft. Indian Mines, 1, nil. Intern. Coal & Coke, 15, 23. Kootenay Florence, nil, 1ft. Kootenay King, 1, nil. L. A L., nil, 1. Lakeview, nil, 1. Lucky Jim. 1. nil. Morton Woolsey, 3'i, A. Marmot River Gold, nil 1. Marmot Metals, nil, 1. National Stiver, 21,, 3. Noble Five. 3. 5 . Oregon Copper, 5, 3ft. Pend Oreille, 7, nil. Premier. 70, 71. Porter-Idaho. 7, 8. . Reeves Macdonald, 21, 23. Rufus-Argenta, 2, nil. Silver Crest. 1ft, 2ft. Silverado, nil. 8. Snowf lake, 3. 4. Topley Richfield. 1, 1ft. Woodbine, 1, lft. George Enterprise, nil, 6. , , 'if ,. OILS SA P Hnrt ai S3. , A . CalmohC 21. 28. Dalhousie, 51, 54. Devenlsh, nil, 7. Fa by an Pete, 2 ft, 3. Home, 1.5. 1.5$. Royallte. 18.00, 16.50. Hartal, 12. 14. Merland, 14ft. 1G. Mercury, 33 ft, 34. United, 26, 27. DENIAL OF RUMORS IN CAPITAL A. W. MelloniJtemainlng tAs, 'Treasurer Secretary and General Dawes as "Ambassador WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 Rumors, current here during the .last H few lays that Andrew W. Mellon was p) resign as Secretary of the Treasury inn that Henry M. Robinson, prom- nent Los Angeles banker, would be :is successor are officially and'ent-oha tic ally denied. A report that General Charles O. Juwes was to retire as ambassador io Great Britain is similarly denied. WASS0N IS MARRIED !Iero of Yukon Rescue Expedition Wedded to Nurse at West Vancouver Saturday VANCOUVER. Jan. 19: Pilot Everett L. Wasson, hero of the Burke 'search In the Yukon Territory, and Miss Florence Jones, Whltehorse nurse, were married Saturday evening at the home of the bride in West Vancouver. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Henry of the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wasson will leave tomorrow for San Francisco and will later cross the continent to New York where the grooni will take delivery of a new plane for the Treadwell Yukon Exploration Co. and fly It to Mayo where the couple will reside. Pilot Wasson and his fiancee pas sed through Prince Rupert last Wednesday afternoon aboard the Princess Norah bound for Vancouver. Amy Johnson Is In Berlin Arrived In German Capital This Afternoon En Route From Warsaw to London BERLIN. Jan. 19: Amy Johnson, British aviatrlx, returning from Warsaw to London after having given up a projected flight to China, arrived here safely this afternoon. making the hop from Klodawa, Po land. MONTREAL HAS FIRE Spectacular Rlaze Today In Plant of Dominion Textile Co. MONTREAL. Jan. 19: A specta cular fire this morning In the plant of the Dominion Textile Co. caused damage amounting to $150,000 and threw from 300 to 500 men out of work. Three .firemen were overcome by smbkV Irf 'fighting the flames but red. ELEANOR MAC IN TODAY WITH IIEUHING The Eleanor Mac, Capt. Ralph Green, unloaded 3500 pounds of fresh herring at the Bacon Fisheries this morning. The fish were gill netted In Portland CanaL i: